Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 52: Mutual humility

"Wang Chen? Kid, you..."

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, I was still in a heavy fire, and this time I was wide-eyed.

Wang Chen, Yan Chen...

Unexpectedly, Yan Chen turned out to be Wang Chen.

Wang Chen, is this the real name of this kid?

Thinking of this, the sorcerer can't help but smile. However, since Wang Chen did not explain it, for this point, the fierce sage chose silence, and he did not ask for the reason!

&p↓↓↓,@"¤; after all, everyone has their own freedom.

Of course, while knowing the real name of Wang Chen, what makes the fire sages even more shocking is the words spoken by Wang Chen at the moment.

What does he mean by this?

Is it... Is he really willing to hand over the Kirin King?

This makes the fire sages not shocked.

There is no one to learn from the fire, and one is rough. However, he is definitely not a hypocrite, a real villain.

He is categorically not wanting to coerce Wang Chen to surrender the Kirin King.

"Kid, I am not the meaning, you must not misunderstand, if so, it is the old man, I am not respected!"

Thinking of this, the fierce sighs and sighs and smiles.

Afterwards, he took a deep look at Wang Chen, and his eyes could not help but reveal the look of appreciation.

Be aware that if you change to an ordinary person, I am afraid that after I know that I will not plot the King of the King, I am already happy to forget it. However, Wang Chen actually chose to hand over the Kirin King?

Do you not admire such a move?

"Predecessors don't have to misunderstand! This is the true thought of the younger generation. This time, if not the predecessors, the younger generation has become ashes, even if there is a Kirin Wang. What's more, the younger generation plundered the Kirin King, the main purpose is nothing more than nothing. Step into pure yang, help another predecessor, stabilize the soul!

As for the trend of the five elements? The younger generation never thought about it.

Although the younger generation has the power to cultivate the five elements of fire, but even if they leave the Kirin King, the confidence of the younger generation can still go forward. What is the fear of pure yang?

The only ancestors of the younger generation, in the midst of the storm of time and space, in order to save the younger generation, it was degraded, leaving only a trace of spirit, weak! I am afraid that some elixir needs to be stabilized.

This Kirin King is the forest net. The younger generation does not dare to ask for too much. It is enough to leave the blood of the Kirin King.

When the fire sages refused, Wang Chen was busy.

He knows how the Lord of the Fires needs the King of Kirin.

He also knows how much the King of the Kings helped the Lord of the Fire.

As for yourself?

Although there are some regrets in handing over the Kirin King, Wang Chen is also acceptable!

He has now stepped into the pure Yang level, and even has come to the third floor of pure Yang. What else can't be satisfied?

As for the momentum of the fire?

Wang Chen has a fire spirit child, compared to ordinary people, cultivation is a multiplier! Why do you have to pursue the effect of the Kirin King?

There is only the remnant of Dongfang Niuhao, which makes Wang Chen a little worried.

For the Oriental Niu Hao, Wang Chen still has too many owed and embarrassing.

In the beginning, if it wasn’t for his own words, where would the Eastern Niu Hao predecessors fall?

However, fortunately, that trace of the soul has been retained, hope, has not been destroyed.

As for Kirin King? This remnant soul does not have to be left. It only takes a few drops of the essence of the Kirin King.

Wang Chen believes that this request, the fierce sage will not refuse.

This is enough.

"You kid..."

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, the fierce sages stunned and the next moment they smiled.

He knows that Wang Chen thinks at the moment.

Unexpectedly, this kid, there is still such a wind!

"Good! Hahaha... a good boy with a grudge!"

After sighing, the sorcerer couldn’t help but laugh.

"There is love and righteousness, the old man admire! Nowadays, the young people like you are not much. The old man said that it won't be loved, it won't be too hot, you don't have to think too much. More! I want to come, the predecessor in your mouth is also important to you, this is the Kirin King, you can keep it yourself!"

A wave of hands, the fire sages said heartily.

The regret in my heart seems to have been swept away at the moment.

At this time, even the fierce sage was grateful, he was able to get to know such a back.

"Predecessors, how does this make? Younger..."

The refusal of the sacred fire, let Wang Chen feel uneasy!

"What can't you do? If you have a flaw in your heart, the old man will use your unicorn king! By the way, take a few drops of blood, it is enough! The gentleman does not take people's love, this unicorn king, I am I will not accept it!"

The fire sages righteous words.

The spirit of the sages is so gestured that Wang Chen has to admire.

This is definitely the ending that Wang Chen didn't think of.

Who is Kirin Wang, who can resist the temptation? And the sorcerer of the fire is actually...

He only needs to use the unicorn king, and take a few drops of blood by the way?

If this is the case...

King Lin Wang, if you can stay, where is Wang Chen unhappy?

If it is true that according to the sacred fire saints, Wang Chen's human feelings, it can be considered as a temporary make-up, the Kirin Wang left, in the future combined with the fire spirit children, will inevitably advance on the road of cultivation.

The result of this is what Wang Chen does not like?

"Predecessors are serious? So, can you help seniors?"

Thinking of this, Wang Chen looked puzzled and looked at the fierce sage.


The sorcerer of the fire swears: "The old man is nothing more than just wanting to use the unicorn king to seduce the whole body, and the scorpion king can break some things. After that, the unicorn king will return! Of course, I borrowed the unicorn king and stayed at Here, three days, it is enough!"

"If this is the case, the younger generation is disrespectful!"

When he heard the sorcerer's words, Wang Chen did not push it.

Communicating with the strong people who are so refreshing, how can Wang Chen push more? If so, it is hypocritical!

"King Lin Wang, come!"

Thinking of this, Wang Chen no longer hesitated, quickly reached out and summoned the Kirin King in the body.


The fragrance is fragrant, and the heat waves roll.

With the emergence of Kirin King, suddenly the wind is surging!

"Predecessors, this is the Kirin King!"

With the Kirin King, Wang Chen handed it over to the fierce sage.


Looking at the unicorn king in the hands of Wang Chen, the fierce sages shouted and shouted.

There is a flow of light in the eye. At this moment, the breathing of the savior of the fire has even accelerated.

His hands and his careful holding of the Kirin King in the hands of Wang Chen reveals an endless joy: "I didn't expect that the Kirin King would look like this! It is the spiritual thing of the King of Medicine. If you can nourish the body, plus some chances, this thing will be able to form, and then, that is the real king of the unicorn!"

Observing the king of the unicorn in his hand, the sorcerer of the fire said slowly, his voice, even some trembling.

The rich energy, this moment, the fire sage can clearly feel.

The surging of the energy of the tree of fire and the fire of the fire is even more so and true!

"Kid, this time, the old man is owing you a favor! Hahaha... Since your kid cuts love and let the old man study it, the old man is unkind! Three days, three days, it is enough! These three days I will trouble you for the kid to protect the law. I am going to retreat to see the details!"

After the excitement, the sorcerer looked at Wang Chen with a burning gaze and said directly.

Ki Lin Wang is in the hand, which makes the fire sages no longer Anna!

Pure yang is perfect, the sixth layer of the fire!

These two levels are the levels of the fierce battles that have been dreamed for over the years.

And now, the chance is coming, where will the fire lord leave this opportunity? Where will you continue to be patient?

After dropping a word, the Supreme Lord quickly arranged a formation, and then sat down directly and entered the cultivation.


The snoring came, but after a while, a layer of enchantment was completely shrouded in the fire. Even, it is difficult for Wang Chen to really see what is in the enchantment.

"I hope to help some of my seniors!"

When you look at the fire, you are so closed, Wang Chen can't laugh! This fierce sage is more urgent than Wang Chen imagined!

However, Wang Chen seems to be able to understand the thoughts of the Lord of the Fire.

This kind of excitement is something that few people can understand.

"Predecessors can rest assured! If the younger generation is still alive, it will not let any thief approach one step!"

After the emotion, Wang Chen flashed a chill in his eyes and muttered to himself.

The voice fell, Wang Chen held the Kun Kun Ding, and quit the kilometer, quietly guarding the fierce fire!


Times and seconds pass, the sun and the moon alternate.

Between the blink of an eye, the time of day is already over.

Under the night, the enchantment in the distance seems to be integrated into the night, and the breath is completely covered.

This makes Wang Chen marvel.

The spirit of the sage, the means is extraordinary. No wonder he dares to retreat directly here!

If you don't come to the front, I am afraid that no one will notice his existence?

"Just, don't know, now, whether the predecessors have gained!"

In the middle of the night, looking at the place where the enchantment was, Wang Chen frowned and muttered to himself.

He, I hope that the honorable people will harvest as soon as possible and step into the perfection of pure sun.

"I don't know, those strong, when will chase it!"

Thinking of the strong people who are not willing to give up, Wang Chen is even more frowning.

This time, he was lucky enough to survive the thunder and escape the crisis with the help of the Sage. But those people, where will they be willing to give up?

How long do they need to be able to kill and kill?

Looking at the night in the distance, the mood of Wang Chen at this moment gradually became heavy.

The battlefield, too many strong.

After all, Wang Chen is still too weak today.

After all, those who chase him are all strong!

How can Wang Chen not worry?

"I don't know, can I fight against those who are strong now!"

At the same time, Wang Chen can not help but reveal a hint of curiosity and expectation.

Step into pure yang, so that Wang Chen’s confidence doubles!

What is the strength of his strength?

This is only the strong battle, it is the best proof!

Thinking of fighting, Wang Chen’s blood is a bit hot.

If the enemy dares to come? Then it will be a battle!

In the night, Wang Chen’s eyes looked cold and firm.

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