Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 175: 太古英灵(中)


The two palms are shot, and Wang Chen is like a rainbow at this moment.


The palm of the hand whistling, in the blink of an eye, stepping out of the wind step, Wang Chen rushed to the shadow before.


Under a roar, Wang Chen’s double palms slammed into the shadow of the shadow.

A figure of body shape, Wang Chen looks like a meal.


At this time, a hoarse voice came, such as from the nine secluded hell.

After being surrounded by Wang Chen and Jiang Chenyuan, this illusion was not intended to continue to escape or hide.

He turned his head and looked at Wang Chen coldly.

It’s pale and suffocating.

Although floating does not know hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years, but this ancient spirit is full of face,

As if from his body, you can see the ancient times, the domineering and arrogant figure.


The hoarse voice fell. The next moment, I saw this figure but it was a flash, it was killed in front of Wang Chen.


The air was torn, a few black holes appeared, and the strong breath made Wang Chen change his face and had to rush away from the rear.

The powerful atmosphere made Wang Chen not even rashly resist.

It's very strong.

This spirit, in the ancient times, did not know how powerful it was, and could fight alongside the true **** and the demon. It is conceivable that his strength is extraordinary. Rao is now, and has experienced the baptism of many years. Incarnation has become a spirit, and his strength is still not to be underestimated.

Between the waves, it is enough to destroy the land.


The landslide is cracking. At this moment, the entire sword field seems to be shaking. The Yingling, after being blocked, begins to go mad. Every move seems to destroy this land. Mountains and rivers and boulders have been turned into smashes.

"Damn, Wang Chen, we are not his opponent."

Continuously avoiding the attack of the entire spirit, Jiang Chenyuan complained.

The danger is ringing, he, already, does not know how many times he is struggling to come back on the edge of death.

If you are not lucky, he is now dead countless times.

Even so, his soul was also torn apart and the two came out. The pain from the soul made Jiang Chenyuan close to collapse.


A gust of wind is dancing and is raging.

Wang Chen and Jiang Chenyuan tried their best to avoid the waves of the spirits, and they were endless.

"So going on, it’s not a solution."

Wang Chen is also complaining in his heart.

The power of this spirit is beyond his imagination.

Even, the original black and white ghost king is just that.

"It seems that this is the only way."

The brow wrinkles, Wang Chen has a decision in his heart, he has to fight.

The two returning Yuan Dan were quickly thrown into the mouth, and Wang Chen tried his best to restore the power of chaos.

When the wrist is turned over, the heavenly order is already in the hands of Wang Chen.

He, to suppress this spirit.

At this moment, the spirit is mad, relying on the strength of Wang Chen and Jiang Chenyuan, they simply cannot completely defeat this spirit. Even at this time, they want to escape, it is almost impossible, this spirit The speed is too fast, and it seems that it is eyeing Wang Chen and Jiang Chenyuan. Once it is shot, it is impossible to give up easily.

The only way to make a difference is to bring a little turn.


The force of chaos in the body is rolling, Wang Chen’s wrists are shaking, and the heavens are sacrificed.


Uncertained by the power of infinite chaos, the day was radiant.

At this time, the heavenly floating in the air is like a sun, glaring and illuminating the entire sword field.

In this ray of light, bloody, seems to be dispelled, dark clouds, seems to be dispelled, the earth, seems to be quiet.

Wang Chen tried hard to evoke these radiances and shrouded the spirits.

This spirit is very powerful, but the heavenly order is the original god. Perhaps this thing can suppress the breath of the spirit. This is Wang Chen’s last hope and his last stroke.


At the same time, Na Ying was inspired by this breath, but suddenly, his face smashed and he snarled loudly.

Of course, at this time, he stopped the attack on Wang Chen and Jiang Chenyuan. He held his head in his hands and groaned in pain.

"True God, have you come back, I have been waiting for you for three million years."

A hoarse voice came, suddenly, looking at the heavenly order, the spirit was as if thinking of something, excited shouting.

Three million years, he turned out to be a super strongman who fell on the side earlier than the Devils were sealed.

He, even when the Mozu has not been expelled from the Tian Xuan mainland, or when the Tian Xuan mainland dominates, it has fallen.

This battlefield, obviously, is not the general thing that Jiang Chenyuan said. It is the place where the true **** and the demon are finally fighting. This is not a battle to determine the fate of the Mozu.

It seems that the gods and the demon gods fought here earlier and earlier, but no one knows, but left the sword field.

Until I don’t know how many years ago, the sword field was discovered, which is mistaken for the battlefield of the last battle of the gods.

The words in Yinglingkou make Wang Chen and Jiang Chenyuan even more shocking.

"True God, you have finally returned, three million years, three million years, I have forgotten who I am, I have forgotten everything, I am floating in chaos, I am in the years, Killing, I am not the original me, I, the only thing left is the idea of ​​killing."

Eye, as if the tears flowed out, the spirit suddenly fell to the ground, his hands clasped his head, painful words, but the voice is very sad.

Three million years, one person, after the death, the soul floated in such a place for more than three million years, it is conceivable, how is this torture?

Years are enough to make everything happen, even let him forget who he is, his identity, his own...

At the moment, under the shower of the light of the gods, it seems that he only thought of something.

"Who am I, ah...who am I, why should I wait for you to come back, why am I here?"

Although there is the light of the true gods, the spirits still have too many forgotten.

He, his eyes muttered silently, and finally mad.

This scene makes Wang Chen and Jiang Chenyuan frightened.

If the spirits are mad at this time, and even the heavens cannot be controlled, then they may only have one death.

These spirits are really horrible. They are not Wang Chen’s ability to compete. Under the mad attack of the spirit, who can resist.

"Right, I remember, I am waiting for you to return, I want to go to the battle of glory with you, we must guard the last inch of land, we must use blood, let glory come."

Just, Wang Chen and Jiang Chenyuan were worried, but in the end they did not appear.

The hero was suddenly quiet after he was mad.

Then, he seems to think of something general, excited to say.

"Glory, yes, I am waiting for glory, I am waiting for your instructions, I am waiting for your assignment, but, three million years, more than three million years, you have not returned Come."

This hero is suddenly sad.

"I know, I know that the devil is also coming, the **** demon, they still rule this land, they are still enslaving my people, unwilling, I really are not willing, but I am already dead, I Can't follow glory, follow your steps, ah..."

There was a saying that the spirit was crying.

His mission has not been completed, his goal has not been reached, but in the end it is the first to die, which makes him reconciled.


The wind whistling, in the midst of madness, the long hair of the spirit, dancing with the wind, his eyes became red.

"True God, why do I feel that your breath is so small, this is not the atmosphere you should have, is it that you have fallen, no... I don't believe it... Is it true that my people are not in the first place? Day, I am not willing... really not reconciled."

At this moment, the breath of the spirit began to become violent.

In the squally wind, the more violent breath, the landslide.

"In this case, I am ruined, and I let the blood gather into the river. I want to let the world go to hell."

Suddenly, his face was so beautiful that he roared wildly.

He, crazy.

The loss of faith, the loss of life, the interruption of goals...

All this, let him finally sensible, gradually disappeared, he will be transformed into a demon, unfolding the killing.

"No... you can't."

When I saw this scene, Wang Chen couldn’t care much. He quickly stood up and shouted loudly.

Wang Chen, at this time, the tension reached the extreme.

If this guy is going crazy and exploding, the world will inevitably collapse. At that time, it is really necessary to let the blood flow for thousands of miles, to make this world into hell, the corpse is everywhere.

This spirit is absolutely powerful, and it is estimated that few people can resist it.


Wang Chen’s voice just fell, and the Yingling turned his head to him.

The look is shocking.

Under that look, the ground blew open, and the turbulence rolled, directly defeating Wang Chenxi’s.

This look, almost let Wang Chen kill.

What the momentum is, how powerful it is.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Chen’s throat swallowed, and his heart was hanging over the eyes of the blind man. At this moment, he was nervous as never before.

" can't lose your senses. Now the world is already peaceful, the human race, has become self-reliant, the demon, has been sealed within the devil world, your wishes have been realized, the glory of the true God, no one can, glory Light, shrouded the world.

If you are in trouble, this glory will cease to exist.

The heart is very nervous, Wang Chen strives to stabilize his body shape, he said quickly.

One word and one sentence, very clear, he is afraid that this spirit is really crazy.

At this moment, Wang Chen has to make a final attempt. He must stabilize this spirit.

Only by stabilizing can you find a way to deal with it.

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