Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 864: Step by step (on)

"Show the world."

After three days, Tian Xuan mainland once again fell into madness.

One shows the world, let everyone be upset.

Yes, it’s the world.

After three days after the end of the war, the Wang family began to act.

Under the plan of Xiang Kankan, on the early morning of this day, when people woke up, they found that there was such an extravagant instrument on the street.

The land of Tianxuan Continental Kyushu, every city, has such an announcement, and even South Xinjiang, Northern Xinjiang, Dongjiang, Xijiang, have also appeared such announcements.

The Wang family, let the entire Tian Xuan mainland know their anger, and let the entire Tian Xuan mainland know their madness.

Declare war.

This is a declaration of war.

Wang family, declare war on the warriors and the Fuji family.

At the time of seeing this instrument, Tian Xuan was crazy.

"This time, the Wang family is really moving."

"啧啧啧...藤藤, 战家... oh... this one, some have seen it."

"In the identity of the true God, the warriors and the Fuji family, the Wang family, seems to be fighting back."

"Declaration of war, the Wang family declared war, this time, the war will break out again."

"It seems that the Wang family intends to end this dispute before the battlefield is completely shut down."

A moment, on the Tian Xuan mainland, there are many discussions.

On this day, the entire Tian Xuan continent boils.


"The Wang family declared war."

When the Tian Xuan mainland fell into a boiling position, in many places in the Tianxuan mainland, at the same time, one strong man came out.

These people are either optimistic about the show or gloating.

Of course, some people hold different attitudes.

"The warrior... turned away from the original glory, and the true God passed back, so that the family disappeared."

In the southern part of the country, the man of the squatting, standing in the desert at the moment, muttered to himself.

He shifted his gaze to the Tian Xuan mainland.

"I should go see it."

The next moment, the man’s figure disappeared into place.

"Wang Jia declared war, huh, huh... interesting, the return of the true God, it seems to make this piece of heaven and earth change."

On the northern front of the ice sheet, at this moment an old man swayed the long beard and a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

The voice fell and he stepped out.

I saw that the old man stepped out every step of the way, and it looked very strange. He shrank the ground into inches. Every step of his steps went out of ten million meters. In the blink of an eye, the old man disappeared between heaven and earth, and the direction he went. Isn’t it the direction of the mainland?

"The return of true glory and the re-emergence of faith, I should make a contribution, sweeping away all evil before the battlefield closes."

In the land of Kyushu, there is also a strong man at the moment.

Yes, under these different voices, more people choose to go to Tian Xuan mainland.

Although, it has been more than a million years since the big era.

The glory of the true God has long been forgotten by too many people.

However, there are always some people who are still fanatical.

The glory of the original, the faith passed down, has not been forgotten by these people.

They are waiting.

Even, most of these people are strong from the ancient times and the Middle Ages.

They crouched to this day, just for this belief.

They wait for the re-emergence of glory.

They are waiting for the return of the true God.

Now, although the true God has not returned, the inheritance of the true God has once again appeared.

Wang Chen, the true inheritor of the world, what he represents is the will of the true God.

For the warriors and Fujis, these people have heard about them, and they are already dissatisfied.

Just, they didn't do it.

And now, the time is ripe.

The Wang family has risen and the various groups have responded.

On this day, the Tianxuan continent is surging.

I don’t know how many strong people, on this day, went straight to the mainland, and some people went straight to the king’s house.

A paper notice, let the Wang family take the first step of counterattack, a paper notice, is also the first step to complete the Wang family counterattack.

The atmosphere, the rest is the coming of heavy rain.


"How is the situation."

Under the night, at this moment, in the study of the Wang family, Xiang Gan looked at Sun Yifan in front of him and murmured.

At this moment, under the candlelight, the face of the subject is a bit strange.

Looking at his eyes, he showed a smug look, but his eyes were a murderous act.

"It seems that the plan is a success. Today, Tian Xuan mainland will not be calm, there are many old guys."

Looking at the project, Sun Yifan laughed.

The smile was gradually brightened, and under the candlelight, it was so gorgeous.

Awaiting this day, Xiang Gan and Sun Yifan are also waiting for too long.

Now, they are finally taking the first step.

The dawn of victory has already appeared, which makes them unhappy.

"Oh...the old guys have appeared, very good."

When I heard Sun Yifan’s words, Xiang Gankan also showed a smug smile: “The first step, already stepped out, the blood will soon dye the land of red.”

The dry meat on the face of the face, this moment, slightly trembled.

That is the performance of excitement.

"How is the Fuji family and the warrior?"

The item continues to ask.

"The Fuji family and the warriors united, and there was news that they seemed to be in contact with the Haotian League and the Holy Mountain."

Speaking of the vine family and the warrior, Sun Yifan looked solemn.

"弑天盟盟, 圣山,呵呵......"

When I heard Sun Yifan’s words, Xiang Gankan was sneer.

His face, at the moment, there is no worry.

Yes, if the Fujia and the Warriors really united the Holy Mountain and the Haotian League, their status is still as stable as Mount Tai.

Wang family, even if you want revenge, it is almost impossible.

The sacred mountain is still strong. Even though the true powers of the older generation have entered the supreme battlefield, the status of the holy mountain is still untouchable.

The holy mountain is still able to do everything.

Even if there were too many negative things in the first place, the holy mountain should not be underestimated, especially the silent and secret actions of the past year, so that the holy mountain still controls the Tian Xuan mainland.

As long as the holy mountain stands out, it is impossible for the Wang family to truly destroy the Fuji family and the warriors.

Not to mention, there is also the Alliance.

The strength of the Haotian League, but not inferior to the Holy Mountain.

The two behemoths control the lifeblood of this world.

Maybe, many people are worried about these two energies, but they don't care.

"They, don't dare, a good show, will soon be staged."

Squinting, the item is slowly speaking, and he looks at Sun Yifan, revealing a funny smile.

"The Holy Mountain may not dare...but, the Heavenly Alliance..."

Seeing the dryness of the item at this moment, Sun Yifan could not help but sigh.

The item can be thought of, Sun Yifan probably wants it.

Yes, as the words are dry, the Holy Mountain does not dare. This time, they dare not stand up to help the Fuji family and the warriors.

At the very least, on the bright side, don't dare.

If Wang Chen does not show the true heritage, the Holy Mountain will not let the Wang family do anything.

But now, Wang Chen shows the inheritance of the true God and tells the world. At this time, how dare the sacred mountain.

The existence of the holy mountain is because of this, no one does not know this on the Tian Xuan mainland.

The will of the true God, this is the banner of the holy mountain.

Although, over the years, the sacred mountain has gradually changed its taste. However, this banner has not fallen, but it has become more and more publicized.

At this time, Mount Shengshan came out to be an enemy of the Wang family. It was not his own face. As long as the people inside the holy mountain were not fools, then they would not dare to do so.

The vine family and the warrior, who want to rely on the holy mountain, is impossible. Their abacus is destined to be lost.

Even if there are some moves in the darkness of the holy mountain, it is harmless and elegant. The general trend, the secret action of the holy mountain, is insignificant.

Just, that heaven alliance...

Know that the Devil World and the Tian Xuan Mainland have always been different.

At the beginning, the devil and the true **** were also...

Now, the exposure of Wang Chen’s identity will be more determined by the practice of the United States, which is what Sun Yifan is worried about.

"Heavenly Alliance, rest assured, they don't dare."

For Sun Yifan’s worries, Xiang Gan’s performance is extremely calm.

There was a glimmer of light in the eyes, and the stems were able to get up and stretched out: "The Holy Mountain will not allow them to enter the Tian Xuan mainland, isn't it?"

There is a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

Next, as if thinking of something: "Oh, yes, the Mozu should not participate in the things inside the Tian Xuan mainland, they will be very busy."

The item is so bright in the eyes, and the expression is getting more and more strange.

"Yes, what about the Korean family."

Thinking of the Korean family, the project is frowned.

"I don't know how to live."

Sun Yifan said coldly.

"Very good."

All this seems to be in the forefront of the project.

"This is what they asked for, isn't it?"

The tone of the dry words, gradually softened: "Wang Chen that kid, soft heart, huh, huh... Han Yuxuan, when Han Yuxuan damned, but Wang Chen did not care, Han family, they came to the door. This is also damn, but Wang Chen’s kid, there are too many restrictions, he is not good at shooting.

Now, the Korean family is doing this very well. When they come to the door, we don't have to be polite. Let them move. The bigger they act, the better. Give them a fire and let them burn completely.

Don't let them go crazy, how can they make them die.

The item is dry and faint.

After listening to the words, Sun Yifan’s heart stunned.

The next moment, he smiled bitterly: "I know, I will make them crazy."

"Oh, yes, send a paper tomorrow, let the holy mountain join our team, huh, huh... Holy Mountain, I will see how they express their views, and... let the Qingliuge cooperate, the Mozu, If they are less, they can't do it, but they will bear the moon, but the key to our success or failure.

There is to let Jiang Chenyuan contact the devil world, to the greatest extent possible to involve the energy of the Alliance.

A deep breath, at this moment, the project made a few deployments with a single breath.

The first step of the counterattack has already been stepped out. At this moment, Xiang Gan has dropped the second piece.

Building momentum, blowing, he wants to make this world completely turbulent, he wants to let those hypocrites, there is nothing to say, he wants to let other people with ulterior motives, for him, he, let those who do not know life and death, in the midst of madness Perish.

This time the storm is destined to be extremely fierce and violent.

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