Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 382: 大战辜山

Everyone present, this moment is hanging up.

The only difference is that madman and Jiang Chenyuan, as well as everyone in the Wang family, are worried.

What happened to Wang Chen?

Know that, at this moment, the person who rushed toward him, it is a powerful mountain, but it is the ancestor of the family.

Wang Chen did not have the slightest reaction. What is going on here, is he trying to find death?

The exclamation sounded into a piece in a flash.

Compared with the almost suffocating atmosphere of the Wang family, on the other side, the atmosphere of the family is good, but I don’t know much.

Everyone is happy.

Wang Chen, this is Wang Chen.

If it is possible to kill Wang Chen, then what a big thing.

If you can kill Wang Chen, even if you can't take Hongcheng, this time, they are a huge harvest.

Staring at Wang Chen, they are waiting for the picture of Wang Chen’s fall.

"Hahaha...boy, it’s up to you to be strong, and die."

Not only the owner of the family, even Lushan himself, after seeing this scene, is ecstatic.

Wang Chen.

He originally thought that he needed to fight Wang Chen after a war.

But now, Wang Chen is still waiting to die, this is the result that Lushan did not expect.

But this is undoubtedly the best result for Lushan.

This way, you can save a lot of effort.

If you can kill Wang Chen, today's situation is likely to reverse.

Wang Chen’s fall, how much impact on the Wang family will be brought.

As if I saw an endless bright future, Lushan’s excited face was flushed.

"Wang Chen is dead, don't think I will spare you, I will make you die very badly."

Looking loudly, Lushan’s face is extremely beautiful.

Wang Chen knows that he is not his opponent, so wait for him to die.

He thought that he would let him go, or that he would make him die easily.


The hatred of Wang Chen has already penetrated into the bones of Lushan.

He won't make Wang Chen comfortable.

He will make Wang Chen die very miserably.

The only way to make the resentment in his heart vent.


Thinking of this, Lushan suddenly slammed into Wang Chen’s chest.

The momentum is like a rainbow, like a tiger attack.

The wind and the waves swept through it, as if the next moment of this boxing, it would be able to smash Wang Chen’s body.


"Damn, Lushan, you dare..."

The far water can't save the fire. Seeing that Lushan has already been killed in front of Wang Chen, Jiang Chenyuan and the madman are pale, and even feel a little powerless.

The joy after meeting with Wang Chen disappeared at the moment.

If they knew this situation early, they would rather not return to Wang Chen.

At the very least, Wang Chen will not fall into the crisis.

"You thought it would kill me."

The madman and Jiang Chenyuan are almost crazy, and Lushan is almost crazy, but Wang Chen is still calm.

No one saw it. At the moment, Wang Chen’s eyes flashed a fine light.

Wang Chen, who seemed to be standing, suddenly showed a smile on his lips, cold and cold.


At the same time of speaking, Wang Chen was moving.

When the fist of Lushan was about to hit Wang Chen, Wang Chen moved.

The figure is just a slight flash, moving toward the side.


In the moment when Wang Chen flashed away, the blow of Lushan was already banged up.

In an instant, that circle seems to be on the body of Wang Chen.

In the field, it was quiet and silent.

Wang Chen, was hit.

Wang Chen is too fast to avoid, and it is almost impossible to detect.

Everyone seems to see a blow from Lushan, and the bang is on Wang Chen’s body.

But, there is no imaginary crash, and some are just the sound of air blasting.

This is a confusing place.

" could it..."

The doubts of everyone have not lasted for a long time.

Because, soon, Wang Chen solved the doubts for them.

The exclamation of Lushan came and made everyone aware of it.


In a flash, Lushan’s look paled.

He has widened his eyes.

In front of him, Wang Chen, who was hit by him, gradually disappeared at this moment and disappeared without a trace.

Virtual shadow.

When Lushan arrived at this moment, he would not know where he was, but he was just a shadow.

What the **** is going on.

In an instant, Lushan’s brain was even blank, which was almost beyond his imagination.

How did Wang Chen do this?

"You, too slow, is it not worth fighting for me?"

In the shock of Lushan, Wang Chen’s voice has already arrived.

As if, it was coming from the ear of Lushan.

"Be careful..."

"The ancestor is Wang Chen..."

Unresolved the response of Lushan, there was a burst of exclamation in the back.

Wang Chen.

Yes, it’s not Wang Chen.

Everyone present, after seeing the disappearance of Wang Chen’s illusion, he appeared in a position not far from Mount Lu.

This is a creepy feeling.

How did Wang Chen do it?

However, there is no time to think so much at this time.

How Wang Chen did it is not critical. The real key is that the situation will be reversed in an instant, and Lushan is in a desperate situation.

"Bastard, not good..."

There is no exclamation from the person behind, and when Lushan hears this voice, he also knows what happened.

In a flash, the heart sank to the bottom of the valley. For a moment, his breath seemed to stop.

The creeps are awkward, a danger, and a cold, so that Lushan feels hard to breathe.


The first time, Lushan was desperate to plunder in the distance and wanted to avoid the threat brought by Wang Chen.

"Retire, do you still want to retire?"

Looking at Lushan's sudden plunging into the distance, Wang Chen's mouth was a hint of sneer.


He thought more.

When Lushan was doing his best, Wang Chen might not find this opportunity.

But, Lushan is too small to look at himself, he is too weak.

The end of the light enemy is to let Lushan completely lose the opportunity, let him completely fall into the wind, and even bring deadly trouble to Lushan.

For example, now.

"Seven steps in the sky."

There was a sneer in the corner of his mouth. At the same time that Lushan had receded, Wang Chen’s figure was already chased.


Step out in seven steps, such as going to heaven.

After the seven steps of the earthquake combined with the Pingbu Qingyun, the speed is terrible.

The mountain that retreats in a hurry, where is the speed of Wang Chen at the moment.

Between the blink of an eye, in the look of Lushan, Wang Chen has already caught up with Lushan.

"Shingtian Boxing."

A shot is the best.

In the face of Lushan, Wang Chen will not care, and he will not give Lushan any chance.

Holding an opportunity, Wang Chen is naturally going to die.

When you are sick, you are going to die.

A fist hits the sky and punches, and Wang Chen mobilizes the energy of the whole body.


Starting from Dantian, a majestic energy, like the Yangtze River, poured into the arms of Wang Chen.

The red light flashes and a punch hits.


Like the Xuan Lei blasting, like a sky crack.

The shock from the moment of this punch is unimaginable.

The moment of this punch, the power brought by it is enough to overturn this piece of heaven and earth.

The road of gravity is under pressure.

The whole Hongcheng seems to be crushed and sinking in the trembling.

The shape of the back of the mountain is even more awkward.

"No... I don't think..."

As if carrying a mountain, the pupil of the mountain suddenly shrinks.

He was scared and his face was unbelievable.

Wang Chen, when, it has become so powerful.

After his own blow, he escaped. This can be said to be Wang Chen’s luck, but now.

What is the horror of the power that Wang Chen broke out now?

Even if you show the most powerful moves in your heyday, the power is probably just that.

Great power.

This is a great supernatural power.

At this moment, the momentum brought by Wang Chen is even enough to make Lushan feel suffocated.


A huge threat that will cover the mountains.

The kind of threat that makes the mountains creepy and cold.


It is already nowhere to go.

Wang Chen is too fast and too fast.

The present self, avoiding inevitable, can only resist.

"Bastard, get out."

In the snoring, Lushan was desperate, forcing a punch and moving toward Wang Chen.


A fist blasted and the air exploded.

Among the gorgeous trajectories, this shot of Lushan was smashed with Wang Chen’s Zhentian boxing.

He is a mountain, and he can make Wang Chen suppress.




Between the blink of an eye, two gorgeous lights slammed together.

It’s like the impact of thousands of horses, as if the endless beasts bite each other.

A moment when the two rays of light hit together, the whole world was frozen and solidified.

It seems that time is going backwards, as if time has stopped moving forward.

In the roaring sound, the space seems to be torn, and a breath from the floods is pouring out, full of violent atmosphere, seemingly violent, seemingly able to tear and destroy everything.


After a moment of silence, the world suddenly boiled up.

The roar is constant.

Like the collision of the stars, the swell of the waves seemed to be the essence, sweeping out around.

"Not good, back..."

Looking at the raging waves, everyone who watched the war around them changed their looks and quickly went backwards.

This is a contest between the two top powerhouses.

The contest between the two at the moment has not allowed outsiders to intervene.

At this time, if they continue to stay here, there is only one possibility, they are involved in the battle, and then they will die faster than any of Wang Chen and Lushan.

In this case, no one can accept it.

In the exclamation, a figure of the figure, quickly heading backwards.


That is the moment when everyone rushed away, and finally Wang Chen and Lushan’s blow, the power has reached the maximum.

In an instant, the waves are rising.

Two aurora lights, straight into the sky.


At the same time, the raging waves swept through the ruins.

In the city of Hongcheng, the dust is everywhere, as if it has fallen into **** on earth.

"No, ......"

The blood is floating.

In the dust and endless waves of the sky, there seems to be a scream of screams between the vagueness.

This screams, let everyone's heart hang up.

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