Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 396: Blood Seas

The screams gradually disappeared.

Finally, when the last person of the spiritual family fell, within the spiritual city, turned into a Shura hell.

The corpse is everywhere, the blood flows into the river, and the heavens and the earth are dull.

At this time, the thick **** smell condenses above the sky, and the heavens and the earth turns into a bright red.

The scene of the tragic scene makes people look really scared.

Lingcheng, this moment was slaughtered.

The people of the spiritual people who want to escape have all failed, because in the northeast and northwest of the spiritual city, the four directions have already been blocked by Jiang Chenyuan, Tian Tian Ren, Wang Yan and Hao Tian. They are In these four directions, the unscrupulous impact, sweeping, and killing, in this case, the people who fled to these four exits, was the first to fall into the dead.

In addition to this, Wang Chen is a commanding genius, endless slaughter.

The whole spiritual city is more horrible than **** at the moment.

With the screams disappearing, the heavens and the earth are still.


The wind is whistling, and the blood is filled.

The blood flow gathers into a river.


Far, looking at the quiet city of the spirit, this moment, those onlookers only feel suffocated.

The spirit... has been completely destroyed.

The crowd can't help but be amazed.

Looking at Wang Chen, who stood in the air, everyone did not know what to say, and the shock in his heart had already numbed them.

The thunder of the Wang family, the **** slaughter, has already shaken the entire Tian Xuan mainland.


In this deadly silence, finally, the killing of Jiang Chenyuan and others, once again gathered around Wang Chen.

"Hey... this time, the spirits are over."

Standing on the side of Wang Chen, watching the scene of the corpse across the field, Jiang Chenyuan sneered.

"Unfortunately, there are still some fish that have leaked. Before we arrived here, some of the spirits have already escaped."

The sky is sighing.

The spirits are completely destroyed.


How difficult it is to have such a big race to completely destroy.

It can only be said that today, the people left by the Lingzu are nothing compared to the original hundreds of thousands of people.

This is so, people who escaped are still estimated to be quite a lot.

The grass does not come out, the spring breeze blows again, and it will inevitably worry that if these people survive, what will happen in the future.

After all, the people of the Ling dynasty have different abilities and have to guard against it. If they retaliate in madness, they will not be afraid of the strength of Haotian and others. However, the people of the Yi people, the people of the Wang family.

Thinking of this, Haotian brows slightly wrinkled.

"This piece of heaven and earth, there is no place for them to stand."

In the face of Haotian’s worries, Wang Yan’s face is indifferent at the moment: “If they don’t know the current affairs, even if they are at the ends of the world, there is no gap in their existence.”

At this moment, when you say this, Wang Yan is really killing the plane.

There was a remark that made Haotian's face inconspicuous, so that everyone in the room could not help but admire, so imposing, strong and unparalleled, and there are several people who can compete with it.

"If Lingnan is not removed, it will eventually be a disaster."

Stop the toughness and sorrow.

Lingnan, the person headed by the Lingzu, if he did not die, the spiritual family would not be able to be completely destroyed.

With the victory of Lingnan, plus the strange hidden means and abilities, the threats that can be brought about cannot be underestimated.


When he heard the toughness of the sky, Wang Chen’s eyes narrowed slightly, and after a moment of silence: “That is the case.”

The voice fell, and Wang Chen glanced coldly at this piece of heaven and earth: "The spiritual family has become difficult to become a big weapon, and tomorrow, return to the mainland."

At this moment, Wang Chen’s eyes are looking in the direction of the mainland.

His goal is fixed in the magnificent world.

The warrior, Fuji, don't know how they react now.

As for the remaining spiritual people of Lingnan, within a short time, they are destined to look down on the storm, without worrying too much.

If they dare to appear in the city of Wang, they must die without a place of burial.


The voice fell, and Wang Chen once again collected the tens of thousands of Ling corpses into the Shura hell.

This magnificent scene is even more frightening for those who witness such a scene in this world.

Wang Chen, this is really bloody.

Not only the Tulings, but also the hundreds of thousands of Ling people have no bones.

At this moment, Wang Chen, standing in the air, the figure under the night, in the hearts of everyone, as if the devil is in general, it is taboo.

Until long after a long time, the spiritual city turned into a **** sea, and there was no bones. Wang Chen and others had a flash of shape and walked through the void, which made the spiritual city completely fall into the dead silence. .

Looking at this scene, the endless crowd of Wanmi’s peripheral view is silent.

In the daytime, the bustling city of Lingcheng, now turned into a dead city, so strong contrast, so that people do not know what to say.

After a long time, this is in the wind, everyone sighs.

"This day, it has been stained with blood."

"This piece of land is full of blood."

"There is a door to hell, it has already been opened."

"The **** slaughterhouse, the king's family, shocked the southern Xinjiang."

"After today, I am afraid that no more forces will dare to rush to the enemy of the Wang family."

"Hundreds of thousands of people, this is a full hundred thousand people, I am Tian Xuan mainland, since the Middle Ages, there are few such **** slaughter."

After the Stars, there is no such slaughter. Even if the Stars were destroyed, it was only a few hundred thousand people. Now, hundreds of thousands of people have already been involved. What a killing."

When you look at this **** world, everyone can't help but feel a thousand.

Not only that, everyone is very clear at this moment, such killing is only the beginning, far from the end.

Tianxuan mainland, the blood wash is the first to open, and the reshuffle of the Tian Xuan mainland has entered the most intense stage.

"China mainland, it is difficult to calm down."

"Tengjia, the warrior, how will it react?"

I can't help but many people are looking at the direction of the mainland.

The spiritual destruction, the Wang family has turned its attention to the mainland, the goal, it is straightforward to the warrior and the Fuji family, the battle between the dragon and the tiger, who wins who is negative, perhaps, soon There will be a conclusion.

"The mainland, the wind is coming again."

In the sigh, a figure slid out.

They are going to the mainland.

Until long after a long time, this piece of heaven and earth, no more figure, fell into a complete silence.

As if this is a **** battlefield that has been ruined for thousands of years.

The cold wind whistling, as if thousands of ghosts are crying, mourning.


At dawn, the heavens and the earth suddenly vibrate.

The void is torn, and a black shadow rushes out of the void.

Under the twilight, I saw this figure, bloody, and terrible.


When this figure looks at the scene, it is crazy.

His eyes are red, and his face is stunned: "Defect, the spirits are gone, my vines are pure and yang, fallen, the people of the war, I don't know what to end, the Wang family, I will not die with you."

Looking at the empty city, the blood flows into the river. At this moment, in the void, this **** person is like a beast.

The murderous machine on his body broke through the clouds, and the resentment on his body went straight through the nine.

This figure is not the vines. Before, in the outside of Huo Lingcheng, Teng Li and Zhu Tianhai entered the void battle. In that battle, no one knew.

Now, the return of the blood of the vines, Zhu Tianhai, is unknown.

Only seeing him at the moment, his appearance is crazy, his hair is messy, his clothes are broken.

"Zhu Tianhai, if you don't kill you, I swear not to be human."

At the same time, looking at this piece of empty space, Teng Li is more crazy roaring up.

Zhu Tianhai, yes, in addition to Wang Chen, Wang Jia, the most resentful of the vines, is undoubtedly Zhu Tianhai.

If it weren't for his appearance, why did the spirituality fall into such a ruin today, and if it wasn't for Zhu Tianhai's blockade, why would the vines and others fall?

Looking at the vines and other human life cards that have already been turned into pieces, the vines are red and red, like evil spirits.

In the battle between the voids, he did not be able to kill Zhu Tianhai, and did not even get any benefit.

Now, get rid of Zhu Tianhai's return, watching such a scene, how can vines not be crazy.

"Wang family, I want you to let your blood flow into the river."

After a moment, the vines look like the evil spirits in the direction of the mainland.

This hatred, never endless, this hatred, never ends.


And just in the roar of the vine, the sky is far away, and several figures are looming.

"Teng Li Zun."

Between the blink of an eye, these figures are coming to the front of the vine.

When I saw the vines standing on this side, a few people were in shape, and the next moment, they burst into tears.

"Sovereign, save my spirit."

"Supreme, revenge for my spiritual family."

"Wang family, deceiving too much."


After all, a few figures were kneeling in front of the vine, and the voice mourned.

These people are not the fish of the previous network. They are Lingnan and others.

Beyond the city of Huo Ling, I saw that Fujimori was killed. I saw that the Fujia Chunyang was completely degraded. When I saw the warrior, the pure Yang strong began to run away, and Lingnan and others realized that something was wrong.

The first time, they fled the city of Fire.

In the midst of chaos, Lingnan and others escaped by relying on strange abilities, but only they fled.

The fire city was destroyed, and the endless spiritual elites who went to the Fire City were all degraded. They did not have the ability to save.

Then, they returned to the spiritual city, but unfortunately, Wang Chen and others once again killed, which allows Lingnan and others to do, is to bring a small number of core personnel to leave the spiritual city for the first time.

The only thing they can keep is that there are very few people in the spiritual family. This part of the people, but hundreds of people.

Thinking about his spiritual family, hundreds of thousands of people, now, there are only a few hundred people left, which makes Lingnan and others so mournful.

Tears rushed and looked at the vines. At this moment, they were only able to pin their hopes on the vine.

They pleaded, praying for the vines to shelter, and praying for the vine family to avenge them.

The pain of the extinction, this moment, let Lingnan and others become beasts.

The resentment in the heart has broken through the sky.

"This hate will be reported."

In the face of the crying Lingnan and others, the cold eyes of the vines flicker.

"You are waiting for me to return to the mainland."

After a moment, Teng Li said with a gloomy tone.

Lingzu... Although the entry is not very useful, the strength of Lingnan and others is still not to be underestimated.

In a short time, there is already an idea in the heart of Fuji.

Hate, after all, it is necessary to report, Lingnan and others, there is no small value of use, brought back to the mainland, naturally have great use.

The voice fell, and Teng Li took a deep breath, and Lingnan and others quickly moved toward the mainland.

The wind is surging, bloody, spreading from southern Xinjiang and spreading towards the mainland.

This chaos is still going on.

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