Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 913: Lion's big opening

The middle of the Han family hall.

At this moment, Sun Yifan, black robe, madman Jiang Chenyuan, the four family ancestors, as well as the Han family ancestors, the Han family and the Han family, several major elders, are gathered here.

This is a peace talk, this is an adjustment.

In the hall, the atmosphere at the moment is extremely solemn.

"No, Han, you think too well."

However, in such a dull atmosphere, suddenly, a burst of anger came.

This is not the voice of a madman.

He, he followed.

In the hall, the Han family, who has four family members, has confidence.

They made the claim of compensation, but the so-called compensation...even the madman can't see it.

"Hey...Han, it seems that you have no sincerity, then you will fight."

Jiang Chenyuan sneered again and again.

Today, don’t let the Han family bleed, they can be willing to give up.

One million gold coins, one library resource.

That's it.

It’s true that their royal family is jealous.

The madman and Jiang Chenyuan’s filming took place, and the atmosphere inside the hall suddenly solidified.

"Han’s family, it seems that you are not planning to talk to us."

Squinting, the black robe is cold and cold.


Looking at the performance of the madman, Jiang Chenyuan and the black robe, suddenly, the Han family’s face was ugly.

"Slightly don't worry, don't worry about it. You know, this time, my Han family's loss is not small, this..."

The main face of the Han family is hard to show.

He looked at the four family elders and hoped that these people could help.

"Cough and cough..."

Feeling the eyes of the Han family, Liu’s parents looked at Sun Yifan in the past: “Sun Yifan, what do you think, this negotiation...not just talking out, Han’s compensation is not satisfactory, you can say, No need to get angry, we can discuss it."

The parents of Liu said that they are not too slow.

He will naturally not persuade Sun Yifan too much.

This time the mission, he is still clear.

To tell the truth, a million gold coins, this is really nothing for the Wang family. For the Korean family, it is not even a problem,

As for a library resource, this is still barely.

But, it’s really less.

The appetite of the Wang family is so simple that it can be filled.

The item is so good to deal with, this thing, the Korean family must bleed.

Thinking of this, Liu’s parents sighed secretly.

"Han family, if you want to talk, you will show sincerity. If you don't talk, then you will fight, my king, not afraid of anyone."

When I heard the old words of Liu’s parents, Sun Yifan, who was always silent, slowly looked up and glanced at the Han family.

"As for what happened to your family, what was lost, and what to do with my family."

Sun Yifan continued.

A few words made the Korean family suddenly speechless.

"This way, three million gold coins, plus a library of resources."

The home of the Han family is sinking.

He looked at Sun Yifan.

Unfortunately, Sun Yifan blinked his eyes and did not have the slightest expression.

"Five million gold coins, plus a library of resources."

The home of the Han family took a deep breath and said with a deep voice.

"Five million gold coins, what can I buy."

Black robe looks like a smile.

Millions of gold coins, for some small families, perhaps a great fortune.

However, for a family like Wang Jia and Han Jia, it’s just a slap in the face.

Gold coins, what is it?

In the real top family and power, gold coins are just things that will shine, and they also occupy position.

This kind of thing, five million, what counts.

Obviously, the focus of the Wang family is no longer above the gold coins.

"If you want to talk, you will be happy."

Black robe is coming.

"Oh, yes."

Thoughts repeatedly, the black robe looks cold: "Forgot to tell you, this time, my family is under the hands of your Han family, the loss is not small, a wall is destroyed by your Korean family, and My king lost hundreds of dark guards and hundreds of family warriors."

The black robe is not too slow to say.

"How is it possible?"

When you hear the black robe, the family of the next Korean family has changed dramatically.

Black robe said these losses, what is represented, the Han family is naturally clear, he can not know, this is the price of the Wang family.

Hundreds of dark guards.

Any Guardian is afraid of wealth for any family.

There are hundreds of people who lose, so I can imagine how serious.

More talk, the loss of hundreds of warriors in the Wang family and the loss of the wall of Wangcheng.

The wall of Wangcheng is a collapsed one, but that is not what Han did.

At the very least, it’s not just for Koreans.

As for the loss of the guard.


Hanjia has such a big skill.

Hundreds of dark guards, I am afraid that until the vines and warriors are destroyed, the dark guards lost by the royal family will not exceed this number.

As for hundreds of warriors.

This is even more a joke.

According to the investigation by Han family.

There are only a few hundred people who lost a total of this royal family.

Hundreds of people, how many hundred people come.

Wang, this is the big opening for the lion.

"How is it impossible? Do you want me to calculate it for you?"

Black robe is like laughing and laughing.

Han family, they can open their mouths and turn black and white, Wang family, can't say something.


The loss of the royal family is not so big.

But, the black robe says yes, he has.

The Wang family said that there is, then there is.

Han family, it’s hard to come up with evidence.

"Wang family, you... don't fall into good people."

When I heard the words of the black robe, the Korean parents who were present were also anxious.

"There are good people, you are good people, we need to frame you."

The madman rolled his eyes.

Han is a good person, it is a big joke.

In any case, in the eyes of the Wang family, the Korean family is definitely not a good person.

The words of the madman, the momentum of the madman, the pressure of the Han family is difficult to answer.

They can only look at the ancestors who are silent.

Han family ancestors, this face is gloomy and ugly.

He naturally knows that the Wang family lions open their mouths, but he also knows that they have no way to refute.

"Worth, ten million gold coins, two library resources."

Han’s ancestors looked at Sun Yifan.

At the same time, he cast a look for help from the four family elders.

"Sun Yifan, what do you think."

Feeling the eyes of the ancestors of the Han family, Zhu’s parents smiled and asked Sun Yifan.

"20 million gold coins, plus 20 library resources, and, I heard that your Korean family has a exquisite treasure, my king, I want it."

This time, Sun Yifan finally spoke.

It’s just that Sun Yifan doesn’t talk.

He, this talk, suddenly, let everyone on the field can not help but **** a cold air.

"Sun Yifan, you are crazy."

An elder of the Han family couldn’t help but drink.

"Twenty library resources, Sun Yifan, how much is this library resource, you know what the twenty library resources are."

Another elder is also shivering.

Twenty library resources.

What is this concept.

Know that ordinary small families can have half-library resources, so they are rich, a library of resources, which even surpasses all the resources of a common medium family.

Even if they are known as the top family, how many resources are there in their family.

Three banks, five libraries, I am afraid, those super-class families that are known as giants, family resource inventory, will not exceed ten libraries.

The resources of each of these libraries are all piled up like mountains.

Twenty libraries...

I am afraid that the four families that are present, within their family, are just such collections.

And Han family.

There are not even twenty libraries.

This means that the Korean family has been evacuated, and there are not necessarily resources for the 20 libraries.

And these resources are enough to create an absolute first-class family in a hundred years.

This Wang family is really a big opening for the lion.

As for gold coins, it has been directly ignored.

What makes Han’s people unacceptable is that Sun Yifan’s lion’s mouth is no longer a problem. He even wants to touch the exquisite heart of the Korean family.


Han Jia to Bao Ling.

This is the treasure of the Han family. In rumors, this is born from the existence of chaos.

It is the treasure of their Korean family.

This exquisite heart is infinite, even more, more arguing, impacting the level of the gods, if there is exquisite help, the success rate is ten times.

The exquisite heart can abandon all the demons and distractions, and it can make people better integrate with the heavens and the earth.

This is simply a cultivation of treasure.

Mo said that it is an ordinary elder of the Han family.

Even if you are a Korean family owner, you may not be able to use it from time to time.

And now, the Wang family wants this thing.

This is simply the life of the Han family.

Han Jiayu can promise.

Thinking of this, the Han family is filled with indignation.

Even if they are elders of the four major families, this is also a face-to-face confrontation.

They know that this picture of the Wang family is not small.

But, I didn’t expect that the picture of the Wang family was so big.

There are such conditions, I am afraid that no one will promise.

The exquisite heart.

That is what the four major families covet.

Unfortunately, the Korean family has never let outsiders get involved, and even wanting to borrow exquisite hearts with the Korean family is extremely difficult and demanding.

And now, the Wang family simply wants to take it away.

This ambition is really not small.

The four family elders smiled and didn't know what to say.

"This is impossible."

In the atmosphere of screaming and boring, Han’s ancestors frowned and said.

"Twenty million gold coins, we give, Han family do their best, give you 30 million, herbs, give you five libraries, but, exquisite, but impossible."

The ancestors of the Han family said Shen Sheng.

This is what he can give.

30 million gold coins, five library resources.

This condition is rich enough.

Speaking of this, he stared at Sun Yifan.

The elders of the four major families couldn’t help but swallow and stare at Sun Yifan.

Five library resources... This is quite a lot.

I am afraid that it is half of the inventory of the Korean family.

If it is the peak period, the Han family has 20 stocks of resources, and everyone believes that <spanclass='cha



But now.

These days are turbulent in the mainland, and the consumption of resources is ten times more than in the past.

Han’s family has also created a lot of strong people.

These are all resources burned out.

Han family, the rest of the resources, I am afraid it is just about ten banks.

Get out of the five libraries, this is already a very good price.

Sun Yifan, how will he respond.

The four elders couldn’t help but watch this inscrutable Sun Yifan.

One of the two saints of the Wang family, how will he deal with him, his final bottom line, what is it.

This is inevitably curious.

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