Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 87: Between true and false

This is a channel.

When Wang Chen and Mo Peng decided to move on, they quickly walked toward the depths of the palace lobby. This time, they did not encounter too many obstacles, and even they looked at the end of the palace.

But, when they took the last step, the space was distorted, and Wang Chen and Mo Peng came to another space.

This is a channel, a borderless channel.

There is a cold breath in the channel.

Walk in the passage, at this moment, Wang Chen and Mo Peng's body pores are erected, and they are prepared to deal with the dangers that may arise at any time.

"Strange, at the end of this channel, where is it?"

After a long time, but no danger, no export, Wang Chen could not help but frown, muttered to himself.

"At the end of the passage, I don't know, maybe it's the core, we should have walked out of the hall of the hall."

Mo Peng sinks into the road.

"Go, go ahead and look at it, you should always go to the exit, but you can't take it lightly, dangerously, maybe at any time."

Wang Chen smiled bitterly.

The core of the palace.

What a greatness there will be.

Wang Chen is very curious.


In the silent passage, the next moment, only the footsteps of Wang Chen and Mo Peng are left. Of course, there are two people breathing.


It’s time to walk out and don’t know how long it took. When Wang Chen even had some general ideas, suddenly a white light flashed.


The entire passage suddenly swayed.

"Not good."

Looking at the white light flashing, Wang Chen’s look changed and he quickly exclaimed.

It’s just 10,000 meters away.

In such a long period of time, there is silence, which makes it impossible to be vigilant.

That, too tired.

However, just before Wang Chen and Mo Peng just breathed a sigh of relief, a roar came and the crisis came.

This crisis has suddenly emerged, so that Wang Chen and Mo Peng can not be surprised.

The figure flashed and the two quickly plunged toward the rear.


At the same time, Wang Chen is even more angry, directly punching the heavenly emperor.

This time, Wang Chen mobilized all the energy.

The strength of the fourth-order pure yang is blasted, and this boxing celestial fist is shocking.

Under the punch, the fists are smashing, and the sky shines like a star.


In that light curtain, Wang Chen’s attack, the sly and the white light collide.


The roar of the roaring sounds, in this boundless roar, the waves are mad.


Under the horrible air, Wang Chen couldn’t help but quit a few steps away.

The blood in the chest rolled, and Wang Chen’s face could not help but be ugly.




And just as Wang Chen had just stabilized his body shape, the white light was coming to the distance and went straight to Wang Chen and Mo Peng.

"Bastard, we are in danger."

Looking at such a scene, Wang Chen said quietly.

"It seems that the center and perhaps an organ, we can't resist it, we must rush out as soon as possible. Look, there is light there, it should be an export. Just rush out of the white light and rush out of the exit. ."

When he heard Wang Chen’s words, Mo Peng said quickly.

In the distance, there has been a glimmer of light, and that is the exit.

And here, it is a crisis.

The power of the white light, but the power of Mo Peng can not help but chill.

You can't be stupidly resisted here. If that's the case, they will only be forced to retreat.

Before Wang Chen destroyed a white light, suddenly there were a few more white lights.

And now.

If you destroy these white lights now, there will be dozens of white lights.

This white light, the power is still so fierce, if it is dozens of white light.

What happens when you develop hundreds of white lights?

Thinking of this, Mo Peng is even more frightened.

You must leave this place as soon as possible.


When he heard Mo Peng’s words, Wang Chen looked up and looked at it at the end. He really saw a glimmer of light.

That is the exit.

And now.

It is like the night before dawn.

I don't know how many people fell in the night, I don't know how many people almost saw the dawn of dawn, but in the end it failed.

To win, you must break through this dark night and enter the light of dawn.


Thinking of this, Wang Chen hastened to sacrifice the order.

"Kowloon Defense."

Wang Chen took the lead in the development of the Kowloon defense.

"The dragon is coming."

Afterwards, what Wang Chen showed up is that Shenlong came to the world.

A roar, the sound of the dragon is deafening.


With the hand-held command, Wang Chen took the defense of the Kowloon as a refuge and used the dragon to power it and rushed forward.

"The fire is nine."

After Wang Chen, Mo Peng is also busy and roaring.

There is a huge flame in the hand.

The light of the flames plunges forward.

This boundless flame is turned into a general knife, like a tiger, a dragon, and a ghost, a demon.

These momentums, in an instant, cooperate with Bailong and stir toward those white lights.




In the tiny space, the waves suddenly tumbling and turbulent.

The boundless stars blasted and volcano erupted.

The beasts are roaring and the sky is shaking.

In this horrible momentum, Wang Chen and Mo Peng couldn't help but spurt blood.

In the tiny space, they are inevitably suffering from these waves.

But even though in such a wave, Wang Chen has to withstand his body shape,

He and Mo Peng rely on each other, suffocating their strength and rushing toward the front.

You can't take a step back, otherwise it will fail.

Now, they only have to move forward, move forward, and move forward.


With the gust of wind, Wang Chen and Mo Peng both took a breather and took the Kowloon defense as a refuge, taking several steps in succession.

At this moment, the two even disregarded everything and just wanted to move forward.


The blood is floating.

In the boundless air, Rao is the Kowloon defense, but Wang Chen and Mo Peng can't help but vomit blood.


When Wang Chen and others looked close to the exit, there were dozens of white lights in the blink of an eye.

As Mo Peng expected, after several white lights, it was dozens of white lights.

The appearance of these white lights almost blocked all the way.

"The brave is invincible."

Looking at the return of these white light, Wang Chen shouted in a gloomy voice.

The brave is invincible.

Yes, this level is the invincible of the brave.

Wang Chen explained everything in four words.

If there is a slight concession at this level, it is impossible to succeed.

In the face of all dangers, they have no retreat and can only move forward.

The brave is invincible. Only with such a heart can they approach the core of the palace.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen is full of strength and offerings Qiankun Ding.


With Qiankunding as the suppression, with the help of Mo Peng long knife, the two once again headed for the dozens of white lights.




Suddenly, there was another roar.

Wang Kunding in the hands of Wang Chen, at the moment, unleashed a long river.

The river is surging, entangled with those white lights.

乾坤鼎, is a spurt of a wave of gas, and then produce endless suction, the white light all the way to swallow.




The roaring sound is endless.

Every time the roar came, Wang Chen couldn’t help but spurt a blood.

In every roar, Wang Chen’s figure is suddenly shocked.

Under every roar, Mo Peng is also pale.

But, the two of them are not willing to go back half a step at the moment.

With the strength of the two, they forcibly stepped forward toward the front.


With the help of Zhai Kunding, the two men rushed out dozens of white lights.


The figure is flashing. Finally, in the midst of being in danger, the two men stepped out seven or eight steps.

Finally, under the engulfment of Qiankunding, white light was gradually relieved.

And at this moment, Wang Chen and Mo Peng have come to the exit.


Looking at the dawn, Wang Chen and Mo Peng were overjoyed and quickly stepped forward again.


The prestige has passed and the world has changed.

It’s no longer a gloomy underground passage, but a square full of sunshine and splendor.


"There is such a realistic fantasy."

Until this moment, Wang Chen and Mo Peng face each other.

The two eyes widened at this moment.

Wang Chen, who walked out of the underground passage, found that Qiankunding did not absorb the slightest energy.

Wang Chen and Mo Peng, who walked out of the underground passage, noticed that they were in a very good state at the moment, and there were signs of injury before.

Anything that was encountered before the underground passage was false.

"No, it is not an ordinary illusion, it is true, it is also a fake, true and false. If I wait for it to retreat, it will be a failure. If we resist failure, then the soul will be broken, then, those White light is true because we are dead.

If it is successful, it is a fantasy, and we will lose no harm.

The brave is invincible, is this the brave invincible.

Just, after the shock, Wang Chen even widened his eyes and said quickly.

Everything I encountered before the underground passage was just a fantasy.

No, that's not a complete fantasy.

Real and falsehood, illusory and real, constitutes a scene of terror.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen and Mo Peng face each other.

Unconsciously, the two of them just turned around in the ghost gate.

"Sure enough, the brave is invincible. If there is no such heart, we are afraid to stop in the passage, or even fall."

When he heard Wang Chen’s words, Mo Peng could not help but fear.

"Go, now that you have left the hall, the palace in front should be the core."

Just, after the fear, Wang Chen quickly shifted his gaze to the front.

This is a big square.

And just in front of the square, Wang Chen and Mo Peng saw a towering palace.


A holy atmosphere comes from the pavement.

As if in the hall, there seems to be something calling everyone.

No accident, that should be the core of the hall.

At this step, Wang Chen will be excited.

What happened before, it doesn't matter.

The most important thing is that they succeeded and they came here.

Now, they have a chance to get a chance. This is a make-up that makes Wang Chen leave everything behind.

Now, you should get the chance to do it as soon as possible.

Think of this <spancla


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