Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 357: Everywhere (on)

"Ninetowns Alliance, too, let us have a winner tonight."

On the wall of independence, Sun Yifan’s look at this moment gradually fades.

The slightest worry in my heart has disappeared, and there is only one feeling of strategizing.

Can do it, Sun Yifan did it, and, not only did it, but it was almost perfect.

So far, everything is still under the control of Sun Yifan.

This is almost the limit that Sun Yifan can do now.

The rest, can only be resigned.

At the very least, it seems that the Wang family is in the upper hand. As for the Ninetowns League, they are qualified to survive.

Thinking of this, Sun Yifan’s mouth reveals a smile.

If it is smooth, this time the king will win, even if there is an accident, in the current situation, the Ninetowns League wants to completely reverse the situation, it is impossible.

The Wang family, in any case, seems to be standing above the height of the winner.

"Those little people, interesting, this time, what will they do?"

Thinking of this, Sun Yifan looked into the distance, with a hint of sneer in his mouth.

Ninetowns Alliance.

This time, the Wang family will have such a big move, even at any cost, exposing almost all the strength, what is it.

Is it just a nine-city alliance.


Sun Yifan is not just for the Ninetowns League.

It’s really the situation today, it’s too difficult. The Wang family needs a strong counterattack and needs to shock those small people.

If he wins tonight, Sun Yifan seems to be able to think of what the expression of the juniors will be.

Thinking of this, Sun Yifan's sneer on his left foot is more and more blooming.

He is really looking forward to seeing those gray faces.

"This time, those small people should be able to be quiet, then you guys, 斩龙阁,."

A deep breath, looking at the distance, Sun Yifan’s eyes re-cold.

The only thing that can't make Sun Yifan reassured is that there is only something on the side of the Dragon Pavilion.


"Oh my God, what happened."

"Wang family, against the sky."

Kuncheng, gradually calm down, the Ninetowns Alliance army suddenly retreated, which makes the eyes focused on this night, full of doubts.

What happened.

Under the city, the Ninetowns Union suddenly retreated.

This makes everyone unable to understand.

Just, after a brief doubt, a more shocking news suddenly came out.

This news is more like a gust of wind sweeping the entire battlefield, so that this battlefield has shaken.

Wang Jiasheng hits the West, their real goal is not Ruicheng, nor is it to fight with the Ninetowns Alliance. Their real goal is actually Licheng and Yangcheng.

With the news coming out, for a moment, within the battlefield, all those who are concerned about this matter are sucking up a cold breath.

The king's family is against the sky.

Yes, on this night, the Wang family set off an unimaginable storm on the battlefield. In the hearts of all people, the wind and waves were set off.

Amazing waves, the dragon snake dances.

Wang, it’s awesome.

Know, what is the situation before today, this is something that everyone knows.

The Wang family is in danger and almost falls into a desperate situation.

No one thinks that there is hope in the Wang family. It can be said that in the eyes of all people, the destruction of the Wang family is only a matter of time.

Until the Ninetowns Alliance attacked, it was all that almost everyone decided that the Wang family was going to die.

I don't know how many people are eager to try, waiting for a little benefit.

Wang, it is impossible to be able to turn over.

This is almost a matter of identification.

After all, who the Wang family is facing, they have faced a long time to plan, and they can't wait to swallow the Wang Family's Ninetowns League, but they are facing the giants, and the lessons they face are countless eager to try. people.

In this case, the Wang family can pick up any storms.

The Wang family can only struggle with dying and struggle for some time.

However, who can think of it, the Wang family actually created a miracle.

It’s no different from the thunder, and the Wang family cast a giant thunder in this battlefield.


I don't know how many people have suffocated after getting this news.

"Wang family, really horrible."

"Damn, how powerful is this king's family, even... even under such a situation, you can start to fight back."

"I don't think I can eat the existence of half of the Ninetowns Alliance, Wang Jia, I really don't dare to take a nap."

"No, the Wang family is not comparable to the ordinary family, hehe... This is a good show."

"Ninetowns Alliance...hehe...played the iron plate, this time, some looked."

After sucking a cold air, the whole battlefield suddenly became up.

Everyone is wide-eyed and staring at the Wang family, staring at the Ninetowns League.

Or, they are staring at Licheng and Yangcheng.

What will happen to the fate of these two cities?

If there is another accident in these two cities, the Ninetowns Alliance is really going to fall apart. It is no wonder that the Ninetowns Alliance has suddenly retreated after the Bingcheng City.

There is no accident in Licheng and Yangcheng.

Thinking of this, there are too many people.

"Stop our actions and wait and see."

"Damn, the Wang family, even so able to hide, so hidden power, so horrible, let our people stop all."

"Recovering all of us, the Wang family, is not something we can deal with."

In the exclamation and screaming, on this night, I don’t know how many orders are passed in all directions.

The Ninetowns League has started on the Wang family. Naturally, there are many people who want to follow the benefits.

But now, the strength of the Wang family is so chilling.

Many families and forces have retracted their orders overnight, so that everyone can't move.

Wang family, qualified to be jealous.

They went to offend the king's family at this time, which is tantamount to finding their own way.

The king is crazy.

No one wants to be an enemy of such a horrible madman.

I don’t see what the Ninetowns Alliance is like. In this case, I’m going to get together, not looking for death, what is it.

Who can think of a bigger crisis, in such a situation, has been quietly suppressed.

This may be the real purpose that Sun Yifan will achieve tonight.


The dawn of dawn gradually tears the night.

The horizon, the light of the gradual spread, the night is gradually expelled.

Dawn in winter, icy and biting.

But at the moment, the entire battlefield is caught in madness.


In the city, there was a roar and a tear.

"Wang family, deceiving people too much, ah... I am not willing, how can we collapse in Licheng?"

"Damn, Licheng, Yangcheng, we lost Licheng and Yangcheng, who is it, who is it."

In the temple of the city, the atmosphere is gloomy at this moment.

Licheng and Yangcheng fell.


The news has already arrived. Licheng and Yangcheng fell, and the remaining five cities in the Ninetowns Union lost half of the city again.

Overnight, Li Cheng and Yang Cheng changed their faces.

The plot of the Wang family was successful.

This makes everyone in the city almost crazy.

The Ninetowns Alliance has never been crazy.

The original Ninetowns League, after tonight, only the land of the three cities, the original giant, to this day, can be said to have collapsed.

This is unacceptable to everyone.

"Damn, we are going to destroy the king."

"Wang Chen, Sun Yifan, don't kill you, my Ninetowns Alliance will not give up."

The roar is still going on.

In the temple, dozens of people are in a mess at the moment.

Among them, those middle-aged men are almost angry.

Even if it is the first ancestor, it is also a dead silence.

Their faces seem to be able to squeeze out water, and it’s gloomy.

"Yangcheng, Licheng."

In the roar and anger, finally an old man whispered in disguise.

The breathing became heavy.

"We can't let Yangcheng and Licheng lose, damn, what are they doing, not to support it, what happened, how could it make Yangcheng and Licheng all fall, what is going on? ."

Awkwardly wheezing for a moment, the old man’s roaring roar and roaring.

Yangcheng, this old man is an ancestor of Yangcheng, but he represents the city of Yangcheng on the side of the temple.

No one is more angry than him.

That is his family, his city.

Now, lost.

As a dream, unacceptable.

He doesn't know what happened.

Last night, it was not that Ruicheng was attacked. Isn’t the people in Yucheng not going to support Ruicheng? How did Yangcheng and Licheng have an accident?

Well, Yangcheng Licheng had an accident, but Ruicheng and those who went to support Ruicheng did not go straight to Yangcheng and Licheng.

When they went, how could they let Yangcheng and Licheng fall?

The old man does not know, he does not understand.

"I was blocked, Wang Jia, this is the conspiracy of the Wang family. Our people are right to support Licheng and Ruicheng. However, in order to guard against the Wang family, Ruicheng has only gone to a small number of people, don't forget. Most of the people in Ruicheng were transferred to the dry city. Ruicheng was empty. They could transfer many people to support Licheng. As for the people who went out of the city, they were blocked on the way to Licheng, although it was very The small block, however, delayed our time, when we arrived in Licheng... Licheng had fallen..."

In the anger of the old man, a middle-aged man was crying and screaming.

"There is also Yangcheng...the same is true."

Next, he added.

The grievances in my heart are hard to imagine.

With the man’s words falling, the scene fell into a dead silence.

Everyone was quiet in an instant, they seemed to be dumb.

The previous roar, roar, is no longer.

At this moment, what they have in their hearts is just suffocating, not knowing what to say.


The Ninetowns Alliance suffered a crisis.

Now, they are empty inside.

In the past, the Ninetowns Alliance, known as the mighty cloud, has now fallen into the age of employment, and no strong ones are available.

This is a shame, a joke.

This lets them say something.

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