Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 131: Refined seeds

"The third year of assessment, killing!"

When Wang Chen sank into his thoughts, a majestic voice came from the void. ※%

Not waiting for Wang Chen’s reaction, in the void, once again the majestic voice came, this time it is the specific content of the third year assessment.

In this introduction, Wang Chen is also a preliminary understanding of the content of this third year assessment.

The third year of assessment, as Wei Cheng said at the beginning, is killing and plundering.

In the course of this third year of assessment, the people left will receive a seed for each person. This kind of spiritual species will be planted into their Zhongdantian and blended with the spirit.

A year's time, killing and plundering the spiritual energy of others, coupled with the improvement of the power of the soul, inspires this seed! The seeds are germinated and safely spent a year, even if they pass the assessment of this year.

Everyone who has passed the assessment this year will have an unimaginable opportunity.

As the majestic voice fell, Wang Chen only felt his body warm, as if wrapped in a ray of light.

Into the combination, Wang Chen feels keenly that there seems to be something more in his own Zhongdantian.

"The assessment begins! Kill, start!"

Just, waiting for Wang Chen to observe carefully, the majestic voice is coming.

The assessment begins and the killing begins!

As this voice falls, the space reverses.

The next moment, Wang Chen discovered that he appeared in a strange place.

This is an infinite mountain range that spans north and south.

The surrounding woods are densely covered, this is an endless virgin forest.

The third year of assessment will begin here.

Wang Chen’s side, there is no one at the moment!

The soul is released, and Wang Chen suddenly notices a hundred miles.

Within a hundred miles, there is no breath of anyone.

This makes Wang Chen breathe a sigh of relief.

"Refining this seed as soon as possible, completely integrated into the soul, and then it is to start killing!"

Recovering his thoughts, Wang Chen quickly decided.

The assessment of this level is actually a race against time!

Whoever takes the lead in merging seeds can be the first to kill.

Who can take the lead in killing and gaining the seed energy of others can enhance the power of the spirit.

The enhancement of the power of the soul, the benefits needless to say!

And if anyone can take the lead in stimulating seeds and letting seeds sprout, they can get great benefits.

It’s just a step ahead, leading step by step.

This is when the competition can take the lead.

When I think about this, where does Wang Chen dare to hesitate?

The body shape flashed, and Wang Chen ran away in the distance.

Find a safe place, this is a fallacy.

Otherwise, in the process of refining, if you encounter an opponent, I am afraid that he will die very badly.

Originally, Wang Chen hoped that the drug king would come out to help himself and directly let himself fall into the underground. That is undoubtedly the safest way.

But, I don’t know why, when I arrived here, Wang Chen lost contact with Yaowang.

Even even the Emperor, you can't contact.

As if all the connections were broken.

It seems that this is the rule here.

You can only rely on your own abilities.

The rest of everything can't be relied upon.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen has an idea.

Since you can only rely on yourself, you have to rely on yourself to get out of a **** way.


After a full hour, Wang Chen found a hidden cave.

On this side, Wang Chen took the lead in laying down the law, and then quickly entered the refinery seed in Dongfu!

With the introversion of the spirit, Wang Chen quickly noticed that in his Zhongdantian, it was really a golden thing.

It’s like the size of rice grains, and it’s endless brilliance.

It is spinning around the baby in the reincarnation.

"It seems that this is the seed!"

Seeing this golden object of rice size, Wang Chen knows that this is the seed.

"My soul has already been integrated into the infant of reincarnation.

Based on the reincarnation of the baby, my innate advantage should be better than ordinary people.

As long as the reincarnation of the baby is a seed, it should be fine?

Thinking of his own situation, Wang Chen quickly made a summary.

The voice fell, Wang Chen no longer hesitated, quickly pinched out the seal, urging the endless energy of the body to go to Zhong Dantian.

呜Wow, wow...

Under the inspiration of Wang Chen, the infant of reincarnation suddenly opened his eyes.

A touch of light flashed through, and the whole Zhongdantian was instantly wonderful.

The light of the rice grain seems to have collapsed at this moment.

It seems that there is a trace of fear, and the light of the rice grain shivers.


Regardless of the light of the rice grain, Wang Chen chose to devour directly.

Time is life!

Under Wang Chen’s control, the reincarnation of the baby opened his mouth and instantly swallowed the light of the rice grain.


With the light of the rice grains swallowed, the infants of the reincarnation swayed as if they were going to burst open.

It’s just a moment of effort, and the baby in this cycle is swollen.

It seems that there is endless energy to swim in the reincarnation of the baby.

"Give me refining!"

Feeling the situation of the baby in the reincarnation, Wang Chen did not dare to take it lightly.

The rapid refining of that energy, so that the energy is perfectly integrated with the reincarnation of the baby and the soul!

When Wang Chen made this thing, I don’t know how many people are doing this thing between this vast mountain.

The time passed and the whole forest gradually calmed down.



After half a month, a roar came.

A pool in the depths of the forest suddenly exploded.

A figure rises to the sky.

This is a handsome man.

It seems that the age is only in his early twenties. However, no one knows his true age.

At this time, suspended in the water pool, under the sun, the man's mouth showed a smile: "I, 裘人, the first to kill!"


Yes, this person is a singer.

In just half a month, he refining the seed!

He was the first person to refine the seeds. And his killing began at this moment.

The soul is released, and the eyes are shining.

But after a while, the singer’s mouth is a sneer: "Sixty miles? I dare to under my eyelids, refining the seeds? You are looking for death! Since I am sent to the door, I will send you first. Go on the road!"

A sneer, the figure of a singer disappeared instantly between this world.

But after a while, the singer was in a jungle sixty miles away.

"Hidden in the ground? Do you think I can't find you?"

Standing in this jungle, the singer is disdainful.


The voice fell and suddenly fell to the ground.

With the lameness of the singer, the whole earth swayed.


The ground cracks, like cracks in spider webs, spread over dozens of miles.

And with the vibration of the entire ground, a figure was rushed out of the ground by the power of terror!


The blood is sprayed, and the figure is full of horror and looks at the singer who is not far away.


At this moment, this middle-aged man is frightened.

After someone has refining the seeds so quickly?

Killing, has it started?

He was refining the seeds, and he suffered a blow. At this moment, the spirits fluctuated and the injuries were not light.

The strength of this man in front of him is even more powerful, which makes middle-aged men feel desperate.


Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, the singer is a face of indifference.

He blinked and snorted coldly, and his next shape flashed.

It seems to disappear between heaven and earth.

But it seems to appear out of thin air.

It’s just a moment, and the monks are outstanding in front of the man’s body, punching out.

A seemingly soft and weak punch, in the moment of approaching the scorpion, the power of terror blooms.

The sky is moving!

It’s just a blow, and the middle-aged man who was seriously injured was suddenly exploding.

The blood is sprayed and the chest collapses!

This man is once again hit hard!

However, it is not waiting for this middle-aged man to breathe, but the singer is once again in front of him.


In the screams of desperation of the middle-aged man, the singer’s quick palm was photographed and the middle-aged man was directly pushed down on the ground.


Afterwards, as the singer’s brow picked up, the middle-aged man’s abdomen deformed.

It seems like a whirlpool is born.


The desperate screams burst out in the mouth of a middle-aged man.

Just, then powerless, so frightened.

The naked eye, middle-aged man among the dantian, a glimmer of light is swallowed up by the singer, and earned into the body!

Forced plunder.

At this moment, the singer, launched a forcible plunder.

The smeared golden light is the energy of the seed.

As the golden light passed, the middle-aged man's eyes gradually dimmed, and his body gradually became weak.

A short time after a quarter of an hour, the middle-aged man quietly lost any vitality.

And the singer, after absorbing the energy, the momentum seems to be a pound.

"It's time to refine this energy!"

Muttered to himself, and the singer disappeared in place.

Battle, from the beginning to the present, is very short, but it is a matter of blinking.

Everything, return to calm again.

There is only one corpse and a messy scene.

The rest of everything has not changed.

The **** killing has already begun.

And this scene is just the beginning.

The next few days, every day, such scenes are staged.

There was a teenager who walked out of the magma and killed an old man.

The wind is light and cloudy and easy.

The seed energy was harvested and the boy disappeared into the heavens and the earth.

There is an old man who walks out of the forest and kills a middle-aged man...

It’s just three strokes, killing directly.

The old man then walked away.

A piece of life, beginning to wither!

This piece of the mountain, which was quiet for only half a month, gradually began to turmoil.

And on the twentieth day, there was a thriving life in a cave in the depths of the forest.

Wang Chen, he finally refines the seeds that belong to him.

This day, in the dark cave, Wang Chen, slowly got up.

He will take the first step that belongs to him.

belongs to his killing, is about to begin!

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