Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 105: Hidden Valley

The sound of the air whistling.

At this moment, watching Wang Chen actually killed Qu Ze, the remaining middle-aged man and the old man suddenly contracted.

They feel the fear.

Repairer, how powerful is that.

For them, the rehabilitator is almost impossible to shake.

But now, a rehabilitator has been killed.

This makes them not shocked.

The biggest competitors are there, and this competitor is a character they can't think of.

A young man.

They must kill this person here.

Otherwise, both of them will be in danger.


The wind is whistling.

The killing machine, this moment is awkward.

"Not self-reliant."

When the middle-aged man and the old man rushed toward themselves, Wang Chen’s eyes flashed.

He squinted and snorted, his mouth sneer.


The voice fell, and Wang Chen actually flickered out.


The speed of horror, tearing the world in an instant.

A Changhong goes straight to the heavens and the earth.

Wang Chen’s figure, at this moment, even swept out 10,000 meters.

"No, he has to go."

"Good speed."

Looking at Wang Chen, he escaped at such a speed. Under this time, the old man and the middle-aged man couldn’t help but widen their eyes.

In their opinion, at the very least, this guy will fight with them.

As long as they fight with them, then they have a chance.

They have their means.

And now, who can think of it, Wang Chen did not even give them the opportunity to fight.

Who can think of it, Wang Chen actually rushed out and passed by them.

The speed is too horrible.

The moment of terror to them, they couldn’t react.

You can only feel the look of Wang Chen when he passes by them.

It’s contempt, it’s disdain, it’s more sarcasm.

The look of the eyes, as if a sword, penetrated the hearts of the old man and the middle-aged man.

It was only for a moment that the two felt anger, and their self-esteem seemed to be trampled in the eyes.

"Bastard... can't let him go."

"Must leave him."

In the face of this scene, the old man and the middle-aged man are angry.

After anger, it is awkward.

They feel the crisis of the sky.

It’s a pity, even if the two react at this moment, how can it be.

Even if their strength is tyrannical.

If Wang Chen was a year ago, there was no chance to sneak out from their eyes so easily.

But now, now.

Now Wang Chen is full of powerful Pingyun Qingyun.

At the beginning, Wang Chen’s speed may not be able to break the strong man of the late Pure Yang, but now it is a breeze.

Even, if Wang Chen thought, he could directly open Quze by the speed of terror.

But, Wang Chen wants to kill Quze, so he stayed.

And now, he doesn't want to kill the two.

Because these two people are not worthy of Wang Chen wasting time.

Because, Wang Chen wants them to be destroyed in despair.

Wang Chen wants them to perish in panic.

The ants sometimes don't need to be crushed in person, just a gust of wind can make them smash.

What Wang Chen needs is to arrive at the ladder as soon as possible.

With the memory in the brain, the speed of Wang Chen is now at its best.

The roar of the rear gradually became illusory.

Wang Chen’s figure disappeared between the heavens and the earth.


Between the vagueness, outside of Wanli, Wang Chen heard the roar of the heartbreaking lungs.

The middle-aged man and the old man, his eyes are red, endless desperate,\



A burst of buzz came.

In the Hidden Dragon Valley, the wind is rising.

This is the only place from Huanglongshan to the ladder.

This is the Hidden Dragon Valley. It is rumored that there was a sin dragon hidden here before the endless years. Therefore, it was named after it.

Today, this Hidden Valley is turbulent.

Between the surging clouds, a huge body emerges between the heavens and the earth.

The snoring came, and the **** mouth opened wide, as if to devour the heavens and the earth.


The snoring sound shook the world.

The brilliance of a figure is now surrounded by clouds.

The breath of blood, the nose, let this body shape, awkward pause.

Yes, this figure is Wang Chen.

After killing Quze, Wang Chen opened the middle-aged man and the old man directly at the fastest speed.

At this moment, before noon, Wang Chen arrived at the top of the Hidden Valley.

And his breath led to the emergence of that sin dragon.

Looking at the sin of the sin, Wang Chen’s eyes flashed slightly: “Roll.”

A simple word spit out, but Wang Chen said that there is more than one party.

"Since this piece of heaven and earth, convicted for you, then I will crush you on behalf of the heavens, my world of glory, lack of guards."

It was only at this moment that Wang Chen had an idea.

This sin dragon is very powerful.

Strong to let Wang Chen's blood seem to solidify.

But, Wang Chen has no fear, he wants to fight.

The thought of a moment rises, and Wang Chen wants to strengthen the world of his own.

Strength, you need to improve.

If this sin dragon can surrender, it will undoubtedly be inspiring.


乾坤鼎, the red light is floating.

Hang Kunding, which floats above the sky and emits endless red light, this moment, far away, turned out to be a round of red days.

The ray is shrouded and the runes are scattered.

Thousands of runes are constantly falling on the body of the dragon.




It’s just a moment, it’s turned into a thousand years.

The whole time and space are fixed, and the whole river is turbulent.

Each of the runes is integrated, and the horrible gatherings are screaming.

It seems that it feels a threat, it seems that it is really angry at this moment.


The majestic dragon rolls, the world is chaotic, and the middle-aged man and the old man who are far behind are in the wind, and they are wide open at the moment.

"He is doing this."

"Sin Dragon, there is actually a sin dragon. It is rumored that this is one of the most powerful dragons in the nine days and ten days. In the ancient times, when the whole world was born, it appeared.

Just, I don’t know why I committed a big crime, and I was finally sealed in the Hidden Dragon Valley.

And millions of years ago, at the end of the Taikoo period, I didn’t know where it was, but I moved the Hidden Valley away. From then on, the Hidden Valley disappeared on the battlefield and turned into a boundless giant pit.

The rumor that the Tibetan Dragon Valley appeared in the Tianlong field, I did not expect it to be true.

Looking at the dragon appearing in front, watching Wang Chen, middle-aged man and old man, subconsciously stopped.

At this moment, no one can understand the shock of their hearts and how they have evolved.

Hidden Dragon Valley, this is a legend belonging to the battlefield. This is a legend belonging to the Tianlong field.

And now, the legend is in front of them.

Only when the legend really appears in front of their eyes, they can understand that this legend is so terrible, it is true.

The momentum between the tens of thousands of dragons rolling, the two people were shocked.

"This is...God."

"More powerful than the gods."

In this moment, the two hearts seem to stop.

The momentum that broke out at the moment of the Wanzhangzhang dragon made the two people look even more dazed.

"No, it is suppressed, this Tianlong field, there is no power, laid the means of heaven, the world, the **** is not here, this world, only pure yang, this sin dragon, the strength at the moment... should be in Pure Yang is perfect."

"Damn, the sinful rumor of the ancient times rumors that the strength of the rumor is clear, it should be achieved, but it is sealed in the field of the dragon, obviously suppressed by the rules, do not know where the strong, even so Means, just, even if it is suppressed, this is pure perfection, and it is not an ordinary perfection."

After careful observation, the middle-aged man and the old man are even paler.

Even if it is suppressed, once the sin dragon wakes up, it is categorically able to crush nine days and ten places.

At the very least, within this Tianlong field, it is invincible.

Speed, strength, vitality, body 魄... everything is crushed.

Even if there is a **** appearing in this field, it is difficult to be the opponent of this sin dragon.

This is the final conclusion of the middle-aged man and the old man.

This conclusion is enough to stop the heartbeat.

They, they have not dared to go forward.

They looked into the distance and their faces were amazed.

"This is our assessment of the ladder."

The old man was pale and with a trace of despair.


Competing for a fart.

If they knew this, they would not compete.

The biggest opponent of theirs is the sin dragon.

They need five people to join hands.

Competition, just digging yourself.

They dug up a deep pit that would make them fall.

Sin dragon is here, who can cross.

The heart of the old man, this moment sinks to the bottom of the valley, as if despair.

"He, not self-sufficient, actually took a criminal dragon... bastard, he is crazy, he is looking for death."

The middle-aged man is also very ugly.

At this moment, his eyes are completely attracted by the rolling sin dragon: "Perhaps, there is hope."

There was a glimmer of light in the eyes, and I didn’t know what the middle-aged man thought of. At that moment, he even smiled, and a trace of light left him to the pale man around him. The next moment, this one Light, turned into cold.


A burst of dragons screamed and skyrocketed.

The wind is raging.

At the moment, the entire Tianlong area is in shock.

All, the strong in the field of Tianlong, feel the breath and roar of the entire direction of the Hidden Valley.

"What happened?"

A doubt that spreads from everyone's heart.

They are puzzled and they are shocked.

That breath made them tremble.

Either the re-cultivator, or the late pure Yang, or even the strongest of pure Yang.

They don't know what happened.

But they feel it, it seems... heaven, it has to change.

Who is going against the sky.

The thoughts of doubts passed by, and the eyes condensed for a moment in the direction of Hidden Dragon Valley.

The next moment, the competition is again?



Besides Wang Chen, except for middle-aged men and old people, no one knows what is happening inside the Hidden Dragon Valley.

No one knows that sin dragons appear.

No one can imagine that at this moment, someone is fighting against sin.

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