Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 601: Don't kill (below)


When the sea people saw that the situation was not ready to escape, the sky suddenly shook. --

The next moment, a huge crack appeared in the void, and a figure appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"Not good... is Wang Chen!"

"What? Wang Chen? How is it possible!"

"God, Wang Chen will kill all the adults of the sea emperor!"

"Four! God, Wang Chen killed four more!"

When Wang Chen appeared, the sea people who had crashed and fled were even more shocked and could not speak.

What is the appearance of Wang Chen, can they still be unclear?

Before, Wang Chen sacrificed the space field and trapped the strong of the four sea emperors.

With an enemy four!

At this moment, Wang Chen appeared, and the four adults of the Haihuang family did not have the slightest trace. What this represents is too clear.

Thinking of this, everyone in the sea is a big change in the face's color.

The adults of the four sea emperors have fallen!

Before the eight sea emperors who were besieging Wang Chen, at this moment, except for the one who escaped, the other seven were all killed by Wang Chen.

With the two sea emperors who were the first to kill Wang Chen...

Wang Chen, this is the strongest who killed nine sea emperors!

And, he hit the North Sea Dalang!

The result is that the hearts of all the people of the sea have been shocked to add.

Looking at the moment, I was covered with gold ‘color’ blood, like the **** of sand, descending from the sky, blocking Wang Chen from the way, everyone in the sea is only feeling the 'hair' bones.

" you want to go?"

Looking at the faces of these ‘color’ alarming sea people, Wang Chen’s mouth, this moment’s ‘show’ gave a sneer.

"Sura battlefield!"

The next moment, in the cold noise, Wang Chen directly sacrificed the battlefield of Shura!


With a roar, the heavens and the earth are once again distorted.

The battlefield of Shura!

Yes, this moment Wang Chen is offering a powerful battlefield of Shura!

For those who want to escape? Wang Chen will not let them succeed!

Since I chose to be an enemy of the Wang family, since I came to the Black Sea City, it was doomed to their end - one dead road!


The powerful gas ‘wave’ exploded, and the world was distorted. In this broken space, there was a burst of shouting at the moment.

The murderous murder is filled with the heavens and the earth.

"Not good! Escape..."

"Hurry up!"

"Wang Chen is crazy!"

"If you don't leave, I will wait for the whole army to be destroyed!"

In the face of the distortion of the void, in the face of horrible murder, the Haitian owners are now more collapsed!

Thousands of people of the seas, under the killing of evil spirits, only half of them are left at this moment.

The dozens of the strongest of the Haihuang family were killed by Wang Chen alone and one person was killed. Plus the black robe, Liu Xinyan and Jiang Chenyuan's three killings, this time the Haihuang family left less than half of the staff!

In this case, Wang Chen still wants to kill, so how can people who are present not fear?

In the exclamation, all the people of the seas went crazy and fled around.


However, most of the sea people are still slow.

The battlefield of Shura, in the blink of an eye, covered this piece of heaven and earth.

The space is distorted, and a battlefield of blood 'color' appears in the eyes of everyone.

The number of couples, several strong emperors of the sea emperor, this moment came to the horrible battlefield of Shura. There are very few sea people who can escape from the battlefield of Shura.

Of course, with them, Liu Xinyan, Jiang Chenyuan, Black Robe and others!


The wind is whistling, and the **** atmosphere spreads throughout the world!

In this field of red blood stained, the sky is also blood red. That horrible murderous, tyrannical atmosphere, everywhere.

"Hey... Shura battlefield? One of the six fields in the legend? I didn't expect Wang Chen to control this existence!"

In the battlefield, the black robe is inevitably filled with emotion.

The six fields, the most powerful areas exist. Wang Chen is really against the sky. With five elements, you have six fields! How is this guy going against the sky?

At this moment, the black robe could not help but be more fortunate that he chose to stand by Wang Chen.

Otherwise, imagine if you are enemies with such a enchanting guy, the black robe is scalp numb.

"Hey...the little guys of the sea! Let's die! Let's see where you can escape!"

After rejoicing, the black robe sneered and looked at the boundless people of the opposite sea: "Flying ash!"

At this moment, the black robe is actually stunned.

Before the strong smashing, the black robes are also in great mood.

In particular, the word ash annihilates, he likes it very much!

Who has let the people of Wang Chen and Wang’s family use the words of the smog to destroy his black robe? The grievances in the black robe are unspeakable.

Now, the word, black robe can be used to describe others. It feels good!

“‘Mixed’ eggs! Desperate with them!”

"The king's family is too deceiving! Fight!"

"No way to go, kill!"

In the face of the sneer of the black robe, faceless faceless Wang Chen and others, at this moment, the sea people are crazy after shaking and fear.

People are always crazy after being forced into a desperate situation. The sea is no exception.

The number of people in the family, nearly ten people in the sea emperor, are crazy and roaring and roaring at the moment.


The next moment, in the roar of the roar, the vast squad of 'the swaying' of the Hai national army was killed by Wang Chen and others.

"Looking for a dead end!"

In the face of this turbulent scene, Wang Chen is very cool.

He squinted at the infinite sea rushing.

"The door of Shura!"

The hand prints out, and Wang Chen is cold and cold.


With the handwriting of Wang Chen's hand, the top of the void, a large empty ‘door’ opens.


The next moment, a figure rushed out of the vacant ‘door’.

"Shu Luo!"

"Not good! It is the army of Shura!"

With these figures appearing, the venue is once again up!

The army of Shura!

Yes, at this moment Shura’s ‘door’ opens and Shura comes to the world!

The boundless murderous spread, the air seems to have become a blood red ‘color’.

"Meng Ghost Attack!"

And after summoning hundreds of Shura, Wang Chen did not stop here, he once again offered a million ghosts!

For these sea people, at this moment, Wang Chen has no slightest affection. There is no mercy!

The kindness to the enemy is cruel to yourself. Today, if it is not timely to receive the news, how will Black Sea City be? These sea people, will you be merciful? At that time, it was the Black Sea City, which had a million corpses, and the blood flowed into a river, turning into a **** on earth.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen’s eyes became colder and colder.

These people, if they want to destroy the royal family, destroy the Black Sea City, and destroy the home of Wang Chen, then Wang Chen will let them be completely destroyed.


The print is pinched out, and the ghosts make a strong black light.

The black light is pervasive, and the evil spirits are infested.

For a time, in this battlefield of Shura, Shura crossed, and the ghosts danced! At this moment, this piece of heaven and earth, don't mention how shocking and confusing.

The horror of murder is permeating the world of the four sides, killing unparalleled.

Ah ah...


"No...ah... I don't want to die!"

The evil spirits haunted, Shura came to the world, and the killings were opened.

The blood is floating, and the blood 'meat' is flying.

At this moment, one by one, the unparalleled Shura is rampaged. A group of evil spirits raged open.

The common generation of the sea, the strength is not strong, let alone enter the battlefield of Shura?

The seas that have left the sea, these seas are not strong, and instantly become weaker.

And every single Shura that Wang Chen summoned is powerful. Even some individual Shura, the strength reached the star level. It can be imagined that these Shura, at the moment, will be a situation.


Yes! At this moment, between the battlefields, killing is omnipresent.

The earth, in the blink of an eye, is dyed red by blood.

Looking into the distance, the blood flows into the river, and the corpse is everywhere! The broken limbs are broken and everywhere.

The screams are deafening, ‘the’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’

This place is no less than 'color' compared to the eighteen layers of hell.

In the face of this scene, Wang Chen’s eyes are cold as water at the moment, as if there is a moon in hell, cold and deep.

"Kill it! One does not stay!"

Until this moment, Wang Chen took a deep breath and said coldly to the black robes and other people around him.

He concentrated his eyes on the strength of the field, killing Shura and evil spirits!

These people are the sea emperors.

Wang Chen and others need to solve these people.

"Hey... kid, you are enough! But, I like it! Hey..."

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, at this moment, the black robe and other talents recovered from the shock.

This moment, the situation inside the court, the screams of ubiquity, let the black robe and other people can not help but twitch.

A good **** means, a terrible repression.

Wang Chen this means, it is really more devil than the devil.

This makes people feel shocked.

Even, it is suffocating.

But after returning to God, the black robe was the first to laugh.

Wang Chen cruel? For the black robe, there is no harm in the benefits!

Only cruel people can live longer in this world. The strong is the respect, the weak ‘meat’ is strong! In this world, if you are not cruel enough, you will be killed by people who are more cruel than you.

At the very least, if you are not cruel to the enemy, then it is a dead end.

Wang Chen’s means at this time, so that the black robe has no worries!


Thinking of this, the black robe plunged out and rushed toward the crowd ahead.


Black light sky, with the black robe means, rushed into this crowd, the consequences can be imagined.

A person who can almost reach the peak of pure Yang and control the energy of the Five Elements, who can block?

Black robes are like a sharp blade, rubbed into the sea, and killing.


After the black robe, Jiang Chenyuan, who was returning to the gods, blinked in the eyes and shouted loudly.


The voice fell, and he quickly rushed into the crowd.

And then, Liu Xinyan also sighed into the crowd.

Even if Liu Xin is a good book. But what about that? These people are enemies. It is the enemy of Wang Chen.

For Wang Chen, even if she slaughtered the mountain river and turned into a demon, she Liu Yanyan did not hesitate to hesitate!

Since it is going crazy, today, she will leave everything, go crazy with Wang Chen, and kill thousands!

Don't kill!

At this moment, this is the voice of someone at the place. --16353+dsuaahhh+25460532-->


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