Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 330: Crash out of the fog area

The ‘the lost’ land. Read the full text of the latest chapter...

As if he realized what was going on, Wang Chen felt suffocated.

In the immediate situation, Wang Chen did not encounter it.

A similar situation, Wang Chen has encountered! At the very least, when returning from the core of the sea eye and appearing next to the holy spring, Wang Chen encountered a similar situation.

It’s just that, at the time, the danger was on the bright side. That fog, with horrible lethality.

But, that time, Wang Chen and Hao Tian and others insisted on coming over.

And now?

Now, the crisis has not appeared.

This is the biggest crisis.

The danger of hiding in the dark is the real danger. How could Wang Chen not know this?

Looking at the mist that is constantly flowing around, Wang Chen’s face ‘color’ has become ugly.

At this moment, he seems to be trapped in the endless fog.

If this is the case, what danger will be encountered, Wang Chen can't even imagine.

"How could this be..."

And soon, Wang Chen is aware of more serious problems.

After the fog was all around and the whole person was enveloped in it, Wang Chen felt that the fog had slowly entered his body along the holistic hole of his body.

The speed is very slow and almost impossible to detect.

Especially before, when the fog was not so rich, Wang Chen was still undetectable.

Now, with the fog, Wang Chen finally noticed it.

This awareness made Wang Chen’s heart shocked.

If only these fogs enter their bodies, Wang Chen may not care too much.

However, Wang Chen realized that after the fog entered his body, he began to devour his own energy. Moreover, as the energy is swallowed, these fogs become more powerful.

Every minute, every second, the speed of these mists consuming energy seems to be increasing.

There is a lot of accumulation, so if you go on, Wang Chen’s energy will fall into endless loss. The final result will be that Wang Chen will be the dog of the family because of the loss of energy.


Feeling this, Wang Chen couldn't help but scream.

The situation seems worse than imagined.

"Give me a roll!"

A cold voice, Wang Chen’s face ‘color’ is unprecedentedly cold.

Since this situation has been detected, Wang Chen naturally cannot let this situation continue.

This passive situation must change.


With the coldness of Wang Chen, the vitality of the body is working.

Dragons are running on Sundays, and the endless ‘mixed’ chaos is like a half of the sea.

Devouring, swallowing, and then swallowing.

If it is an ordinary warrior, you may be caught in endless trouble at the moment. Because, these fogs, as if they have life, are extremely difficult to expel. However, Wang Chen is different.

The extraordinary power of ‘hybrid’ is destined to be different from ordinary people.

The power of ‘mixing’ chaos can swallow everything in the world, but it is the beginning of everything. No matter how strange the fog is, it can't escape the evolution of ‘mixed’. At this time, the power of ‘mixing’ is naturally the most powerful side.


The endless ‘mixed’ chaos force, under the urging of Wang Chen, also shows the embarrassing side.

The energy connection in Dantian's small world was mobilized by Wang Chen.

Expand back.

Devouring, anti-phagocytosis.

Wang Chen’s body is now a magnificent battlefield, and is carrying out a ‘strong’ battle.

"You must leave this place as soon as possible!"

Until the situation in the body gradually controlled, after the ‘mixed’ chaos force finally fully occupied the upper hand, Wang Chen frowned and muttered to himself.

The crisis was discovered and was temporarily contained. However, the situation has not changed.

As long as the fog is deep, Wang Chen will fall into an extremely embarrassing situation. All he can do is passive resistance.

Leave this foggy area.

Perhaps, only then can you get rid of the current situation.

Unfortunately, the current situation, where is it so good to leave?

Looking around, Wang Chen’s face ‘color’ is incomparably ‘yin’.

Unexpectedly, I just escaped a tiger 'hole' and now I am caught in the wolf's nest.

"Come out!"

A deep breath, Wang Chen said with no expression.

With the voice of Wang Chen falling, a figure flashed past and appeared in front of Wang Chen.

‘Pharmaceutical’ king! Yes, at this moment, Wang Chen summoned the ‘medicine’ king.

Want to leave by your ability? Not impossible. However, it is too difficult.

The direction cannot be clearly identified. If Wang Chen relies on himself, the most likely situation will be that he will fall into the boundless fog, completely trapped in this lost land and eventually unable to leave.

The possibility of being able to leave is too small.

The ‘medicine’ king is the best existence. At this time, Wang Chen naturally will not let go of such a existence, and choose to take risks.

More than staying in this thick fog for a second, Wang Chen may be in danger.

Wang Chen thought of the situation in the previous two days.

In the depths of the first two days, Wang Chen was able to cultivate and recover in the underground space, and did not suffer from the thick fog. Today, perhaps, the underground world is the best place to go.

"Damn, how could it be this ghost place. ‘Mixed’ eggs, you... How come you came here?!”

Not waiting for Wang Chen to open, the ‘medicine’ king who appeared in the thick fog was stepped on the tail and jumped up.

Looking at the fog around, the sputum of the king of medicine suddenly shrank.

As if, I seem to see his most fearful things in general.

"Leave, damn, leave here. Kid, you stay here, you can only wait to die!"

After the exclamation, watching Wang Chen, the ‘medicine’ king is more anxious to say.

"Do you know this place? Array? Or..."

The reaction of the king of medicine, let Wang Chen brow a pick, could not help but ask.

"It's not a battle. The law? Hey, the array still can't reach this point. Kid, this is just the beginning, one hour, at most one hour, you will encounter more horrible things. Come with me!"

A deep breath, ‘medicine’ Wang’s ‘color’ is ugly.

Then, even if you don’t give Wang Chen the opportunity to talk, it’s pulling Wang Chen, and his body shape flashes into the underground world.


Icy, cold and endless.

Under this dense fog area, Wang Chen felt endless cold.

It seems to be the opposite of the ordinary underground world? It seems to be a world of ice.

Wang Chen is even more amazed that in this underground world, there is gradually a layer of fog at this moment, and a layer of ice begins to condense.


Looking at this scene, Wang Chen’s eyes widened.

It seems that he knows why the ‘medicine’ king will have just responded.

The situation in this underground world is not much better than the above.

The cold biting, this temperature is definitely not something that ordinary people can bear.

Even, Rao is Wang Chen, and he can't help feeling blood coagulation.

Around white, let Wang Chen frown.

The situation is very bad.

"'Mixed' egg, it turned out to be this place. You actually stepped into this area. Fortunately, fortunately, there is no deep in too much. Otherwise, I can't save you, Xiaoye, we can only Waiting for death!"

Wang Chen was secretly surprised, but the ‘medicine’ king was ugly.

With Wang Chen, as if in the underground world, around the ‘fascination’ palace, the figure is flashing and changing direction.

It seems that I am familiar with this situation. However, despite the constant change of direction, the ‘medicine’ king did not hesitate.

And, as you move forward, Wang Chen gradually discovered that the temperature is rising. That bitter cold is disappearing.

The white ‘color’ around it is fading.

It seems that they gradually left the area?

This makes Wang Chen look at the ‘medicine’ king around him, and his eyes become unusual again.

It seems that this little guy, is there something else to look at?

Thinking of this, Wang Chen’s heart is more skeptical.

But now, it’s obviously not the time to ask.

What Wang Chen can do is to follow the ‘medicine’ king and make a quick breakout.


In the dark world, I don’t know how long it took, finally, when that coldness completely disappeared, when everything returned to calm, the ‘medicine’ king stopped.

Returning back to the ground, Wang Chen and the ‘medicine’ king are not allowed to sit on the ground and take a big breath.

Looking in the distance, hundreds of meters ahead, it is the tendency of dense fog.

The fog is constantly getting rich.

It’s a Wang Chen who was familiar with hundreds of meters ago, and the river that he spent today seems to be a barrier.

The side of the river is thick fog, and on the other side of the river, everything is normal.

This strange scene is between this world.

"Wheep... I finally escaped. 'Mixed' egg, Xiaoye, I was almost killed by you. Almost a little, you know? You know where it is? You know if you just You call me later, will we all die? Do you know that if it is a later hour, even if the real **** appears, it may not be able to save you?"

After breathing, wait until it calms down and look at Wang Chen. The ‘medicine’ can’t help but face the ugly ugly face.

He has a lingering heart.

"What do you know? Tell me!"

When listening to the words of the ‘medicine’ king, Wang Chen brows and turns to ask.

The ‘medicine’ king is clearly aware of this place, and Wang Chen’s doubts in his heart need to be solved.

He doesn't like the feeling.

Especially after the experience of dancing snow and the South Sea Supreme.

Dancing Qingxue and Nanhai Sage, they have too many things to hide Wang Chen, they seem to know everything, but they never told Wang Chen.

This has made Wang Chen very uncomfortable.

Now, it’s the turn of the ‘medicine’ king.

And, this is not the first time.

The body of the ‘medicine’ is also hiding many things that Wang Chen does not know.

Even, it can be said that the 'medicine' king has the existence of a criminal record.

At the very least, isn’t it necessary to be concealed once?

This time, Wang Chen does not want to continue to be unclear.

He stared at the ‘medicine’ king, waiting for the answer from the ‘medicine’ king.

Perhaps, what some amazing news will be known from the ‘medicine’ king’s mouth? At the very least, Wang Chen can be sure.

The ‘medicine’ king should know where this is.

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