Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 407: Sweeping a hundred miles

There is no **** in the world.

Undoubtedly, the words of the thousand months made Wang Chen shocked at the moment.

This is the way to create a situation.

There is no **** in the world. In the end, there are no gods, big devils, true gods, devils, or no gods.

Wang Chen thought of the people’s understanding of the world after the Middle Ages.

The Shenwu people no longer exist. Within the millennium, even everyone thought that the Shenwu people had disappeared, and the Emperor Wushu was the strongest.

And now, one strong man has emerged, and the crouching powers have appeared one after another, breaking this understanding.

But now, there is another invisible hand that controls everything.

Wang Chen was completely confused.

At this time, Wang Chen has already become a mess.

What happened in the end, and what will happen in the future.

Standing in the same place, Wang Chen fell into silence.

When watching the silent Wang Chen, the thousand months and the breeze also sighed.

They want to answer everything for Wang Chen, but people do not have this ability because they are also blinded by history.

Although I have experienced everything in the Middle Ages, the memory seems to be dusty, and the information that can be dug is too little and too little.

"Strengthen the current level, pursue the ultimate, perhaps, the situation will be clear soon."

After a long time, Qian Chen looked at Wang Chen.

"This world, where to go."

When I heard the thousand months, Wang Chen sighed: "I want to go to the true God Cave as soon as possible."

Wang Chen’s heart is full of urgent wishes.

Perhaps, only the true God Cave can uncover all his doubts.

There is no **** in the world, what will be the situation.

"The Real God Cave."

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, the breeze and the thousand moons, they showed a faint look.

In the beginning of the true God's cave house, for millions of years, I don't know how many people want to find it, but there are endless days of arrogance, but they can't find it.

Does it find a clue?

"Well, the true God Cave House, it is outside the Black Sea, not on the mainland."

Wang Chen nodded.

"If this is the case, you may find some clues when you enter Dongfu."

The breeze and the thousand moons look at each other.

The two also showed a hint of anticipation and curiosity.

Because the doubts in their hearts are not even less than Wang Chen.

When a person is blinded and sealed up, their wishes will be more intense.

This is why the ancient Tianjiao continued to crouch, waiting for the arrival of the times, and then returning to the rivers and lakes to find clues.

They are also not willing to be controlled by that hand. They are exhausting everything, carrying unimaginable threats, constantly searching for the mysteries of the heavens and the earth, constantly searching for the invisible hand, they are constantly looking for The memories they have lost.

"The two predecessors are willing to go to the true God Cave."

When I saw the breeze and the longing for the thousand months, Wang Chen quickly asked.

There is a crisis in the world, and it is difficult to enter. If there are two seniors joining, it will be much smoother.

"The chance is not here, I won't go."

However, what made Wang Chen unexpected was that the breeze and the thousand months turned out to be a decisive rejection of Wang Chen’s invitation.

There are complex looks on the faces of the two men.

There is a yearning for the cave, but they are very clear, even if they go, they can't get any information.

That's not where they are going.

This is the chance of belonging to Wang Chen.

The true blood, inheriting the true God, entering the Dongfu, unraveling the secrets of hiding the ancients, perhaps everything has already been arranged.

And they both.

After thousands of years, now recasting the flesh back, this era is no longer theirs, and they do not have the ability to find more.

If this is the case, then it will only make everything appear.

As far as they are concerned, what they need to do is to take that step as soon as possible.

The invisible hand, while imprisoning Wang Chen and others stepping into the ranks of the gods, is not to ban the breeze and the mighty such a thousand months to take that step.

The land of the gods, out of reach, they want to break through as soon as possible.

"You can safely and boldly go to the true God Cave House. Within the Wangcheng, there are two people who are there, no problem."

After sighing, the breeze said.

In this remark, he said that he is full of confidence.

With the strength of both of them, sheltering the king city is not a big problem. Even if the guardian of the Holy Mountain comes, it is not so simple to destroy the king city.

Moreover, today's sacred mountain guardians have no way to pull out.

"Okay, then it will bother the two seniors."

When I heard the breeze and the thousand months, Wang Chen was grateful.

There are two people sitting in the town, Wang Chen naturally does not need to worry.

"Tomorrow, I will go to the warrior and then go directly to the land of northern Xinjiang."

Next, Wang Chen said.

This is his plan.

This piece of heaven and earth, who is in charge, perhaps, they can quickly figure out.

After talking to the breeze and the thousand months, Wang Chen exited the secret room and returned to the family.


"God, have you heard that the two ambassadors of the Holy Mountain were killed in the city of Wangcheng."

"Within the king's city, there is no holy mountain. In this sentence, it seems that the Wang family really is not just talking about it."

"The Wang family is really good. However, this Wang family is really lawless. The holy mountain shelters Tian Xuan mainland for thousands of years. Are they planning to be enemies with the entire Tian Xuan mainland?"

"However, I heard that this time the people of the Holy Mountain were abrupt, they actually wanted to kill before the palace."

"I also heard that the people of Mount Shengshan intend to threaten Wang Chen with the life of everyone in Wangcheng, so they will be killed by Wang Chen."

"The Holy Mountain Messenger was the only one who did not threaten, so he left safely."

"This thing is unclear, but the heart of the Mount Asa Guardian and the Rattan is well known to everyone."

"Yeah, why not? After all, the Fuji family and the warrior are the six major families. They are the main force of the holy mountain."

"Now, the world is in chaos, facing the endless crisis, the warriors and Fujis are obviously stronger than the Wang family."

"In short, this matter is definitely not good enough. Perhaps, soon, there will be conflicts between the Wang family and the holy mountain."

And on this day, what happened within Wangcheng was spread throughout the Tianxuan continent.

All within the Tian Xuan mainland, everyone is amazed.

The Holy Mountain has been treated like this for the first time in thousands of years.

Among them, some strong people can not help but think of the original Star Zong.

In the past, the stars were not contending with the holy mountain. The result was that they were not self-reliant, and the big stars were destroyed.

And now, although the stars are returned, they are no longer the original style.

It is the Wang family. Although it is a strong rise, it is not the original style of the stars. They are so choices, and people are even more sighed.

On this day, the entire Tian Xuan mainland was shocked by the actions of the Wang family.

Among them, the Warriors and Fujis are undoubtedly the most.

"Bastard, Wang, too arrogant."

"This royal family is simply lawless. Do you really think that they are invincible?"

"Is it only because of the protection of two strong men, they want to be enemies with the Holy Mountain, hey, it is simply not self-reliant."

"If it is not the attitude of Liu family, the Zhu family is fully sheltered. Now, where is the place where the Wang family is based."

"It’s a pity that the attitudes of Liu Jia and Zhu Jia are both inclined to the Wang family. These two families have an unclear relationship with Wang Chen. Even the White House does not make statements, but we cannot fully deal with the Wang family. Otherwise, what is the re-enactment of the slaughter before the millennium.

At the beginning, I was able to destroy the Stars, but now I can’t help the King.

In the Fuji family and the warrior, this day is even more humming, and the indignation is filled.

"So it seems that the Wang family is really not prepared to stop, originally thought of letting them go to fight with the Mozu, save me and other strengths, but now it seems that they can only personally." /

After the indignation was filled, the Rattan and the Warriors again issued a declaration of murder.

On this day, the two families fluctuated at the same time and their actions were frequent.

However, in such a shock and reaction, just after a night, Tian Xuan mainland once again lost.

In the early morning of the second day, within the city of Wangcheng, the Wang family began to act.

The hundreds of strong players in the Wang family, under the leadership of Wang Yan, Wang Chen, Jiang Chenyuan, and Tian Tian, ​​coupled with the strong team of the Yi people, for a time, they were divided into five roads and began to move beyond Wangcheng. And go.

After only half a day, the five-way staff swept dozens of miles and killed hundreds of people.

Tengjia, the warrior, all the people and teams that had invaded the square of Wangcheng for a long time, all the forces were swept away.

Even, some small families who were stunned by Wang Chen’s body and who were desperately tempted to follow the vine family and the warrior’s body, the small forces are now suffering a ruthless mopping.

The blood flows into the river, and the corpses are everywhere.

A series of slaughterhouses around the city of Wangcheng made this piece of heaven and earth red.

On this day, the entire Tian Xuan mainland, everyone is even more stunned.

The revenge of this royal family is so crazy, so decisive, so fast.

In just one day, under the leadership of Wang Chen, the Wang family swept hundreds of miles, within a few hundred miles, there was no trace of the Fuji family and the warriors, and even many small families, small forces It was all uprooted on this day.

The attitude of the Wang family is very firm, and the means of the Wang family are so thunderous.

The message spread throughout every corner of the day.

The world is turbulent, the Fuji family, the warrior is even more angry.

The revenge of the Wang family is so unscrupulous. Is it true that their Fuji family and the warriors are so bullied?

For a time, Fujiko and the warrior also quickly sent personnel to the direction of Wangcheng.

In the holy mountain.

This day is also turbulent.

Wang Chen killed two ambassadors, and the Wang family was so unscrupulous, and it was also a sigh of relief within the holy mountain.

On this day, in the holy city under the holy mountain, some people felt the anger from the mountain, and some people felt the anger of the anger.

The entire holy city trembled slightly.

On this day, within the holy mountain, many people led by the Fuji family and the warriors attacked, and many strengths led by Zhu Jia and Liu Jia were debated.

Tianxuan mainland, completely caught in the chaos.

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