Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 65: The Night of the Shadows

A year's time.

In my heart, silently recited, at this moment, Wang Chen’s look became very dignified.

These things that I learned from Mo Peng’s mouth made Wang Chen’s heart shocked.

Tianlong field... I didn’t expect it to contain such a crisis.

If you are able to spend the first year with your own strength, you will definitely not be able to spend the second year, not to mention the third year.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen took a deep breath.

The last year is left.

This is the most crucial time for Wang Chen.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen has a plan.


In the darkness, you can hear the roar of the wind.

After a long time, I didn’t know how long it took, and the sound gradually stopped.


No more movements, Mo Peng passed by Wang Chen.


The next moment, the body shape for a while, Mo Peng skyrocketed.

After that, Wang Chen also rushed out of the yellow sand and returned to the ground.

The long and endless desert, calm at the moment, as if nothing had happened before.

"Damn, this storm, it’s so horrible, it seems that we have to be careful next."

Looking around, thinking about the storm before, Mo Peng has a lingering fear.

"Next, where are we going?"

Wang Chen asked.

In accordance with the words of the fierce sage, Mo Peng and Wang Chen came to this desert and avoided the endless pursuit.

That's next.

Next, where should they go?

"The deepest part of this desert, there is a mark left by the teacher. If there is no accident, it should be able to find it. This time into the Tianlong field, the Master will leave us a big chance, my hands. There is a key to unlock the secrets of the desert."

Mo Peng's face is dignified and slowly said.


When he heard Mo Peng’s words, Wang Chen suddenly widened his eyes.

The secret of the desert.

What is that.

Wang Chen was very surprised.

There is nothing left in the fire.

"A hundred years ago, Shizun entered the field of Tianlong. At that time, he discovered an underground world, and by chance, he got the key, but unfortunately, at that time, the strength of the master was I dare not rush into it. This time, Master will let us go to the test."

Feeling the doubts of Wang Chen, Mo Peng explained.


A few words made Wang Chen even more stunned.

A century ago, the underground world discovered by the sages.

What kind of world is that?

At the beginning, even the sorcerer did not dare to tempted.

That now...he and Mo Peng...

"The Master is prepared for this, maybe we have a chance."

Mo Peng’s eyes were condensed and he said quietly.

This discourse dispelled Wang Chen’s concerns.

"Just, when I discovered the underground world together with Shizun, there are still a few people. It is because of the mutual distrust between them that the underground world was finally hidden. We must hurry and find it as soon as possible. That place."

Mo Peng continued.

"Okay, then we will find the underground world as soon as possible."

When I heard Mo Peng’s words, Wang Chen dared to hesitate.

Mo Peng’s words, though very simple, are to make Wang Chen’s heart hang.

There were several people who discovered the underground world together with the Sage.

If this is the case, then the situation is completely different.

When I think about it, Wang Chen still dares to hesitate.

With Mo Peng, they quickly swept toward the depths of the Great Devil.


The yellow sand is long and the wind is raging.

The weather within the desert is always changing very fast.

The sun is burning in the daytime, and the night is blowing.

The ultimate change, Rao is to let Wang Chen and Mo Peng such a strong, are complaining.

After successive journeys, Wang Chen and Mo Peng are both embarrassed.

Under the night, in the cold wind, Wang Chen quietly sat in the sand and practiced.

The trend of Tianjin.

In the long desert of the yellow sand, it is not without benefits.

The trend of Tianjin is extraordinarily rich.

After nearly half a month, every night, Wang Chen spent almost all of his cultivation.

The time of half a month is really to improve the strength of Wang Chen’s Tianjin.

Although, compared to the place where the source of gold is not available, although the speed of cultivation is not comparable to the speed of cultivation of Wang Chen’s fire, the speed is still a surprise for Wang Chen.

The potential of the gold that can be condensed in the body is more than twice that of the original.

In the night, with the cultivation of Wang Chen, the endless gold is coming together.

The strong Tianjin potential, even turned into a golden light, bit by bit into the pores of Wang Chen's body.


The mouth and nose are slightly open, and every time you breathe, Wang Chen is like a giant whale swallowing water, and the potential of Tianjin is incorporated into the body.

In the Dantian, the tree of Tianjin, under the nourishment of these golden energy, broke out with vitality...

Silence is in cultivation, and it has not been known for a long time. Until Wang Chen felt that the body reached a saturation, it stopped practicing.

"Wang Chen Brothers..."

And not waiting for Wang Chen to open his eyes, his ears, but suddenly came the voice of Mo Peng.

Yes, it’s nervous.

At this moment, Mo Peng’s voice made Wang Chen feel a little bad.

Quickly open your eyes and look to the front. This look is to make Wang Chen jump in the heart.

Close to dawn, the world has a faint glow.

With this light, Wang Chen saw hundreds of meters away from an almost decaying poplar tree, and now stood a figure.

Nothing, the figure seems to be integrated into this world.


Looking at this scene, Wang Chen took a breath.


The whole body is creepy, and Wang Chen is almost jumping up. He fights with Mo Peng and looks alert.

Who is the figure in the distance.

It’s so quietly close to hundreds of meters.

If it wasn't for Mo Peng, even Wang Chen didn't notice it.

And even if it is Mo Peng, it is only at this moment.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen’s heart is even more mad.

is an enemy.


The first time, Wang Chen denied the thoughts in his heart.

If this person is an enemy, I am afraid that Wang Chen and Mo Peng have been in the same position at the moment.

With this figure alone, you can approach the two people so quietly, you can imagine how powerful this person is.

If he is an enemy, if he has a murder, Wang Chen and Mo Peng can resist.

Perhaps, in silence, Wang Chen and Mo Peng are leaving the world.

"Be careful."

When he heard Wang Chen’s words, Mo Peng frowned and said quietly.

He stared at the figure, and he didn’t dare to act at all.


In the gaze of Wang Chen and Mo Peng, a breeze smashed through, and the figure suddenly became illusory and integrated into the heavens and the earth, as if it never appeared.

Looking at such a scene, Wang Chen and Mo Peng were stunned.

What happened.

The figure disappeared.

Not even a touch of breath.

Before all are hallucinations.

Wang Chen and Mo Peng look at each other and face each other.

"Not good."

Just, just in the next moment, Wang Chen seemed to feel something, and suddenly the pores of his body exploded.


An exclamation, Wang Chen’s feet suddenly made a force, and the whole person almost ran towards the back against the ground.

There is a stepping back, and in an instant, Wang Chen retreats to the kilometer.

On the other side, Mo Peng did not dare to care about it, and quickly rushed away with Wang Chen.

"Oh... slow."

However, even so, Wang Chen and Mo Peng are still slow.

A burst of laughter came, Wang Chen and Mo Peng's face became ugly.


At this moment, the figure that disappeared before, did not appear in front of Wang Chen and Mo Peng.

Moreover, that figure is almost attached to Wang Chen’s body.

The distance between the two is less than one meter.


This scene makes Wang Chen suffocate.

This person, who is it, is so powerful.

At the moment, under such a close distance, Wang Chen also saw the coming people with the help of weak light.

This is a middle-aged man who looks like about forty or fifty years old. At first glance, it gives people a very common feeling. It is even hard to imagine. He is a powerful warrior, feeling on him. Not in the slightest fluctuations.

But at this time, he is like a ghost, so he stood in front of Wang Chen.

There was a smile on his mouth, and he looked at Wang Chen with interest.

Not less than one meter... Wang Chen has no reaction...

The performance of all this shows what it is.

Description, if this man is willing, Wang Chen has no counterattack force, he will die.

This is true even though Mo Peng.


The body is almost stiff, and Wang Chenxi’s breathe in a cold breath: “ are...”

At this moment, Wang Chen gave up his intention to continue to retreat.

Escape, this is definitely not going to escape.

From now until now, everything that has been shown is not enough to make people see something.

Wang Chen is a smart person.

So, he won't do stupid things.

The other party seems to be really hostile, and in the face of absolute strength, how can Wang Chen be.

He can only bitter face and watch the strong in front of him cautiously.

King Lin Wang.


It’s still 乾坤鼎.

Wang Chen gave birth to a thought in his mind. This strong person is also coming for treasure.

"I, huh, huh... Wei Cheng."

When he heard Wang Chen’s inquiry, the man smiled and said.

"Wei Cheng."

This time, not waiting for Wang Chen’s reaction, Mo Peng on the other side thought of what was general and exclaimed.

"You are a senior of Wei Cheng."

Mo Peng quickly asked.

"The apprentice of the fire is still qualified."

In the face of Mo Peng's inquiry, Wei Cheng glanced at Mo Peng and nodded.

Just, very quickly, he blinked: "I want to go to the underground city, oh... your strength is too weak."


When listening to the old man, Wang Chen’s eyes widened.

This Wei Cheng, who is he, Mo Peng knows.

It seems that he also knows Mo Peng and the fierce sage.

And the underground ancient city, is this time Mo Peng and his own destination, is the mysterious place that the original fire sage found.

This Wei Cheng, why seems to know everything about everything.

The more amazing patches in Wang Chen’s heart.

It’s an enemy or a friend.

Looking at Wei Cheng, Wang Chen’s heart is undercurrent.

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