Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 434: Open the reincarnation secret

This moment, the three sons are extremely focused.

He, can't afford to fail.

The plan of your own, whether it is successful, all in the reincarnation of the secret side.

Original, the heart of reincarnation can also bring him tremendous help.

But, who can think of it, halfway through the process of biting gold, and thus taking away the reincarnation of the three sons who are sure to win?

This makes the three sons angry!

Although someone is going to chase the guy who took the heart of reincarnation, but is it able to recover the reincarnation? To be honest, the three sons do not have too much hope. If the time of the reincarnation is too urgent, the three sons will definitely kill themselves.

The heart of the reincarnation has a big effect!

But, obviously, the three sons don't have that effort.

So, he can only pin the last hope on the reincarnation.

The heart of reincarnation has been taken away. Although it is very precious, if you can return from the reincarnation, the old guys who want to come to the Dragon Pavilion will make up for the loss of reincarnation at all costs. loss.

With the strength of the Dragon Pavilion, can't you make up for a reincarnation?

Because of this, the three sons are still fighting.


In the cold eyes of Sangongzi, I saw the layer of blood fog that he spurted out. At this moment, he was strangely integrated into the barrier.

The roar came.

With the strong blood of the three sons, the entire barrier, this moment has become blood red.

There was a shock, but it seemed to be like a lake. A layer of ripples appeared on the barrier.

Different, mysterious.

Between the vagueness, you can see the endless runes, as if floating above the barrier and swimming.

It seems that among the barriers of that layer, there are rules of heaven and earth.


Looking at this scene, the cold look of the three sons has changed a little.

The first step was very successful.

"Fast, follow me!"

There was a hint of excitement in the heart, and the three sons quickly yelled at the three people around him.

When I heard the three sons, where are the three middle-aged men waiting for a long time waiting for a long time?

Although the scene in front of you is extremely shocking, they are very clear about what they need to do now.

At this time, it has reached the most critical time.

In the cold sound of Sangongzi, three people turned and their hands quickly pinched out one rune.

With the three sons as the center, the four populations are eating and eating, and the ones are printed quickly.

The wind is whistling.

One strand of powerful energy instantly fills the world of this film.

One by one, quickly turned into essence, suspended in front of the three sons.

There are more and more stamps, and in a blink of an eye, one hundred and eight stamps are completely pinched out.


Until the last seal appeared, San Gongzi’s eyes flashed a dignified look.

Few, the three sons at this moment are extremely serious and serious.

In a roar, he spurted another blood.

Just, this time, the spurt is not just a simple blood donation. Because, at this moment, the mouth of the three sons is actually blood.

How powerful is Sangong?

With his blood, the energy brought by it can be imagined, how terrible it will be.

As the blood spurted out, the whole world seemed to change color.

A horrible momentum rises to the sky.

Even, under this momentum, a whirlwind began to surge.

But the three sons are unmoved.

His look awe-inspiringly controls his own blood into every print, and then his hands suddenly pick up a weird seal.

With the control of the three sons, the one hundred and eight seals that had been suspended in front of him began to merge.

Know that this is the one hundred and eight seals that Sangongzi and the three Qianlongge strongmen have combined together.

How powerful is each one?

At the moment, how difficult is it to integrate and condense one hundred and eight seals? Once merged, what kind of momentum will it bring?

The difficulty of this is only the best of the three sons.

Along with the inscriptions, the faces of the three sons became more and more awesome.

The sweat of the beans began to flow down the forehead of the three sons.

He is as a whole person, as if it was fished out of the water.

There was a pale look.

The three sons at this moment are absolutely showing a weak side.

Even, it can be seen that the body of the three sons seems to be trembled in faintness.

"Hurry, help me!"

After the fusion of a hundred stamps, the three sons looked at the three people who were anxious and screamed.


Rao is the strength of Sangongzi, and at this moment it has reached its limit.

How much energy does it take to fuse a hundred stamps?

What are the huge projects that you want to integrate into the last eight seals?

Sangongzi is very clear, and it is impossible to condone his strength. Now it is impossible to do this.

He needs help.




If you hear the three sons, there are no hesitations in the three dragons around the three sons.

The eyes of the three people flashed a hint of awe, without hesitation, and they spurted their blood.

With the blood as the guide, the three people stood by the side of the three sons, and the three sons in general, while pinching out a complicated complex.

With the addition of the three strong dragons, the three sons seem to have a chance to breathe.

The whole world, the waves are sweeping, the whole barrier, and now it is even more frantic.

"Bastard, give me integration!"

Exhaled breath, looking at the front has gradually loosened, but it is still a barrier in the shock, San Gongzi flashed a dignified look in the eyes!

Especially in front of the eyes, this fusion of the imprints, the three sons have brought unimaginable pressure.

I never thought that the fusion of this one would be so difficult.


In the hairpin, the three sons squirted another blood.

Successful, no failure.

This time, the three sons are really failing.

If this opportunity is lost, how difficult is it to complete the plan?

How big is the loss of the Dragon Pavilion?

So, no matter what the price, the three sons absolutely do not allow accidents to happen in front of themselves.

The success of this recurve in front of the eye is the key to opening this reincarnation.

I have never faced the failure of the three sons, and the determination at this moment can be imagined.

The only pity is that Wang Chen is not here.

The waste of Gao Zhan is not enough to make a mistake. Otherwise, if there is the spirit of Wang Chen and the help of blood, why bother?


Along with the blood of the three sons, the red blood was sprayed again.

The whole world seems to be turned into a blood color.


A whispered voice came, it seems that at this moment, the heavens and the earth are simultaneously turbulent.

The whole cycle of reincarnation is shaking in the red light.




A burst of roar came.

Time and space distortion.


It was a spurt of blood. The three strong men of Sangongzi and Xiaolongge suddenly swayed. In this powerful air and momentum, several people rushed out at the same time. A few steps away.


Until a few people stabilized their bodies, they showed a hint of surprise in their eyes. In front of him, a huge seal, now quietly suspended in the air.


Looking at such a scene, the three sons showed a ecstasy look.

Yes, he succeeded!

One hundred and eight ancient scriptures were actually successfully combined by him.

This is the key to unlocking the reincarnation.

Sure enough, to blend this ancient scripture, what is needed is the blood of the true God. This is why the three sons value Wang Chen so much. However, it is a pity that Wang Chen was not able to catch it, and the three sons could only replace it with their own blood.

After all, refining and refining the two remnants of the gods, the original masters of these two gods and souls are all inherited the inheritance of the true God.

With the fusion of these two souls, the blood of the three sons has also changed.

Unfortunately, it is still worse than the blood of the true god, which is why it is necessary to help the three dragons.

He needs the blood of these three dragons.

Now, it has finally succeeded.

The blood red in front of you, the inexhaustible smell of the seal, is the final result.

"Give me a break!"

A deep breath took a breath of the whole body, and a flash of cold light flashed in the eyes of San Gongzi, and he roared wildly.


When the wrist trembles, the energy in the body of the three sons blasts.

Do your best! On the forehead of the Sangongzi, you can even see a clear burst of blue veins.

The whole person becomes awkward and crazy.

Along with the shaking of the three sons' wrists, Nuofufu was attacked by the red barrier.


It’s like a collapse of heaven and earth.

The moment that the stamp rushed into the barrier, the mountains and rivers were dull and the sky was discolored.

The whole earth trembled fiercely.


The endless winds swept across the perimeter.

As the long river pours, these winds are turned into substance.

"Not good..."

In the exclamation, there is no more reaction, and all the people in the Dragon Pavilion, along with the three sons, have been shocked by this squally wave.

The power of terror, the momentum of terror!

The face was pale, and everyone’s eyes showed a stunned look.

The horrible atmosphere, the horrible momentum, the power of horror.

This is the power of the ancient seals?

Regardless of the blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, the three sons stared at the barrier in front of the wind and red light.

The huge mark, roaring, impacting, and a little bit into the barrier.

A burst of roar came inside the barrier.

In an instant, the barrier of the layer is like a real lake, and there are endless waves.

It seems that, a little bit, the barrier is being torn.

A crack appeared.

Next, in the turbulent waves, the cracks are as normal and begin to spread! In less than a moment, the entire barrier is cracked, like a real spider web.

It seems that the next layer of barriers may be shattered.

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