Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 496: Return to Immortal

"Predecessors...God of God..."

Until the past, I don’t know how long, when the golden light disappeared completely, the figure disappeared out of thin air. When the secret room once again fell into the darkness, Wang Chen came back.

Looking at the empty space, Wang Chen shouted loudly.

But, unfortunately, at this moment, Wang Chen’s call is no longer a response.

The true God, it really disappeared.

Wang Chen did not know, but his disability disappeared, or said that the true God disappeared completely.

And with the disappearance of the true God, the doubts in Wang Chen’s mind are not reduced at all.

All he knows is from the bureau of the Nine Palaces.

And as Wang Chen expected, these are actually the inheritance of the true God, and his inheritance essence is within the bureau of the Jiugong.

Besides, the true God did not tell Wang Chen too much.

All this requires Wang Chen to solve it himself.

However, Wang Chen knows that the true God has pointed out the way for him.

Devil World, Red Crescent, and even the Sea Emperor, this is not his ultimate opponent.

The real opponents are the Shura army.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen’s heart could not help but be heavy.

Sura, when it really wants to happen, when will they appear.

And that battlefield, where is it.

After a long silence, Wang Chen could not help but sigh.

Now he can only wait.

After his strength is strong enough, all these doubts will be solved a little.

However, what makes Wang Chen feel excited is the power of the Five Elements.

This is the power that the true God passed down.

Only the power of the five elements will enable Wang Chen to embark on the supreme field and achieve the strength of the peak. This is the way he wants to go.

This makes Wang Chen completely clear about his future.

When stepping into the ranks of pure Yang, refining the essence of the true God, Wang Chen opened the door of the true God, he is expected to climb the peak of the limit, which makes Wang Chen not excited.

However, however, thinking of another sentence left by the true God, Wang Chen’s brow was locked.

Looking for the past, the ancient and modern, the mark left in this world is its greatest wealth.

This makes Wang Chen have some puzzles.

What is the search for the past, what is the mark of the heavens and the earth, and what is this.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen could not help but be silent.

He frowned.

"Maybe, when I step into pure yang, I will be able to uncover it step by step after it is strong."

After silence for a long time, Wang Chen, who still couldn’t touch any clues, couldn’t help but sigh.

The words left by the true God are very meaningful, but they are not what Wang Chen can understand today.

Perhaps, as the true God said, it all depends on itself to solve, and the premise to solve all this is that it has enough strength.

"As for this wooden box..."

Retracting thoughts, Wang Chen refocused his attention on this wooden box.

The wooden box that has become ordinary in the moment makes Wang Chen more curious.

This is the last legacy that God has left for himself.

Among them, not only does it have the essence of blood, it seems to be a must.

The secret space.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen carefully opened the wooden box that had been closed before, and opened it again.


And with this wooden box open, Wang Chen suddenly couldn’t help but **** a cold air.

"This is..."

Wang Chen has widened his eyes at this moment.

I saw only the wooden box that was opened, and it was not at the bottom, as if it was a boundless sky.

In it, Wang Chen can feel a hint of majesty.

This secret is passed down by the true God. Inside, there will be some scenes.

Wang Chen tried to penetrate the soul, but unfortunately, when his soul wanted to enter this space, it was blocked by terror.

This makes Wang Chen unable to move forward.

"It seems that before refining, it is impossible to enter."

Feeling this, Wang Chen sinks.

This secret space is inevitably not simple.

If you want to get it and control this secret, you need refining.

"Well, go back this time and refine it."

Thinking of this, Wang Chen closed the wooden box again and then repaid it into his storage space.

Now, Wang Chen has no mood and time to refine here.

Entering the Shinsei-dong, it’s been past how long it’s been.

Wang Chen has experienced too much. It seems to be a long time in the past ten thousand years. Wang Chen is already eager to return to the outside world.

I don’t know how big brother is, and I don’t know how Liu Xin studied them.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen turned and walked outside the secret room.



The sky and the clouds are rolling.

At this moment, outside the cave of the true God, the heavens and the earth have changed dramatically, and there is a scene of destruction.

Above the sky, among the dark clouds, at this moment, the road is like a thunder of arms, and it is shuttled and roared in the clouds.

That lightning, constantly brewing, seems to be waiting for something.

"This kid hasn't returned yet."

The brow is locked. At this moment, the dragon waiting outside the cave of the true God, but can not help but reveal a look of worry.

Wang Chen, it’s really a long time to go in.

From the moment when Wang Chen stepped into the true God Cave House, it has been more than half a year since it was completed.

In the meantime, Wang Yan only spent three months, and he returned from the true God Cave House and went to the world to try.

In the meantime, Shenlong also felt that the strongest of the four families, such as Liu Xinyan, have also stepped out of the places where they went.

Even, even the people of the Devils who walked up the Longshan Mountain have left Longshan.

Just, they have never returned to this place, but they have appeared in another place on Tian Xuan mainland.

Only Wang Chen.

The time between half a year and a long time is over, but Wang Chen does not mean anything.

If it is not between the world, the clouds are rolling, the thunder and lightning are flashing, and waiting for the fall, the dragon is really thinking that Wang Chen has been killed in the cave.

These black clouds, these lightnings, if there is no accident, they are waiting for Wang Chen to return.

I don’t know what Wang Chen’s earth-shattering things have been done in the Dongfu, and it has led to the waiting of these lightning.

Looking at the sky and thunderclouds, looking at the Dongfu in front of you, at this moment the dragon face complex.


And just as the dragon has been waiting for the anxious moment, this day, suddenly, the entire Shinsho-dong government violently oscillated.


Amidst the shock, a violent roar broke out.

In this roar, a scene that is fascinating appears at this moment.

I saw only the true God Cave House. At this moment, in the trembling, I began to shake and sink.

The dust is flying and the roar is deafening.


Seeing such a scene, the real dragon guarding and waiting outside the hole can't help but widen his eyes.

"Oh my God, this... what's going on, isn't it..."

Under the face, Shenlong couldn't help but exclaimed, looking at the real God Cave, which was about to sink and collapse, as if thinking of something, the face of Shenlong suddenly changed.


After, a roar, Shenlong quickly rushed out to the distance.


And just in the moment when the dragon rushed out, in the moment when the cave collapsed completely, it was only in the dust, and a figure was rushed out at this time.

"It's that kid, it really is him. It seems that he has gained inheritance, and this cave will collapse."

Looking at the figure that rushed out of the dust, the dragon looked complicated.

"Kid, be careful."

Next, as if thinking of something, the face of the dragon changed greatly, and quickly reminded.

There is no time here...

However, at the moment when Shenlong reminded him, in the sky, there was already a brewing of Thundercloud that did not know how long, but this moment suddenly exploded.

A lightning bolt with a general thickness of the arm, like a dragon snake, falls from the sky and goes straight to the top of Wang Chen’s head.


The roaring blasts.

The lightning is just a blink of an eye that covers the figure that just rushed out of the ruins.


This scene is to make Shenlong's eyes wide open.

He looked ugly and roared.

This Wang Chen, just rushed out of the Dongfu, the thunderbolt has been eager to fall.

I don't know, Wang Chen in the thunder and lightning, what happened at the moment.

The eyes are staring at the shining thunder, and the dragon's eyes are now tense and complicated.

However, just waiting for the dragon, he soon opened his eyes.

Because, at this moment, he is not surprised to see a figure coming out of the lightning.

There was Wang Chen who was hit by lightning.

I only saw him cold at the moment, forcibly coming out of the endless thunder, and his body did not hurt at all...

This is a stun of the dragon.

This thunder and lightning is not an ordinary thunder.

The power contained in this thunderbolt is even more amazing. This Wang Chen does not have the slightest thing, which can make the dragon not to be lost.

"Phenomenon, it really is abnormal."

Seeing this, Shenlong couldn't help but grin and screamed.

Because, at this moment, Wang Chen’s appearance can not help the dragon to think of a person he least wants to think of.


Not only is the Shenlong shocked.

It seems that Wang Chen is out of the thunder and lightning, and there is no injury. The dark clouds hovering above the sky are also angry.

A burst of roaring came, and then, above the sky, the endless thunder and lightning, it turned out to be densely falling.

The thunder and lightning, what a fierce moment at the moment.

A thunderbolt is more powerful than a thunderbolt.

In the twinkling of an eye, dozens of lightnings cover it.

"Be careful."

After seeing it, there was so much thunder and lightning, and even the dragons watching in the distance could not help but scalp and anxiously cried.

"Damn, this day, crazy, this kid, what did you do, it led to such a robbery."

At the same time, in my heart, at this moment, Shenlong is even more bitter, can not help but scream.

He didn't know what Wang Chen had done in Dongfu, and he even led to such a robbery.

This thunderbolt is different from others, and its power is huge. Now, the thunder and lightning are not even falling down, but they are densely packed. It’s like dropping raindrops. It’s really rare. Obviously, this thunder is to completely destroy Wang Chen.

Can this make the dragon not shock?

He doesn't know what happened to Wang Chen, it will lead to such crazy performance of thunder,

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