Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 225: Fantastic changes

"When do we act."

Looking at the red moon demon king and the nine sons completely entangled together.

The roar of the roar, the smoke rolling, radiant.

However, the dance around the snow did not reflect the slightest reaction, Wang Chen could not help but frown, asked.

If this is the case, Wang Chen can still be patient.

However, the key issue is the other side, and the two guards of the Ninetowns Alliance will also have to pull out.

If they let them pull out, it is late.

Thinking about this, how can Wang Chen’s heart not be anxious.

When the time came, Wang Chen calculated the hit and there was no chance.

"Not in a hurry."

However, in the face of Wang Chen’s questioning, Wu Qingxue continued to be indifferent.

Just, the face of the dance snow is obviously a little more dignified.

Even, Wang Chen could clearly feel that the body that danced the snow seemed to tremble in faintness. She clenched her fist and showed a trace of sadness in her eyes.

Looking at the altar, her eyes are complicated.

This makes Wang Chen's heart inevitably have a bit of doubt.

This altar has something to do with dancing snow.

Why, she will.

Not nervous, but sad.

As I first met.

Thinking of the mysterious identity of the dance, Wang Chen frowned.

She is really just the guardian of the nine kings.

Remember that I said that she was the guardian of the nine kings.

But, a guardian of the nine kings, if it is a monster, why would it appear on the battlefield and come here.

It seems that with the contact with the dance snow, there are more and more mysteries.

A deep breath, Wang Chen breathed.

Dancing the snow is still waiting, how can he do it.

As if from the bottom of my heart, Wang Chen is full of trust in the dance.

As in the beginning, in the core of the sea eye, the trust of the dance snow is general.


A roar came.


After then, the screams of heartbreaking came.

The battlefield in the distance has changed again.

An old man from the Ninetowns League, this time killing the elders of the family.

After the five-to-four situation of the family, there was a big change.

There was a person killed by the Red Moon Demon King. There were four people left in the family. The nine sons killed one person and suddenly turned the situation into three to four. It has already fallen.

If it wasn’t for the Red Moon demon king to pull out and entangle the nine sons, the family had already retreated.

However, now, one elder is killed, the remaining two, Lushan is held down by the Dagongzi, and the other is confined by the beggars. The situation of 2:4 is completely suppressed.

As for the Ninetowns Alliance, there are four more.

Even if the nine sons were pinned by the beasts of the Red Moon demon king, the beggars still came out.

"Not good."

Looking at such a scene, Lushan is stunned.

It’s another elder down, what it stands for.

辜山 is too clear.

The situation is now completely reversed.

This time, they have almost no hope of getting the soul and blood.


Thinking of this, Lushan roars.

The situation is like a desperate situation, without the slightest choice.

"I am fighting with you."

Looking at such a scene, where Lushan is willing to give up.

To this day, Lushan has no retreat.

The encirclement of Wang Chen failed, he can bear it, this is not the worst result.

Because Wang Chen is not a must, but not to kill now, the failure will fail, the family blame, and as his ancestor, he can afford it.

However, if it fails now, the anger of the family cannot be tolerated by him. This is a shame that is unsuccessful and unacceptable.

In the family, the old guys who returned will inevitably ask him to sin.

One after another, especially today’s failure, how terrible the family’s anger will be.

It’s hard to imagine.

Even, he has the identity of his ancestors and will endure endless anger.

Not only that, but his own, this shame makes him unable to stand.

This is not allowed.

In the roar of the roar, Lushan hair is upside down.


A spurt of blood, Lushan actually chose to burn blood and real yuan.

Even if he fights, he will kill the big man and save the situation.

The soul of the remnant and the blood of the gods must be returned to the family.


The momentum broke out.

Between the blink of an eye, Lushan looted ahead.


However, at the moment when Lushan madly rushed forward, blood was sprayed.

Suddenly, an aurora bursts.

"How is it possible..."

A sudden change has made people in the workplace open their eyes.

"Hanshan, you are crazy."

When he was proud, Dagongzi and Jiugongzi opened their eyes and the two screamed.

Because, when they watched the situation, the Guardian who pulled out of the way went to the other side of the beneficiary who took the upper hand.

Under a blow, blood is sprayed.

In the midst of being caught, another Guardian of the Ninetowns League suddenly came out.

This scene is beyond everyone's expectations.

The nine sons have widened their eyes, and the big son is stunned.

Where do they think that the most loyal guardians of their own are actually shooting at themselves at this moment.

What is going on here.

Now, but it has an absolute advantage.

Looking at the blood and remnants of the King of God is at your fingertips, but there has been such a turning point.

How can this be done without horror?

Not only the nine sons and the big sons stunned, but even the raging rushing out of the mountain, at this moment is also wide-eyed.

Looking at this scene, even Lushan feels that he is wrong.

Own people to beat themselves.

The Guardian, how is this status within the Ninetowns League, how it exists.

I am afraid no one in the battlefield does not know.

Not only the Ninetowns Alliance, but also a lot of powerful forces, the powerful family has the Guardian.

These people are the backbone of the family that has been cultivated since urinating. They are the most loyal people in the family and they are responsible for protecting their owners.

At this moment, this sudden helper is actually the protector of the Dagongzi.

How can this make people stunned?

The scene has become strange for a moment.

"This is &..."

The scene suddenly became strange, and Wang Chen also widened his eyes.

"It's you."

When watching the dance around the snow, Wang Chen suddenly exclaimed,

Dancing the snow.

Yes, it must be her.

Reminiscent of her previous patience, Wang Chen seems to understand what.

It’s all in the hope of dancing snow.

Otherwise, what she was waiting for.

The guardian of Dagongzi, which makes Wang Chen feel unbelievable.

What kind of position is the guardian, Wang Chen is also very clear.

Know that it is almost impossible to betray people, they are the most trustworthy people.

But now, this scene has appeared.

Dancing the snow, what did you do?

She is so in control of the situation.

Rao is Wang Chen, and at the moment, he can’t help but be surprised.

This kind of opponent is too horrible. Fortunately, he and the dance clear snow, it seems that it is not an enemy, at the very least, not now.

"I am, he, my person."

In the face of Wang Chen’s face, the dance is clear and snowy.

As if she exhaled a breath, the corner of her mouth once again revealed that confident smile.

"This action is over."

Afterwards, the dance cleared the snow and said.

There is no explanation for Wang Chen. Why is this beggar suddenly betrayed? This is only known by the dance.

Now, when they are acting, this time is not the time to talk.

Thinking of this, the dance and the snow are rising.


The voice fell, and the dance snow suddenly shouted.


In a flash, the dance snow sweeps toward the front.


After that, Wang Chen was also in a flash of shape, stepping out of Qingyun.

The action begins.

All arrangements are not for the present.

There is a soul, that jade box, Wang Chen is set.

"You and the Guardian delay the enemy, disrupt the situation, and leave the rest to me."

However, at the moment when Wang Chen plucked, the sound of dancing snow was coming again.

This decision made Wang Chen strange again.

But, just a glimpse, Wang Chen chose to listen.

From the beginning to the present, everything is in the arrangement of dancing snow.

Who is the oriole.

Dancing the snow, no doubt she is.

As for Wang Chen.

I think it’s ridiculous to think of my plan at the moment.

Don't even need him to go out, all the dances and snow have already been arranged. Obviously, the dance snow seems to have a perfect plan. In this case, Wang Chen has to question.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen went straight to the Lushan and other people who were sluggish.


A move to destroy the Yang sword took the lead.

The momentum is amazing.

"Not good."

The powerful swordsmanship swept through, and everyone in the room seemed to have come back.

Wang Wang Chen, who was rushing toward this place, everyone was once again surprised.

"Wang Chen, it is you."

辜山 is the first to be angry.

Wang Chen.

He, he came here.

When did he come again?

The appearance of Wang Chen made the situation more and more chaotic.

Not only is the mountain stunned, but the nine sons and the big son are also ugly in a flash.

The situation has changed completely at this moment.

The wind is changing.

The original, inevitable control situation, accompanied by betrayal, accompanied by Wang Chen suddenly broke out, became unpredictable.

Don't the beggars betrayed, but also because of Wang Chen.

In an instant, Dagongzi and Jiugongzi flashed the idea.

The enemy meets, and the eyes are red.

Moreover, the suspicions in their hearts have gradually deepened.

The killing machine, the moment is crazy.

"Wang Chen, you can't think about it."

Looking at Wang Chen’s sword fell, everyone shouted in unison.

First and foremost, it was the roaring anger of the big son locked by Wang Chen.

Next, Jiugongzi and Lushan are also acting.

The three countries are hegemonic, and if any party dares to act, it will inevitably suffer from the encirclement of the other two sides.

As it is now.

Maybe, it is precisely because of this that, before, the dance snow has been patient.

However, people, how do these people know that everything is under the control of the snow.

The wind and the clouds are changing, just their winds, the world of dancing snow, and the stability of Mount Tai.

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