Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 929: Strong meeting

"Guardian, now we..."

In the low atmosphere, after a long time, looking at the changing guardian, the old man could not help but ask.

The Wang family is really deceitful.

You know, Tian Xuan mainland, but everyone thinks that the Wang family will inevitably enter the battlefield when the battlefield is closed,

Today, the situation in Tianxuan is still tense.

Wang, you can rest assured that the strong will leave.

But who thought that the Wang family actually did this.

And, such decisiveness, such concealment.

Thinking of this, the old man's complexion is more and more ugly.

Now, those core members have escaped, their plans, what to do.


When I heard the old man, the guardian snorted.

He narrowed his eyes and his eyes were cold and cold: "When you left, you will leave, and inform the people in the battlefield. It is the people who can't turn over the world. Wang Chen does not leave, our plan." You can continue."

The guardian is cold and cold.

The look is cold, at this moment, the guardian's murder is not hidden.

The Wang family fled.

This is a pity.

But, then what?

As long as Wang Chen is still there, the plan will not be shattered.

Wang Chen is their main goal.

The people fled when they escaped. As long as Wang Chen fell, those people were just a group of mourning dogs, and they could do anything.

The key is still on Wang Chen's body.

"They are gone, maybe, Wang Chen will die faster."

The corner of his mouth showed a sneer, and the old man seemed to understand something, and suddenly the haze on his face was swept away.


This time, the most important goal is Wang Chen.

Wang Chen is the pillar of the Wang family, the backbone of the Wang family.

He is here, the king is there.

As long as he fell, the king’s family could not collapse in an instant.

"I know what to do."

Thinking of this, the old man is no longer hesitating.

After saluting the Guardian, he was inferior toward the church.

"Wang Chen, I promise, you will regret it."

Until the old man left, inside the sanctuary, the old man’s mouth left a sneer, muttering to himself.

The voice fell, and he took a deep breath and looked in the distance.

"When you come to the Holy Mountain, what do you want to do."

Mumbling, the old man’s eyes, there are some flaws.


Under the night, above the holy mountain, it has already fallen into a quiet place.

The moon is empty and the stars are a little bit.

This is a cool night.

In the palace above the peak of the holy mountain, at this moment the guardian of the holy mountain sits cross-legged and closes his eyes.

"Come on."

And just in this silence, suddenly, the guardian of the holy mountain who closed his eyes was as if he felt something, and suddenly opened his eyes.

In the darkness, the eyes of the guardian of the Holy Mountain, like two sharp knives, tore the darkness of the night.

The eyes passed, as if everything solidified.

Looking into the distance, the guardian of the holy mountain reveals a smile.

Get up, the next moment, his body flashed, silent, and he disappeared into the palace.

In the back of the palace, above the cliff, a figure came out of the air.


In the squally wind, it turns into streamer.

The white stream of light flashed past, and in a twinkling of an eye, it appeared on the cliff.

And on the boundless cliff, there is already a standing figure at the moment.

The cool breeze, under this quiet night, the figure seems to blend into the heavens and the earth.

In the breeze, long hair flutters and the robes shake.

"You, come."

Looking at the far side of the cliff, the figure did not turn and said directly.

He, repeating himself is talking to himself, as if he is talking to the figure on the edge of the cliff.

"Come on."

When I heard this, I swept the figure above the cliff and said slowly.

Looking at this figure that has already appeared on the cliff side, the man narrowed his eyes. After careful observation, he nodded. "It is not the king's family, the true god, the extraordinary."

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth. The man slowly said, and the voice fell. He walked over to Wang Chen, stood down and looked away from the distance.

Yes, the figure that first appeared on this cliff, is it not Wang Chen?

Wang family leader Wang Chen.


When he heard the words of the people, Wang Chen still looked at the distance with a faint look, murmured.


The present is not the guardian.

The owner of the royal family, the owner of the holy mountain.

The two men stood side by side at night under the cliff.

Under the night sky, in the moonlight, the two are very quiet at the moment.

Standing side by side, looking into the distance, their looks are indifferent, their eyes are calm.

In the cool breeze, the two seem to be in the night.

This scene, if it is for the people of the world to see, does not know what it is unbelievable.

Know that the relationship between the holy mountain and the king.

What is the relationship between Wang Chen and the Holy Mountain.

The hatred between them is too much.

In the eyes of too many people in the world, I am afraid that both sides now want to let the other party fall into a land of annihilation.

If it is not because of the prestige, status and strength accumulated by Wang Chen in the past few years, the Wang family has already started. Of course, if the holy mountain is not because of the identity of Wang Chen and the attitude of the four families, I am afraid Has already shot Wang Chen.

Both parties want to put the deal to death.

The two people like this, nowadays, stand so harmoniously together, this has to be said, unbelievable.

But, it’s really happening.

"Holy Mountain, not where you should come."

A harmonious atmosphere has remained for a full quarter of an hour, taking a deep breath, and the Guardian of the Holy Mountain looks into the distance, faintly said.

"This, it doesn't seem to welcome me."

Wang Chen smiled and said, don't care.

"You know, too many people want to kill you."

The guardian said with a blank expression.

"Include you."

Wang Chen asked.

"Include me."

Nodded, the Guardian of the Holy Mountain did not shy away: "On this side, I have many ways to kill you. This cliff can become your fallen land, the place of burial, the holy mountain cliff, this Is a nice place."

Looking at the cliff in front of him, the guardian narrowed his eyes and muttered.

There was a smile on his lips.

Slowly, he turned his head and looked at Wang Chen.

At the same time, when he heard the guardian’s words, Wang Chen did not turn his head.

The eyes of the two people, the next moment in the air intertwined, as if rubbing a trace of fire.

However, their expressions are still very calm: "I know you can kill me."

Wang Chen did not deny.

Holy Mountain, strength is still there.

Wang Chen, he is not arrogant enough to think that the world is invincible.

Even if they are the top powerhouses, they have entered the highest battlefield. Even though many strong players have entered the battlefield.

In this world, Wang Chen is still difficult to count.

Know that he is just a person who has not entered pure yang.

Know that Wang Chen’s combat power is only supported by the power of the Five Elements.

And this advantage, if it enters the battlefield, will almost disappear.

Even today, in Tianxuan mainland, there are still many people who can compete with Wang Chen.

For example, black robe.

For example, a wild ancestor...

For example, the guardian in front of you.

For example, there are too many people in this sacred mountain.

Even, there are now a few breaths in the dark.

These people are the real powerhouses of the Holy Mountain.

So, if the holy mountain really wants to kill Wang Chen, now Wang Chen, really can't do anything.

"But, you don't dare."

Ming knows that it is very dangerous now, but Wang Chen is not afraid at all. He has a smile on his lips and looks at the guardian of the Holy Mountain in front of him. He said without hesitation.

They can kill themselves.

But they don't dare to kill themselves.

"You are very smart."

The Guardian of the Holy Mountain has a stiff expression and nods.

Wang Chen, very smart.

Yes, now the holy mountain really dare not kill Wang Chen.

The people of the world know that now the contradiction between Wang Chen and the Holy Mountain, they are more clear, Wang Chen came to the Holy Mountain.

Wang Chen’s swaying to the holy mountain is to attract the attention of the world.

If Wang Chen had an accident in the holy mountain, what the holy mountain did, can be imagined.

The world, what will be said at that time.

I am afraid that by the time the holy mountain is really meant to be pointed by Wanfu.

Wang Chen is with such confidence, dare to stand here at this moment.

"But you should know that my holy mountain is majestic and inviolable. If you come here, if it violates the majesty of my holy mountain, we will kill you, what the world will say."

Looking at the eyes, the old man of the holy mountain asked slowly.

"You think people in the world will believe."

Wang Chen swears, don't care.

The power of one person came to the holy mountain to carry out provocation.

I am afraid that people who are not stupid will not do such a thing.

Wang Chen, of course not.

So, it is not enough for the holy mountain to kill himself for this reason.

"Say, what do you want to do."

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, the guardian of the Holy Mountain took a deep breath and asked with a blank expression.

Wang Chen is obviously ready for complete.

When looking at Wang Chen standing in front of his eyes, the anger of the old man in the Holy Mountain could not help but start to breed.

I obviously want to kill Wang Chen.

Now Wang Chen is in front of himself, but he can't kill Wang Chen.

There is a torment in this, perhaps only the guardian of the Holy Mountain.

Wang Chen, this is the most embarrassing provocation.

"The battlefield is about to close."

Wang Chen said slowly.

After that, he showed a smile: "The people of the Wang family have already left."

"I know."

The guardian bit his teeth and said with a gloomy look.

Wang Chen, this is coming to show off.

This makes the Guardian of the Holy Mountain can't help but kill.

"I have to enter the battlefield, and I have to end up in the battlefield."

Wang Chen continued.


The guardian eyes flashed a glimmer of color, sneer.


Just, just in the moment when this words fell, as if you felt something, the look of the Guardian of the Holy Mountain<spanclass='character'style='background-image:url(/img/1435843275275/328467


86/531367766013287676.png) '> But it suddenly changed a bit.

Afterwards, he suddenly showed a strange smile on his mouth: "Maybe, you can't get to the battlefield. Since I came to my holy mountain, I don't think you have to leave."

Speaking of this, the look of the Guardian of the Holy Mountain became crazy.


And at the moment when the voice of the Guardian of the Holy Mountain fell, the entire cliff, this moment violently oscillated.

The sky suddenly changed.

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