Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 95: Zengyang Sword (below)

"You are sure you really want to do it."

After three days, in the world of Qiankun, watching Wang Chen, the voice of Yihai has some heavy weight.


Wang Chen nodded.

"Bastard, you are really crazy."

Winghai is completely angry.

Just, after anger, he was silent.

He, how can you stop this **** guy.

Although there are not many dealings with Wang Chen, but Wing Hai feels it, which is clearly a madman.

If it’s not a madman, can he do something that will take him out of his place?

If it’s not a madman, can he choose to go to the depths to meet the devil?

This is a madman, a madman that no one can stop.

It’s clear that this is the wing of the sea, and it’s clear that today’s ones can’t stop this guy.

He can only be silent.

If it is ok, Yihai certainly chose not to hesitate to escape.


It’s to escape, not to leave.

Because of this place, the guy left him with a deep, indelible memory.

However, the current wing sea does not have this ability.

He is destined to follow this madman to go there.

"I send you the inheritance, and destroy the Yangjian. There is only one trick. This is a great supernatural power. If it is time, you can take me out of this space and leave as soon as possible."

A silent silence for a long time, Wing Hai said quietly.

Destroy the sword.

This is a great supernatural power, and it is also the most powerful move of Yihai in this life.

This is enough to make the world tremble, Kyushu is stunned.

This trick, he has never passed on anyone.

Originally, Yihai did not intend to pass on to Wang Chen, but now there is no choice.

Go to that place.

That is going to death.

If you can have a defensive sword, plus the guy who originally mastered the squad, there may be a glimmer of life.

This is a choice that has no choice.

It’s so depressed about Wing Hai.

He suddenly felt that Wang Chen was forcing him.

If it is not forcing him, why does he inherit this great power?

Even, Yihai suspects that this guy is simply trying to force out the Yangjian sword in this way.

Thinking of this, Wing Hai is even more depressed.

However, he still has no choice.

"Great magic, what is the difference."

When Hei Haite mentioned the great supernatural powers, Wang Chen frowned.


Great power.

What is the difference?

"The difference is big, supernatural powers, oh... too many supernatural powers, no magical powers at all, some of them are small magical powers.

This world, most of the magical powers, is this level.

And above this level, there is still a great supernatural power.

Shenzhen can destroy the heavens and the earth, the level of the gods, and the talents of the superiors, you may understand.

Great power, you can turn around and sweep everything, and this great power, but it is not the ordinary gods level can understand, only the interpretation of the gods level to the fullest, become a half-step true God, or half-step magic, It is possible to make it.

Small supernatural powers are only stronger than the martial arts of that day. At most, they are powerful and have no martial arts that have been cultivated.

However, Great Power is far above these.

The two are not the same, you will feel it.

Speaking of great powers, Yihai once again became proud of it.

And this great power is also shocking Wang Chen’s heart.

"Flat step clouds."

Wang Chen asked.

Great power.

Pingbu Qingyun is not a big magic.

This is a very curious place for Wang Chen.

"Flat step Qingyun, if it is shrinking into the inch, it is barely a small magical power, but also the most basic little magical power, and this is a stepping green cloud, it is a small magical power, after the improvement of the Pingbu Qingyun, can be regarded as a good thing in the small magical .

However, there are still some differences with the great supernatural powers.

Winghai sinks the road.

"Okay, pass it on to me."

When I heard about Yihai, Wang Chen had some time to wait.

Great power, how strong it is, he is looking forward to it.

Know that Pingqian Qingyun is already making Wang Chen open his eyes.

What will happen to this great supernatural power.

Wang Chen’s quiet fat sat before the cockroach.

The next moment, in front of the eyes, Wang Chen feels that his own knowledge has entered a new world.

This is the world within the shackles,

Wang Chen knew this in an instant.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Chen does not have much panic.

He looked ahead.

The next moment, Wang Chen’s eyes widened.


Wang Chen is unbelievable, and even his face becomes strange.

Because, what Wang Chen saw at the moment.

He didn’t really see a teenager who was almost a year old.


It’s a teenager.

Women in black.

How to see, the screen has some violations.

Does this be the guy who claims to be Yuyang Wangyihai?

"What's wrong, I have a problem, you see me bad, don't take me down now, I am more than you, I tell you..."

In the face of Wang Chen's weird look, the little guy seemed to be stepped on the tail, jumped up, blushing, and shouting loudly.

After rebirth, they are all growing again.

In the face of the roar of the wing sea, Wang Chen brows, but seriously asked.

" Nonsense, once you regain your knowledge, you start from the baby, rest assured, I won't take long, I will be back to the original."

Yuan Hai said with no anger.

"You can also pass on the magical powers."

Wang Chen asked.


Yi Hai rolled his eyes: "I still abuse you as a dog."

Gangyi looked at Wang Chen, and Yihai said with great enthusiasm.

The voice fell, and his body flashed, and he stepped toward the distance.

Shrinking into the inch, at the foot of this wing sea, but it is not inferior to the blue clouds.

"Hey, look, this is the annihilation sword."

Afterwards, Yihai looked regret to Wang Chen and shouted.

The voice fell, the wings of the sea focused, he looked into the distance.

The world, this moment, as if he was quiet with him.

Wang Chen put away his look and concentrated on watching Yihai, for fear of missing any details.


In the attention of Wang Chen, I saw that the momentum of Yihai suddenly soared.

The horrible air wave exploded.

Yinghai is a gas condensed sword, and one is commanding.


This command came out, and suddenly the heavens and the earth were in utter silence.

The whole world seems to have been torn into countless pieces.

Under this finger, everything is shaking.

Under this finger, the Buddha of Heaven seems to worship.

This finger seems to be a god-going god.


Then the world shattered and turned into endless pieces.

The whole process seems to be slow and seems to be fast...

This move is very powerful.

But it’s not this that makes Wang Chen shocked.

It’s that momentum.

If the power of the annihilation sword is very powerful, perhaps, Wang Chen’s Qiankun Ding is not inferior.

But, that imposing the momentum of the world, but Wang Chen's heart trembled.

A horrible move, a horrible momentum.

In that momentum, Wang Chen felt that his vitality seemed to be over.

The cold atmosphere of the body is soaring...


When the heavens exploded, Wang Chen’s body seemed to blast.


At this moment, Wang Chen gasps.

Unconsciously, his body has been invaded by cold sweat.

"Damn, the strength has not recovered yet. One trick, I can only interpret this trick. How much you can comprehend, how much, after three days, I will perform for you once again.

I have performed a total of three times for you, plus my mind, should be able to make you feel the fur.

Between Wang Chen’s respite, the wing sea was also pale and returned to Wang Chen, tiredly said.

The voice fell, he waved his hand: "This place, can't keep you, you, first return, remember, destroy the sword, the most terrible is not the power, is the momentum, you feel it, under this trick, The breath of traction, how terrible, within a thousand feet, everything is for your use, the breath of your body is being extracted by me, your vitality, borrowed by me, you should also feel it, and comprehend it." /

Yuan Hai took a deep look at Wang Chen and said slowly.


The voice fell, not even waiting for Wang Chen’s reaction, nor waiting for Wang Chen to speak, the sky is distorted.

Wang Chen once again returned to the inside of Qiankun Ding.

"Destroy the sword, it’s terrible."

Until this time, Wang Chen, who had recovered a bit of life, was afraid of it.

Good hegemonic moves.

This trick can be used to extract the atmosphere within a thousand squares.

This is a borrowing.

I just was alone here.

If there are thousands of strong people on their side, how much will this power increase?

Forcibly borrowing the vitality and atmosphere of all people, plus their own breath, stimulating the world, and destroying the annihilation of the sun, this blow is absolutely ruined.

This is a great supernatural power.

Wang Chen looks dignified, with a hint of fear and jealousy.

"Sure enough, it is a supernatural power."

Wang Chen snorted and muttered to himself.

Just, very soon, the fear on his face was swept away and turned into endless joy.

This trick is very powerful.

This trick even has some sinister poison.

However, this move is undoubtedly the most powerful and powerful means that Wang Chen has ever seen.

"If the big brother can learn this magical power, it will definitely be more against the sky."

Wang Chen thought secretly in his heart.

Wang Yan, who understands the extremes of hegemony, under this trick, he will be overbearing to what extent.

Imagine Wang Yan’s scene of this annihilation sword. Wang Chen’s mouth is pumping, and he doesn’t know what to say.


It seems that it was really a bad character at the beginning.

And yourself.

Wang Chen thought of something in general, excited.

The ultimate in killing, the extreme of the road.

This is what Wang Chen has now realized. If it is within this trick, it is more devastating to incorporate the scent of killing.

If this trick is integrated into the road, is it possible to call more heavens?

Wang Chen is eager to try.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitates, and soon, he sinks into cultivation.

Recover the energy that was extracted before as soon as possible, and then start practicing this trick to destroy the Yangjian, this?


?? is what Wang Chen wants to do now.

As for the call of the depths of the wilderness.

At the moment, it seems to be less important.

Now, Wang Chen needs more strength.

After that, you can go to that place.

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