Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 91: Not undone

Quze is in a hurry.


Quze is anxious.

Especially after he saw the deepening of Yan Chen and Mo Peng's momentum, he knew that the two men are likely to be passed down.

It is precisely because of this that Quze will be anxious.

Because he has not received any calls until now.

It’s also because of the urgency that this moment is desperate, and it’s straight to the point that is closest to him.


However, what made Quze unexpected was that in his hand, before he saw that he was about to touch the cockroach, a roar of bangs exploded.

Even, let the whole hall tremble.

A powerful wave of air erupted, and even he did not have the power to resist.

The body shape is a meal, and Quze is quite awkward and has withdrawn several steps.

The next step is silence.

The face of Quze is more and more ugly.


Why is this so.

Especially when Qu Ze saw a few people with a small number of remaining digits, and another person felt that the summoning was elated to a pair of scorpions, Quze was unbalanced.

His heart, there is some chaos.

Why is this so.

In this case, why is such a powerful force erupting?

As if you are resisting yourself, it seems to be warning.

This makes Quze's face almost distorted.

Whether it is resistance or warning, Qu Ze looks very ugly.

If it is resistance, then why?

Know that you are the pride of the sky.

At the beginning, he became a generation of Tianjiao and became the pride of the teacher. He, all the way up, the road of martial arts, no one can stop.

He even stepped into the level of the gods, stood on the edge of the soul, and then chose to return to the dust and rebuild.

This single will and talent is enough to qualify for the Swordsman.

Between the world, there are several people who can match it.

Repairer, this identity is enough to explain everything.

But why is this identity actually resisted.

If it is a warning.

This is to make Quze eyes cold.

This is humiliation.

I am a rehabilitator. I don’t have to say anything about this identity. At the beginning, I was even more slaughtered, and the mountain river turned into a blood red.

Does this not enough to explain anything.

This momentum, this strength, only he warned others, when is it a turn to warn him.

It is precisely because of this that Quze is very unbalanced at this moment.

Why, he is not yet called.

"I don't believe it."

Looking at this scene, Qu Ze looked like a scream of anger, and he made a force at his feet, and rushed toward the pair again.


However, just as Quze once again went to the squatting, and once again, when he saw that he had to touch the cockroach, a roar came.

It's like the essence.


The voice rushed into Quze’s mind and exploded.

The blood is rolling, away from the seemingly broken, Dan Tian, ​​seems to be really opened, my mind, seems to be blank.


In this roar, Qu Ze slammed out of the distance of more than ten steps, and suddenly sat down on the ground.

There is a lot of wolverines, how embarrassing it is.

The corner of his mouth even spilled a trace of blood, and his face looked pale.


Looking at such a scene, in the distance, the last warrior who was not summoned, looked pale.

Before , he also wanted to be forced to inherit with Quze.

But now, when I see Quze’s end, he is taking back his steps and his face is always clear.


And Quze.

A roar, bursting out of endless anger.

This is Quze.

This is his mood at the moment,

humiliation, anger, unwillingness...

The endless emotions are breeding and surging in Quze’s heart.

He is almost crazy.

He is not reconciled.

Why would you be treated like this?

Looking at that sly, Qu Ze looks sad and angry.


And just between Quze’s anger and anger, a snoring came.

Only seeing the body of Yanchen in the distance is slowly floating.

The cockroach in front of him, this moment, slowly, slowly turned into transparency, thick fog, it is difficult to see.

And Yan Chen, the momentum of his body, soaring, and finally, a blue light slowly spread, unclear majesty, people can not help but worship.

The inheritance is complete.

Yan Chen, has gained inheritance...


After then, the second whisper came.

Not far away, Mo Peng also appeared the same situation as Yanchen.

The two were given inheritance.

Looking at it all, Quze is not to mention how unwilling and angry.

He changed his eyes and he was critical.

Looking at the front of the cockroach, Qu Ze is angry and jealous.

Everything I have just received has made Quze very clear. It is impossible to force the inheritance.

So, now, what can he do.

"I can't get it, you can't think of it."

Quze said.

This is his last decision.

The mysterious embarrassment is so powerful that he can't get the inheritance, so that others can be passed on.

Especially Yan Chen, and that Mo Peng.

The two men are the ones he will kill.

He does not allow the two to inherit, and even he wants to plunder the inheritance from these two people.

You can't get the inheritance, then how?

He can plunder.

Is it not that Yanchen and Mo Peng have gained inheritance?

This is just fine.

As long as they kill the two, he is able to inherit from these two people.


Thinking of this, Qu Ze's figure is swept out.

"You are looking for death."

When Qu Ze looked and rushed to Wang Chen, Wang Chen suddenly opened his eyes.

Before accepting the inheritance, Wang Chen understood the Pingbu Qingyun.

This is his harvest within the temple.

And now, Wang Chen, who has just been passed down, suddenly feels that the crisis is coming.

This makes Wang Chen look straight ahead.

see Magarisawa full of murderous swept to Wang Chen did not know where the song Chak want to do.

The eyes are cold and the stars are cold and cold.


When the wrist is shaking, the dragon and the dragon are sacrificed.

At this moment, Wang Chen does not show weakness.


乾坤鼎 exploded, the mountains and rivers are turbulent.

a time, the red light eruption, air waves rolling.

In the entire palace, there was a burst of sorrow.

Those silences, this moment, seems to have been stimulated, a burst of ethereal roar came.

The voices turned into a share of energy, and blessed to the Qiankunding.


A roar came, and Kun Kun Ding was struck together with Qu Ze.


The dull crash, shocking.

"How is it possible..."

Between the collisions, Qu Ze’s eyes widened and he exclaimed incredulously.


A good horrible energy, a good one.

Why, it will be so powerful.

He is not reconciled.

This Yanchen, how can you force yourself back?

This hit, as if the mountain is generally thick, this blow is like a thunder.


The blood spurts out, and Quze looks paler.

Even, just a moment, Quze is flying hundreds of meters.


The shackles fell on the gate outside the palace, and Quze looked pale.

"Take another step and die."

Not waiting for Qu Ze to get up, between the vagueness, within the palace, there was a majestic cold noise.

The sound seems to come from a squat in the forefront.

This moment, above the scorpion, exudes a clear light.

"How come..."

Looking at such a scene, Qu Ze once again widened his eyes.

Mo said that it is Qu Ze, and Wang Chen could not help but be stunned.

Then... is it alive?

Or, inside, there is a living strong.

Especially Wang Chen, can't help but move.

There was just a slap in the face of Kunming.

At the very least, Wang Chen has a self-knowledge, and his current strength is categorically unable to provoke such a powerful blow.

This blow is far beyond his limits today.

The energy that comes from within the hustle and bustle, which makes him succeed in retreating and reinventing Quze.

It’s those who helped themselves.

They are messing up in organizing Quze.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen is full of guilt.


The breeze roared and the hall was quiet again.

There are only Wang Chen and others who are shocked.


After then, a snoring came and a third person completed the comprehension.

And in this stock, the power of a five elements is sweeping toward Wang Chen and others.

I saw that Mo Peng took the lead with a strange, body shape drifting toward the outside.

Uncontrolled and cannot be violated.

This is the will of this breeze.

With inheritance, you are not allowed to stay here.

It was only a moment later that Mo Peng was sent out of the scope of the embarrassment.

He wants to take another step forward, but finds that it is like an invisible barrier that blocks him and can't take a step.

And Wang Chen.

At this time, he is a stable figure of death and death, and does not seem to want to leave.

Although it has been passed down, this is true.

However, Wang Chen still wants to get more.

Because, he felt that there seems to be another summoning power waiting for himself.

The summoning is not elsewhere.

And just on the side of the head.

It’s not the one who is headed, but the golden glaze after the first one.


In the eyes of everyone, Wang Chenxi took a step toward the front.


Under the step, the mountains and rivers are shaken.


Wang Chenxi’s spurt a blood.

"Who is chaos, retreat, live, enter, die."

As if I felt the violation, in the void, there was a roar of noise at the moment.


Isn’t it the anger of the screaming head?

An angry drink, Wang Chen looked pale.

"Little brother, come back."

Looking at such a scene, Mo Peng was in a hurry, Wei Cheng, even shouted.

Wei Cheng.

Yes, he has gained inheritance and launched a range of flaws.

Not only Wei Cheng.

At the moment, there are two people who have accepted the inheritance and are slowly?


? Go.

With Mo Peng, Qu Ze, and a warrior who did not inherit the inheritance, these people looked at Wang Chen with a stunned look, full of weird look.

How powerful is that will.

They have a deep understanding.

Disobedience, what is the end.

Quze is the best embodiment.

But now, Wang Chen actually wants to violate the counter, which can't help but make their hearts smash.

This guy, crazy.

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