Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 6: Two losses are lost

Looking at the figure of Wang Chen, the black man who is searching for Wang Chen has a sneer.

Before he stepped into this area, he was obviously able to feel that his breath in Wang Chen was strong.

Yes, this black man left a breath on Wang Chen.

With his unique means, within the passage, he left a breath on Wang Chen’s body.

Because of this, he was able to find Wang Chen so smoothly.

After that touch of the connection, the man’s look has changed since he stepped into this area.

Wang Chen, it is still alive.

This makes the man's heart both a pity and an excitement.

It is a pity that the whirlpool of time and space did not even kill Wang Chen. The life of Wang Chen is still not small.

What makes this man excited is that he is adventurously chasing the whirlpool of time and space, and it is the right choice.

If he was taken lightly at the time, Wang Chen was not the escape.

And he chased into the whirlpool of time and space, although it was also a life of nine deaths, but at the very least, he survived.

And now, it is more proof that his choices and decisions are correct.

Thinking of this, the man suddenly feels refreshed.

When Wang Chen wants to escape in the distance, the man will promise.

A long shout, his body flickering, it was at the speed of terror, and chased the past toward Wang Chen.

"Be killed."

In the roar, the man slammed directly.


The roaring sound is shaking.

The whole forest is shaking at this moment.

Endless storms, erupting.

In this battlefield, the boundless energy, the strength of the black man is stronger than the Tianxuan continent.

Under a blow, the world is discolored.


Feeling the cold air coming from behind, feeling the horrible energy storm, Wang Chen could not help but suddenly changed.

Unexpectedly, he still underestimated the strength of the black man.

He is more powerful than Wang Chen imagined.

Even if it is a black robe, it may not be the opponent of this black man.

The speed of this black man is so fast.

In a blink of an eye, he is catching up with his own pace.


Looking at the back of the two giant storms like the real ones rushing toward themselves, Wang Chen had to choose to resist.

Escape, it is difficult to escape.

The two giant storms are very fast.

Thinking of this, in the roar of the roar, Wang Chen turned around and it was a boxing of the heavenly emperor.


Time and space distortion.

The red light blasts in an instant.

The eight-door armor is opened, the blood talent is opened, the blood is displayed, and the power of the five elements is combined.

Wang Chen’s fist of the Heavenly Emperor is also exceptionally fierce.

Under a punch, the heavens and the earth are discolored, and the mountains and rivers are dull.


Between the vagueness, the space seems to be collapsing in general.


The tiger roars.

Wang Chen’s fist, the family’s incomparable momentum rushed toward the giant storm.


Between the blink of an eye, the Emperor’s fist and the giant storm are the impact of the shackles.

The whole time and space have oscillated.

A burst of roaring sounds like a mysterious thunder.

The storm of terror is sweeping.

A few kilometers in a circle, at this moment, the smoke is rolling, the boulder is broken, and the big tree collapses.

The whole world seems to have been subverted.




In the squally winds, the roaring sounds are endless.

This roaring sound continued for a long time, and the red aurora erupted by Wang Chentian’s fist was intertwined with the white light of the giant storm.

The whole world is wonderful.

The fire is burning, and it makes this scene look magnificent.


In this entanglement and roar, finally a more powerful roar blew.

The whole sky seems to have been torn apart.


A dark crack appeared.

A black hole spreads and devours everything around you.


And Wang Chen.

In this roar, I finally couldn’t help but spurt a blood.


After the body shape, Wang Chen retired toward the rear.

Over the sky, Wang Chen quits every step of the way, and all of them fall down. The air seems to solidify and turn into a flat land.

There was a full exit of the kilometer, and Wang Chen was able to stabilize his body shape.


Not waiting for Wang Chen to breathe, a burst of cold drink came again.

A black figure in the distance, a flash once again killed Wang Chen.

The speed is very fast, and I can't give time for Wang Chen to think.


In anxious, Wang Chen can only resist once again.


The dull crash sounds.


In the sky, the clouds are rolling.

The space seems to be falling apart.

The ultimate radiance of the road spreads out in all directions, like a volcanic eruption.


The blood is mad, and Wang Chen is even black.

This blow is full of strength.

Under the strength of the sea, Wang Chen only felt that his smashing hit the iron wall.

The enormous power that makes him tumbling and spurting out.


The bones in the body, even under the collision of such terrorist forces, even began to break.

Continuous spraying of flesh and blood.

Between the blink of an eye, Wang Chen turned into a blood man, and once again flew out a few kilometers away.

"Ha ha ha... Wang Chen, you are just like this, today, let me send you back to the West."

It’s another blow, and Wang Chen’s heavy bombings went out, and the holy mountain black man sneered again and again.

At this moment, the black man has unprecedented excitement, and his heart is full of anger.

Know that the person who was flying by him is the descendant of the true God, but the owner of the royal family.

Holy Mountain, it is still a taboo.

But now, he has no counterattack in front of himself.

Seeing yourself can kill this person, which makes the black people not excited.

In the big laughter, his eyes flashed in the cold, his body was turned into a streamer, and he once again chased the past toward Wang Chen.


It’s another shot, spurring the waves.


Looking at such a scene, Wang Chen, who has not stabilized his body shape, could not help but change his face.

Wang Chen’s heart secretly complained.

Unexpectedly, this black man is so fierce.

Now, it’s hard to compete against him.

This makes Wang Chen lost and shocked.

The crisis has come again, and it makes Wang Chen feel the coldness of death.

Feeling this, Wang Chen’s heart sank.


When the black man is about to kill himself, watching the crazy and sneer of the black man, Wang Chen quickly sighs.


Just at the moment when Wang Chen’s voice fell, a white light flashed out.


With this white light rushing out, the black man's look can't help but change.

Before the smile on his face disappeared, even the moment it was replaced by a trace of surprise.

"Get out."

After the change of color, the black man shouted loudly.


When the wrist trembled, he turned his fist into the palm and went straight to the white light.


It’s another roar.

The white light, the sly and the black man collided together.

Under a blow, the power of terror exploded, and the white shadow paused and quickly flew out toward the rear.

And black people.

This time, he finally has no potential.

The sudden change made him unable to show his full strength.

Sudden attacks, even the black people did not take the slightest cheap.


The dull footsteps came, and the black man quickly slid toward the rear.


And at the moment when the black man quits, a burst of harsh sound came.


A light and shadow, and the speed of its horror, plundered toward the black man who had gone backwards.

"Not good."

This light and shadow appeared, making the black people look even more changed.


Not waiting for the black man to react too much, a roar of blasting.

The sky shakes.

This time, the roar is more fierce than any previous one.

This time, among the roaring sounds, the powerful air waves exploded, and the blue light shone from the sky, covering a radius of 10,000 meters.

Where the blue light passed, everything was turned into dust.

Even, the earth collapsed and the sky cracked.

The end of the world, falling into this space.


In the blue light, there was a scream of tears in the black man.

Between the vague, blood is sprayed, flesh and blood fly.

The screams continued for a long time, and in the roar of the roar, the tens of thousands of meters were even ruined.

The light is shrouded and the smoke is rolling.

The shocking scene lasted for a long time, until the roaring sound gradually fell, until the endless blue light gradually dispersed, and everything gradually recovered.

"Ah... Wang Chen, I killed you."

At this time, a roar came.


In the dust of the sky, a figure rushed out.

The wolf is unbearable and bloody.

Yes, this is the holy mountain black man.

Before, the blasted is Wang Chen’s blue light burst.

Under the defense, the black man ate a big loss.

If it is not strong, there is a treasure to protect the body, I am afraid that just the moment, under the horror of the blast of energy, he has been torn apart, and the smoke has vanished.

And now, even if you are alive, the black man is terrible.

The whole body is flesh and blood, and there is almost no complete existence.

A lot of places, Senran’s white bones are exposed.

An arm is disappearing.

All this is caused by the blue light burst.

Pain, let the black people go crazy.

There was a loss in Wang Chen’s hand.

This allows black people to endure.

He is like a crazy lion roaring.

He looked around in a wicked look. He wanted to find Wang Chen and tore Wang Chen.

It’s a pity that at this moment, he can still see Wang Chen’s figure.

At the moment when the glaucoma exploded, Wang Chen’s figure had disappeared.

Looking into the distance, the world is empty and empty.

Wang Chen, escaped.

"Ah... bastard..."

Looking at such a scene, the black man’s eyes are red and roaring wildly.


This is definitely a shame.

Wang Chen, the ants who can easily kill themselves, actually fled in front of their own faces.

And, it has also hurt yourself.

This is not a shame or something.

"Wang Chen, I will not kill you, swear not to be human."

Strongly endure the pain, the black man’s eyes are flushed with red eyes.

The next moment, the hand prints out, the black man quickly looks for Wang Chen figure.

He won't let Wang Chen escape.

This time, he will not give Wang Chen a chance.

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