Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 273: The choice of Wan Tao (on)

c_t; "No..."

"Wang Chen, you can't kill him!"

When you look at it and Wang Chen’s sword in his hand, he refers to Wan Tao. In the distance, everyone in the distance seems to have suffocated. -79-

Wan Tao, this is the last hope of their family.

If Wan Tao fell down like this... Wanjia is completely hopeless.

Think of this, everyone in Wanjia can't help but feel cold.

Endless desperation, sweeping the king's family in it.

At this moment, Wanjia is so powerless.

The original glory is really no longer.

Even, at this moment, in desperation, the people of Wanjia began to regret.

Repenting why the family wanted to offend Wang Chen? If you are not guilty of Wang Chen, you should not sin the words of the king's family, as for the genocide?

The more they regret it is the decision of this period of time.

Until now, they are not until they have been blinded by hatred.

If it is not hate, why do they come together with the Ninetowns Alliance?

If they did not come together with the Ninetowns Alliance, would they encounter this disaster? They had the opportunity not to participate in this matter, avoiding the catastrophe of today.

But now...

A moment, sadness came from the heart, and the people of Wanjia began to cry.

"Get up, fight again!"

However, what makes everyone in Wanwan strange is that the soldiers of Yuanli who had been lifted by Wang Chen did not fall.

Standing in front of Wan Tao, at this moment, Wang Chen’s ‘color’ is indifferent, but there is no such murderous reading in his eyes;

Looking at Wan Tao in front of him, Wang Chen said directly.

Re-war? !

Yes, it’s a fight.

Killing Wan Tao?

Not so simple.

Wang Chen is very clear about what is the current situation of Wan Tao.

It looks like a wolf, but Wan Tao has a very strong fighting power.

Before the duel, in the absolute speed, Wang Chen is only taking advantage of a little.

If it is not a step-by-step cloud, the previous ‘transfer’ front, Wang Chen may not be able to win.

If it wasn't for the last move, the sword would be the ultimate power, and Wan Tao would not be so fast.

Rage is so, the damage of Wan Tao is inevitably far less serious than imagined. [See the latest chapter of the book, please go to]

He can still fight.

Wang Chen, still want to fight with him.

At the very least, Wan Tao has no means to display it!


When I heard Wang Chen’s words, even Wan Tao’s eyes flashed a strange god’s ‘color’.

Looking up at Wang Chen, Wan Tao was silent for a moment, and suddenly his mouth ‘show’ had a self-deprecating smile: “No fight? No need! I lost!”

A sigh, Wan Tao said in a lonely way.


Wan Tao actually gave up the idea of ​​re-warming.

He slowly closed his eyes.

As if at this moment, Wan Tao has already accepted his life.

"No... Big Brother, you can't admit defeat..."

"Wan Tao, get up... fight again, kill Wang Chen!"

The words of Wan Tao can be described as a stone breaking.

Wang Chen’s words of re-war, so that everyone in the family seems to have seen the light in despair.

They seem to see a glimmer of light.

In that moment, all the people in the family had a hot heart.

They are not finished yet, they have not yet entered an irretrievable position, and there is hope.

Wan Tao, as long as Wan Tao can kill Wang Chen, they can reverse the situation.

The hopes of everyone are placed on Wan Tao.

But who thought, Wan Tao gave up the fight again? Did he accept his life?

The words of Wan Tao, for those who have hope in the city, for Wanjia, for the left, it seems to be a blue sky.

I can't believe it.

Why did Wan Tao give up?

They can't imagine.

A moment, an array of anxious exclamations and roars came.

They crave, they are urgent...


Everyone around you feels incredible.

At this time, isn’t Wan Tao supposed to make the last stroke?

Even Wang Chen, so think of reads;

So, when you hear the words of Wan Tao, the strangeness in Wang Chen’s heart can be said to be no less than the number of people in Wanjia.

When looking at Wan Tao in front of him, Wang Chen frowned.

This Wan Tao, from the beginning to the present, is an unusual feeling for Wang Chen.

He is a million people?

He should hate himself and hate the Wang family.

But why, he will give up?

Even, in the previous battles, Wang Chen did not feel that it was like a real murder from Wan Tao.

He, as if there is no killing, fighting.

Why is this again?

In Wang Chen’s heart, there are too many doubts and confuses.

The hand of Yuan Lizhi, he looked at Wan Tao in front of him.

"Why? No reason! Fight again? Do you need to fight again? The result, isn't it already out? Even if I can fight again, but it's dying. The situation can't be reversed!"

In the face of Wang Chen’s inquiry, Wan Tao smiled a bit, opened his eyes and looked at Wang Chen again, Shen Sheng said.

At this moment, Wan Tao’s eyes are desolate.

At this moment, he looked into the distance, as if he was old.


This may be life.

In the previous ‘combat’ battle, the outcome has been clearly defined.

Wan Tao clearly understood the strength of Wang Chen. He has also demonstrated his strength.

He is very clear, even if the outcome of the war will be.

Maybe, it will last for a while.

But what about that? Dying struggled to read;

Since I know that it will be such an ending, why bother?

"The situation can't be reversed. But you can at least escape. I can't stop you!"

When listening to Wan Tao’s words, Wang Chen still locked his brows and said with a deep voice.

Yes, as Wan Tao said, the result of the collapse of Wanjia, the result of the change of the city to the dynasty, can not be reversed.

But if Wan Tao is going to leave, no one can leave him with his strength.

Even, Wang Chen can't do it.

Wan Tao has combat power and is still very strong.

If you fight again, it is not a simple matter for Wang Chen to win.

The power of the life of Wanjia has not been shown yet, and the avatar of Wan Tao has not yet been revealed. His incarnation has not even been released.

In this case, the strength of Wan Tao can be seen.

While it is necessary to defeat Wan Tao, Wang Chen is afraid to pay a heavy price. He is leaving, no one can leave him there.

With the strength of Wan Tao, if you escape, there will always be a big worry for the Wang family.

He wants revenge, not a dream.

He, why are you giving up?

Wang Chen looked at Wan Tao and waited for the answer.

"Escape? Where did you escape? The dog of the family? Hehe..."

In the face of Wang Chen’s inquiry, Wan Tao laughed at himself with self-deprecating.



Wan Tao did not think about fleeing.

Let the family down, let go of everything and become a dog of funeral?

Heavenly land, he wants to find a place to live, can indeed find.

But he is tired.

Wantao, too proud.

No one knows what is the pride of Wan Tao.

It is precisely because of this pride that Wan Tao chose to give up.

I used to have a heart, and I want to help.

But the reality is that Wan Tao knows that he has not reached that point.

Today is his last choice.

If he beats Wang Chen, he will definitely fight.

Even if he can't turn things around, he will choose to escape and make a comeback.

He will leave as a winner.

But now, everything is impossible.

The failure to fight with Wang Chen is doomed to be the result.

"Why do you want this!"

As if I felt the sadness in Wan Tao’s heart, Wang Chen asked inquiries.

As if, Wang Chen felt the mood of Wan Tao.

There was a sadness that made Wang Chen feel the same.

If today, only Wan Tao is a person, he wants to go, no one can stop, he will inevitably choose to leave.

But, unfortunately, here is Cangcheng, here is the last foundation of Wanjia.

The pride, the mission, let Wan Tao choose to stay.

If one day, the Wang family encounters such a situation, Wang Chen will leave, will leave all the people, all the relatives, all friends?

Maybe not.

Because they are also proud people's reads;

This choice may be unwise, but...

Wang Chen’s intuition tells Wang Chen that this is not that simple.

The unusual performance of Wan Tao seems to hide something.

"You are the inheritance of the true God, the mission of the family, they have forgotten, but I have never forgotten. I am a family, not everyone is ungrateful..."

There was a glimmer of light in the eyes, and Wan Tao stared at Wang Chen suddenly, and Shen Sheng said.

After saying this, it seems that for a moment, Wan Tao’s heart has completely relaxed.

This is his secret.

How long does this secret have been in the bottom of my heart?

Even after the Wanjia made their choice, this secret is almost too hard to breathe.

It’s just that everything is here.

Today is the end.

After everything, Wan Tao finally felt the ease of long-lost.

"Unfortunately, this is impossible!"

There was a long breath, his eyes were placed in the distance, and Wan Tao was muttering.

The inheritance of the true God!

Yes, this is one of the main reasons why Wan Tao gave up.

The sins of Wanjia, he came to redeem.


The glory of the family was given. The period of the ancient times has passed for a long time, but there are always people who remember.

Time has passed for too long, too many people have turned their backs on the true God and forgot the true God.

However, there are also a small number of people who have never forgotten their reads; In their hearts, there is glory. That glory passed down is faith.

How is the excitement of the part of Wanjia who heard the return of the true God?

It’s a pity that reality has disappointed them.

Wanjia abandoned the true God and chose to stand on the opposite side of the inheritance of the true God.

Thinking of this, Wan Tao smiles.

There is a cause and effect, and this is cause and effect.

Retribution is not good!

Wan Tao did not forget that he was so ambitious at the beginning.

In the beginning, how long did he expect the return of the glory of God?

He is looking forward to glory in the world and win the peak.

Unfortunately, all ideas are contrary to reality.

How has Wantao’s heart been suffering and complicated over the years?

A wrong choice is that there is no turning back.

If it is not the blood in the body, let Wan Tao have to choose to stick to the end, I am afraid that he has already left the family.

Unfortunately, after all, Wan Tao can't let go of the family, he can't let his loved ones.

Of course, there is a little 'private' heart.

Wan Tao holds a trace of luck.

How is the inheritor of the true God?

The proud Wan Tao, the heart is unwilling, the heart is dissatisfied.

It’s just that today’s World War I completely destroyed the last trace of Wan Tao’s heart.

Wang Chen, has this qualification to become the inheritance of the true God. The choice of Wanjia is really wrong. Your own insistence, is it necessary? Maybe, everything is over!

This, maybe the best result?


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