Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 919: The requirements of Mount Athos

The arrival of the holy mountain did not let the Wang family have just breathed a sigh of relief, and once again hung up. £∝

The holy mountain is coming, there must be no good things!

In fact, this is also true.

At this moment, the voice of the old man of the holy mountain fell, so that everyone could not help but frown.

There is a misunderstanding between the holy mountain and the royal family? Just because of the provocation of the Fuji family and the warrior?

These people, if they say something, it’s easy to say.

With such a simple statement, I want to cover up everything.

Think of these, how can the hearts of the Wang family be comfortable.

Looking at the old sacred mountains, their eyes are getting worse and worse.

"The misunderstanding will not be misunderstood. Since this matter has passed, our Wang family will naturally not say anything else. The holy mountain is still the holy mountain. My royal family is still the royal family. If this elder is just this, it is clear that we both Misunderstanding, my king, but I know! If there is nothing else, please forgive me Wang Jiajiao!

Now, the battlefield is about to close, my Wang family, there are still many things to deal with, and I hope you will forgive me!

And just in the face of everyone's bad looks, just when Wang Chen frowned, wanting to open, outside the door, there was a cold voice at the moment.

An obese figure gradually appeared outside the hall.

"Items are dry!"

When I saw this figure, Wang Chen’s eyes lit up and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Yes, people who are here at the moment, aren’t they just a dry one?

Before, Xiang Gan was busy scheduling things to receive compensation from Han. Obviously, after hearing the news of the coming of the Holy Mountain, he rushed over the first time.

In the eyes of everyone, Xiang Gan slowly entered the hall.


After Wang Chen’s salute, Xiang Gankan sat in the chair next to Wang Chen and looked at a few old people in the holy mountain.

Before these old sacred mountains, the words were dry and they were heard.

The weasel gives the chicken a New Year’s greeting and is uneasy.

Where can you know the purpose of these people?

However, the project will not give them a chance.

So, he directly blocked the past.

A few words, it is rude.

Is it not a misunderstanding?

That is a misunderstanding!

The Wang family and the holy mountain are misunderstood.

Now, Wang Jiake has no mood to argue with the Holy Mountain so much.

In this world, the strong is the respect.

Being strong, you have the confidence to speak, and you are qualified to speak.

There is hatred between the Wang family and the Fuji family and the warrior. This is true! However, the Wang family has strength!

It is because the Wang family has the strength now that this hatred is completely gone.

The warlord is destroyed, and the vines are destroyed!

This is the strongest.

Which fist is big, who can speak.

And the Wang family and the holy mountain?

There is naturally hatred between them.

However, this holy mountain is not comparable to the warriors and the vines.

The strength of the holy mountain is strong and boundless. There are four major families supporting it, and the major sects support it! They are the holy land of the Tian Xuan mainland and the inheritance of the true God. They represent the will of the true God...

For thousands of years, the holy mountain has created a supreme position, and cultivated a strong person who does not know much!

All this is not comparable to the current Wang family.

Wang, do you still want to fight with the holy mountain?

Not to mention that they are not allowed to do this now, even if it is strength, the Wang family does not have the strength to destroy the holy mountain. Moreover, although the status of the Holy Mountain was instigated, although Wang Chen returned, the Holy Mountain was shaken.

However, such a shake is too small.

The holy mountain is still the holy mountain.

This war is not the time to start the war.

So, the king can't turn his face with the holy mountain.

The holy medicine is to say that everything they have with the royal family is a misunderstanding?

That is a misunderstanding.

The king recognized it.

So, when you say this, the tone is indifferent. He used his eyes to stop the madman and others who wanted to interject.

The item can make the holy mountain white. But what is the real purpose of the holy mountain? Can do it! He will not succeed in the Holy Mountain.

It is precisely because of this that Xiang Gan can tell the latter half of the sentence!

The holy mountain is still the holy mountain. The Wang family is still the Wang family.

Holy Mountain, there is not much relationship with the Wang family. Even in the king city that was originally released by the royal family, there is no such thing as the holy mountain, and it is still valid.

The words of Gan Kan are very clear.

Several sacred mountains present, who is that?

After hearing this, suddenly, the faces of several people have become somewhat unsightly.

Slightly paused, and the scene fell into a short silence.

"Cough and cough..."

After a moment, the head of the holy mountain coughed twice, breaking the silence of the scene.

" Misunderstanding, since it is resolved, it is no better! Fujioka and the warrior also received the punishment they deserved. I am sacred, there is nothing to say! Do the wrong thing, always pay the price Well!"

Speaking of this, the old man of the Holy Mountain is full of emotions.

It’s just, very quickly, when the front turns, he looks at Wang Chen and Xiang Gankan: “Just, the holy mountain and the royal family, this relationship is unbreakable! The words of the housekeeper are There are some problems! How can the holy mountain and the king family have nothing to do with it? The Wang family is inherited with the true God, my holy mountain, inheriting the will of the true God, and guarding the heavenly continent from generation to generation! Speaking, my old guardian of the holy mountain is still the true God. True disciple! Speaking of it, we are a family. The royal family is also the younger brother of our first generation of sacred mountains. So how can we have nothing to do with it?

A family, after all, is still a family.

In the beginning, there was any misunderstanding, I think, can also be solved.

Now, the world is in chaos, the battlefield is about to close, and the holy mountain has suffered successive shocks, and now it is turbulent.

The Mozu is eager to move, but the Red Moon is a strange silence. All this makes me the current guardian of the Holy Mountain, quite uneasy.

The sacred mountain has a long-term foundation and cannot be lost. The king of the family is the legacy of the warlord!

At first, the warriors suffered from the catastrophe, and my holy mountain could not make a remedy. This is only the regret in my heart.

Just, for the Tian Xuan mainland, my holy mountain is only to leave the warrior base!

Now, the warlord's false blood is destroyed, and finally the warlord is given an innocence.

This thing, my holy mountain is wrong, we naturally have to face.

And now, the world is turbulent, for the foundation of the world, the guardian adults, but also hope that the Wang family can think about the big picture, return to the holy mountain!

The brow is slightly wrinkled, and the old man of the holy mountain sighs.

The words have already made their purpose clear.

The item is dry, you don’t want us to say it directly? Then we will say it! See how your family chooses.

This is the attitude of the Holy Mountain at the moment.

The tone seems to be very emotional, but it is really strong.

Your king's family, want to clear the relationship with the holy mountain?

That is impossible.

Holy Mountain, the purpose of this visit is to let the Wang family return to the holy mountain.

Holy Mountain, you can give the king a place!

The voice fell, and a few old people in the holy mountain quietly looked at Wang Chen: "Wang Jiazhu, what do you mean?"

"So, is the Holy Mountain wanting to let my king enter it?"

When I heard a few old people, Wang Chen frowned.

He asked with a squint.

At the same time, Wang Chen blocked the madman and others who wanted to break out.

What is the relationship between the Wang family and the holy mountain?

This is clear to everyone.

The holy mountain is only afraid of wanting to destroy the royal family?

Just, now the holy mountain is unable to do this.

Since the king’s family cannot be destroyed, it is only the control of the king’s family.

This is the best option.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen sneered in his heart.

Holy Mountain, I really think about it.

Rao is Wang Chen, and at the moment, his heart can not help but anger gradually rises.

"This is the case! The Wang family and the holy mountain are family! Now, the crisis is currently, I can't continue to separate, give the enemy a chance!"

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, the old man of the Holy Mountain revealed a smile and nodded.

At this moment, several ancestors of the Holy Mountain are full of confidence.

In their view, this time, the Wang family was decided by them.


However, what surprised them was that, when they heard them, Wang Chen showed a sneer.

"Sacred Mountain, I really want to think!"

A cold voice, the madman sneered.

"My Wang family, Wang family and Shengshan, why come to a family?"

Wang Yan brows her head and locks it coldly.

Thinking in the heart of the Holy Mountain, everyone can see clearly.

But, want to engulf the king?

They think more.

"Within the king's city, there is no holy mountain! Do you know this sentence, do you still remember it? Can everyone in Tianxuan mainland remember?"

Black robe is also squinting and asking.

The Holy Mountain wants to oppress the king?

If this is the case, they are thinking more.

The Wang family, although now lost to the Holy Mountain.

However, if the Holy Mountain wants to annex the king's family? That is impossible.

Want to start with the king?

That would take a look at how great the Holy Mountain is.

Of course, if the sacred mountain insists on the strong annexation of the king's family, I am afraid that they will not feel good!

In such a situation, where can the Wang family compromise?

Rao is a dry, but at the moment it is a brow: "Several ancestors of the Holy Mountain, I think my Wang family is not suitable for joining the Holy Mountain today! Tianxuan mainland is in danger, my Wang family is naturally duty-bound. However, my Wang Jiazhi Inside, there are still many things that have not been processed, and it is not suitable to join the holy mountain!"

The item is also cold and cold.

Squinting at the eyes, the item was able to take a deep breath, and then said: "I am afraid that this is to disappoint some adults!"

Speaking of this, Xiang Gan’s face is cold and cold.

The shamelessness of the Holy Mountain, the Wang family is not the first time to see!

For such a shameless person, the Wang family gave him a face, which is based on the past achievements of the Holy Mountain.

Now, since these people are hard to face?

Then you don't need to give your face anymore.

The words are dry, and it is very clear.

The king's family will not join the holy mountain.

After this, the atmosphere in the venue solidified.

The Wang family are cold-faced.

And a few old people in the holy mountain are also frowning, the color of the face is not fast!

"Wang Jiazhu, how do you see?"

The head of the holy mountain is also cold, and looked at Wang Chen.

This thing, Wang Chen is the master.

He needs Wang Chen’s reply.

Speaking of this, this old man faintly released a strong majesty!

This is to make the air seem to freeze.

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