Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 646: Go to the sea eye

"Sea Eye? Naturally!"

In the face of Wang Chen’s inquiry, Ling War said it is not slow.

"What kind of existence is that? At the beginning, the sea **** really gathered the godhead in it?"

Get the answer to the battle, Wang Chen quickly asked!

"Chaos is first opened, the world is presented, the chaotic gas is turned into the power of the Five Elements, and there is endless mottle. In this, the power of the Five Elements is the foundation of this heaven and earth. They have created everything. From then on. Points, divided into days, divided into places! Within the earth, inclusive, mountains and rivers, big rivers, and boundless land!

Among them, the most important role of the mother water is to transform the endless rivers and seas. The core of the sea is the legendary sea eye.

This sea eye legend is the foundation of the mother water. It is made up of the power of endless mother water essence. Or, some people say that the sea eye is the nucleus of the mother water in the beginning of the world when the sky was first opened. It is also the proliferation of the sea eye, which is turned into a sea today.

As for Poseidon?

At the beginning of the world, there are five gods. They live with the world. Among them, Poseidon is in charge of thousands of oceans. And he, rumors, is born from the mother crystal core, that is, within the sea eye!

Under Wang Chen’s curiosity, Ling Xu said slowly.

He has a faint tone and a touch of vicissitudes.

"Mother Crystal Core? Is Poseidon the King of God born in the mother crystal core?"

In the face of this battle, Wang Chen suddenly has some calm.

This is the first time that Wang Chen has learned about this level of existence.

The beginning of the world, the five behaviors of the foundation, cast endless world. At this point, Wang Chen was exposed when he gained the power of the Five Elements.

Just, Ling war said more detailed.

Especially the potential of this mother water.

Wang Chen did not expect that the sea eye is actually the crystal nucleus of the five elements? Is it also the creator of endless Wang Yang? Is it the birth of the legend of Poseidon?

How can Wang Chen still be calm?

The words that Ling War said, the impact on Wang Chen is absolutely unimaginable.


Just, after the shock, very quickly, as if thinking of something, Wang Chen’s face suddenly changed.

"Five gods? True God, Devil, Beast, Poseidon? Only four here!"

Wang Chen found something different.

Yes, before the battle in the battle, did not say that the first place of the world, gave birth to five gods? However, now in Wang Chen’s cognition, it is only four gods.

What about the remaining gods? Why have you never heard of it?

"Yes! Seniors, do you mean that there are five gods? But in addition to the four gods, there is one..."

Not only Wang Chen, even Jiang Chenyuan and others are not calm at the moment.

In their cognition, the original is just to know the devil and the true God.

When Wang Chen returned from the True God Cave, he realized that there are two other gods.

The beast and the sea god.

The appearance of these two gods is surprising. However, it is always acceptable.

After all, the existence of Poseidon and Beast God is evidence of solidity!

In the early days of the ancient times, Warcraft and the beasts were able to compete in the world, which is the strength of them! Even if the beast is strong again, if there is no such top-ranking strongman to sit in the town, then in the world where the heroes are together, and the strong ones are everywhere, where can they achieve unparalleled hegemony? Where can I win some world?

So, the existence of the beast is inevitable. It’s just that people didn’t know this history before.

Talk about the sea!

At first, the seas ruled the world. Even an attempt to dye the boundless continent.

They have this capital, naturally because they have top powers to sit down.

So, the existence of the sea **** and the beast, everyone can understand.

The four gods, this reality has made Jiang Chenyuan and others have been shocked.

Now, what happened to the five gods in the battle?

When I heard the words of the war, everyone was curious.

"The Fifth God?"

In the face of the doubts of Wang Chen and others, Ling Zhan sighed with a sigh: "Yes, five gods! Beast God, Poseidon, you already know. The true God and the devil, naturally nothing. These four The **** king naturally exists. However, there are indeed five gods in this world!"

"Who is that?"

Wang Chen brows a wrinkle.

He thought about it for a moment, but there was no clue.

The beast god, the sea god, the real god, the demon god!

These gods are all traceable.

Among them, the Orc contains thousands of monsters, Warcraft. The seas contain endless sea creatures. The Terran contains hundreds of races, as does the Mozu!

According to this, there is no other race that Wang Chen and others do not know.

So, where does the emergence of another **** king come from?

"Is it..."

Between the curiosity of the people, the black robe is extraordinarily quiet.

He frowned and bowed his head.

I don't know how long it took, he suddenly looked up and his eyes were in doubt.

"What is it?"

Jiang Chenyuan looked at the black robe and asked curiously.

"I heard in the Alliance of the Heavens, in the ancient times, there was a strong man in the lang dynasty! In the beginning of the invasion of Shura, if it was not for that person, this world, I am afraid that it has already fallen!"

The black robe looks dignified.

Will it be the person who lang? The expression of the black robe became weird.

Although the news heard in the Haotian League is not very detailed. However, between words, it is the strength of the people who can feel the lang.

Moreover, this news is from the mouths of the old monsters, and it will not be a hole in the wind.

There must have been such a strong man in the ancient times.

The old monsters are also people of the ancient times. Even they are from Taikoo!

In this case... what they say is necessarily true. Moreover, even they have seen the lang strong.

"It's him!"

When the black robe was in doubt, the battle was sighing.

"The rumor is that he is the supreme ancestor! He is the fifth god. He walks in the darkness and wanders outside the six. He rarely participates in the battle of the world. But he is true. Really existed.

And, rumors, under the supreme ancestor, there are dozens of strong. These strongmen are a terrible force!

Just, they are so mysterious that they know that they are too few and too few. Unless it is the group of people who survived the catastrophe of the ancients, they will probably know the existence of the Supreme ancestor!

Even if it is me, I hear some news from the illusion.

The battle confirmed the answer to the black robe.

"Supreme ancestor!"

When I heard the words of the battle, Wang Chen’s expression was dignified.

He blinked and fell into silence.

Not just Wang Chen alone, the rest of the people in the room are caught in silence.

At this moment, what remains in their hearts is shock!

The fifth **** king! A wandering outside the six lanes, come to nowhere, no trace of the gods hidden in the dark!

Is he still in this world today?

"Hey... boy, you don't need to think too much! This great **** exists, but it does not have any harm to us. He will not easily participate in the secular struggle.

He has been like this for thousands of years, and it will be even more so today!

For him, we just need to know! If the time is right, you have reached a high level and you may naturally see him.

As for today? We can think that he does not exist! And you, all you need to do is to try to improve your strength and deal with all possible crises before the battlefield opens!

Looking at the silence and Wang Chen and others, Ling war slowly said.

The words of the battle, so that Wang Chen and others suddenly slammed back.

Yes! As Ling war said. Today, the existence of this strong man has no relationship with Wang Chen and others.


Now, Wang Chen needs to care about the sea eye.

The place full of legends.

When Wang Chen gradually came back to God, Ling Xiao smiled and said: "After three days, you will go with me. That place can give you a chance!"

Speaking of the sea eye, the pride of the face is also excited.

Sea eye! That is where the war is going.

Unfortunately, there is no chance to enter the battle.

However, he won an opportunity for Wang Chen. Is this not enough to make him proud?

"Has the sea really promised to let me enter the sea eye?"

When I heard the words of the war, Wang Chen frowned.

From the words of Ling Zhan and Black Robe, Wang Chen can feel the mystery and importance of the sea eye.

However, under such circumstances, how can the seas easily agree to let Wang Chen enter?

That is the existence of the face of Beihai Canghao, and it is impossible to get into the qualification. Wang Chen is an outsider...

This makes Wang Chen's eyes more suspicious.

" can rest assured! What the seas should do with what they do. And...hey..."

It seems to have thought of something, and the war has revealed a smirk.

The smirk, let the black robe and other people could not help but shudder.

Fox! This moment of the battle is simply an old fox!

Imagine how big the scorpion was made to the sea! I can imagine how many dark losses the Hai people have eaten this time.

It is estimated that at the moment, within the sea, it is a sorrow.

Just, in the attention of everyone, the battle is obviously not intended to tell everyone what he is doing.

A deep breath, Ling war said to Wang Chen: "You can safely go with me and go right! No one can stop the trip to the sea. No one can object! Perhaps they want you to enter earlier. In the sea eye. You don't have to have any taboos and concerns!"

"As for you..."

After saying this to Wang Chen, Ling war will be transferred to the black robe and other people: "Wang Chen went to the sea eye, but you can't go. But you can't be idle! Heaven, it will soon be chaotic. The crisis has arrived! If you don't want to die, you have to prepare something!"

The look of the battle is extremely dignified.

"This day is going to be chaotic... Is it... the battlefield... is it closed?"

Don't wait for everyone to react. When I heard the battle, the expression of the black robe was the first time.

As of today, this is quite confusing.

And the chaos of the war, the black robe caught the clue for the first time.

The battlefield!

Yes! Only when the battlefield is closed can it be considered a real chaos.

Today, the parties are struggling, and the chaos can’t break out completely. If that battlefield is closed once... It will be an era, black robe is hard to imagine!

Thinking of this, the black robe's breathing is heavy.


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