Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 19: Conspiracy (below)


The roaring sound is getting more and more crazy.

The whole earth, this moment is shaking.


The wind is whistling.

Under the dawn, the end of the world is as if it is coming.

A hot atmosphere, released from the earth, so that Wang Chen could not help but suddenly changed.

"The volcano, it’s going to erupt."

Feeling this breath, Wang Chen said quietly.

The volcano is going to erupt.

The only way to provoke such a huge movement is to exude such a terrible heat.


As Wang Chen expected, when the heat rose to the extreme, the volcano in the distance, in the trembling, a thick smoke rushed.


The next moment, the deep red magma burst out.

The hot magma rushed into the sky for a few kilometers, and then slammed down like a downpour.

"No, the volcano erupted."


Looking at such a scene, people around the world waiting for the prion fruit can't help but change their looks.

The volcanic eruption is not a joke.

Especially for those who are not cultivating the attributes of the five elements of the fire, this volcanic eruption, even if it is pure martial arts, does not dare to resist the body.

Thinking of this, around the volcano, the many powerful people lurking, began to recede toward the rear.

" don't have to leave today."

However, just as everyone is ready to recede, a sneer, but it is coming at this moment.

On the surface of the void, at this moment, a black masked figure appeared.

He, crazy laughed.

When you look at the volcanic eruption, everyone who is ready to retreat, his eyes become more ridiculous and haze.

"Array, starting."

Next, in the eyes of everyone, the black man quickly squeezed out a stamp.

The print is pinched out, and the day is turbulent.

The volcano trembled fiercely.

And within a radius of tens of thousands of meters, at this moment, it is a strange black light.




With the appearance of black light, there is a burst of shouting sound between the heavens and the earth.

Under the surface, this moment in the trembling, he even climbed out a white bone.

In the sky, the black light is a condensed spirit.

A moment, the sky is dim.

The dawn of dawn is completely covered.

A thousand horses, as if they appeared out of thin air, they rushed and swept toward everyone.

"No, it’s counted."

"Damn, who is it, actually put the formation."

"Kill out."

When these white bones and the gloomy army swept through, the people trapped in it suddenly became jealous.

There was a volcanic eruption in front, and there was a ghostly army at the rear.

Under such circumstances, everyone is attacked by the enemy and falls into a layer of crisis.

At this time, everyone will not know where they are.

Someone wants to use this opportunity of the unicorn fruit to kill people in the place.

Thinking of this, all the warriors present are incomparably ugly.

In the roar of the roar, some people took the lead and swept away toward the gloomy army, ready to kill this battle.

The volcano in the rear must be unable to fight.

The power of heaven and earth, where is the manpower to compete.

And this array of methods, but still have the hope of impact.


The light flickers, and the first figure is integrated into the gloomy army.

"Ah... no..."

However, it is not waiting for the reaction of this warrior, and the screams of screaming are coming.

I saw that the military who had reached the middle of pure yang had entered the sinister army, and he did not wait for him to react, and roared in all directions.

Underground, I don’t know when to stretch out the endless forest bones.

Two-dimensional attacks on the heavens and the earth, the ghosts are gone.

The air is filled with a black scent that seems to have endless corrosion.

It’s just a blink of an eye, even before the man in the middle of the pure phase reacts, he is beginning to fester.

His spirit is torn apart by the spirits.

His flesh and blood is opened by the endless white bones.

The blood is floating, and the screams are heartbreaking.

The scene in front of you is shocking.


And in such a thrilling scene, in the distance, at this moment, there is a scream of tears.

This is the other side, and the rest of the warriors are swept into the endless fog.

The thick fog, not only has a strange ability to corrode, but also full of mystery and horror.

The military who was swept into it, the strength seems to suddenly drop suddenly, and it is even difficult to make effective resistance.

Between the blink of an eye, four or five people are in the thick fog!

"What happened?"

"What happened, this black fog..."

"The ability to be horrible."

Seeing such a scene, the warriors who were ready to break out of the black fog could not help but stop.

At this moment, everyone has widened their eyes.

They looked at the black fog and their faces were unbelievable.

This piece of dark fog is beyond their imagination.

This black fog in front of you is killing.

Moreover, those black fog are coming to the crowd at a horrible rate.

The screams are continually screaming, and people are heartbroken.


"This is one of the magical arrays that were passed down from the ancient times, and the power is terrible."

"Fighting the magic array, summoning the sinister hentai, we are finished."

In the spread of panic, watching a warrior fall, watching the endless black fog is about to swallow everyone, and finally someone seems to recognize the front of the array, exclaimed loudly.

Fang magic array.

Yes, the ancient nine-enhanced magical array, the front of the array, is not one of them?

Unexpectedly, this kind of formation has appeared.

"Damn, this is a conspiracy, we have counted it."

"Someone intends to use the opportunity of the unicorn fruit to get us out of the net."

After knowing that they were caught in the magic circle, everyone’s face became ugly.

Obviously, this is a premeditated, well-planned conspiracy.

The black hand behind the scenes, ready to use this opportunity to produce the unicorn fruit, all the people will be wiped out.

Thinking of this, everyone’s heart can’t help sinking.

"You must rush out, otherwise we will die here."

Looking at the black fog, one of the warriors will be swallowed up, and everyone will be restless.

"Chen, what do we do."

In the crowd, at this moment, Wang Chen is also very dignified.

The voice of Emperor Huang Bai’s voice came with an endless dignity.

"This seems to be the conspiracy that Yaowang said. The formation, I did not expect that we really fell into the formation."

When I heard the words of Emperor Huang, Wang Chen looked ugly.

Before, the king of medicine has appeared, and told Wang Chen that there are some surprises here, as if hiding a huge array.

At that time, Wang Chen looked closely, but there was no place to find out what was wrong.

I didn’t expect it to be so fast, the formation was outbreaking, and it’s so fierce.

The magical squad, the sinister attack, the black hand behind the law, who is it.

He, what exactly do you want to do.

When a warrior fell in the screams, Wang Chen’s brow was locked.

"We must rush out."

A deep breath, Wang Chen snorted.

There is a flash of light in the eyes, and Wang Chen looks around.

"Hahaha...hand over all the magic weapons on your body, leaving a trace of spirit, and quickly retreat, you will not die."

When Wang Chen looked dignified and observed the direction of the breakout, a sneer of laughter came from outside the array.

In the boundless black fog, the sneer seemed crazy and embarrassed.

Obviously, this is behind the scenes.

"Damn, who is the despicable villain, has the ability to come out, fight with the uncle for three hundred rounds, hide in the law, use such intrigues to deal with me, etc., what a hero."

When I heard the black hand behind the scenes, this time, within the array, a big man couldn’t help but yell.

His face is full of anger.

"Hey, three hundred rounds of war, not self-sufficient."

When you heard the words of the big man, the gloomy voice was sneer.

"Since you don't know how to lift, I will send you on the road first."

After the cold noise, a cold atmosphere filled the air.


In a moment, those black fogs are restless.


A burst of roar came, the black fog condensed into a tiger, and it was directly to the past.


Next, thousands of sinister soldiers, roaring loudly.

What is even more frightening is that just before, those who fell in the dark fog, turned into a dead body at the moment, began to move.

They, controlled by the black fog, also killed the big man.

The tiger slammed, the squad swept through, and the dead corps raided, and between the blink of an eye, the sky was dim.



The screams came.

Under this kind of offensive, the big man didn't even have a chance to fight back.

Although, he has the strength of pure mid-term, but in front of this array of law, he is seemingly vulnerable.

In a moment, blood is sprayed and flesh and blood flies.

I saw only the great man who had the mid-term strength of Chunyang. At this moment, he was torn into an endless piece.

Between the blink of an eye, the spirit is broken, and this big man is completely degraded.


This scene is to let the audience not know how many people's hearts, as if they have stopped beating.

Before, the fallen warriors may not be as strong as they are, which gives everyone a hope.

But now, now.

Now, this fallen man is a warrior in the middle of Chunyang, and, obviously, he is not a vulgar in the middle of the ordinary period.

This kind of strength, under the attack of the magical array, has no rebellious power, which makes everyone not shocked and feared.

The last hope in their hearts, this moment seems to be broken.

It’s pale, and everyone can’t help but show the look of fear.

Crisis, completely occupying everyone's heart.

In the field, I fell into the silence of death.

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