Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 298: Amazing information

The wilderness spine.

At this moment, Wang Chen and others came here.

The yin whistling, the wilderness backbone seems to be a beast with a big mouth, devour the prey in ruthlessness, swallowing this piece of heaven and earth.

The calm of the wilderness of the past, these days are particularly lively.

In the Devil's Circle, I don't know how many strong people are coming here.

"It seems that everyone in the channel knows this, and many powerful people flock to it, Tianxuan mainland, the chaos has begun."

Besides the backbone of the wilderness, looking at this scene, Jiang Chenyuan could not help but sigh.

"Go, go back to Tian Xuan mainland soon."

The brow is locked, Wang Chen said.

Today, the three-barrier barrier is broken, the three boundaries are merged, and the main passage is the sacred mountain blockade. It is not much to compete with the devil world.

But, precisely because of this, the rest of the passage to the Tianxuan mainland has become a place where people are surging.

The inside of the Devil is shuffling. This is to let you know how many strong people, how many small forces aim at the Tianxuan continent that is considered weak.

Perhaps, in the face of the reshuffle of the devil world, it is difficult to have their foothold here, and Tian Xuan mainland has undoubtedly become the best choice.

In the face of such a situation, Tian Xuan mainland is caught in a precarious situation.

Wang Chen can't wait to return to Tian Xuan mainland.

If you remember correctly, this place is directly connected to the Death Valley, and the successive ones are known to Northern Xinjiang.

Northern Xinjiang is still known as the barbaric land on the Tianxuan mainland. Nowadays, in the face of the impact of these powerful people, it will be in a terrible situation, which is hard to imagine.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen speeds up and swept away from the depths of the wilderness.


The wind whispers and the figure flickers.

Between the blink of an eye, Wang Chen, Jiang Chenyuan, and the three people who broke the sky and toughness went deep into the depths of the wilderness.

"You three are standing and leaving your treasures, otherwise, don't blame my grandfather, I am welcome."

Suddenly, when Wang Chen went deep into the core of the wilderness backbone, several figures were blocking the Wang Chen before they went.

This scene, let Wang Chen, Jiang Chenyuan and the broken Tian Ren three people could not help but stop, the face became cold and cold.

"It seems that the chaos of the Devils has caused these people to be lawless."

Squinting at the eyes and looking at a few masked men in front of him, Jiang Chenyuan is gloomy.

I didn’t expect that they were robbed. It’s not a joke to say it.

There are people who can rob Wang Chen of them within the Devil World. It seems that they have not appeared yet.

"Looking for death."

In the face of such a few people, the toughness of the sky is a direct cold, and the next shape flashes.


A sudden scene, at this moment, several masked robbers have changed their face.

The momentum that broke out in a moment of stagnation, even makes a few people look flustered and fearful.

In these few days, the devil world was in chaos. I don’t know how many people entered the barren spine and tried to enter the Tianxuan continent.

These masked robbers are powerful and specialize in selecting weak warriors to start.

After all, nowadays, the world is in chaos, the devil is in the stage of shuffling, the real strong, or busy with the forces of struggle, or are contending with the sacred mountains of Tianxuan, few rare peers appear here.

The harvest of their robbery over the past few days is not small.

Before, I saw Wang Chen and others appear, although the speed is very fast, but when they see the age of Wang Chen and others, they are unceremonious choices to start.

Three young guys, where strength can be strong, is the best prey.

But, at the moment, with the shots of the broken sky, several people feel that something is not good in an instant.

This momentum... makes them tremble.

"Hey, a few small and medium-sized warriors in the middle of the month, but also in the picture, they are simply looking for death."

The sky is tough and no expression, cold and shouting.

"No, Grandpa, forgive me, I...we are wrong...forgiveness..."

Between the blink of an eye, it is to see the sorrowful screaming in front of him. The masked man headed by him is screaming in panic.


However, responding to them is a roar.

Under the roar, the waves rolled and flesh and blood flew.

The black man who is headed in the blink of an eye is directly killed.


Seeing this scene, the remaining black people screamed in fear.

What kind of strength is this? It is so strong that it is so strong that under the trick, the boss who led them is the second. It must be known that the strength of the leader who led the head has reached the level of the seventh level of the month. However, This has been spiked, no power to fight.

A few of the remaining robbers are panicking, as if suffocating.

"No, I think of it, God, we... we met Wang Chen."

"Yes, I remembered it, Wang Chen...God, it turned out to be Wang Chen, and Jiang Chenyuan and Tian Tian Ren, they are."

In fear, a robber seems to scream as if he thinks of something.

Before, busy robbery, Wang Chen and others were too fast, they did not see Wang Chen's appearance in detail.

Now, finally, in the fear, someone recognized Wang Chen, recognized Jiang Chenyuan, but also recognized the broken nature.

A moment, the sound of horror followed for a while.

Wang Chen, Jiang Chenyuan, Broken Tian Ren, these three people, what kind of existence is there, but these people are no longer clear.

Shou Tian Ren, Magic Moon teaches less teachers.

Jiang Chenyuan, Jiang Jiachuan.

Wang Chen, but now is famous, this is the existence of Tu Yu Chun Yang.

And their group of people, even if they did not see clearly, robbed the three people, it is not looking for death.

Heart, instantly sinking into the bottom of the valley, several robbers revealing desperate eyes, bursting out of desperate screams.

If you look at the three people early, kill them and you won’t have to eat anything to rob these three people.

"No... forgiveness, don't kill us, don't ah..."

A burst of screams broke out, and several people began to flee around in horror.

"You are still going."

A few people who looked at the escape, a sneer in the corner of the broken mouth.


Combine your hands and pinch them out.

Ah ah...

The next moment, screams broke out one after another.

There are countless black smoke, and where the black smoke passes, the grass is not born.

The robbers shrouded and entangled in black smoke are even more vague in a moment, revealing a bone.

Between the blink of an eye, the screams fell, the bones landed, and a powerful Xuan Yue-level warrior instantly seemed to die for hundreds of years.

"No, don't kill me... Wang Chen... Don't kill me... I know a secret... I tell you this secret, don't kill me..."

At this moment, the last remaining robbers swept in the face of black smoke, and finally mourned.

The fall of his companions one by one made his heart full of fear and despair.

On the verge of collapse, he seemed to have caught the straw and shouted loudly.


When I heard the words, Wang Chen’s heart moved, and in time stopped the smashing of the toughness.


The figure flashed, and in a blink of an eye, Wang Chen came to the front of the last robber: "Let's say, you know what."

Wang Chen’s eyes are sharp.

For such a robber, Wang Chen does not have any good feelings. You must know that such a person does not know how many innocent people have been harmed. Keeping it will only ruin more people. Killing Wang Chen is indifferent.

But at this time, the man’s words made Wang Chen wonder.

"The occultist is a sacred person."

After escaping, the man sighed and gasped, pale and cold, and he looked at Wang Chen and said quickly.

"What, cover the old man."

Jiang Chenyuan in the back heard the words of the man, but his eyes suddenly smashed and his brow erected: "That, what happened to the old demon, you know what."

Jiang Chenyuan’s one hand was to smash the man.

"Ginger...Ginger son, forgive me, don't kill me..."

It was picked up by Jiang Chen, and the robbers were even more bloodless, nervous and struggling.


There was a robbery thrown on the ground, Jiang Chenyuan was at the top, looking at him coldly: "Say, if you dare to lie, I will make you alive more painful than death."

Jiang Chenyuan kills the machine.

Even, he is more angry than Wang Chen.

Just a few days ago, this old man was almost killed by his life, and Jiang Chenyuan could not resent.

He can't wait to kill the bastard.

At the moment, hearing about the news about the sky, Jiang Chenyuan is naturally uncontrollable and angry.

"Two days...two days ago...we...we saw the ancestors crossing the ridge of the wilderness and heading toward the heavenly continent.

And...and the gap leading to the Tianxuan continent is now being watched by the two gatekeepers who are covered by the heavenly lords. Everyone wants to pass the gap and pay expensive tolls. . . . They said that it is the meaning of the sacred person. If anyone dares to resist, the sacred person must be chased to the end.

The robber said intermittently.


When he heard the man, Jiang Chenyuan browed and shouted.

Wang Chen is also a sinking face: "Sky, I did not expect that he went to Tian Xuan mainland."

Thinking of this, Wang Chen’s heart is getting heavier.

Do you know what it is to cover the sky.

Yes, Fujisawa, Warrior.

Since they told the black ancestor about their identity, it is also known to the ancestors.

Although the black ancestor seldom rarely contacted the sacred sage, but this time Wang Chen almost annihilated all the vines and warriors in the devil world, perhaps there are still one or two people, these people I found a person who covers the sky.

"With the sun, there are people,"

Wang Chen asked.

"There is... there is a... there is a young man."

The robber thought for a moment and said quickly.

"Not good."

When he heard this, Wang Chen called out.

"Fast, return to Tian Xuan mainland."

A huge sense of crisis, in an instant, is filled with Wang Chen.

Teng family, warrior.

Wang Chen is almost certain that the young man must be a Fuji family or a warrior. If so, then the northern Xinjiang, the Wang family, is really dangerous.

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