Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 332: Weiyu Kyushu

With Wang Chen appearing, watching Wang Chenfeng's light and pale appearance, everyone knows the result in an instant.

This battle, Wang Chen wins.

As for the old man of the Fuji family, he will never return.

When looking at the volley, the faceless Wang Chen, in the entire city, everyone fell into a strange silence for a time.

At this moment, they can clearly feel the suffocating breath that Wang Chen radiates.

Wang Chen’s eyes with no emotions glanced at the entire city, and suddenly everyone felt as if they were red-naked~ naked standing in front of him, being holed.

"Warrior, are you still not coming out?"

Finally, such a quiet scene does not know how long it has been maintained, Wang Chen is cold and cold.

The warrior.

The two words are once again like a boulder. In the calm lake, there is a storm.


"God, is Wang Chen talking about the warrior?"

"Is there a warrior in the city?"

"Wang Chen seems to be trying to clear all the warriors and vines."

"Heaven, it’s really going to change."

With the voice of Wang Chen falling, a burst of exclamation came in an instant.

The people inside the entire Wangcheng are boiling.

Before Wang Chen, he first stepped on the station of the Pinglong Chamber of Commerce. At this moment, he was sweeping the strongest of the Fuji family. He showed the majesty of the hegemon.

Now, it’s even more important... to deal with the warriors.

Everyone feels crazy.

This Wang Chen, who has not returned for several years, is the big killer of the Quartet. Under this one, the Tian Xuan mainland really wants to be completely chaotic.

The chaos is coming, the devil world is still blocked by the holy mountain, and it is impossible to set off the wind and the waves directly on the Tianxuan mainland. Therefore, within the city of Wang, it is difficult for everyone to feel the atmosphere of troubled times.

But today, they are deeply impressed by the advent of chaos.


After Wang Chen’s voice fell for a while, there was no reaction in Wang Cheng’s voice, but at this moment, Wang Chen suddenly punched into a distant house.

The roaring blasts.

The moment the dust rises into the sky, the endless light blooms.

This fist is like a meteor, and it falls into this mansion, and the whole city is trembled fiercely.

Between the blink of an eye, the luxurious house is turned into a ruin.


At the same time, a few figures skyrocketed as the house was about to collapse.

"Wang Chen, you really have to kill it."

A roar came, with endless anger.

"Warrior, are you willing to appear?"

Looking at these rising figures, Wang Chen’s cold martyrdom.

"In the beginning, my family has been offended by the warlords, but it was destroyed in the Tianfeng Kingdom. Now, your warrior is even more oppressive, not killing you, why stand on it."

Wang Chen is cold.


The voice fell, and Wang Chen was directly swayed and swept toward several figures.

"No, fast, we can't compete with him."

When Wang Chen was killed, several of the warriors exclaimed.

Before the strength of Wang Chen’s show, they are all clearly felt.

Because Ming knows that it is not Wang Chen’s opponent, the warrior’s people can’t shrink. What they can hope for is that Wang Chen’s comet will kill the vines and will not start against them.

However, whoever thinks of the forbearance is still just killing.

At this time, Wang Chen turned to the front and killed them.

In the face of such a scene, the only idea of ​​the strong men of the warriors is to escape and escape from this place as soon as possible.


With the roar of a roar, there were only a few warriors who had torn apart at the same time.

The dull tears came, and suddenly the whole sky swayed.

A huge black hole appears, and a few people are flashing toward the black hole.

"I still want to go."

However, Wang Chenxi can make them wish.

Looking at this scene, Wang Chen’s eyes are always cold.


The hand prints out, Wang Chen shouted loudly.


With this stamping pinch out, it suddenly stunned.

It’s just a blink of an eye, a golden light burst out.

This golden light is comparable to the sun and the moon, covering the heavens and the earth. In the blink of an eye, the light of this reincarnation covers the heavens and covers the black holes.

Unable to prevent it, several warriors and strongmen were suddenly shrouded in the light of reincarnation.


The screams of heartbreaking lungs followed the bursts.

With endless fear, with endless pain.

I saw only the golden light shrouded, the old man of several warriors was distorted, struggling, and screaming again and again.

The strength of theirs is still too weak. Even, they are weaker than the previous strong ones of Fujiwara. Among them, only one person has entered the ranks of Shenwu.

So strong, how to get rid of Wang Chen's reincarnation.

The light of reincarnation, the reincarnation avenue.

The light blooms and the years are ruined.

A line of wrinkles instantly climbed the cheeks of these people.

The flesh and blood quickly dried up, and life passed by.


Several men of the warriors began to despair under such circumstances.

The naked eye is visible, they are rapidly aging, the original middle-aged people, quickly stepped into the old age, the original youth, quickly entered the middle age...

The silver hair is present and the years are corroded.

At the moment, the picture presented is really terrifying.

As if, in an instant, everyone who saw this scene felt the fading of life, felt the passage of time, and felt the demonstration of reincarnation.

This feeling even makes the people watching the game feel only as if they are suffering in endless suffering in hell.

The incitement of that soul makes people suffocate.


Looking at such a scene, all the people inside the whole city are stunned and stunned.

"The murderer, really a murderer."

"The murderer, do the big murder."

"I have heard that Wang Chen is a murderer. I saw it today. It is really extraordinary."

"The strong men of the warriors are really unlucky, and they are actually taken out by Wang Chen. Under this time, they are not only dead."

"The suffering before death is the most frightening and uncomfortable."

In the hustle and bustle, everyone is even more embarrassed and full of emotions.

This Wang Chen’s means is really against the sky.

The light of the reincarnation made everyone numb and chills in their hearts.

Who dares to oppose Wang Chen, such a way, look at the world, very rare.


And among the people's arguments, it is only the strong men of several warriors above the sky that have turned into people who have lost their lives.

The original, their **** body, almost only the skinny bones at the moment.

The vitality of the original prosperity has all disappeared, and the rest is death.

They haven’t even been able to stand firm, and their physical strength seems to have all been drained, falling in the light of reincarnation.

Even, if someone can cut their flesh and blood at this moment, they can find that their blood is almost completely dry.

Black hair is for silver hair, and with the wind in the wind.


After a moment, the first warrior strongman fell, losing signs of life and turning into white bones.

Next, the second...the third...

The presentation of the scene makes people can no longer say a word.

This kind of shock is hard to imagine.

This kind of shock makes them feel scared.

"I...not willing...ah..."

In the withering, even at this time, there was a vague rumor that the warrior might not be willing.

However, the sound is so faint and hoarse, life is all gone, and they are even so difficult to open.

The warriors, the family of the scenery, at this moment they are caught in such awkward situation... How can this be accepted.

"Home, good and powerful."

"So strong, why are you afraid of Fujia?"

"Hahahaha...Teng family, warrior, today, they really suffered a lot."

"Hey, over the years, my family has been battling with warriors and rattans, and they have it today."

"Live, the owner is invincible."

At the same time, looking at this scene, compared with the fear and horror of the rest of the people in the Wangcheng, the inside of the Wang family is full of joy and enthusiasm.

The means that Wang Chen showed up, let the Wang family all send out a passion.

Especially those who accompanied Wang Chen along the way.

Items are dry, black bears...

These people have witnessed too much.

At this time, Wang Chen showed his strength, making them seem to return to the original city of sin, Black Sea City.

When it was time, Wang Chen was not such a strong Megatron, with them laying a big mountain.

Just, in the past few years, in the Central China, their royal family seems to be beautiful, but the pressure is too great.

This passion has been long gone.

"This kid is really fierce."

The inside of the crowd, the fat man's items are dry, grinning, and the complexion is shouting.

"However, I like it, hehe..."

Afterwards, Xiang Gan was laughing, and the fat in that body was slightly trembling in such a laugh.

"Hahaha... This time, I have to see how the warlords and Fujis are still prestige."

The black bear sneered again and again.

"The order is passed down. In these few days, I have found out all the vines and warriors' embers, found one, kill one, and found two killing one pair. Even if they are holy people, they must be expelled."

After the excitement, Xiang Gan looked coldly at the glance of the family.

Wang Chen has already started to act, and now it’s time for them.


In the distance, the golden light exploded in the distance.

The light of the reincarnation disappeared without a trace, and the sun and the moon finally bloomed again.

"Teng family, the warrior, within the king of my city, there is no place for you to stand on, and those who commit my royal family must be married."

Looking at the dead bones with the wind, in the eyes of everyone, this moment, Wang Chen looked at the distance silently, the next moment, suddenly cold voice.

Although some words, it seems to be a short answer, but the huge sound waves, but spread rapidly, spread all over the world.


A few words, shaking for nine days.

Wang Chen’s words are really domineering, and his words are endless.

Until this moment, everyone seems to know that Wang Chen is not so simple to kill alone today. Until this moment, everyone can feel the determination of Wang Chen thoroughly.

He, in addition to the need to clear the king city today, it is also to knock the mountain to shock the tiger, shocking the vine family and the warlord.

In the city of Wangcheng, there is no holy mountain, within the city of Wang, there is no other family, warriors.

Today, Wang Chen’s move is to show his determination to the entire Tian Xuan mainland and to announce the determination of their royal family.

Wang Chen wants to tell everyone that the words of their royal family are not laughter, they have already begun to act.

This day, Wang Cheng vibrates. On this day, Tian Xuan vibrates.

Wang Chen’s words must be spread throughout Kyushu.

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