Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 883: The situation is like a broken bamboo (on)

In the midst of the war, Teng Jun’s body shape flashed, and he wanted to flee away from the distance. Wang Chen’s eyes flashed in the cold, and between his body flashes, he quickly chased the vines. Kill and go.

Want to go.

Today, Wang Chen will not give him a chance.


The rush of the air broke through, and the coldness was everywhere.

Feeling the murderousness coming from behind, the vines in the escape are more and more instantly changed.

Wang Chen, staring at him.

Thinking about how Wang Chen was battling before, the heart of Teng Junyue was cold.

"Get out."

The body is locked, so in this case, Tengjun has no choice.

A roar, he stopped and turned and slammed his palms.


The dull applause tears the sky.

In an instant, the horrible air rushed out and headed for Wang Chen.


In the face of this violent wave, Wang Chen’s mouth showed a disdainful sneer.

Teng Junyue, his strength is not much better than Warfare.

"Break open."

A cold voice, Wang Chen directly hit a punch.


There is a fusion of the fire of the wood.

There is a burning fire, and there is no end to the infusion of wood.

The spirit of fire, this moment is also with Wang Chen, releasing the endless energy of the body.

In an instant, on the body of Wang Chen, the dragon roared and broke through nine days.

This punch, Wang Chen's momentum is unparalleled, this punch, the world is eclipsed.

This punch is also to completely blast the furnace in Wang Chen.

Among the roaring sounds, Wang Chen broke through thousands of obstacles and directly slammed on the palms of Fujitsu.

For example, when the blue sky blew up, the whole world stunned.


A burst of crisp sound came, and the aurora burst.


The next moment, endless blood is spattered in all directions.


The screams came, and in this scream, the face of Teng Junyue was distorted.

I saw it in the air and the light. At this moment, the arms of Teng Junyue broke apart.

The white bones turned into ashes, and the arms of the vines were blasted in a moment.


The air swayed, and the vine was in the screams, and the whole person exploded.

"Oh, but that's it."

A move to fly the vines and princes, Wang Chen did not even give people a chance to breathe, his eyes flashed cold and cold.

Teng Junyue is still not his place.

The strength of vain, the resistance between rush, how can compete with Wang Chen.

When you are sick, you are going to die.

Wang Chen, how can you let go of the great chance that Teng Jun is seriously injured.

Today, this place is the land where Teng Jun has fallen.

Think of this, Wang Chen’s body is arrogant: “Look at me and marry you.”

In the roar of the roar, Wang Chen’s figure was swept out.


The whole world is turbulent.

The space was broken by Wang Chen.

Wang Chen turned into a streamer, and in a twinkling of an eye, it was killed in front of Fujitsu.


It’s another shot, it’s like a broken bamboo.

"Wang Chen, give me a hand."

Looking at Wang Chen once again chasing and killing the vines, this time, several strong players in the presence of the Fuji family are also anxious.

Teng Junyue, this is their homeowner.

If the homeowner is destroyed, what is the difference between the Fuji family and the warrior.

It’s okay to let Wang Chen succeed.

Thinking of this, all the strong players of the Fuji family, either want to get rid of the enemy's entanglement, or return from a distance, rushed toward Wang Chen.

"Turn it all out."

When the vines were killed, Wang Chen looked stunned.


The wrists are shaking and the fists are turned.

This punch is directed at the Fujiwara who is closest to him.


In a moment, a dull bombardment came.

"Ah, ah..."

In the horrible air, the man who was killed in front of Wang Chen’s face was distorted.

He has widened his eyes.

"No... you... how could it be... so powerful..."

Looking down, looking at your chest with difficulty, this Fujii warrior, the face is twisted and said with difficulty.

Because, at this moment, Wang Chen’s fist has actually penetrated the man’s chest.

Under this boxing, the man’s life is directly breathed and quickly flowed.

The boundless cold is wrapping him.

I am a pure warrior in the early days of pure yang, placed on the top of Tian Xuan mainland, it can be regarded as the top strong.

This kind of strength is not an enemy of Wang Chen’s move.

Wang Chen’s fist actually broke through all his defenses, shattering his arm and directly piercing his chest.

The blood is constantly flowing, and the early Wushu of the Fuji family can clearly feel the passing of their lives.


However, Wang Chen will pay attention to this Fujiwara warrior.

The beginning of pure Yang.

If you are comprehending the power of the Five Elements, perhaps Wang Chen will pay a fee for Zhouzhang, but this is an ordinary Wuyang early warrior.

Spike, this is the end of Wang Chen to this pure Yang early warrior.


With the rapid death of the military in the early days of Chunyang, Wang Chen’s wrists shook and the ghosts made a sacrifice.


In the dull tears, with endless screams.

The early military of Chunyang did not even leave the soul, but it was directly absorbed by Wan Guiling.

"No... ancestors..."


Looking at such a scene, everyone in the Fuji family has a red eyes.

This is the ancestor of their Fuji family, which is also the father of a **** warrior.

And he is now so depraved.

Spike, this is a shameful and unacceptable result.

When the early military of Chunyang, how could it be spiked?

Thinking of this, the Fuji family is almost collapsed.

"Good strength."

"Spike pure Yang... Wang Chen, really is a enchanting."

"This strength, I am afraid that there will be few opponents between the world."

"When the war is over, the Fuji family is also dangerous."

In the distance, people who watched this scene couldn’t help themselves.

The home of the warrior was strangled, and the owner of the Fuji family was hit hard.

The two big families are really caught in a boundless disaster.

In the past, the family who is tall, who can think of it, they will have it today.

Looking at Wang Chen, many people’s eyes are even more taboo.

This is simply a massacre coming out of hell.

The vine family and the warrior, offending such an enemy, is really the most wrong choice.

Now, these two families will suffer ruthless destruction.

"Teng Junyue, it seems that there are fewer evils."

At the same time, looking at the distant pale, the broken Wu Tengjun, many people can not help but sigh.

Teng Junyue, it’s going to be finished.

He is not the opponent of Wang Chen.

The people who want to save him are already surrounded by powerful people in all directions.

The only one that was killed in the early days of pure Yang was directly killed.

Teng Junyue, caught in a desperate situation.

"Teng family, warrior, perhaps this is the punishment for their abandonment of the true God."

Thinking of this, everyone has some complicated looks.

Wang family, strong and unparalleled.

From now on, who else dares to be an enemy of the Wang family.

The vine family, the warrior, is destroyed.

The next moment, which family should be destroyed.

Be aware that during these years, many families have been eager to move to the Wang family, and many families have slandered with the Fuji family and the warriors.

They will all suffer cruel punishment.

Among them, perhaps, the Korean family bears the brunt.

In fact, the same is true.

Today, there are only a handful of Han people in the field. At this moment, they are not all trapped in a trap. Is it dangerous?

Even at this moment someone turned his eyes to the holy mountain.

The body, how is it.

They, the ambitions of the Wang family, but everyone knows.

Today, it is the most vivid performance.

If it wasn’t for the white house of the royal family, the key moment would return. At this moment, I am afraid that Wang Chen and others have already buried this place.

This kind of hatred, Wang Chen will easily reveal, Wang family, will easily let go.

The world is really going to be a mess.



And when everyone feels guilty, there is a roar of noise in the distance.


The endless blood fog fills the entire sky.

In the screams, Teng Junyue exploded and went out.

He, where is the opponent of Wang Chen today.


The face was cold, and I watched the seriously injured Fujikun, and Wang Chen once again shouted.


The voice fell, and Wang Chenfu printed it out.


A cold voice, Wang Chen directly condensed the word 诀.


With the words condensed out, above the sky, a huge image is presented at the moment.

This is a saint who is full of holiness.

Under the saints, they are all ants.

I saw this sage in the palm of my hand and covered it directly toward the seriously injured vine.


Space distortion.

The huge palm print, like a mountain, covered the vines.


In the violent palm of the hand, at this time, the whole earth began to turn.


The crisp cracks came from this huge ruin, and suddenly there was a huge palm print pit with a diameter of more than 100 meters.


The weak warriors who had no time to escape in the vicinity, in a moment, under this pressure, turned into vague flesh and blood.

Even, even the soul is directly torn apart.

"Ah... don't..."

Teng Junyue, who is locked in it, looks at this scene, and the pale complexion instantly becomes flushed.

Fear, let him tremble, fear, and make him look distorted.

Fear, it is even more frustrating.

He subconsciously stretched out his hands to resist.

"Not self-reliant."

Looking at such a scene, Wang Chen’s mouth showed a sneer.

The vines at this moment can also resist this sage.

It’s simply a dead end.


Under the wave, Wang Chen directly controlled this saint to cover the vines.


The boundless dust is diffuse.

The whole land, cracking began at this moment.

The wind blew across the sky, and the dust was all over the sky. For a time, people couldn’t see the scene.

The endless aurora, this moment is also people can not help but raise their eyes.

How is the scene at the moment?

Teng Junyue, how is it?

No one knows.

The only thing that everyone can hear is the heartbreaking screams and unwilling mourning after the roar,

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