Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 424: Reunite again

The huge seals cover the sky and cover the sky.

This is definitely the pinnacle of Wang Chen.

This hit, even close to seven times to rebuild the strongman's full blow.

How is Gao Zhan?

"Damn, how could it be so powerful, impossible... Wang Chen, you can't do this, ah... bastard, how are you doing it?"

The chaotic Changhe and Qiankun Ding of Wang Chen successively broke, and Gao Zhan almost spent a lot of effort.

Now, facing the more powerful seals, Gao Zhan leaked a look of panic.

A strong and powerful atmosphere, a terrifying momentum.

This is a blow that Wang Chen can display.


This is not inferior to today's own full blow.

How did Wang Chen do it.

The huge crisis is over, and Gao Zhan feels fear from the heart. He can't help but feel a trembling feeling.

"No...Bastard, I am fighting with you."

I never thought about it, it will fall to such a level, and the opportunity is crazy.

Now, he has no choice but to fight.

Wang Chen is so difficult to deal with.

He doesn't believe that this move is really so powerful.

"Give me a break..."

The roar of the heartbreaking lungs, Gao Zhan holding a soldier and heading for a huge seal.


The long soldiers waved out and made a ray of light, like the galaxy's galaxy from the bottom up, and the sly and the golden seals slammed together.




The moment of contact is like eternity.

Time and space are broken and the space is shattered.

The whole city was distorted.


The sand is flying, the whole earth is shaking, and it is sinking wildly.

The endless reincarnation of the pool water, pouring in and around.

The sky collapsed, like the beginning of the universe, the floods disappeared.

This moment is like a million years old.

In this moment, Wang Chen and Gao Zhan’s gods seem to be fixed.

The two brilliances are incomparably radiant, and the piles of the rafts are together and merged together.

Gold, Blu-ray...

Mixed together, like a thousand horses are fighting, as thousands of beasts are biting, as two dragons are entangled.

In the roar, there was endless roar and roar.


The blood is floating.

When the blast is blown up, it destroys everything.

Gao Zhan was the first to bear the brunt, and his body was almost torn.

Rao is Wang Chen and is also flying out by this wave of anger.

The roaring sound continued, and the seals exploded.


After a roar, finally, the whole world seemed to be silent.

The endless light is like a volcanic eruption, going straight to the clouds and breaking through the imprisonment of the city.

"Ah... no..."

In the screams, with a snoring.

In the roaring sound, the exclamation of Gao Zhan’s heartbreaking lungs came.

Unfortunately, this sound was quickly swallowed up and drowned.

seems to never appear.

A wave of qi, seems to have turned into beasts, biting around.

"Not good."

Wang Chen, who was smashed out and did not stand firm, looked at a powerful wave and went straight to himself. He couldn’t help but change his look.

The current Wang Chen, there is no time to escape this wave.

If it is swept in by this wave of waves... I am afraid that serious injuries are inevitable.


Looking at this scene, Wang Chen was anxious.

I never thought that this move would not even control you.

I never thought that this move and the impact of Gao Zhan will explode such amazing power.


However, just when Wang Chen was in a hurry and was not good at the time, just in the midst of that millennium, a snoring came.

Between the vagueness, a figure flashed past.

After then, a few streams of light flashed past.

The chill is pressing, and the places where the streamers pass, the whole space is distorted and completely torn.


In the distorted space, the horrible storm that swept through the face was born, and the next moment, the tears came.

Wang Chen saw that the endless winds and waves that swept into front of him were torn apart into pieces.

In Wang Chen’s line of sight, there was a more figure.

Standing in front of Wang Chen, the figure is like a mountain, and it cannot be shaken.

"A familiar atmosphere, a familiar feeling."

Looking at that back, Wang Chen’s eyes flashed, revealing a look of awkwardness.

"Chen, you have nothing to do."

In Wang Chen’s doubts, the figure slowly turned and looked at Wang Chen, Shen Sheng asked.

" are the month of inflammation..."

I finally saw this figure.

In his early twenties, his face was handsome, but with a hint of wild and noble, he gave a contradiction but a natural feeling.


Familiar atmosphere, familiar name, that moment, Wang Chen’s voice even had some trembling.


When you stand in front of you, is it the month of inflammation?

"I am back."

When he heard Wang Chen’s words, the man showed a smile.

Yinyue, sure enough, this man is the inflammation month.

When Wang Chen was in danger, Yanyue appeared. As if he was fighting side by side, he resisted a wave of wind and waves for Wang Chen, and it resisted a huge danger.

A simple sentence, I am back, but it is enough for Wang Chen to know what to say for a moment.

Still so familiar.

The years and distances did not make the two feel strange.

Perhaps, the only difference is that the Yanyue has matured. After the transformation, he is now a young man, and he has changed a lot with his original appearance.

"Okay, haha...well, good, come back."

After a full moment, Wang Chen laughed.

I thought of too many reunion pictures, I never thought about it, I will meet here in such a way.

Even, when Wang Chen stepped into the battlefield, he knew that the Yanyue must come.

However, he has never been in contact with Yanyue and has never met with Yanyue.

Even, Wang Jia has teamed up with the Orcs in Sun Yifan's plan, but Wang Chen still has no direct contact with Yan Yue.

They have too many things to do.

They all have their own mission.

They are clear that the time is not yet ripe.

Now, once again, everything is going to happen.

Going forward, tightly embracing Yanyue, at this moment, there is no need to say too much words.

An action between two people, one eye, is to convey too many feelings, the friendship between brothers.


Until a few moments, Wang Chen let go of the inflammation month.

"When is it coming?"

Before Yucheng, I didn’t see Yanyue, and Wang Chen couldn’t help but curiously ask.

The joy of reunion once again, even let Wang Chen ignore the turbulent waves ahead, ignoring the high and unclear life and death.

"When you came, I came and saw you, but it was not the time."

Yinyue laughs.

Yes, when Wang Chen appeared outside Yucheng, Yanyue saw Wang Chen.

But, at the time he was behind the crowd, and he hadn't seen it for many years, he had changed too much, and Wang Chen didn't notice him.

At that moment, I saw Wang Chen again, and the excitement in Yanyue’s heart can be imagined.

I haven’t seen it for many years, and I have changed a lot. Wang Chen, he has also changed, become more mature, and become more powerful. He is a real powerhouse.

Holding a million ghosts, greet the ghosts and go straight to the city, who is fighting with the momentum.

At that moment, Yanyue couldn't help but want to recognize Wang Chen.

Just, he finally endured it.

Too many dangers are unpredictable and too many dangers cannot be controlled.

At that time, it was definitely not the best time to recognize.

Everything now, does it mean that his choice is correct?

When Wang Chen came to the reincarnation pool and played against Gao Zhan, Yan Yue was also aware of it.

He is forbearing, he is waiting.

He made the right choice and waited for a chance to make a critical strike.

The strength of Wang Chen’s display is enough to make Yanyue look at each other.

After waiting for so long, I finally waited for the opportunity to shoot.

The combat power that Wang Chen showed up made Gao Zhan fall into the crisis and even trapped himself in the crisis.

Yinyue shot, he saved Wang Chen.

"The guy, no death."

A deep breath, Yanyue said quickly.

"Kill him."

When he heard the inflammatory moon, Wang Chen took back his eyes and looked cold and expressionless.

High Zhan.

Under the reminder of Yanyue, Wang Chen temporarily put away the excitement, and he thought of Gao Zhan.

In the front, after the blast of the seal, the horrible waves rolled.

At this moment, the air waves gradually dissipated.

Without the Yanyue, Wang Chen also knows that he can't kill Gao Zhan.

Gao Zhan is too strong, this move is terrible, I am afraid that it can only hit Gao Zhan.

I want to kill Gao Zhan.

It’s still a little worse.

If the inflammation month has not appeared, the current Wang Chen may be tired of resisting the air and even being in danger, but it is also difficult to kill Gao Zhan.

But now it's not the same.

The emergence of Yanyue has saved Wang Chen a lot of strength.

It’s slow now, and he has the ability to fight.

What's more, Yanyue is still here.

It’s hard to kill a high-skilled person.

"Go, let me kill the high-skills."

The light is gone, the sky is dusty.

Wang Chen looked at Yanyue loudly.

"Haha... well, fight side by side."

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, Yan Yue’s eyes flashed an excited look.

Fighting side by side.

How many years have never felt this way.

When was the last time you were fighting side by side?

When Chen Chen was not a strong man at that time, Wang Chen at that time, first entered the mainland, and the Wang family at that time did not stand firm. At that time, Wang Chen was surrounded by all the enemies in purgatory. ......

It was also at that time that Yanyue knew his identity.

In the end, he had to leave Wang Chen and return to a strange world, where the Red Moon continent.

After how many years have passed, fighting again and again, this makes the moon can not help but have a feeling of boiling blood.

It seems that when I returned to the northern Xinjiang, Wang Chen and it were still very weak.

Wang Chen at that time, the first time.

The sin city at that time was still very chaotic. At that time, the crisis was all there...


Thinking of this, taking a deep breath and pressing on the excitement and excitement, Yan Yue followed Wang Chen’s pace and rushed into the endless dust.

This time, they are going to win the life of Gao Zhan. The book is from the 17K novel network.


The first time to see the genuine content!

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