Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 802: Leaving the Jedi (on)

In the end, Wang Chen and Hao Tian chose to leave the canyon.

The words of Yin Hao made Wang Chen and Hao Tian have to pay attention.

This place is no longer a safe place. If they don’t leave, they may really fall into desperation. Once the silver moon family’s strongmen are killed, Wang Chen and Hao Tian do not even have the chance to escape.

In the face of the situation inside the Jedi today, the only thing that Wang Chen and Hao Tian can do is to be as careful as possible.

Pharmaceutical King is the biggest reliance of the two.

It is only by relying on the drug king that they are likely to leave this dangerous place.

Under the night, the two figures quickly merged into this desolate land.

The departure of this time, for Wang Chen, has a more important purpose.

The robbery.

With the rise of Tianjin, Wang Chen had to face another thunder.

However, fortunately, this time the thunderstorm can be completely controlled by Wang Chen’s control.

At night, above the Jedi wilderness.

On the ruins of the day when the robbers were robbed, a thunder thundered the silence of the night.


Before the sky, the first thunderbolt fell, tearing the silence of the night and illuminating the sky.

The thunder, which is the size of an arm, went straight to Wang Chen’s head.

In the end, Wang Chen chose to rob here.

Looking at the thunderstorm, at this moment, Wang Chen’s eyes looked unusually calm.

In the face of lightning falling from the head, he is unmoved.


In the body, the energy flows, and Wang Chen’s pupil shrinks slightly.

He, squinting at the tumbling clouds above the sky.


After a moment, just in the moment of the lightning that fell, Wang Chen shrouded a moment, Wang Chen mouth made a long shout.


The next moment, Wang Chen’s figure suddenly rose.

A horrible momentum exploded from Wang Chen’s body.

At this moment, Wang Chen’s figure is like an instant bulging. He, like an incarnation, has become a giant blade, and he is proud of the world.


The horrible airwaves, at this moment, are shocked and open.

The whole space is distorted.

There is no time here...

The sharp sounds are continuous.

The thunderbolt that shrouded Wang Chen’s body was actually torn under the impact of Wang Chen’s fierceness.

In the body, eight armor, blood talent, all open, Suzaku's eyes burned wildly.

The white tiger's shackles, this moment, was also inspired by Wang Chen.

Wang Chen has adjusted his status to the best level.

The trend of Tianjin is rolling.

At this moment, Wang Chen’s body is like a sea, in which energy is insane.


A whispered voice came.

In the hands of Wang Chen, Qian Kun Ding slowly floated out.

A red light is a penetration of everything.


The chaotic long river turned into a fierce dragon. During a long period of screaming, the chaotic long river directly rushed into the thundercloud.

After that, Wang Chen’s figure flashed past and it rushed into the thundercloud.


Between the blink of an eye, the roaring sounds continue.

This roar, from low to high, from intermittent to continuous.

The wind is rising.

The dark clouds that are brewing endless thunder, this moment twists and rolls.

The thunder and lightning, they swam in the thunderclouds and exploded.

The scene is incredibly spectacular.

At this moment, the dark cloud is like a volcano.

This volcano is erupting and is going crazy.

"A good means of terror."

Far away, watching the group of twists, constantly roaring, and constantly thundering thunderclouds, this day is inevitable.

The overbearing means of overbearing.

Wang Chen, even if he did not give the thunderbolt more chances to drop, he chose to take the lead.

This way of robbery makes people feel shocked.

In the eyes of the sea, perhaps, for the first time, Haotian saw someone who had been robbed by such means.

With the power of the flesh, directly against the cloud of thunder and robbery, this way of overbearing robbery, if there is no absolute strength, if there is full confidence, who dares to do it.

If you don't have enough power to do this, then you are not looking for death.

Squinting at the eyes, staring at the thundercloud, waiting quietly.


In fact, Wang Chen did not let Haotian wait for a long time.

It was only a moment later, a burst of violent cracking came.

The sky suddenly exploded.


The dark clouds rolled and made a burst of crazy roar.

The whole sky seems to be blasting at the moment.

Endless lightning, splashing in all directions.

The dense dark clouds, in the midst of crazy energy shocks, suddenly spread out.


Along with the dark clouds, a figure flies out.

This is not the king Chen.


Until the return to Haotian’s side, Wang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the thundercloud that dissipated in the sky, he was expressionless.


When watching Wang Chen standing next to him, Hao Tian could not help but smile.

This kind of move, Hao Tian also did, but, completely unable to compare with Wang Chen.

The last time, when he was robbing, he also destroyed Thundercloud, but it was when the thunderstorm was coming to an end and the thundercloud energy was greatly weakened.

Moreover, the thunder of that time, but the thunder of the threshold of the first entry into the gold, compared to Wang Chen's advanced thunder, this is too much.

And Wang Chen.

In the face of such a powerful thunder, there is no chance of any thunder.

This approach is amazing.

Looking at Wang Chen around, Hao Tian’s expression became more and more weird.

A lot of times, Haotian even had to wonder if this guy is human.

Human, there will be such powerful strength and hegemonic means.


"It's almost time to go."

In the complex expression of Haotian, Wang Chen took a deep breath and said with a deep voice.

The thunder was shattered and the last thing was done.

Today, you must leave.

The thunderbolt just happened, although within a short time, Wang Chen broke him.

But, Wang Chen is very clear, the movement here must have been noticed.

If they don't leave as soon as possible, they will soon fall into a boundless crisis.


When I heard Wang Chen’s words, Hao Tian nodded and said quietly.

The voice fell, and Wang Chen and Hao Tian looked at the medicine king around him at the same time.

The departure of this time, but still rely on the help of Yaowang.

Wang Chen and Hao Tian, ​​already have plans, this medicine king is the key to the plan.

"Know it."

Feeling the eyes of Wang Chen and Hao Tian, ​​the drug king licked his mouth and licked it.

Coercive force... It is to let him go to be a coolie. When I think of this, the king of medicine is not to mention how wronged it is.

After a while, the drug king quickly squeezed out a few seals.


Along with the stamping, a layer of light and shadow spreads out.

Between the blink of an eye, Wang Chen and Hao Tian are covered by this light and shadow.

After a while, the three disappeared at the same time.



The wind is whistling.

A few figures rushed toward this ridiculous wasteland at a very fast speed.

After a moment, on the wilderness, dozens of figures were gathered.

After Wang Chen and Hao Tian disappeared for a while, the powerful parties have already arrived here.

As Wang Chen expected.

Now, within the Jedi, there are many crises.

The boundless strong man crouched on this piece of land.

Anything can't hide their perceptions.

The previous thunder, they explored.

Unfortunately, these people are still a step late.

Beyond the wasteland, looking at this ruin, all the strong people present, at this moment, the face is more and more ugly.

"Bastard, what's going on."

After a moment of silence, one of the old men couldn’t help but anger.


It’s another thunder.

Not long ago, there was also a thunderstorm here.

After that, the endless powerhouse, launched a crazy search around this place.

But, it is not the trace of the sky and the human beings.

And now.

Just today, there was another thunderstorm here.

This makes everyone crazy.

Who is it.

Who is here today?

撼天, human.

Thinking of this, at this moment, everyone can't calm down.

A previous robbery was obviously a huge gain.

Nine must participate in the king, must have been passive.

That now.

It’s impossible to be awkward.

Even if he has nine helpers, he can't harvest so many breakthroughs in such a short period of time.

No accident, it should be that human.

Thinking of this, everyone is angry in the heart.

Nine must be king.

They all used the nine to participate in the king.

That is the treasure of heaven and earth. Today, it is so squandered by the heavens and humans.

This allows everyone to calm down.

Eye, jealous, crazy, angry...

Everything is lingering in the hearts of everyone.

In the end, it turned into a deep anxiety.

If it is not as fast as possible to kill the heavens and humans, how long the nine must be squandered.

At the time, I found humans and heavens, I am afraid that the nine kings have already been squandered.

At that time, how to be good.

Thinking of this, everyone is more and more anxious.

What makes them angry is that they are not even aware of where Wang Chen and Hao Tian are.

This is the most awkward thing...

Under such circumstances, the atmosphere in the venue is almost solidified.

"Bastards, where are they?"

This dull atmosphere didn't know how long it lasted, and a roar of noise finally came.

Standing in the same place, at this moment someone finally said the doubts in everyone's mind.

Where is humanity and heaven?

This is a hundred miles, but they have all searched.

But why not see humans and the sky.

However, it’s true that they are here to rob you...

Think of it all, everyone frowned.

Their faces are more and more ugly.

The enemy is there, but it is never found, and there are more grievances than this,

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