Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 309: Stunning again

Xingchen Zongmen, the most serious meeting room of the sects, there is little excitement at the moment! All the people who have a rare year get together. **

Stars and elders, the lords, all the elders were present, and no one fell.

Blood bones, what you said is true! At the top, Taiyun asked with an unbelievable voice in his eyes.

Blood bones, such jokes are not funny! Next, the five elders frowned and asked.

Blood bones, are you not dreaming? Seven said that he was dissatisfied with the grin. He was sleeping and was pulled by this guy. He said that there was big news. Now, I heard that the news that the bones have said is inevitably not believed.

Hey, is there a joke? That kid is back, look at it! Haha\u2026\u2026 will surprise you! The elders of the bones are full of spring breeze, and they are very excited.

If this is the case, then q stars Chenzong is a rare talent! The two elders whispered to the handle of the chair.

In the Chamber of Deputies, the atmosphere was warm.

The faces of everyone are showing an expression of excitement! The news brought by the elders of the bones is really shocking, and people want to be quiet.


The outer door, under the almost persecution of the elders of the yellow tooth, Wang Chen smiled and went to the inner door of the chamber.

Come to the Chamber of Deputies, where almost all the tops of the entire Stars are gathered.

When Wang Chen came in, everyone’s eyes lit up with a strange look, which made Wang Chen feel uncomfortable.

Haha\u2026\u2026 kid, finally returned!啧啧啧 \u2026\u2026 Going out for a year, your kid is mature! The relationship between the five offerings and Wang Chen can be said to be the closest. In the few months of the inner door practice, the five offerings were very good with Wang Chen.

For the five heroic character, Wang Chen is very happy with him! The sound I heard suddenly felt kind.

Hmm, kid, yes, it seems to be a lot of progress! The great elders looked at Wang Chen and showed a satisfactory look! In the Stars, the relationship between Wang Chen and the elders is also good. When I was at the outer door, I met the elders. The elders also brought a lot of help to Wang Chen.

Okay, kid, release your momentum to the outside door to see! Soon, Wang Chen came to the hall and stood in the middle of the room. After quietly, he was enshrined and said to Wang Chen.

The rest of the people, suddenly look forward to look forward to seeing Wang Chen! The previous arguments have all disappeared.

Looking at the expressions of these people, Wang Chen secretly complained! I feel like I am being admired as an animal now. Secretly, is this true? Of course, if Wang Chen knows how amazing the talent is, I believe that there will be no such feeling.

Under the look of the elders and the enshrined, Wang Chen sat in the same thing as in the outer hall.

The whole body is really moving, and in an instant, the power of the real yuan is violent.

The momentum will be scattered, spurring the wind, and where it is, full of tyranny.


There was a pot in the quiet chamber.

The Seventh Order Spirit Warrior! The star of the ancestral lord, Tai Yun, was so shocked that the face was always serious. The face of Gujing’s waveless twitching slightly, Shen Sheng said.

Seven-order Lingwu, four\u2026\u2026 This kid really entered the ranks of the Seventh-order Lingwu! The next moment, all the elders and offerings were shaken.

The message of the elders of the bones is not wrong! Sure enough, this kid has already bought into the ranks of the seven-order spirits.

In a short period of one year, from the sixth-order real warrior to the seventh-order spirit warrior, this is the enchanting talent of cultivation, which is the result of metamorphosis! Unbelievable.

Ha ha ha \u2026\u2026 old guys! How about, q is not kidding! Haha\u2026\u2026 What else do you have to say? This time, the elders of the bones are happy!

Before I was suspected by some people, I was almost not despised. Now I can see what these people can say.

At this moment, the elders of the yellow teeth and the elders of the bones are called a straight waist, full of red light.

Wang Chen is the one who came out from the outside door! The new star of the outer door a strong rise a year ago. Although I entered the inner door, there was no cultivation in the inner door! Therefore, in comparison, Wang Chen is a foreigner.

This brings enough vanity and glory to the two elders who have a good eye for the hero.

啧啧啧\u2026\u2026 You little guy, it really is a seventh-order spirit warrior! Hahaha \u2026\u2026 Sure enough, the eyes of the elders group are unique! Boss, you said yes! You see, the outer door found Wang Chen this gem.嘿嘿\u2026\u2026 Elders, are you jealous now? Envy? Hate? Five offerings began to laugh out loud after a short shock, shouting and showing off.

This led to the rest of the elders face each other, his face was ugly, and he was swearing at the five offerings.

The people who are not in the group are in a superb position in the Stars. They were named Wang Chen at the beginning. Will they not accept Wang Chen as a pro-disciple? Isn’t it because of the cross-cutting love that made Wang Chen a pro-disciple of the enshrined group?

It’s still awesome to say these cool words! These elders really can't wait to pull out the five offerings at this time.

Looking at the five offerings that are satisfied with the high, these elders can only smack the mouth and do not see it.

In turn, turn your eyes to Wang Chen’s body, full of light!

Yes, kid, how is your current practice of quenching the stars? Give q people a cover look!啧啧啧 \u2026\u2026 Old guys, see q clearly, this is the pro-disciple of the q group. Hahaha \u2026\u2026 star quenching body, a year ago, but has entered the level of the triple body to open the first door of the eight door armor, open the door! You still don't know about this! Haha \u2026\u2026 kid, open the eight armor to let these old guys stunned! Five offerings to the treasures generally directed toward Wang Chen.

Well, three years ago, the body is triple? This time, these elders were surprised again.

Star quenching, eight-door armor, we are known as the elders of the stars. Naturally know how difficult it is to practice the star quenching, and naturally know how powerful the eight-door armor is once opened.

Wang Chen opened the first door of the eight-door armor a year ago? I really don't know! Looking at Wang Chen's eyes changed again.

Under the enlightenment of the five offerings, under the eyes of these elders, Wang Chen took a deep breath: eight armor, open the door! open!

Slightly drink and open the door.

In an instant, the momentum that Wang Chen exudes rises to a level! It seems more violent.

The second door of the eight-door armor, Hugh, open! Open the door to open, Wang Chen directly opened the second door to the door!


Amazing sounds come in succession!

Four in the flesh! The second door of the eight-door armor! Opened! Some elders exclaimed in the hall!

Haha\u2026\u2026 Ok, kid, good, eight-door armor has also improved, the star quenching body is also advanced, haha, very good \u2026\u2026 well, on the \u2026\u2026 five offering face Full of a proud face, watching Wang Chen smile.

q can also open the third door! Wang Chen said something innocent. I don't know why the five offerings will not open the third door.

Since it is shocking, it makes the shock more intense. Since the storm is coming, let the rain go crazy.



The third door!

God! Can you open the third door?

Five-fold body, this guy entered the ranks of the five-fold body!

Star quenching body five-fold body, God, \u2026\u2026

Wang Chen’s voice fell, and the hall was first in a dead silence, and all the elders and the enshrined expressions were stiff.

Then, in the same breath, a breath of air, exclamation, and amazement became a whole piece.

If Wang Chen enters the four-figure body and opens the first two doors of the eight-door armor, it is very good, and it has greatly exceeded the expectations of them! Then, at this moment, Wang Chen said that he could open the third door of the eight-door armor. This is absolutely against the sky. This is absolutely unbelievable.

I thought it would be a good answer to open the two doors. It was a good answer. I didn’t expect this guy to be \u2026\u2026

Dead kid, what are you doing, open! Hurry up to q! The first three doors of the eight-door armor, hahahaha\u2026\u2026 eight-door armor on the three doors, the powerful three-door you are open! Quickly open to q to see! Five offerings were excited, and the voice was a little trembling.

All the elders couldn’t sit still and stood up.

Open your eyes, all your eyes, all your attention, all your moods, everything is placed on Wang Chen.

There is expectation, shock, doubt, and all expressions\u2026\u2026

The atmosphere has solidified, and only the heavy breathing sounds can be heard in the entire Chamber.

The third door of the eight-door armor! Health! open! A scorn, Wang Chen sighed, the third door of the eight-door armor, the door opened!

In an instant, the energy is violent, and all the elders’ faces are full of sorrow.

In the Chamber of Deputies, the wind whistled and the teacup fell to the ground under the impact of the momentum. The tables and chairs are moving towards the rear.

The third door! Really the third! Five-fold body, eight-door armor on three doors, God, really did!

Good! Good! \u2026\u2026

Sure enough!

Shocked, horrified, stunned, sluggish\u2026\u2026

The performance of everything is emerging.

The hall exploded, and everyone can't.

Star quenching body five-fold body, eight door armor on three! What does this mean? This means that Wang Chenxing's quenching has reached a very high level and reached the height that people struggled for a lifetime.

What an achievement, what a horror this is, what a enchanting genius can do it!

Ha ha ha ha \u2026\u2026 kid, good! well! Come back! I have never spoken before, and I am going to step forward, and I will suppress Wang Chen’s breath and let my face grow excited. Even the company has been unable to calm down.

Under the request of the great offering, Wang Chen put away the momentum and closed the eight armor! The Chamber suddenly recovered to the previous calm!

However, the hearts of all people, the emotions of all people can no longer continue to calm, Wang Chen's appearance, so that they can not calm down. ~

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