Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 97: Blood Lake

The wind is whistling.

The wasteland is still the wasteland.

But the people standing on the wasteland are not the original ones.

In the Kunming Ding, it took more than four years to complete, and the outside world has already passed several months.

Today, only four months left until the second year of assessment.

And Wang Chen, during this period of time, has improved too much.

There are two kinds of supernatural powers, and even have great powers, and the strength is pure fifth.

The present Wang Chen is far from being comparable.

With the strength of today, he meets Quze, I am afraid that there will be a battle.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen is curious in his heart.

"Wait for me to go back and shake up."

Looking at this sky, Wang Chen murmured to himself.

He put away Kun Kunding.

In the world of Qiankun, the cockroach is still quiet.

Wang Chen knows that Yihai is still recovering.

And he can't wait.

Time, the rest is not much.

In the depths, the bursts of calls make Wang Chen have a desire.

"I will see what is calling me."

Finally, exhaling, Wang Chen looked at the depths of this wasteland like a sword.

With that feeling, Wang Chenping stepped forward and ran away.

The foot is empty, the ground is shrinking, and the body is as light as a swallow.

This is what Wang Chen showed at the moment.

However, Rao is so, Wang Chen also spent a full seven days, which stopped.

A big world, a big wasteland.

With Wang Chen’s current strength in the blue sky, it took a full seven days. It is conceivable that this is a distant distance.

Even if it was the inner city to the palace, I’m afraid it’s just that.

If Wang Chen is a young man, he is afraid that with his original strength, it will take several months to reach the place where he is now.

This makes Wang Chen feel a lot.

The distance is a lake.

Blood red lake.

In the cold wind, blood tumbling, can not help but make people feel a nausea.

The lake is only pinched, and a touch of blood splatters, like a charming mind.

The area around the **** lake, the yin is chilling, making people shudder.

"Where is this."

The heart secretly took a breath, and Wang Chen muttered to himself.

He brows slightly and looks toward the lake.


Step out, Wang Chen is closer to the lake.

Because, Wang Chen felt that the call seemed to come from the depths of the lake.


Thinking of Wang Chen here is another step.

At the moment, he stepped into the lake within a hundred meters.


When Wang Chen stepped out, the lake rolled over.

The endless blood waves are rolling, and the endless death is pervasive.

Even, that breath, let Wang Chen suffocate.

There are some pale, Wang Chen's complexion, unprecedented dignity.


A whisper came from the air, but in the hands of Wang Chen, there was an extra soldier.

The forces of Yuanli condensed, and Wang Chen mobilized the endless energy in the body. It seems that at this moment, he has a little bit of confidence.

Slowly, Wang Chen stepped closer to the past in the **** lake.


And as Wang Chen gets closer, the **** lake is even more mad.

Blood and bloody, bloody, rising to the sky.

The whole world seems to be turned into a blood red.

When Wang Chen approached the lake for ten meters, Wang Chen’s pupil suddenly shrank.

Among the **** lakes, there was actually an altar that slowly rose.

And around the altar, endless blood waves, turned into a horrible demon dance.

This strange scene makes Wang Chen’s heart seem to be shackled by an invisible hand, which makes people really uncomfortable.

Thousands of people with blood, no skin, only flesh and blood.

A horrible altar, complex patterns...

"That is..."

When Wang Chen looked carefully at the altar, he couldn't help but stop.

The altar that slowly rises up, and there is an unexpected existence for Wang Chen.

That is a pair, hehe.


It’s 棺椁.

And, it’s a very crimson jealousy.

It’s like a blood-smelling scorpion, with a murderous murder, with endless unwillingness, and wants to struggle wildly.

But on the altar, the nine standing with the huge red stone pillars, each of them is a blood-colored chain that binds the knot to the altar.

It doesn’t help to let you know what you want to do.

A moment, nine chains creaked.

The sound, as if from the nine secluded, makes Wang Chen numb in his heart.

This is a scene of horror and surprise.

"You, come."

In the silence of Wang Chen, a faint voice came.

As if from all directions, it seems to have risen in the heart of Wang Chen.

In the moment when the sound appeared, Wang Chen was even more stupid.

Obviously, this moment should be fearful, but why, Wang Chen felt a burst of sorrow.

It seems that among them, what is closed is everything about him. It seems that there is something in him.

Why, I can’t help but feel sad.

Who is it, who has passed through time and space, who is standing on the wasteland of Wannian money.

As if between, Wang Chen saw a figure, proud of the world.

He fights with the sky, he fights with the sky, and finally, it is the end of a broken body.

Between the two, Wang Cheng feels cold around.

" You...come."

It was another faint voice coming, and Wang Chen slowly returned to God.

"I am coming."

Unconsciously, Wang Chen said softly.

This is the sound from the deepest part of his blood, so that Wang Chen can not even think.

As if, answering this, it is justified.

"Who are you, me, who is it."

Wang Chen continued.

It’s still the words between you, but it’s shocking.

"You, me, are the pieces of this world."


After silence for a long time, the voice sighed quietly.

"Come on, come over, I am going to die, there are some things that should be handed over to you after all, waiting for you for thousands of years, waiting too long, I have no time."

After that, the voice continued.

"Chess pieces, thousands of years."

Listening to this voice, Wang Chen fell into a long silence.

"You, who is it."

Wang Chen continued to ask.


The voice still answers this way.

Such a word, but also let Wang Chen do not know what to say.

There was a flash of red light, the chain trembled, the **** lake rolled...

Looking at it all, Wang Chen was silent for a long time. Finally, he gritted his teeth and slowly swept toward the altar.

Although it is dangerous to know that this is done.

But, I don't know why, Wang Chen still chooses this way.

Maybe, just the voice in the bottom of my heart told him that it should be done.

Maybe, just because Wang Chen wants to solve more doubts.

In the end, he set foot on the high platform.

In the end, Wang Chen stood in front of you.

"It's still you, still the same, still familiar."

It seems that I feel the Wang Chen standing in front of me, and the voice inside is so sighing.


The next moment, the air wave exploded.

Don't wait for Wang Chen's reaction, a touch of red light is swept away.

Wang Chen was eventually involved in the red fog.


This is a **** world.

After a long time, Wang Chen saw everything in front of him.

That is a figure.

He stood in front of a cliff, as if looking down at the sacred, as if he had entered a desperate situation.

He seems to be standing at the top of the mountain, and he seems to be standing at the entrance to hell.

The back of the picture gives Wang Chen a feeling of loneliness.

It seems that thousands of years of loneliness have gathered on him.

It seems that thousands of years of indifference, quietly distributed.

It’s chilling.


Looking at this figure, subconsciously, Wang Chen shouted.



At this moment, Wang Chen almost blurted out.

Wang Chen seems to think of the true God Cave House, seems to think of the original fantasy dance.

It seems that his blood is insidious.

So familiar, but so strange...

This is the battlefield.

Wang Chen didn't even know why he was so sure.

It’s almost an innate feeling, it’s a natural feeling.

"War, very familiar names, but also very strange."

The figure, slowly turned and looked toward Wang Chen.

"The ninth generation of the true God, the last time, Cheng Chengcheng, swaying up, flying into the sky, defeated and defeated, turned into loess since then."

Looking at Wang Chen, he said slowly.

"You are the war, you are the war, you know what, who I am, who you are, why, there will be that feeling."

When listening to the words of the war, Wang Chen’s heart was gone.


At this moment, he is sure that this figure is the battlefield.

The arrogance of the original warrior, the original descendant of the true god, the person who had been waiting for the illusion of dance, the person who was originally unaccounted for.

At this moment, Wang Chen’s emotions are almost impossible to suppress.

Why, he will appear here.

This is the battlefield. Is it that the battlefield disappeared into the battlefield?

But, clearly, Wang Chen saw the scene of the scene, the battlefield and the magic dance.

However, here is the underground ancient city, why the war days will appear in this hustle and bustle.


Too many doubts, a moment of shock.

Wang Chen’s heart is more unsettled at the moment than the **** lake.

It is more trembling than those chains.

The doubts in these hearts are enough to make Wang Chen feel like a collapse.

It seems that <spanclass='character'style='background-image:url(/img/1439481514771/32846786/76


31292575829758188.png) '> At this moment, Wang Chen touched the barrier.

Wang Chen is very clear that once the barrier is pushed open, everything seems to be in front of his eyes.

Swire, Antiquity, Middle Ages...

There are too many secrets buried in the dust of history that seem to be coming out.

But, I don't know why, at this moment, Wang Chen is afraid.

He is eager to know.

He is also afraid to know.

That is a tangled heart.

The kind of tangling is enough to make people collapse.

Rao is Wang Chen, Rao is his heart like a rock, and can't help but tremble at the moment.

"I want to know all."

Finally, in that trembling, take a deep breath, Wang Chen looked up and looked at the figure, Shen Sheng said.

There is no certainty, it is extremely firm.

He, you have to know everything.

This is not what he has been pursuing.

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