Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 813: 成神台

The world is twisted.

The moment suddenly fell into the boundless darkness.

The whole time and space seems to be collapsing at this moment.

Immersed into this dark hole, Wang Chen was feeling for a moment, his body seemed to be torn into countless pieces.



Between the vagueness, Wang Chen seems to have heard the sound of his physical collapse and heard the sound of his broken bones.

The pain of a stock has almost stunned Wang Chen.

The entire body is uncontrolled to change and change.

The flesh and blood are constantly sprayed out.

This kind of ravage is even more terrifying than death.

Wang Chen can only rely on instinct to constantly mobilize the power of chaos in the body to protect the muscles of the body.

Star quenching, this moment, almost subconscious operation, constantly make up for the collapse of Wang Chen's body.

This is so, Wang Chen is still gradually blurred in consciousness.

This kind of suffering does not know how long it lasts.

When Wang Chen felt the world to stand still, let him feel that he entered a vast expanse of the world, and finally, Wang Chen fell into a deep coma.

A layer of starlight, this moment enveloped Wang Chen’s body.

Star quenching, in Wang Chen’s coma, still repairing his damaged body a little bit...

Death, after all, there is no real coming down.


"Kid...wake up..."

In the dark world, I don’t know how long I have been in a coma, and Wang Chen’s ear has a familiar voice.

The voice pulled Wang Chen out of the boundless darkness and pulled him back into reality.

Slow, slow, Wang Chen opened his eyes.

A touch of light, let Wang Chen subconsciously, once again raised his eyes.


There is no endless pain.

The pain, the piercing, is enough to make people collapse and make people crazy.

"Don't move, your body is going to die."

In the moment when Wang Chen took a breath of air, the familiar voice came again, with a heavy and nervous.

Until this moment, Wang Chen was reluctant to see clearly. Standing in front of him is not a wild ancestor.

It’s just that the wild ancestors at the moment are obviously incomparable.

His situation is also quite bad.

The body is almost collapsed and the wounds are everywhere.

Even, in many places, the bones that have been incomparable have been exposed.

However, relying on his strong strength, his vital parts are obviously well protected.

It is precisely because of this that at this moment, the wild ancestors can still persist.

When compared to the wild ancestors, Wang Chen is a lot of wolverines.

He has almost no complete meat on his body. Even at this moment, Wang Chen’s bones have become ruined.

In this case, I can survive, and I have to say that Wang Chen’s vitality is extremely strong.

With the help of the star quenching body, the blood is constantly reborn with bones and life, so that Wang Chen can persist until now.

Feeling his own situation, Wang Chen could not help but secretly complain.

"Kid, good, can still hold on, now, just like this, restore the body as soon as possible, your injury with Haotian is very serious, recover as soon as possible, leave this place."

Wait for Wang Chen to talk, the wild ancestors continued.

When I heard the wild ancestors, Wang Chen turned his head and looked at the distance.

The sky is not far away.

His situation is even better than Wang Chen.

Wang Chen, there is still the momentum of the fire to help resist the erosion of the icy lake, but Haotian is completely stuck with the strong body.

At this moment, Haotian has entered the cultivation.

The power of endless stars is pouring into the body of Haotian.

His body is also recovering a little.

When I saw this scene, Wang Chen did not dare to hesitate.

Soon, after taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and entered the cultivation.


The power of the stars continues to flow into the body.

Wang Chen’s body, at this point a little bit began to recover.

The blood, this moment began to play a powerful role.

With the help of blood, Wang Chen’s situation began to improve a little.

This place is deep in the core of the sea eye.

However, the power of the stars is unimaginable.

In the power of this rich star, just half a day later, Wang Chen’s flesh and blood began to reunite.

After one day, Wang Chen’s body is completely condensed.

Until this time, Wang Chen was exhaled.

Open your eyes again, Wang Chen’s face looks pale.

Looking to the side, the wild ancestors have taken the lead to recover the injury.

Even if it is a day, it is also a recovery of seven seven eight eight.

"Good risk."

Until now, the three men look at each other and Wang Chen will inevitably sigh.

If it’s not good luck, this time, he may have fallen.

This icy lake is more dangerous than the Xuanyin quenching body.

In particular, the dark cave that was finally passed, it is like a time-space storm, killing everyone who enters it.

I am afraid that from ancient times to the present, I don’t know how many strong people have fallen into this icy lake and passage.

"Damn, it's more dangerous than the last time."

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, Hao Tian couldn’t help but complain.

The voice fell and the three looked around.

Green mountains and green waters.

This is a paradise.

"Sea-eye core, oh..."

Looking at it all, Haotian laughed.

"Go, practice as soon as possible, I will wait only one month after I enter this place. After one month, I will be excluded from this place."

There was a long breath, and the savage ancestors said that they did not give Wang Chen and Hao Tian more relaxation time.

This place, he has been here.

Every entry is a different world.

For example, the last time, the wild ancestors entered here, is a huge mountain.

This time, it is a paradise.

But, in any case, one thing can't be changed, that is the rule.

Within this core of the sea eye, there are rules.

One month.

Up to one month.

After a person stays here for a month, it is rejected by this space.

Not only will this space be suppressed, but even a lot of dangers.

So, after a month, they have to leave.

This is the result of countless strong people who exchanged their lives and blood. The wild ancestors did not dare to care.

"One month."

When I heard the wild ancestors, Wang Chen frowned.

"It seems to be a matter of time."

Thinking of this, Wang Chen said quietly.

The voice fell, and he looked at it in the sky: "I am going to find the best place to cultivate the wood."

A month's time, Wang Chen's main thing is undoubtedly to enhance the potential of the wood.

In this space, Wang Chen felt the strong five elements.

Even, in this place, the potential of raw wood is not inferior to the external energy. Compared with Tian Xuan mainland, it is ten times richer.

However, there must be a more suitable place.

It’s just in the distance.

Wang Chen has already felt the call of that energy.

"The potential of raw wood."

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, Hao Tian nodded.

His look has become a bit more complicated.

"Not in a hurry."

Next, Hao Tian looked at Wang Chen: "The core of this place is the land where the **** of the sea gods became the gods. There, there is a **** platform, above the **** platform, there is the atmosphere of the sea god, the endlessness of the connotation Opportunity.

In the eyes of the sea, some of the strong people who entered this are getting a chance. Since then, they have become strong.

When we go to the Shentai, let’s go and see.

撼天 uttered the biggest opportunity for this sea-eye core.

Chengshentai, the **** of the sea **** becomes the land of the gods.

When I heard the words of Haotian, Wang Chen could not help but move.

"Yes, yes, Cheng Shentai is going to go some, but unfortunately, I have been there before, and I have gained a little chance. Now it is useless. I will go to practice the Five Elements, you will The two will go and see for themselves."

Not waiting for Wang Chen to speak, the wild ancestors on one side also said directly.

Become a god, a person, only one chance in life.

If you can gain insight in it, then it is creation.

Once you get it, you won’t be able to board the Shentai again. Even if you don’t get a chance, you will be pushed out if you climb the platform.

So, for the wild ancestors, that is a place where he does not have to go.

"Okay, that's it, after that month, I will wait for another meeting."

After hearing the wild ancestors, Haotian said directly.

Soon, after confessing, the three men split up.

The savage ancestors, directly with the help of the force of force, swept away in the distance.

And Wang Chen and Hao Tian, ​​follow the breath of the guide, went straight into the Shentai.


The wind whistling in the ear.

The figure is flashing quickly.

Wang Chen and Hao Tian raised the speed to the extreme.

In the core of this sea eye, every day is especially precious.

One month of this is their most precious time.

If they missed this month, they would have to leave the core of the sea.

If you want to enter it again, you have to wait for ten years. At the core of this sea eye, ten years is a reincarnation.

Within ten years, Wang Chen and Hao Tian will not be able to enter it again.

Not to mention, this time they left, the battlefield is about to close.

Once these people enter the battlefield, there is hope to return to this place in the future.

There is almost no chance.

This is the only chance.

Because of this, Wang Chen is particularly cherished.

He will never waste time on the road.

After hundreds of miles, finally, Wang Chen and Hao Tian stopped.

At this moment, the eyes of the two have already been thoroughly attracted by a mountain in front.

It is a mountain that is almost straight up.

The peak of the mountain is straight through the clouds, and the clouds are lingering, making it easy for people to see the summit.

A majestic atmosphere, sweeping thousands of meters, so that Wang Chen and Hao Tian, ​​standing a few kilometers away, could not help but move.


Looking at the straight up, it seems as if a sharp blade is inserted in the mountain of this world, and the sky is dignified.

After a rush, Wang Chen and Hao Tian arrived at the Shenshen stage.

This is not a place where Wang Chen imagined, but a mountain.

This mountain is the land where the **** of the sea is a god,

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