Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 314: Completely crush!

A terrible wave of horror.

In the roar of the roar, Wang Chen only felt that he seemed to fall into the middle of the ocean, turning into a lonely boat, as if he could sink at any time.


In the face of the suffocating pressure, Wang Chen looked ugly and screamed.

"Get me off!"

Time is in a hurry, what Wang Chen can do is to directly punch a fist.


The air wave exploded.

The whole space seems to be distorted.

The power of the blood is promoted to the extreme.

At this moment, Wang Chen’s long hair is turned into a bright red color, and Rao is so obvious in the dim light.

Long hair flies, muscles creep around the body.

There is no time here...

In a flash, the body seems to blast.

Wang Chen seems to have become a strong man in an instant.

The benefits of refining the remnants of the gods and the blood of the gods are revealed in this moment.

Even if the Emperor of Heaven is not able to pass the magical powers. However, it is almost the same now.


The roar came.

Wang Chen and Gao Zhan's one move, an instant confrontation.


The roar of the roar, the one after another, the waves of the waves collided together, what a shock?


Just, very quickly, in the shock, Wang Chen snorted, but it was squirting two blood.

He was astonished and pale.


Reluctantly rushed out and quit more than ten steps, Wang Chen avoided the shame of lying on the ground.

"Oh! It's a good thing, can you resist it? It seems that Quanlong's waste is in your hands, but it's not awkward! But such strength is not enough to kill Gaotian, come again!"

Looking at Wang Chen actually resisted one of his own moves, Gao Chan brows a pick.

This trick, he did not play all the strength. However, such a move, if the power dragon is categorically squatting on the ground.

There is a reluctance to insist that he has this battle with Quanlong.


In the cold, Gao Zhan is a bang.

This move still does not show all the strength. However, it is also similar to Gao Tian’s peak strike.

"Give me a break!"

Looking at Gao Zhan is a punch, the momentum is even worse, Wang Chen took a deep breath and looked gloomy.

Gao Zhan, is this want to test your strength? Or how?

Wang Chen felt grievances and shame.

In Gao Zhan’s eyes, he seems to be an ant?

"Pro, soldier, bucket, person..."

In one breath, Wang Chen Shi exhibited the eight-character mantra.

Yes, today's Wang Chen has been able to display the eight-character mantra in a coherent manner.

The nine-character mantra, the last word remaining can not be consistently displayed.

This is so, the eight-character mantra is coherent, and the power is not afraid of the ordinary magic.

长兵, sharp blade, Shura, demon...

The sky instantly became wonderful.

A wave of turmoil has made the entire dark world full of color.




This time, a burst of impact, it seems even more fierce.

In the sound of percussion, I saw that Gao Zhan’s **** was actually alive.

Then, in the endless waves, Wang Chen and Gao Zhan's look could not help but change.


Until the roaring sound fell, the long soldiers broke, the Shura fell, the saint disappeared, and what was illusory, Wang Chen suddenly retreated.

Gao Zhan is still still moving!

It’s another move, and Wang Chen once again fell to the bottom.

"Good. I still looked down on you!"

Until Wang Chen stabilized his figure, Gao Zhan only sneered.

Wang Chen?

Not bad!

It seems that there is no reputation under the prestigious name!

Wang Chen, able to occupy a place in the Ninetowns League, let the Ninetowns Union eat a dumb loss, it is not unreasonable.

"But everything, stop here. I believe that you can kill the dragon and beat the sky. But, for me? You have no chance. Now, let me completely destroy you!"

High-sounding tone, became proud.

He has a proud capital.

Wang Chen? He has never been in the eye.

The two previous moves are just temptations.

See if Wang Chen really killed Quanlong and Gaotian.

Now that it is confirmed, there is no need to waste time.


The voice fell, and Gao Zhan’s body bowed slightly, like a cheetah.


The sturdy body is like a boulder rolling, and everything is destroyed by him.

The sound of the blast of the air is endless, and people can’t help but tremble.

"Good strength."

The pupil suddenly contracted, watching Gao Zhan, who was killed, Wang Chen’s heart jumped.

"Seven steps in the sky!"

Do not think much, Wang Chen wants to win more opportunities for himself.

Sky seven steps!

Wang Chen directly displayed seven steps in the earthquake.


Every step is like a shock.

Each step, the whole space seems to be shaking.

Powerful pressure, under pressure, makes space seem to start to collapse!


Do not retreat, seven steps out, the distance between Wang Chen and Gao Zhan is no longer ten meters.

Wang Chen directly hit a boxing shot.

"Well? Great magic?"

Since Wang Chen stepped out of the seven steps of the earthquake, Gao Zhan was a bit strange.

Now, Wang Chen’s fist hits the sky, and Gao Zhan directly raises his eyes.

Wang Chen, it seems to have hidden a lot.

Great powers? He was even a big god.

It seems that his brother Gao Tian is likely to be defeated by this great supernatural powers?

Also, let yourself be taught.

"The way of gravity? But so, your strength, want to suppress me? Imagine! Give me a break!"

In the face of the gravity of the pressure on his body, Gao Zhan’s eyes burst open.


The body shape is shocking, like a tiger screaming.

It seems as though, behind the high Zhan, a tiger rushes to the sky.


The road of gravity is directly twisted and torn.

The effect of the seven steps of Wang Chen Zhentian is broken.

Good strength.

Relying on the momentum, relying on the real force of the outside, even a life broke the road.

This kind of domineering is what ordinary people can do? Rao is Wang Chen, but it is definitely not possible.

Zhentianquan once again encountered trouble.

As in the absolute strength, the trespassers are ingenious.

The road of gravity was torn, and the greatest power of Zhentianquan was broken.


When Wang Chen was in shape, Gao Zhan’s counterattack was coming.


One punch and Wang Chen’s Zhentianquan directly hit each other.


The dull crash sounds with a crisp crack.


Wang Chen couldn't help but scream.

His sacred stunned, his arms almost twisted.

Flesh splash, blood spray.

The bones of Senran are even broken.


The mouth is even more sprayed with blood.

At this moment, Wang Chen almost feels dizzy.

The power of horror is a good blow.

How powerful is Wang Chen’s body? For his own body, Wang Chen has always been full of confidence. He has cultivated the star quenching body, and his body is not comparable to ordinary people. Even his body is stronger than some of the god-level practitioners.

This kind of body can be said to be the realm of pure and positive.

Know that Wang Chen, nowadays, has already been a star, and has the level of the life star.

However, what I didn’t expect was that Gao Zhan’s body was stronger.

Wang Chen’s body suffered from crushing.

The arm blasts in an instant, as if the fireworks are blooming.

Among the powerful forces, the blood in Wang Chen’s body was awkward.

A moment of suffocation brings a clear sense of death.


Then, Wang Chen was thrown out by the whole man.


Flying hundreds of meters, Wang Chen fell to the ground.

The body seems to be falling apart. Wang Chen’s mind is blank.

Crushing! He was completely crushed. Zhentianquan was directly crushed by the other side.

Wang Chen’s heart is mixed.

More is frightening.

So high, is it that Wang Chen can deal with it now?

"Hey? Strength is just that. Great powers, on the body, wasted. People like you, are eligible to have great powers?"

A shot hits Wang Chen, but Gao Zhan is not in a hurry.

He looked coldly at Wang Chen, who was struggling like a reptile in the distance: "Hand over your great powers, I can give you a happy way to die. Otherwise, you will die better than death!"

Gao Zhan picked up his own eyes.


Wang Chenxi spit out a **** water, said coldly.

Hand over the great powers?

Thinking too well!

Do Gao Zhan look at his own big Shentong? Also, how precious is the great god.

The gods level, there may not be a few people who have great powers.

Extraordinary magical powers, can't compete with the great supernatural powers at all.

I am afraid, Gao Zhan may not have a big magical power?

Now, have you seen your big magic? Will Wang Chenxi hand it to him?


Death, not terrible.

Wang Chen does not want to die.

So, he did not hesitate to drink directly.

"I don't know how to live!"

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, Gao Chan’s face brush was gloomy.

Reject yourself?

Wang Chen dared to reject himself? What capital does he refuse?

Don't die, dare to be so strong? It seems that he really does not know what is life is better than death.

"I will let you hand over everything!"

The mouth of Gao Zhan’s mouth reveals a **** sneer.


The voice just fell, and the whole person of Gao Chan disappeared in the same place.

"Not good!"

And Wang Chen, who has already taken care of the pain in his body, exclaimed loudly.

Gao Zhan, once again shot.

Wang Chen can't even see Gao Zhan's figure.

Fast speed, terrible momentum.

"The devil dances!"

"Flat Steps!"

Grit your teeth, and in an instant, Wang Chen is also acting.


The pace at the foot flashes, and Wang Chen is on the ground and is blasting away.

Days of magic dance into the blue sky? This is the move that Wang Chen learned with Bodhi.

Pingbu Qingyun is a supernatural power.

Today, the fusion of the devils and the more and more close to the level of the great supernatural powers.

It’s faster and more stylistic.


Between the flashes, Wang Chen dragged out a row of ghosts.

"Golden worms, dare to let go? Escape? You have no way to escape! I said, you will be born better than death. Give me a kneeling!"

However, Wang Chen has not retired too far. Suddenly, his ear is a cold voice.

This makes Wang Chen almost jump up.

Because, looking around, Wang Chen suddenly found that Gao Zhan, actually appeared behind him.

Fast speed, more strange body shape.

This is Gao Zhan!

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