Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 247: Failed cards

In the quiet courtyard, at this time, the nine sons and the Dagongzi were full of dignity.

There are a lot of stamps in the hands of Lushan.

A white card like jade is floating in front of Lushan.

Along with the signing of Lushan, it was incorporated into the life card. For a time, the life card burst into a white light, and it made a burst of noise.

The speed of rotation, that one of the life cards seems to have lived alive...

A laser, descending from the sky, successively in the world, integrated into the life card.

Looking at this scene, Jiugongzi and Dagongzi hold their breath.

This is the last chance.

The one of the life cards is naturally the name of the moon.

With the plaque of Haoyue, with the secret technique of the family, you can find the moon in nowhere, and you can find Wang Chen.

After seven days, the exploration of Lushan failed.

He just found the approximate position, and he did not wait for the response of Lushan, but he was forced to cut off the secret tracking by the strong one who did not know where to appear.

That time, not only did the tracking of Lushan and others have problems, but it also caused Lushan to suffer a lot.

This time, there is no loss.

Thinking of this, Jiugongzi and Dagongzi are solemn and even with a hint of expectation.


In the gaze of Jiugongzi and Dagongzi, I saw that Lushan spurted a blood and integrated it into the life card.

The face was pale, and the shape of the mountain was shaken.


Strongly resisting the rolling of blood in the body, Lushan pinched the last seal.

"Contract, into..."

Then, Lushan suddenly burst into drink.

With the **** memorial, with the integration of the last seal, Lushan knew that he had completed the mystery of the inheritance of the family.

Nine days of heroic, thousands of Raksha, this moment, for his use.

In this world, you will find the guy he wants to find with the scent of life.


With the bursting sound of Lushan, the entire life card showed an unprecedented light.

As if the moon is empty, it is like the sling of the sun. For a time, the glory makes people unable to open their eyes.

The white jade card that rotates at a rapid speed has a strange change.

On top of the white and unparalleled life cards, I saw a red line appearing at the moment.

It seems to be a bloodline, lively and vivid, and walks up the life of the card.

Finally, it turned into an inexhaustible rune, all over the name tag.


A powerful air wave is released.

The thousands of runes are separated from the cards and are floating up.

There are countless rays of light that are shot around and shrouded the world.

It seems that you have to cover the entire battlefield and never let go of any corner.

"Hey, I see how you can hide this time."

After doing all this, it was pale, as if it was running out of strength, and there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

This time, the means of Lushan is completely abnormal.

He showed the most powerful means.

The memorial service is made with blood, and the life card is used as the medium. Under the powerful secrets of the family, under the powerful secrets of the family, he does not believe that the moon can avoid the search.

No accidents. At this moment, the blood of the next month should be boiling under the urging of the name card. Soon, there will be runes that can guide the direction of Haoyue.

Thinking of this, Lushan blinked his eyes and quietly looked at the cards in front of him, waiting quietly.

Not only Lushan, in the side of Lushan, Jigongzi, Dagongzi, 辜 parents and others, are also waiting for the solemn result.


" is this possible..."

However, time passed by.

After a quarter of an hour, the dazzling brilliance began to dim, but nothing happened. This made Lushan seem to have seen ghosts and exclaimed loudly.


There was a failure.

Know that when I finished everything, Lushan was full of confidence. He believed that this time there could be no accident and no failure.

But now, now.

Now... a quarter of an hour passed.

According to the prediction of Lushan, at this moment, there is already a rune to find the breath of Haoyue.

Even if you are in the corner of the earth, you have already been searched.

But why...

It seems that Haoyue disappeared out of thin air.

She doesn't seem to exist between this world.

The rune didn't react at all.

I made a mistake myself.


Yushan can be sure of the perfection of his memorial.

Because of any aspect, be careful and strive for perfection.

How could an error occur?

This happens, there is only one possibility, the moon has disappeared, or she has turned into dust...

This makes Lushan’s eyes wide open and unbelievable.

"No... How could this be... This is the secret of my family, impossible... impossible problems."

Looking at the light will disappear, the one rune, as if to dissipate and open, the mountain is murmur.

"What's wrong, there is a problem."

I also noticed the situation in front of me. Not far from Lushan, Jiugongzi and others who waited for the result quietly showed a hint of doubt and dignity.

What is going on here.

What happened.

"No... No... It turned out to be a failure. How is this possible?"

The elders of the family are also stunned at the moment.

Perhaps, they know more about the secrets of Mount Lushan than Jiuzi. Although they may not be able to display them, they know the power of this secret.

But now...


When I heard the elders, the nine sons looked more and more ugly.

"辜山, you better give me an explanation."

The nine sons have no expression.


After another failure, the patience of Jiugongzi disappeared completely.

He only felt that he was a clown and was teased by his family.

Know how much he expects from Lushan.

He only hopes to find the place where Wang Chen and Hao Yue are located.

But now, now.

The result of the present is actually... it is a failure.

A group of anger, began to burn in the heart of Jiugongzi.

" failure, I can't fail, my mystery can't fail."

The words of the nine sons, like the blue sky, blasted in the ears of Lushan.

He was shocked and shouted loudly.


No, Lushan cannot accept such a result.

He is very clear, what does failure mean.

If it fails, it is a nightmare.

The family not only suffers huge losses, but also completely loses control of Haoyue, but also bears the anger from the Ninetowns Alliance and the Nine Sons.

More importantly, he is Lushan.

This time, Lushan is a battle for backwaters.

The failure of the encirclement of Wang Chen, let Wang Chen enter the dragon domain, which has already caused great pressure on Lushan.

His grandson was killed by Wang Chen. This is hatred in itself. Moreover, the family is still dissatisfied with him.

If the family and the Lushan Mountain can still bear it, then everything that happened inside the King's Cave House is already a complete anger for the family, so that Lushan is completely intolerable.

The old guys in the family are already eager to try.

This is the last chance of Lushan.

Find Wang Chen, find Haoyue, and recapture the blood and soul of the gods. Only then can you save everything.

If it fails now, it means that the last fight of Lushan is also the end of failure.

The consequences are unimaginable...

"I will find her, that slut, I will find her."

After roaring, Lushan looked at the front and looked at the infinitely restrained life card, as if he was crazy, muttering.

"Give me her."

After a moment, Lushan shouted loudly.


Suddenly, Lushan opened his mouth and squirted three bloods.

"Old ancestors..."

Looking at such a scene, the elders of the family have widened their eyes and exclaimed.

辜山, crazy.

He actually...had even squirted three bloods.

This is not an ordinary blood.

It’s blood.

Three bloods of blood, what is represented by a warrior.

辜山, this is almost everything.

This makes everyone feel awkward.

Just, there are so many things in Lushan.

After his three bloods have been integrated into that life card, Lushan has a sly smile, like a demon-like loud roar: "Ha ha ha... Haoyue, you are a monk, I see How do you shape it, this time, I will dig it out, it will be."

Lushan has already been out, he has lost his mind, he has not taken care of everything.

One by one, the characters are pinched out again, and they are madly rushed into the nameplate.


With the blood and the seals slamming again, the name card suddenly trembled, and the ultimate radiance broke out again.


The crisp sound is constantly coming.

The aurora is shining and heading towards the heavens and the earth.

The atmosphere in the room seems to have solidified at this time.

Everyone can hold back and hold their breath.

The aurora of the road, incorporating thousands of runes, shot to the heavens and the earth, this time, should be able to find the moon.


However, just when everyone had endless hopes, a crisp voice came, but suddenly, the scene fell into a dead silence.


The mountains are smashed.

He is full of red blood in his eyes.

Because, you are going to go out and do everything in the mountains, thinking that this time you will be able to find the moon, the situation has changed.

Not only did not find the breath of Haoyue, even that one of the life cards could not bear the endless pressure and collapsed.

The last time, suffered the interruption of the strong, the life card is full of endless cracks.

And this time, those cracks continue to spread.


The next moment, the life card is turned into an endless piece of debris in a crisp voice.

It’s just a moment, the aurora disappears.


It’s just a moment, and Lushan’s blood is mad.


The blast of the cockroach quits a dozen steps, and Lushan suddenly sat on the ground.

"No, ......"

The eyes are full of despair, and Lushan’s sorrow is loud.


There seems to be a blast in the brain.

It was a spurt of blood, and the eyes of the mountain were black, and the whole person was fainted.

The name of the card is broken, and it suffers from anti-phagic, plus the loss of blood, and Lushan is weak to the extreme.

His soul, even almost ashes.

The scene is dead.

"Old ancestors..."

After the reaction, the elders of the family changed their minds and rushed toward Mount Lu.

Who can think of it, this will be the result.

This time, Lushan really is... life is hanging on the line.

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