Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 121: Sky seven steps

There is a brilliant bloom in the eye, and this time Wang Chen has never been clear.

Standing on this platform, I realized that Tiandao was full for ten days, and Wang Chen found his way.

"The way of gravity, now I have a deep understanding, to get started with the way of gravity, to control gravity, to use it for myself, to step on the road, to suppress the world."

Muttering Wang Chen’s mouth reveals a smile of excitement.

Since this dojo contains gravity, he will start with the path of gravity and let the path of gravity be used for him.

Wang Chen’s mind is more and more clear.

Thinking of this, he closed his eyes again.

There are still five days.

is enough.

With the eyes closed again, Wang Chen’s breath gradually floated, and finally seemed to blend with this platform.

No one can imagine, at this moment, Wang Chen’s brain has already united with the world, constantly evolving everything and deducing his magical power.

This is a big creation.

Know that it is almost impossible for ordinary pure martial artists to comprehend the magical powers.

A few people have been able to do this throughout the ages.

And among these people, none of them is a leader, a master, and a thousand years.

Even if you are a strong **** of the gods level, it is extremely difficult to understand your own magical powers.

Otherwise, in this world, it is not a magical spread.

And now, Wang Chen has got this opportunity.

This is mainly due to this road in front of you.

There is too much opportunity and benefit in this platform. Wang Chen found the benefits that belonged to him.


Time goes by.

One day, two days, three days.

Between the blink of an eye, five days passed by.

This is the last day that Wang Chen and others entered the 3,000-dollar field.

And on this day, the wind is rising.


The entire dojo, this day, was suddenly broken.

The boundless winds and waves are rising.

The whole world is caught in the shock of terror.

As if the whole world is going to collapse.

Standing on the platform, Wang Chen’s gown is windless and long-haired.

His resolute face is seemingly calm in this violent world.

The corner of the mouth reveals a smile, which makes people feel unfathomable.


Suddenly, with Wang Chen as the center, a wave of natural air is swept around.


After suddenly opening his eyes, Wang Chen made a long shout.


The voice fell, and Wang Chen took a step.

This step, the mountains and rivers oscillate.




Then, Wang Chen took a few steps in succession.

Under every step, the momentum is soaring.

The world is turbulent under every step.

Under each step, the mountains and rivers are dull...

With each step, the trajectory of the entire world seems to have changed.

As if, Wang Chen touched everything.

At this moment, gravity seems to disappear, and the next moment, gravity seems to reach its limit.


Every step is taken out, Wang Chen is a punch, every punch seems to be able to shatter the sky.

Stepping out seven steps, it is also full of seven punches, the whole world is fragmented.

Even, on this day, the door that left in front of Wang Chen seems to be about to collapse.

"Seven steps in the sky, destroy the world."

Until the whole world can no longer afford it, Wang Chen stopped his own pace.

Standing on the broken road, Wang Chen’s mouth is full of smiles.


On this last day, Wang Chen finally realized success.

Sky seven steps.

This is the magical power of Wang Chen.

Learn by gravity, the evolution of the seven steps.

Each step, we will draw the gravity of the heavens and earth to know, and transform the gravity.

Under a step, you can shake the sky, but you can also be as light as a feather.

With each step, the red punch is combined with the Heavenly Emperor and the power is boundless.

It can shake the world, it is like a big water.

And this seven steps, it is a fusion of the heavenly dance steps and the explosion step, but also makes this supernatural power perfect.

This makes Wang Chen not excited.

This is the third magical power of Wang Chen.

"With this magical power, my strength has improved again. I am afraid that this is a seven-step step, and now I can even compete with Wei Cheng’s predecessors."

Wang Chen’s heart is only the calculation.

Before this, Wang Chen's strength has certainly improved a lot, reaching an incredible height, but Wang Chen is very clear, before entering this field, if he and Wei hand, there is almost no chance of winning.

But now, now.

Now Wang Chen has room for a fight.

Even in this Tianlong field, Wei Cheng stepped into the seventh stage of pure Yang and reached the late stage of pure Yang.

While Wei Cheng is a repeater, how about it.

A re-repairer in the late stage of pure Yang, Wang Chen is now bound to be crushed.

When Wei Cheng is such a strong, Wang Chen also has the power of a battle.

Seven steps in the sky, shaking the sky.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen is very excited.

"It's time to leave."

Retrieving his thoughts and looking at the door that is about to disappear in front of him, Wang Chen took a deep breath and muttered.

The voice fell and his body flashed, and he plunged at that gate.

The third level, Wang Chen passed smoothly.

And, the passing is perfect.


On the flat ground inside the valley, there is silence at the moment.

Someone is happy with someone.

This is where everyone gathers after passing the third check.

At this moment, on this flat land, there are more than a thousand people gathered.

This time the field trials, most people still insisted.

After all, the majority of people who are able to enter the third level of assessment are the pride of the sky.

They are the elite within this battlefield.

More than a thousand people, for the battlefield of the vast world, it is just a drop in the ocean.

So, not surprising.

Know that there are hundreds of thousands of people who have passed the assessment in the Tianlong field.

After layer-by-layer screening assessment, even if a small part of it is abandoned halfway, choose to retire, but most people are constantly coming.

Today, there are more than a thousand people left, which represents countless deaths.

So this base is not too big.

In contrast, this base is small.

Even, at this moment, everyone standing here is looking dignified.

Although there are more than a thousand people passing the assessment, but many of these people just barely passed the dojo assessment.

Everyone faces a different dojo, and their assessments are different.

I don't know how many people have fallen into the dojo.

There are more than a thousand people who have passed the assessment of the dojo, and several others have obtained their chances, too little and too little...

Even, there are only a handful.

This level, too many people have nothing to gain.

It is precisely because of this, too many people look awkward at this moment, and they look regretful and unwilling.

"Unfortunately, this time I didn't get the chance, the time was too hasty...the thunder of the road, not so well understood."

Standing in the crowd, it’s a shameful face.

"Yes, time hastily a little, but I have faced the mother water avenue with me. If I am a practitioner of the mother water, I am afraid that I have already gained a huge harvest, but unfortunately, I just barely passed."

Mo Peng, who gradually became acquainted with the people of Tiantian Ren, is also full of smiles.

He did not get any gains.

People who cultivated the momentum of the fire, met the mother water avenue, which can only be said to be a good man.

If you are in control, you are afraid to add a five-line trend, but it is difficult.

Water and fire phase...

This makes Mo Peng even more confessed to it.

"Wei Cheng's predecessors seem to have gained."

We looked at Wei Cheng, who was not far from the breath, and Mo Peng was stunned.

"I am afraid that Wang Yan, Liu Xinyan, and the Lady of Love Valley have also gained something, even...there is no small gain in the moon."

Stop the toughness is also complicated.

There are only a handful of people who can get the rewards.

And Wang Yan, Liu Xinyan, forget the love of the valley of the Virgin, Yu Chengyue, plus Wei Cheng, these people have actually gained.

have to be amazed...

I'm afraid, if you let the people in the field know this, I don't know what kind of vibration will be brought.

"I don't know how Wang Chen is."

Looking at the void, the look of the sky is awe-inspiring.

Time, it’s coming, Wang Chen is not there, so how can he not be curious.

Not only is it tough, but Wang Chen and others are also full of curiosity and worry at this time. Looking at the void, the face is dignified.

There are more people around them who are watching the void...

Wang Chen, it’s too much.

His strength is not the strongest, but along the way, it is often eye-catching.

On the ladder, let the next group, outside the Three Mountains, fight the Ninetowns Alliance...

Wang Chen is already a celebrity.

The people present are not likely to know.

And such a arrogant, he has not returned yet, naturally it is curious.

He is a failure, or a success, and whether there will be gains.

Among the crowds, the most complicated person at this time is the Ninetowns Alliance...

Especially the man headed by the Ninetowns League, he even narrowed his eyes, and there was a trace of coldness in his mouth: "Wang Chen, if it is dead, it is disappointing. If you return, I will personally Repression, you must be a stepping stone on my way to God."

The eyes are cold and the man, headed by the Ninetowns League, secretly thinks.

Although, but only met once, but Wang Chen completely offended the Ninetowns League, and even left a mark on the man's heart.

The branding is not removed, he is difficult to become a avenue.

Wang Chen, must die.

There is a flash of light in the eyes, and the man stares at the exit of the void.


And just as everyone waited for the door to close, a roar came from this moment.

The entire door trembles.

The next moment, a violent blast broke out.

Between the blink of an eye, everyone only feels that their body seems to be heavy and numerous.


Even among them, there are people who have been seriously injured, and under this sudden change, they spurt blood.

"What happened..."

The change in front of the eyes instantly shocked countless people.

This change will make everyone stunned.

What happened.

The rules of the world, as if it collapsed in a flash.

Who is it, it has touched such a terrible opportunity.

There are countless pairs of eyes, and this moment of death is staring at the door.

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