Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 352: Liwei (below)

It must be said that the sudden news is too shocking. As a result, the team of the Ninetowns Alliance has become awkward.

There is no one in the Wang family? How does this make people believe?

Especially the old man who is headed, his brain, at that moment, even fell into the blank.

A lot of effort has been made, and I am fully prepared. Now I am facing such a result?

This is like a warrior, who is full of strength and punches, but it is plunged into the soft cotton. This feeling, don't mention how uncomfortable it is.

"Bastard, what happened!"

Finally, after a while, in the messy twins, the old man who was headed back, the pupils shrank and shouted loudly.

Looking at the two young men in front, the old man’s face is blue.

These two people are the members of the Ninetowns Alliance who are in the Kansas City to monitor the Wang family.

Now, they even told themselves that there was an empty mansion in front of him. The family of Wang Jia was already gone?

This makes the old man unacceptable.

"I don't know, the Wang family's people seem to have disappeared from the air. Now there is only one empty house left for us!"

Under the questioning of the old man, the two relieved men said with a trembling voice.

This is their huge mistake.

Today, they have to bear unimaginable consequences.

The two men were sweating and pale.


When I heard the answer from two young men, the old man couldn’t help but roar.

Don't know what's going on? This makes the old man crazy.

Shame, there is no such thing as a shame.

They were once again played by the Wang family.

"Damn, the Wang family must be in this city. It can't disappear. Otherwise, we can't get the news!"

Another old man said it wickedly.


At the moment, no one feels more wrong than they feel.

"Damn, the Wang family must know that it is impossible to escape and choose to escape!"

Before, this middle-aged man who was murderous was even more gnashing his teeth.

No one hates the Wang family more than him, and hates Wang Chen.

His loved ones fell in the blood of the royal family, with his uncle, his grandfather, and his brother.

This resentment, buried for a year, looks like revenge, and finds that the enemy does not know where to go, and is it more maddening than this?

"Search! Find it for me! Find the person of the Wang family. Anyway, today, I want them to pay a heavy price!"

A burst of arguments, the head of the old man screamed.

The momentum came to the dry city, but it was an empty city?

Yes, if they are willing, they can now announce the return of Gancheng to the Ninetowns League. But what about?

The enemy does not know where it is.

The Wang family is not destroyed, the Ninetowns Alliance can not be assured, but even more unwilling.

The Wang family is still there, and their shame is still there.

The Wang family is still the biggest threat.

With the old man's order, more than a hundred people quickly spread around and began to search for the Wang family.

Everyone seems to have a sigh of relief, even if they are dig three feet, they must also tell the Wang family to dig out.

"Old ancestors, can the Wang family really escape?"

Until everyone spreads out, there are only three ancestors and two middle-aged men left before the house of the royal family.

Looking at the old man, a middle-aged man asked carefully.

The brow is locked. This middle-aged man seems to be thinking about something.

"Hey! This timid guy, besides escaping, how can they still?"

Another younger middle-aged man couldn’t help but sneer.

In his opinion, the Wang family must be scared.

Also, in the face of this once-in-a-kind Jiucheng League, what about the Wang family?

The king's family is just a paper tiger.

This middle-aged man has always looked down on the king. He felt that the Ninetowns Union paid too much attention to the Wang family.

What is the qualification of such a family without roots to compete with the Ninetowns Alliance?

Listening to the dialogue between the two middle-aged men, the three old men present could not help but frown slightly.

"Shut up, idiot!"

Especially the old man who is headed, directly to younger middle-aged men.

A look of disdain? This man actually disdains the king's family? What qualifications does he have to disdain the king?

Does he not know how the seven sons and the eight sons fell? Don't you know Jiugongzi and Dagongzi, who is now being killed? What qualifications does he have to disdain the king?

If the Wang family is really useless, can they win the dry city and make the Ninetowns Union look like a gray face?

If such a Wang family is a waste, then what is the feeling of their Ninetowns League?

The old man who only heads feels anger burning in his heart.

He has a constant change in his face.

The feeling of uneasiness in my heart, unconsciously, has become more and more intense!

Wang family disappeared, is it to escape?


The old man does not think so.

"What do you think!"

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the anger in the heart and the feeling of uneasiness, the old man headed, asked the two old people around him!


After hearing the head of the old man, the two old men said almost at the same time.

Wang family escape?

Maybe others think so. But they can't.

People are old.

The first time, they felt that it was not good!

In the past few days, everything has been too calm and calm.

Wang Jia really speaks so well, really so bullying? impossible!

If it is the king's family, then it is not the royal family.

There are four major families, four holy places and the reaction of the Mozu.

This time, their reaction seems to... it seems too calm.

What is the relationship between them and the Wang family? Everyone knows.

But this time, the Ninetowns Alliance has to deal with the Wang family, the four major families, the four holy places, and even the Mozu, and they have not made the slightest sound. This is a strange thing. ,

Add the move of the current Wang family...

"Not good! Fast, let people leave the city!"

Thinking of this, the three old men looked at each other and almost exclaimed at the same time.


Exit the dry city!

At the very least, it can't be dispersed as it is now.

If everything in front of you is a trap of the royal family, then what the king wants is already self-evident.

Wang, you have to fight back.

At this time, letting their people spread apart is undoubtedly a way of seeking a dead end.

Thinking of this, the three old people made the decision in the first place.

Exit the dry city first, then at the very least, now the first time, let people unite. Can not be separated, can not give the Wang family even the slightest chance.

However, even so, the reaction of the three old men is still too slow.

Because, at this time, the command may be executed the first time.

Because, at this time, the entire dry city has been confused.

Knife and blood shadow.

The figure fell down.

In the midst of chaos, the Ninetowns Alliance has already had seven or eight younger generations of warriors.

The strength is not very strong, but it is the future of the Ninetowns Alliance.

Screams, exclamations, roars, and moments filled with night.


Get the news from the front, and the old man who is headed is almost crazy.

"What about people? What about the Wang family?"

After all the people gathered, the old man who was headed was almost roaring.

His face is even distorted at this moment.



This is what the old man wants to know.

Where is the Wang family?

Now, in the early chaos, the people were scattered and suffered a sneak attack. In just a short period of time, more than ten people were successively degraded.

Although they are purely martial artists who have not been rebuilt, these people are the future of the Ninetowns Alliance. They are all good young talents in the Ninetowns League.

Unexpectedly, more than ten people were lost. This kind of loss is enough to make people crazy.

What is more maddening is that the Wang family is as if hiding in the air.

They killed more than a dozen of them, but the Wang family’s people still have no trace.

As if they didn’t exist at all.

The result is that no matter who you are, I am afraid that it is unacceptable.


In the anger of the old man, for a time in the field, he fell into the silence of death.

Even, some young, or weak, warriors are pale.

The Wang family has brought tremendous pressure on them.

Before contempt, the previous disdain, disappeared at the moment, and some are only dignified!

As if the dry city at the moment is a beast with a big mouth. He is ruthlessly swallowing a life. It seems as if all eyes are staring at them all the time, waiting for them to let go, give them a fatal blow.

This feeling is enough to make people creepy.

"Damn, no accident, it is probably the shadow of the king's hidden in the dark, that is, their shadow guard."

In the silence of death, someone finally said quietly.

Wang Jiayingwei, this is a mysterious existence. But no one knows.

In today's situation, the first time, people think of the shadow guards.

"Wang, what do you want?"

When I heard the voice from the crowd, the old man who was headed was more and more gloomy.

All the kings have left, and the rest are lurking in the dry city? What is this going to do?

Does the Wang family think that relying on the shadow guards can compete with their Ninetowns Alliance?

Yes, the shadow guard is very mysterious and difficult to deal with, but people don't want to touch it. However, if the Ninetowns Alliance reacts, will the shadow guards have a chance?

"We are now..."

A lot of people looked at the old man who was headed and couldn’t help but ask.

The atmosphere is extremely heavy.

There is an absolute initiative, but now it is as if it is very embarrassing, which makes everyone feel wrong.

Now, what should they do?

"We are now..."

Feel the look of everyone's dignity, take a deep breath for the first old man, faceless expression.


Just, it’s not waiting for the old man to finish his words. Suddenly, he suddenly changed his look.

A green rune floats out of the old man's pocket and blasts in the air without warning.

"How come, **** it, Ruicheng, how is it going to Ruicheng..."

The old man’s face is ugly.

A kind of person in the field, watching the news after the rune blasted, could not help but exclaim.

This green rune blew up, bringing a shocking message to everyone.

Ruicheng encountered an attack, and the Wang family appeared in Ruicheng...

In an instant, this news, like the thunder of the flat, blasted in everyone's heart, so that everyone's brain even fell into the blank.


This is the real purpose of the Wang family.

This is the counterattack of the Wang family?

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