Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 610: 天玄振动

"Oh... It seems that the Wang family has made a big difference."

In the Black Sea City, when the whole family of the Wang family was dispatched, after the battle with the Haizu came to a close, a muffin came from a mountain more than 10,000 meters away from the Black Sea City. The voice of the language.

"What do you think."

The voice fell, and this figure asked the people around him.

If Wang Chen is here, he must recognize it at a glance. At this moment, the two people standing here are not the two of the exquisite Han family, Han Yuxuan, Han Tianyi.

Yes, when Wang Chen left the mourning plain to come to Black Sea City, Han Tianyi and Han Yuxuan came to Black Sea City almost simultaneously.

Just, they came a step late.

But, this is the case, but it is also a test of terror.

They saw Wang Chen’s spectacular scene of an enemy.

A half-step pure yang, against eight pure Yang strong, this is how shocking scene.

At the time, Han Tianyi was shocked, and Han Yuxuan was even more incredulous.

Just, after the shock, Han Tianyi smiled because he knew that he made a correct choice.

As for Han Yuxuan, it has been in silence for a long time.

Until this moment, Han Yuxuan is silent and speechless.

"It seems that you can't put it down."

Seeing that Han Yuxuan still had no slight reaction, Han Tianyi sighed like a smile.

Afterwards, he narrowed his eyes: "Wind and rain, coming, this is just the beginning. In this battle, the victory of the Wang family has just begun."

Now, the Wang family seems to have made another big thing. The whole family of the Wang family is dispatched, hehehe... Haizu, Shengshan, it seems that the Wang family is going to die with them, you said.

Looking at Han Yuxuan, Han Tianyi continued to ask.

"How do you want to."

After listening to Han Tianyi’s words, Han Yuxuan’s brow wrinkled and asked coldly.

Han Tianyi’s expression of gloating, always makes Han Yuxuan feel very uncomfortable.

He, what you want to see is the result.

This makes Han Yuxuan very worried. If all this is controlled by Han Tianyi, it is extremely dangerous.

Wang family, they really want to be with the holy mountains and the seas.


Han Yu Xuan brows more and more tightly locked up.

This war, although Wang Chen showed great strength of terror, but what about it.

Holy Mountain, that is a giant.

Even if they are Han family, within the holy mountain, it is also a small existence, Wang family... can they fight against the holy mountain?

Han Yuxuan squinted at his lips, revealing a trace of worry.

Her eyes, always staring at 10,000 meters away, the figure standing between the heavens and the earth.

"How do I want, huh..."

When I heard Han Yuxuan’s words, Han Tianxuan’s expression at the moment, Han Tianyi laughed: “I don’t want to, if I said, within this storm, I want to win a place, do you believe it?” /

Han Tianyi asked.


Han Yuxuan was cold and cold.

"Hehehe... It seems that you still ignore me like this, but it doesn't matter, maybe, I think, what you need to worry about is how Wang Chen, he, the situation facing now is not good, holy mountain , Haizu, huh, huh... these two are enough to make him into a crisis, let alone..."

As if I had thought of something, Han Tianyi’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light.

A pause, he continued: "Maybe, I think you should have forgotten Wang Chen. You and him have already walked on two paths. It was difficult to forgive when they abandoned it."

Speaking of this, Han Tianyi’s look is awe-inspiring, with a little indifference.

This kind of betrayal is always not liked.

This is why Han Tianyi knew about Han Yuxuan’s past and was not hot or cold.

Because he knows that he is a proud person like Wang Chen.

The person who is so proud is hard to tolerate the rejection of others.

Otherwise, Han Yuxuan is a good woman.


After hearing Han Tianyi’s words, Han Yuxuan’s figure suddenly stunned.

She stood in the same place, but in the end she couldn’t say a word.

Han Tianyi’s words, like a bomb, blasted in the heart of Han Yuxuan’s heart, which made Han Yuxuan have no room for rebuttal. It made Han Yuxuan’s heart suddenly tighten and gave birth to incomparable pain.


These four words are like sharp edges. The sly is crossed in the heart of Han Yuxuan. It is more like a devil's hand. He stunned Han Yuxuan's heart.

At this moment, Han Yuxuan’s heart was cold, and she felt that the world seemed to be silent.

"Okay, it's time to go, this is a thing, wait and see the next big show."

Looking at Han Yuxuan’s appearance, Han Tianyi smiled and said, not too slow.

The voice fell, and he subconsciously looked in the distance, his eyes flashing brightly: "There seems to be a lot of people who are concerned about this battle."

The voice fell, Han Tianyi did not say much, he turned and walked slowly toward the distance.

Until Han Tianyi walked out of the hundreds of meters, above the mountain, Han Yuxuan still stood still in silence.

She, as if she was lost, could not be said in one sentence.

She has empty eyes and a blank expression.


"Oh, there was a big battle in Black Sea City last night."

In just three days, an amazing news was like a gust of wind, sweeping across the entire Tian Xuan mainland.

In a moment, Tian Xuan Continental shakes.

"What, Black Sea City, what happened in the end, the sea, they..."

After hearing the whole news, countless people have doubts.

"In the evening of last night, the Hai people attacked the Black Sea City. It is said that the Hai people dispatched dozens of sea empire and more than 10,000 ordinary sea people. They wanted to make the Black Sea City corpse a million people into hell.

On top of it, some people said nothing.


"So shocked, how about the Black Sea City, is it..."

"These sea people are really too much, deceiving me, there is no one in the heavens."

"The sea, the people of the Holy Mountain have not been suppressed, why do they shoot against the Black Sea City, how the Wang family."

Listening to this news, one question arises at this moment.

Especially, when I heard the lineup sent by the Haizu, everyone could not help but change their face.

"Hey...the king, of course, nothing, the sea, hey, they want to destroy the Black Sea City, but there is no such thing, at the crucial moment Wang Chen appears.

In the Wang family, Wang Chen is the head, and there are more incompetent strong people to help, the Hai people are defeated.

The man's mouth that spread the news showed a sneer.

"Holy Mountain, Hahaha... You still don't know, this is just a sacred acquiescence to the Haizu. Otherwise, how can the Haizu dare to attack so much."

It’s another man who is cold in the dark.

"How is it possible, Wang Chen he...even if it is strong, how is it possible...and the holy mountain..."

"Impossible, the Holy Mountain can't be like this, who is in the mouth and mad, give me a stand out."

"Yes, holy mountain..."

With the spread of this topic, Tian Xuan mainland is caught in turmoil.

For a time, the debates have come and gone, and the battles caused by arguments are everywhere.

Tian Xuan mainland, completely chaotic.

However, in this controversy, everyone knows a message, the Hai people are coming, the Black Sea City is almost destroyed, the Wang family counterattacks, the majesty is unparalleled, the Haizu is defeated, the whole army is destroyed, the blood flows into the river, the world Discoloration.

How intense the night of Black Sea City is no longer what people can imagine.

Wang family, once again let everyone in Tianxuan mainland look at each other.

More than 30 sea emperors, that is to say, there are almost 30 pure Yang strong, and there are also tens of thousands of strong.

This lineup turned out to be completely destroyed.

What a shock.

"Ke children disappear, Wang family is angry."

"The Wang family is also a heavy loss."

"The Holy Mountain has no response."

"The sea is in silence..."

Next, in just a few days, one message was spread throughout the Tian Xuan mainland.

Under the urging of the people, these messages are constantly spreading and upgrading.

For a time, everyone in Tianxuan mainland focused on the holy mountain, the Nether Sea, the Wang family, and the Black Sea City.

Under the circumstances, the Holy Mountain is undoubtedly pushed to the forefront.


When the Tian Xuan mainland is in full swing, within the Black Sea City, it is a terrible horror.

After experiencing the sweep of the Hai people, although the Black Sea City has not been destroyed, it has left a messy scene.

In the Wang family, the atmosphere has been low to terror in these days.

"How is it."

In the Wangjia Hall, at this moment, Wang Chen looked at the person in front of him and asked.

Ker, the natural question that Wang Chen asks is about the children.

How is it?

In the blink of an eye, the last four days.

But, these four days are not the slightest clues, which makes the heart of the Wang family all sink.

"No news."

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, I stood next to Wang Chen, and the black robe looked gloomy.

"I have no news on my side."

Jiang Chenyuan sighed.

"Black Sea City searched all, did not let go of a place, even within a hundred miles of Black Sea City, there is no clue, the great empire, the fire sect, all help us block the intersections, all the people looking for, However, there is no clue as to the little girl, but it seems to be disappearing."

Yangsha sighed and said.

Speaking of this, he is still worried about the madman who has red eyes and a gloomy breath.

In these four or five days, the madman didn't even have a look.

Today, he is a mess, decadent, and full of tyrannical atmosphere.

This makes Yangsha very worried.


When I heard the words of these people, Wang Chen became more and more gloomy.

For four days, there are still no clues.

Even if it’s a child’s accident, there’s no way to have any clues.

Wang Chen is full of doubts.

"Impossible, but it is impossible for children to have an accident. There must be no place to find it, certainly."

When I heard Wang Chen’s anger, the madman said with a bite.

His voice is hoarse, like a beast, hanging on his face, full of a stubborn look.

He won't give up.

Even if he gives up all day, he will not give up.

The belief in his heart is not shaken.


When I heard the madman's words, Wang Chen sighed and looked at the crowd and asked.

"Miss Liu is still searching."

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, Yang Sha sighed.

If it is said that the child is in trouble, the most sad thing is the madman's words, then Liu Xinyan is not inferior.

Even Wang Chen is not the case.

In the presence, perhaps no one knows more about the relationship between Wang Chen and Kelly than Yangsha.

Wang Chen did not show it, but it is definitely...


Unable to wait for the sigh of Yangsha to fall, outside the Wangjiafu, at this moment a figure flashed quickly.

Between the blink of an eye, this figure appeared in the crowd.

"There is a message."

The next moment, without waiting for everyone to come back, the sound of surprise is coming.

This moment, such a sentence, suddenly broke the atmosphere inside the venue, all of a sudden cheered everyone up,

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