Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 242: Goodbye South Sea Supreme

Ker and Zilan are left after all.

When looking at the direction of the two men leaving, Wang Chen lost his face.

Reunion, respectively.

Life seems to have been repeating this process, but there are always a few processes that make people feel embarrassed and lost.

For example, now.

Seeing Zilan and Keer again, the two women are completely different from the original.

Even, Wang Chen saw a lot of things that were hidden in his heart.

Zilan, I really don't have her in my heart.



There is a purple orchid in my heart, and it is not just because of sputum. It turns out that there is already a hint of affection, and it begins to spread in my heart.

Think of this, Wang Chenxi.

"Can't bear it."

It seems that Wang Chen’s mood is low. In the side of Wang Chen, the complex look of Haoyue.

She can see that Wang Chen is very concerned about the two women.

Yes, maybe the care of my sister, and the purple orchid.

The sixth sense of a woman is always keen to make people stunned.

"What can be reluctant, they always have their world, and their pursuit, the difference is now only for longer together."

When he heard the moon, Wang Chen said with emotion.

"Longer gatherings,"

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, Haoyue bowed his head.

But after a while, the complicated look disappeared, and a smile appeared in the corner of the moon, but her eyes burst into an unprecedented look.

It seems that the decision made in this month is general.

"It's time to go."

Wang Chen did not notice the change of Haoyue. After sighing, he said to Haoyue.

The voice fell, and he turned and prepared to leave.

This place should not be left for a long time.

You must leave here as soon as possible.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the family and the nine sons will return soon.

"Well, that is..."

However, Wang Chen, who just turned around, did not wait for the next month to talk, but it was suddenly anchored.

The heart suddenly jumped, and Wang Chen only felt that his body seemed to be cold.

Under the moonlight, above the mountains, I don’t know when there will be more figures.

The white long skirt is floating, and the temperament is refined. It is like a snow lotus that blooms in the mountains, and the ice crystals are clean.

Looking at that figure, Wang Chen’s pupil suddenly shrank.


Too familiar.

How can Wang Chen forget that figure?

It turned out to be her.

Wang Chen’s heart has already been shocked to the point where it can’t be added.

"Who is she."

Beside Wang Chen, Haoyue was suddenly changing his face at this time, and his body suddenly tightened.

In the hands of Haoyue, I don’t know when the soldiers have gone out.

The icy scent of the wind lingers in the valley.

"South China Sea Sayādaw."

When listening to Haoyue, Wang Chen muttered to himself.

In a word, it is tantamount to seeing the sky.

South China Sea.

Yes, the figure that appears above the mountain at this moment is not the South Sea Supreme.

Wang Chen will not forget that figure in his life.

She helped herself, but she also took the purple orchid.

Wang Chen owes her human feelings, but it is tantamount to having some hostility towards him.

What she wants to do with Zilan, Wang Chen is still unclear.

The total feeling, the purpose of this woman, does not seem to be simple.

Nanhai Supreme, according to Keer and Zilan, is not practicing in Dongfu, why did you come here?

When did she come here?

Or, she was already in the past when Zilan and Keer fell into crisis.

But why she never shot.

Wang Chen’s heart is more and more confused.

"Nanhai Sage, it turned out to be her."

After Wang Chen, after knowing the identity of the woman, Haoyue also widened his eyes.

Before and in the words of Zilan, Haoyue had a general understanding of the South China Sea.

This is definitely a top powerhouse that is not born.

Be able to teach the strong people like Kelly and Zilan. This South Sea Sacred is also a mortal.

Just, she wants to do something here.

It seems that the relationship between Wang Chen and the South Sea Supreme is not good.

I know that some of the approximate months are getting more vigilant.

In the eyes of Wang Chen and Haoyue’s vigilant, it is to see the statue of the South China Sea.

From the top of the mountain, turned into a white light, the South Sea Supreme came to the air.

Everything moves, it is extraordinary, not like a human being, as if the nine-day mysterious woman descended from the sky.

A moment of hard work, the South Sea Supreme is in the valley.

"See you again."

Looking at Wang Chen, the veiled white dress woman took the lead.

Under the veil, what expression is not known, but there are a few eyes in the eyes that people can't understand.

Looking at Wang Chen, even at this moment, the South Sea Supreme has some ecstasy.

"See you again."

When he heard the South Sea Sayādaw, Wang Chen smiled bitterly.

It’s still so indifferent, giving people a feeling of being far away.

" After all, I still met, fate, maybe it is."

Looking at Wang Chen Nanhai Zunren's heart sighed secretly.

This time, Zilan and Keer came here, and the South Sea Sayādaw was expected to have something.

Just, it really happened now, but it is inevitable that she has some feelings in her heart.

Then, the South Sea Supreme whispered, "They are gone, safe, but you don't need to worry."

Looking at the direction of Kerr and Zilan’s departure, her eyes seemed to show a gratifying smile, and even the world was warmed up.

A smile.

Maybe, if you unveil the veil, the face under the veil is enough to make the world change color.

Wang Chen couldn’t help feeling a bit.

"You, what do you want to do."

Wang Chen asked the doubts in his heart.

"I, but doing something that I should do, you don't need to be so wary of me."

The South Sea Supreme said softly.

Then, after a pause, she looked at Wang Chen deeply: "I know what you are worried about and know what you are thinking, but you don't need it. Maybe, one day, you will feel that you It’s ridiculous to worry now.”

Obviously, this statement by Nanhai Sayādaw is to make Wang Chen feel relieved.

But, listening to the words of the South Sea Sayādaw, Wang Chen showed a bitter smile.

It is still the case.

"Well, I hope you can protect them."

Wang Chen sighed.

"You can do your own thing, as long as I am, their safety, you don't have to worry, you have a lot to do."

The South Sea Sayādaw looked at Wang Chen deeply.

"You know what I should do, everything that happened before, you see it."

Wang Chen brows and asks.

The words of Nanhai Sayādaw are simple, but it seems to reveal a lot of news.

This woman seems to be far from being as simple as it seems on the surface, and it makes people really unable to see the depth.

A woman like this, among the people I know, there are magic dances and dances.

Yes, the feeling of Nanhai Zunzi to Wang Chen is like the magic dance and the dance to the feeling of Wang Chen, which makes people unpredictable.

"What do you do, you know best."

The South Sea Sacred Man sinks a bit and continues to say: "As for me, I have come here, I know that you have acquired the blood and the soul of the King of God. I also know that Zilan and Keer are in danger. But, you are, why should I worry?"

Before Zilan and Keer were caught in danger.

But, it won’t kill.

At the very least, she is, Wang Chen is also.

Why should she worry?

"Sure enough."

Wang Chen looked at the South China Sea Sayādaw's face is not fast.

Don't she know that if it is a little careless, it may cause irreparable results.

"I should leave."

Just, waiting for Wang Chen to speak, the South China Sea Sayādaw suddenly said.

"What else is there."

Wang Chen asked.

The South Sea Supreme is absolutely impossible to appear here for no reason.

What else she wants to do.

"This time just wants to see you, you, do a good job, and give you a temporary answer, that is, the current Zilan and Keer are not suitable for your side, they, There is their heaven and earth, and one day, when you know everything, you will naturally understand everything, even if you are relieved."

The South Sea Supreme is thoughtful.

Afterwards, she suddenly turned her head and looked at the moon. The brow wrinkled: "But now there is still a purpose to take her away."

The words of the South Sea Supreme, like the ice, let Wang Chen look cold and cold.

She took the purple orchid and took it away. Now I want to take the moon.

This woman, what to do.

"You don't have a chance, she won't follow you."

Although Haoyue is not a person of Wang Chen, but Wang Chen does not want to follow the South China Sea Sayādaw.

A person who is unpredictable is always dangerous.

" have the final say, she has her choice."

It seems that I feel the anger of Wang Chen, and the South Sea Sayādaw smiles even more.

"You, let me go."

Looking at Haoyue, Nanhai Sayādaw asked directly.

She doesn't care about Wang Chen's anger at all.

At the beginning, I was able to take away the purple orchid regardless of Wang Chen’s thoughts. I can take away the children, and now I will take away the moon.


The attitude of the South Sea Supreme is so cold that Wang Chen’s eyes are getting colder.

Even the moon is a wrinkle.

Just, compared to the moon, the look of Haoyue is not too much unhappiness.

It’s a beautiful leg, it seems to be thinking about something.

"You know, you are very dangerous now, your strength is still very weak, and people who are at home seem to be looking for you. If not me, your blood has already been detected."

The South Sea Sayādaw looks cold, not too slow to say.

She looked at Haoyue and her eyes were deep.

If you say it, it seems that you can understand it after the next month.

Blood, family...

A few words, let the moon shape stunned, and the look is complicated.

"I, go with you."

Finally, take a deep breath and say aloud.


Maybe this is the best option.

When I made this statement, Haoyue looked complicated and looked at Wang Chen, and there was a bit of nostalgia and reluctance.

But, then, her eyes are very tough.

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