Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 641: Two madmen

Until now, I heard the dialogue between Wang Chen and the sea, and everyone in the audience was amazed.

After the North Sea Palace, what happened? Is it done by Wang Chen? What did he do? Wang family, is there any hidden means?

Thinking of this, everyone’s heart is shocked to add.

Even Jiang Chenyuan, standing next to Wang Chen, has a slightly open mouth! He looked at Wang Chen, his face full of doubts and curiosity.

For this time, Jiang Chenyuan is clear about their plans.

So, he can be sure that there is no means for Wang Chen to go over the Beihai Palace.

At the very least, Jiang Chenyuan does not.

Moreover, even if Wang wants to do this, it seems that... there is no such strength.

Outsiders are not aware of the strength of the Wang family, but Jiang Chenyuan is very clear.

Yes, the Wang family is very strong today. However, this one is based on Wang Chen. Wang Chen is the backbone of this family. He almost propped up this king's family with his own strength.

The strength of Wang’s family today is mostly that Wang Chen’s strength is based on strength.

And the strong inside the Wang family? This is naturally there! For example, the rumored battle, for example, the illusion that only heard its name disappeared. Another example is the Stars, or the black and white eyes hidden inside the Wang Family! These strengths seem to be very powerful, so that Tian Xuan mainland does not know how many people are jealous.

However, Jiang Chenyuan is very clear about the way.

For example, the battle is not here now, for example, the magic dance has never appeared, and for example, the stars are actually in the dark! Or that is to say that black and white eyes... They are just guarding the king’s house, it is impossible to rush to shoot...

Under this, the seemingly powerful strength of the Wang family is actually only superficial.

There are not many strong players that Wang Chen can really use.

Now, that is, the black robe is the real king's family. Perhaps Liu Xinyan has already regarded her as a royal family.

As for the rest?

Jiang Chenyuan is a friend of Wang Chen! He is naturally not a real royal family. Moreover, he is now at the side of Wang Chen. Moreover, Jiang Chenyuan really thinks that he can't be a real strong.

What's left?

Stop the weather? Or the chick who forgot about the valley? Or is it Ji Xueyu's guy? These people can now practice in the Sin City, or return to the Devil... and these people really do not have any real power.

Possibly, only the girl who can’t forget the situation can compete with Wang Chen...

What are the effects of these people, even if they are? Moreover, they are not there!

Under this, Jiang Chenyuan naturally knows that even if Wang Chen wants to arrange a backhand, it is also more than enough.

But now, the situation is that the sea has nowhere to admit that the North Sea Palace has an accident?

What is going on?

The doubts in Jiang Chenyuan’s heart are imaginable.

"Sure enough, there is an accident in the North Sea Palace!"

In the shock and doubt of everyone, Wang Chen showed a hint of fun at the moment.

When looking at the smiling face of Wang Chen, Hai has no words and asked: "How did you guess?"

Wang Chen showed confidence and made the sea uncomfortable.


When I heard the endless sea, Wang Chen smiled and said: "The battle here is so fierce. It is impossible to detect the Beihai Palace. I don't believe that there is no strong man in the Beihai Palace. At the very least, it is like Beihai Canghao. There are always a few people like this.

If there is no problem, in the face of my attack, they have already rushed to the first time. Why is there no movement now? Moreover, your name also told me all. If it is not a big event in the Beihai Palace, it will not let people like you come forward. Because, in your eyes, today's things may be nothing more than a trivial matter!

At this moment, Wang Chen’s performance is very dull.

The atmosphere in the venue is more and more silent in the dialogue between the two.

The murder is not knowing when it has disappeared a lot.

The situation inside the venue is getting more and more strange.

When you hear Wang Chen’s words, Hai’s heart has a sigh!

"What happened in the Hai Palace?"

A moment of silence, Wang Chen asked curiously.

The North Sea Palace has an accident, but this is Wang Chen’s accident. Perhaps, many people present will think that this is Wang Chen's backhand. However, only Wang Chen knows best that he has never had such a backhand. Even after knowing the power of the North Sea Palace, Wang Chen made a lot of plans for today's action.

He made the means to deal with the strong.

Just, the situation seems to be beyond the expectations of Wang Chen, and beyond the control of Wang Chen.

"Two people came and killed a few people!"

Under the inquiry of Wang Chen, the sea has no face and is dignified.

"Two people?"

Wang Chen’s heart jumped.

With the power of two people, they will kill the North Sea Palace and bring a crisis of destruction to the entire North Sea family... What strength is this?

Who are those two people? Why do they want to help themselves?

The brow is locked, and Wang Chen is thinking about what he is thinking...

Finally, as if thinking of something in general, Wang Chen’s mouth suddenly showed a smile.

"It seems, you guessed it!"

Seeing the smile of Wang Chen’s mouth, the sea sighed.

"It should be them! My master, the other one is Ling Yu's predecessor? Magic dance? Or who?"

Wang Chen asked curiously.

The battle!

Yes, Wang Chen guessed one of them.

Just, Chen Chen racked his brains, and he almost thought of people with such strengths in Tianxuan mainland.

This is not difficult.

After all, on the Tian Xuan mainland, it is possible to reach the entire level, with one person's power truly threatening the North Sea, and there are not many people who can have such a hegemonic momentum and means.

Among these people, Wang Chen knows only a few.

The possibility that those people helped Wang Chen was too small.

Maybe, the ancestor of the Xingyue family counts one! However, he should have no time to shoot now.

According to it, Wang Chen thought of the battle.

If you say that in this world, who will spare no effort to help Wang Chen, the battle is bound to count one.

In addition, it is the magic dance and Lingyu!

But, after all, the battle will inevitably occur.

So, who else will be the rest of the people?

This makes Wang Chen very curious.

"Your Master, very strong!"

In the face of Wang Chen’s inquiry, Hai Wu’s deep glance at Wang Chen: “With such a master, you are very lucky! As for the other person, it should be the white moon valley’s Qing Tianqiu!”

The sea sighed and sighed: "They are very strong. The two blocked the entire North Sea Palace, and the guys who forced the North Sea to break could not leave, but also killed a few people to set a majesty. They are also crazy. If I don't show up, I am afraid that the Beihai Palace has now become a ruin... So, I am afraid that the entire Haizu will be involved.

Although you also know that the rest of the three seas are very dissatisfied with the work of Beihai. Even in the core palace of our seas, except for the North Sea, including me, although I think that the North Sea is stupid, but I have to maintain the North Sea, the rest of the people are thinking about giving the North Sea some lessons.

But, this is only a lesson. It is our internal idea.

If the Beihai Palace was really slaughtered, it would not be as simple as a lesson. I am afraid that there will be endless storms when I get there. Even though we don’t have much time for our old guys, we can always do something before we leave. If we think about it, it is not difficult to ruin your king's family. Because the holy mountain will not help you!

The old man said with a blank expression.

"Qing Tianqiu seniors!"

When listening to the endless sea, Wang Chen’s heart reveals a touch of emotion.

At the same time, Wang Chen is also helpless and bitter smile.

The battle is a madman, and Wang Chen never denied it. Even the world believes that Wang Chen is also a madman. However, the crazy genes in this are the ones that have been passed down from the war.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been in the fight for a long time. It’s always a legacy between an old madman and a little madman. What's more, Wang Chen's body is the blood of the gods.

If he is not crazy, then it is strange.

Just... Wang Chen didn’t think that Qing Tianqiu was accompanied by crazy.

Sure enough, the two lunatics stay together and can do something even more crazy.

To fight the entire North Sea with two people?

Looking at the world, maybe only they have the whole domineering, have the whole confidence, have the whole strength...

Why did Qing Tianqiu appear, Wang Chen is clear. So Wang Chen was moved.

They are returning from this time, maybe it’s just this thing? Wang Chen did not know how many things they would delay for themselves.

This kind of kindness, who can not be moved?

After moving, Wang Chen smiled more and more brilliantly: "They came, it is no wonder that the North Sea is not capable of shooting. The old guys are afraid of headaches at this moment."

The voice paused, and Wang Chen looked at the sea without a word: "They came, I want to come to the sea and don't want this thing to continue to expand. They may think so. And the seas don't want me." Dead. If I am really dead, their madness will be beyond control.

Why can't you kill me, why should you be here? It’s better to let me kill these guys here.

Maybe, killing them, my heart can be a little more comfortable. Looking at the face of the master and Qing Tianqiu's predecessors, I can temporarily put down this hatred. Now that you are blocking me, I am not willing.

Why are you an enemy of me? ! I have no intention of pulling this battle to the entire sea! You should be clear, if I am not willing, if it is a heart, it is not good for you, for the sea!

Looking at the sea in the distance, Wang Chen sighed faintly.

This kind of strong person appeared, even though he knew that he would not kill himself, but Wang Chen was very uncomfortable.

It was a feeling of being stared by a beast.

He hopes that the sea will be able to leave.

The emergence of Ling Zhan and Qing Tianqiu is doomed to not die. The sea people will not pay such a big price in order to kill themselves.

So, Wang Chen has more confidence at this moment.

This is the enthusiasm brought by him.

Thinking of this, at this moment, Wang Chen’s murder gradually became richer.

He looked at the sea without a word, and his eyes did not avoid it.

Wang Chen has never been a fearful person.

Since he dared to take the black robe and other people into the North Sea, then this courage is inevitable.

What's more, now the battle is back.

Although, there is no saying in the sea, and there is no mention of the war. However, Wang Chen wants to get the purpose and idea of ​​returning from the battle.

And Wang Chen, don't mind using some of the momentum of the battle now!

So, at the moment, with the voice of Wang Chen falling, the atmosphere in the venue has become suffocating.


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