Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 350: Liwei (on)

The Ninetowns League wants to play, and Wang Jiafeng stays with him.

This is the thought in Sun Yifan's heart at the moment.

Yes, the situation of the Wang family is very bad now, but the main reason is because Wang Jiaji is a dragon pavilion.

If it is the shot of the Dragon Pavilion, the Wang family naturally has no hope.

But, the Ninetowns League.

The king is not afraid! Not to be afraid.

Because behind the Ninetowns Alliance, there is a bigger crisis.

Today, just a nine-city alliance stands up.

If the king can't do something, more people will stand up.

Now those people are watching and waiting for the actions of the Wang family. If Wang Jia does not have enough powerful counterattacks, then they will not mind coming up to separate the Wang family. That is a bigger crisis.

Sun Yifan is very smart, he naturally sees this.

So, he has to fight back, and it needs a powerful counterattack.

Only if the Ninetowns Alliance is completely smashed, the guys who are eager to try will be able to extinguish the flames in their hearts and let them be completely honest.

As for the family, the most worried about the dragon pavilion.

Now the Dragon Pavilion is helping the Ninetowns Alliance. How can Sun Yifan not know this?

If there is no help from the Dragon Pavilion, I am afraid that the Ninetowns Alliance will not dare to make such a move.

However, this help is limited.

Wang’s preparations for so many days, if even the help of the Dragon Pavilion to the Ninetowns Alliance can’t be suppressed, how can they face the coming bigger crisis, how do they counter the Dragon Pavilion? .

Thinking of this, Sun Yifan took a deep breath, his eyes flashed, and the killing machine was stunned.

"If this is the case, use the Ninetowns Alliance to sacrifice the flag."

Squinting, Sun Yifan snorted and quickly arranged his plan.

Wang family, this big family, in an instant, under the command of Sun Yifan, began to act.

Between the vagueness, a mad and dignified atmosphere enveloped the sky above the king's house.


"Wang family, what will happen."

"Oh my God, this time, the Wangjiahe Ninetowns Alliance is afraid that it will really not die."

"The storm is still coming. This time, the Wang family has no hope."

"Ninetowns Alliance, if this time, Wang Jia really thought that only the Ninetowns Alliance started with them, then they are very wrong."

In the Wang family's intensive preparations to fight back, when the Ninetowns Union was gearing up, the entire battlefield was boiling.

A few days after the silence, finally the storm began to kick off.

The Ninetowns Alliance took the lead.

Out of expectations, but it is also reasonable.

After all, the Ninetowns Alliance and Wang Jiaben have a **** revenge.

Today, the Ninetowns League is not too shocking.

Just, a little smarter, how can you not see the hidden things behind this.

The Ninetowns League is really just taking the lead.

This matter, involving, is far more than the Ninetowns League, the Dragon Pavilion, and too many families and forces are involved in this matter.

The Ninetowns Alliance shot at this time, which made people think of more things.

Behind the Ninetowns Alliance, the people who stood still couldn’t stand it anymore. The Wang family, who needs to face it, is not just a simple nine-city alliance.

There was a storm that didn’t know how long it took, so that everyone felt suffocated, but it was also full of shock.

It may be a battle that can change the entire battlefield.

Of course, among them, more people are not optimistic about the Wang family.

However, this is irrelevant.

Afterwards, the coming battle is enough to make people feel thrilled.

It’s probably this time to take a shot and move the whole body.

All those who are concerned about this storm, at this time, seem to hold their breath.

Black cloud pressures the city.

The sky above the Ninetowns Alliance seems to be covered with a layer of dark clouds.

The nine sons are fallen.

This news is undoubtedly the same as a thunderous thunder, blasting in the Ninetowns League.

There is a loss.


The news about the fall of Jiugongzi came.

Add the big son who fell a long time ago...

In an instant, within the Ninetowns League, the atmosphere is low and people are suffocating.

Dagong son, nine sons...

The status of these two people within the Ninetowns League, it is no need to say more, is the people of the Ninetowns League, even as long as the people inside the battlefield, it is impossible to not know the nine sons and the big son.

This is the true Tianjiao of the Ninetowns League, two of the three great arrogance.

They have always been the pride of the Ninetowns Alliance. They represent the younger generation of the Ninetowns Alliance, representing the future of the Ninetowns Alliance.

No one will doubt their future height.

Everyone has already made Jiugongzi and Dagongzi a successor to the future of the Ninetowns Alliance.

However, now.

The loss is coming from one after another.

The first is the fall of the big man, which has made the Ninetowns League angry enough.

If it is said that the fall of the Dagongzi can still be reluctantly accepted, then the subsequent bad news is unacceptable.

After all, Dagongzi is like a dog at home.

His family was destroyed, and his beggars had already betrayed him. His strength was far from being comparable to that of the Nine.

Compared with the nine sons, Dagongzi, slightly inferior.

So, his death is not enough to make the Ninetowns League crazy.

A big son who doesn't have much added value is at most a rare powerhouse.

But, nine sons.

The bad news of Jiugongzi’s fall is completely plunging into the wrath of the entire Jiucheng League.

The fall of Dagongzi can be suppressed.

The fall of Jiugongzi, the anger brought by it, is absolutely impossible to suppress.

Nine sons are at the peak of his life, his future, and endless possibilities, his family is still strong, and he has unparalleled prestige and status within the Ninetowns League.

But now, he is fallen.

This shock to the Ninetowns Alliance can be imagined.

In a flash, the Ninetowns Alliance is crazy.

"Wang Chen, must be Wang Chen."

"Jiu Gongzi went to Cangcheng. In the beginning, it was to deal with Wang Chen. However, Wang Chen did not expect to escape into the wild space. Then, Jiugongzi went all the way. Now, Wang Chen’s whereabouts are unknown, and the nine sons are poor. Chasing after.

Now the nine sons have fallen, and they have an inseparable relationship with Wang Chen.

In grief and anger, someone took the lead to roar loudly.

Wang Chen, this is undoubtedly the most resentful person in the Ninetowns League, and the one who is most likely to have an accident in the Nine.

The fall of Dagongzi has been confirmed to have an inseparable relationship with Wang Chen.

Nine sons.

I am afraid that is the same.

The anger in the heart is finally unable to suppress.

The Ninetowns Alliance vented all the anger to the Wang family.

"Remove the king's family and kill Wang Chen."

It’s just a short half-day, a roar of noise, coming from the Ninetowns League.

After that, in the middle of the night, a mighty team no longer concealed and went straight to the dry city of the king's house.

Even, in order to get rid of the Wang family as soon as possible, the Ninetowns Union is willing to let go of the four holy places and the four big families, even the Mozu, closer to them. They must take the lead in destroying the Wang family.

Perhaps even the Ninetowns League is very clear that the examples around the Wang family are too majestic and can be easily eliminated without wanting to eliminate them.

Wang Jiacai is the core.

The thief first smashed the king, this is the natural way of the Ninetowns League.

With the current anger, they chose the Wang family for the first time, which is not unfounded.

The anger of the Ninetowns Alliance shows the ultimate in this moment.

Even, the entire battlefield, the eyes of everyone, are also attracted to the Ninetowns League at this moment.

The storm is coming, everyone feels it, but I never thought that this storm was so fierce.

After only a day's separation, the Ninetowns Alliance suddenly became mad and desperate to win the King's.

This storm has just begun, which is directly sublimated to the peak level, which has caused many people to open their eyes.

Wang, what will happen.

The war is about to kick off.

A flame will soon burn the entire battlefield.


"How is the situation."

The outside world is screaming, and the storm is sweeping toward the king of the Kancheng. However, the Wang family, who is the party, is still calm.

Even, calm is unbelievable.

Under the night, Wang Jiafu was in the middle of the room. At this moment, Sun Yifan was quietly sitting in the study room. After taking a sip of tea, he whispered.

How the situation is.

Although sitting firmly in the Wang family, although it seems that the ancient well has no waves, but Sun Yifan may not have the slightest preparation.

Everything to be prepared is ready.

Now, Sun Yifan is concerned about the Ninetowns League. has been set up.

Ninetowns Alliance, dare to try it.

Sun Yifan looked at the front quietly.

"It has already been dispatched. This time, the Ninetowns Union has come with a determination to win. Many people have come. According to our statistics, it should exceed half of the strength of the Ninetowns Alliance."

After Sun Yifan’s voice fell, in his gaze, suddenly, a black figure appeared in front of the sky.

The most mysterious film guard of the Wang family stood in front of Sun Yifan.

The Ninetowns Alliance’s every move is under their control.

"More than half of the power, those old guys."

Get the answer from the defender, Sun Yifan brows and asks, and asks with interest.

"The old guys, there are not many who are dispatched, and more are guarded in the core."

The shadow guard said simply.

"Well, it’s normal. The four big families and the four holy places are still there. The Mozus have some moves. These people have to guard against them. However, in such a situation, they can come up with so much. The power is too high to see our king."

Sun Yifan nodded and suddenly laughed.

"Go on, let's move, they want to play, we will accompany you, tonight, so that they can have a good time to play."

Sun Yifan’s mouth is full of strange smiles, very cold.

He, waiting for this day.

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