Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 383: 直捣黄龙(上)

When Wang Chen thoroughly removed the evil spirits of the funeral, in the distant Lingcheng, today is also very lively.

"Wang Chen is still in Lingling City."

In the main city of Lingcheng City, at this moment, the strong masters of the Fuji family and the elite of the Lingnan are also present.

The top of the vine, sitting at the top, asked in a gloomy look at the moment.

It’s been seven days in the past.

In the past seven days, Tian Xuan’s mainland was in a state of silence, and nothing happened any more.

But this does not mean that Tian Xuan is quiet.

In such a silence, discussion is always indispensable, especially around the Lingzuo, the Fuji family, the warrior and the Wang family are even more arrogant.

Wang Yan is strong, Wang Chen is coming back, the Wang family is innocent...

All this news is enough for people to digest for a while and let people talk about it for a while.

Among them, the Lingzu became the object of ridicule, and even the vines and the warriors were ridiculed.

These three forces struggled hard to get rid of the game in southern Xinjiang. However, in the end, Wang Chen survived. This is not a joke, but what it is.

Not only that, but with the return of Wang Chen and Wang Yan, the situation has once again become complicated.

The Wang family, faintly blowing the horn of the counterattack, the Ling dynasty bears the brunt, but, followed by the warriors and the Fuji family.

It can be imagined how angry the warriors and Fujisawa are.

In a few days, the Warriors and Rattles family, a total of five pure Yangwu people came to the southern Xinjiang.

Among them, Teng Li is sitting in person.

At the moment, among the halls, it is really strong.

"In the city of Yuling, our people came to the news. A few days ago, the city of Lingling changed greatly, and the world was frozen. I don’t know what happened, maybe, what method Wang Chen is using to detoxify."

In the face of the inquiry of Teng Li, the Lingnan, sitting underneath, said gloomyly.

"Detoxification, the poison of the soul of his body did not disappear."

When I heard Lingnan, Teng Li sneered a little.

The funeral spirit is poisonous. He understands how powerful this poison is. Wang Chen appeared on the same day. Teng Li always suspected that the toxicity of Wang Chen was only temporarily suppressed by special means. He could not get rid of the evil spirits.

The news today confirms his thoughts.

"Inevitably still, my family is very poisonous, and it is Wang Chen that can be resolved. Even if the gods are present, there is no way to help."

Lingnan said proudly.

Don't pause, Lingnan's mouth showed a sneer: "Even if Wang Chen tried his best, he would not be able to expel the evil spirits. He was just in vain."

The words of Lingnan are definitely incomparable.

He is too confident in the spirit of the spirits.

It’s a pity that this time Lingnan is miscalculated. He doesn’t know the existence of Huangquan’s water, and he doesn’t know that Wang Chen has solved the poison.

"Most of the Yi people migrated to the mainland, and the royal family gave shelter."

At the same time, in the vicinity of Lingnan, it is another spiritual strong.

"Hey, a group of ants are gone, even if they migrate, how can they wait until Wang Chen is degraded, Wang Yan is falling, these people are not worried."

When I heard the words of this spiritual man, the stern sneer: "This time, Wang Chen will not have another chance."

In the eyes of the war, there is a hint of bloodthirsty cold.

When you hear Teng Li, everyone in the house is sneer.

The funeral spirit is poisonous. As Lingnan said, this poison has no solution. Today, Wang Chen is just dying.

Thinking of this, everyone kills the plane.

"I have got the news. Now within the city of Lingling, there are only a few days left, Wang Chen, and two strong demons, and some Yi masters, Wang Yan has left the city, it seems to be Wang Chen sought antidote to go. In this case, I will wait for why I will not sweep the city of Lingling, so I will destroy Wang Chen."

An old man of the spiritual family said with a smirk at the moment.

A few words, suddenly let everyone move.

The current Lingling City is empty, and the Lingzu side, along with the support of the warriors and the Fuji family, they have a full five pure Yang strong, not to mention, the Lingzuo still has a lot of masters.

This lineup is not enough to sweep the city.

The current Ling family really hated Wang Chen, and they could not wait to go to the Lingling City to kill Wang Chen.

"Old ancestors, this is a very special statement. I will start now, sweeping the city of Lingling, and smashing him directly while Wang Chen is retreating."

When I heard this, Fujiko said excitedly.

This time, among the three pure yang strongmen who come here, the vines and the vines are all in the list, and the two hatred of Wang Chen can be imagined.


When you hear the rattan, the eyes of Teng Li stunned: "If that is the case, then set off."

Teng Li shot the table and directly fixed this matter.

"Hahaha... This time, Wang Chen will die."

I heard that Teng Li made the decision, and everyone who was present, all laughed.

At this moment, they are full of confidence.

As long as the battle is not there, the magic dance is not there. The two super strong people who are now in the Wang family are not there. Then, Wang Chen is afraid.

With their current strength, it is enough to thoroughly sweep Wang Chen.


When I thought of it, everyone shouted.

The voice fell, and inside the hall, all the people flashed, and they rushed toward the direction of the city.

At this moment, with the departure of Teng Li and others, the murder began to cover the southern Xinjiang, and the boundless murderous machine condensed toward the city.


The sun sets, the golden afterglow makes the whole earth cover a holy atmosphere.

The sky in the distance of the city of Lingling, at this moment a figure gradually appeared.

Between the blink of an eye, this figure is swept over the city of Lingling.

"Big Brother."

When I saw this figure, Wang Chen showed a look of excitement.

The person who appears at the moment is not Wang Yan.

In the seven days, he finally rushed back to the city of Qiling in this evening.

Looking at Wang Yan, Wang Chen showed a smile.

With this smile, it seems as if the expression of the ice is condensed, and this moment is resolved.

"The people of Ling, Fuji, and Warriors are killed."

Come to Wang Chen, waiting for Wang Chen and others to speak, Wang Yan said directly.

"Several people."

When he heard Wang Yan’s words, Wang Chen’s heart suddenly hung up, he asked quietly.

Peace, Warrior, Rattan, I didn’t expect that they would kill it so quickly, and Wang Chen’s eyes flashed cold.

At this moment, Wang Chen even had to be grateful that he had already resolved the poison of the mourning soul. Otherwise, under the threat of Huang Quanshui, if he joined these people, he was afraid that it would be fierce.

"There are a lot of people, of which there are five pure yang."

When I heard Wang Chen’s inquiry, Wang Yan said quietly.


A few words, let Hao Tian and Jiang Chenyuan and others take a breath.

Five pure yang, this number is not small, this lineup, I am afraid that the Fuji family and the warrior are under the blood.

"How many people are strong."

Wang Chen asked.

"Teng Li has the strongest strength, and the rest of the pure Yang, the rest, the strength is average."

Wang Yan said slowly.

His face is cold, and no one can see what Wang Yan thinks at the moment.

"If I wait so hard, I am afraid that the difficulties are extremely difficult, and the loss is not small, let alone the spirit of the elite to assassinate..."

The brow is locked, and the sky sinks.

The words of the heavens, let the hearts of the people sink.

Even Wang Chen, at this moment is also a dignified face.

Although, at the beginning, he once killed an incarnation of the vine, but the incarnation of strength, can be compared with the real body.

Teng Li is a person who wants to level the world of the gods.

With his current strength, even if Wang Chen tries his best, it is hard to shake.

If he is there, plus the other few masters of pure Yang and Lingzu...

They are categorically difficult to confront positively.

"The guys who have stepped into the coffin with one foot...kill them."

When I heard Wang Yan’s words, Jiang Chenyuan said coldly and looked gloomy.

"Maybe, we can now directly kill the Chinese mainland or the warrior."

Stop the toughness is to ask Wang Chen.

Five pure yang, so the number is not small, I am afraid that the strongest of the Fuji family and the warriors are gathered here.

Under this, within the mainland, the vines and the warriors are bound to be empty. If they are going to the Fuji family or the warriors at the moment, then they are not without any resistance.


It’s a pity that the sound of the broken sky has just fallen, and Wang Yan said it directly.

"In the Fuji family and the warrior, there should be an old monster. This time, I returned to the holy mountain. I heard that the Fuji family has disappeared for nearly a thousand years, and his strength has only appeared a few days ago. I am afraid that it is unfathomable. Now, I am hard to compete."

Wang Yan sighed.

This time Wang Chen retreats, Wang Yan naturally cannot be idle.

He took the time to return to a sacred mountain. Within the holy mountain, Wang Yan got a lot of news.

Teng family and warriors, they are still difficult to shake now, at the very least, until they all step into pure Yang, perhaps there is a chance.

Wang Yan’s words shrank the broken pupil.

The old monsters of the past millennium, if they are so old and blame, are afraid that the strength is extraordinary.

Suddenly, the idea of ​​breaking the sky and being toughened by the hardships, the scene fell into silence.

"If that's the case, then it's better to start."

After a moment, Jiang Chenyuan was covered in murder, and he gritted his teeth and coldly.

Five pure yang.

In the presence, nowadays, Haotian has already stepped into pure yang, Wang Yan, Wang Chen, Jiang Chenyuan, and Tian Tian Ren, all have the power of a battle with Chunyang.

If it is a primary pure yang, even Wang Chen and Wang Yan are sure to kill directly, and Jiang Chenyuan and others are enough to fight for a while.

磐天 is not afraid of the strong middle of the pure phase.

If you can't do it, you can only fight.

As for the spiritual people, they can only be handed over to the masters left by the Yi people.

If they are now ambushing halfway, wait until the vines and other people appear, they will launch a crazy attack, I am afraid there is still a chance to fight.

At the very least, you can tear off a piece of meat from the rattan, the warrior, and the spirit.

"They are coming out of their nests, and the spiritual city is bound to be empty."

Just when Jiang Chenyuan’s voice had just fallen, Wang Chen said that the voice was cold, and there was a strange light shining in his eyes.

Teng Li and others came to Lingling City and wanted to kill themselves.

Since they have come out of the nest, the situation in Lingcheng and Huo Lingcheng is imaginable.

Wang Chen’s words made it impossible for the broken sky to be bright.

Even Wang Yan, the corner of his mouth is a smile.

"Well, that's it. They are afraid that they still don't know that the royal family has already solved the evil spirits. Since they are out of the nest, the spiritual city and the fire spirit are bound to be empty. I can take the opportunity to destroy these two places. ."

The sky is also suddenly said.

Wang Chen’s words, let them be deeply confused, as if they saw a way out.

The authorities are fascinated. They used to think about how to fight against the people of the Fuji, War, and Ling who came here, but they ignored the spiritual roots.

Heqi Da, South Xinjiang, now they get the news in advance. If they want to avoid the Fuji and the warriors, if they are willing to give up the city, they can do it.

At the very least, within a short time, it is impossible for Teng Li and others to catch up with them.

Under, they are fully capable of killing the City of Spirit and the City of Fire.

Thinking of this, the face of Hao Tian and others became excited in a flash.

The spiritual destruction is just around the corner.

They seem to have seen the scene of blood flowing into the river and corpses across the field.

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