Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 473: The potential of raw wood (below)


Under the constant integration of the power of the wood, in the veins of Wang Chen, the endless energy is now mad and roaring.

The tumbling of chaos is like a dragon and a tiger.

In Wang Chen’s Dantian, the small world at the moment is full of vitality.

A stock of rich energy to the limit, turned into a dark green liquid, into this small world.

The life is full of glow, and the seed in the deepest part of Dantian trembles slightly.


Between the vagueness, Wang Chen seems to hear a broken voice.

This is a sign that the seed is going to break ground.


Feeling this, Wang Chen is overjoyed.

He is crazy to absorb the energy of the world.


In this valley, there is a sudden wind and wind.

With Wang Chen’s tent as the center, it is a whirlwind, and the momentum is astounding.

"A good horror."

"What's going on here."

"Oh my God, is this the power of the Five Elements? What happened in the end? Someone has to understand the power of the Five Elements."

"White House, that is where the white family is."

"In the White House, add another genius."

When Wang Chen cultivated to the fierce, the outside world was in chaos.

Astronomical changes, in the face of such changes, all the strong people of Tian Xuan mainland, all stunned.


Between the blink of an eye, a figure passed by.

It’s just a blink of an eye, and the endless strong people gathered around that whirlwind.

Their eyes are staring in the whirlwind, and everyone knows that there is a genius at the moment that is brewing the Five Elements.

"This is the potential of the wood."

As the gathering of people increased, and after a while, finally, someone recognized this momentum.

And this person is a Liu family who has realized the potential of the wood.

"The potential of the wood, how is it possible, this white family, actually realized the potential of the wood."

"Insane, is it the power of the second five elements, this white house is a shocking genius."

"White, the strength seems to be getting stronger."

After feeling that this energy is actually a potential for growth, everyone is even more at a loss.


The distant sky, at this time another figure flashed past.

The figure is not the figure of the White Army.

Between the blink of an eye, the White Army has arrived here.

After the White Army, at the moment, there are several white people.

Among them, a young man is undoubtedly conspicuous.

"The genius of Baijia, he is Bai Jingshuo, this is the first person of the young generation of Baijia, I heard that he has realized the power of three kinds of five elements."

"Yes, it is Bai Jingshuo. Above the list, his strength may be included in the top ten."

"Hey... I didn't expect him to come."

"There is also Bai Kangning, his strength, also ranked in the top 50 of the list, I heard that he is likely to understand the second world."

"I don't know, the people here are the genius of the white family."

Looking at the appearance of Bai Junyi and others, everyone is more confused.

Know that, before everyone, the white-houser who is most likely to comprehend the potential of the wood, is undoubtedly Bai Kangning.

Bai Jingshuo, although genius, has already monopolized three worlds. He wants to understand the fourth world and how difficult it is.

And this White Corning has been rumored to understand the second energy, so most people are comprehending the potential of the wood for this moment.

Who thought... Now White Corning is there.

This is a big surprise.

White House, Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger.

"Uncle, the person you said is him."

And just as everyone was talking about it, at the side of Bai Junyi, Bai Kangning looked at the whirlwind of horror, and asked with a frown.

Bai Kangning, the strongest among the white generations of the young generation, just twenty days ago, he heard that Uncle Bai Jun brought back a talented young man, and he could not help but be curious to come and see.

It’s a pity that for the past twenty days, the mysterious young man in his uncle’s mouth has always been retreating, which makes Bai Kangning not depressed.

Today, there has suddenly been a reaction here.

When they arrived here, they even saw such a shocking scene. This is another unbelievable. Bai Kangning’s heart is beating rapidly.

"You are not saying that he has mastered the potential of the gold and the fire, this is the potential of the wood... Is it..."

A woman around Bai Kangning seems to think of something in general and has widened her eyes.

When I heard this, Bai Kangning’s face was a stunned look. Even if it was a white army, it would be inevitable to take a breath.

If this is the case, then it is too much to exist.

"This is true."

Even the white house that was silent in the past was the first day of Bai Jingshuo. At this moment, I couldn’t help but flash a glimmer of light in my eyes.

He stared at the core of the whirlwind and tried to see something.


Among the eyes of the crowd, the whirlwind continues to grow in the midst of stunned sounds.


Between the heavens and the earth, the faint vibrations.

The sky, which was originally cloudless, has a thick black cloud at the moment.

In the dark clouds, the lightning flashes and the momentum is amazing.

"God, thunder."

"Thunderstorms are coming."

"The trend of the Five Elements, the heavens and the earth, the realization of such power, this is terrible, so once successful, the thunder of horror will come, it seems that he wants to succeed."

Looking at the intensive dark clouds, feeling the horrible pressure, the people present are even more discolored.


After, an exclamation, everyone rushed out and left the thunderstorm area.

If the robbery falls, they will be trapped in it, which will lead to greater thunder, and only one dead end will be there.

Thinking of this, everyone will dare to stay nearby.

Between the blink of an eye, everyone quits 10,000 meters away. They look at each other and look at the whirlwind with complex expressions.


At this time, Wang Chen, who is currently practicing, knows where his cultivation has caused a lot of waves in the outside world.

At this moment, Wang Chen’s mouth was slightly open, and his body pores opened here.

The small world within Dantian is running wildly.

In the whirlwind, Wang Chen’s body is already filled with blue light.

Among the blue light, it is a faintly present world, with beautiful scenery, birds and flowers, lush and vibrant.

Next, the world changed and turned into a green lotus.

This Qinglian is like a chaotic opening and growing up.


When Dantian was in the limit, when the energy reached the limit, the seed at the deepest point trembled again.

This time, the sound is clearer and more visible.


Afterwards, Wang Chen only felt that the seed seemed to blast.

With the cracking of the hard shell, Wang Chen saw a bud appear.

This is a green bud.

Although it is more brilliant than the Tianjin seedlings, it does not have a charm. Among them, the vitality is even more impressive.

"Good and powerful life."

Rao is Wang Chen, and they can't help but sigh.

"The seedlings of raw wood have been successfully bred."

Afterwards, looking at the seedlings that had completely broken the shell, Wang Chen was even more excited.

The potential of raw wood, raw wood seedlings.

Wang Chen knows that until this moment, he not only stepped into the threshold of the potential of the wood, but he also gained boundless creation.

The emergence of this seedling is inevitable.


With the seedlings of Wang Chen breaking out of the shell, the thundercloud that had already been brewed on the sky, now it has rolled over.


The fierce wind that was fierce before, gradually stopped at this moment.


A long breath, at this moment, Wang Chen slowly opened his eyes.

A green light flashed through your eyes, which was very strange.

Just, very quickly, when seeing the wind entangled around, Wang Chen could not help but reveal a strange look.

Unexpectedly, his cultivation actually led such a wave.

I am afraid, it has been noticed by everyone now.

"Well, let me know."

Soon, Wang Chen exhaled and muttered.

This world, he is about to leave, is known, and how.

"The Five Elements, I am in my hands."

After the wind, Wang Chen stood in the air and his mouth showed a smile.


As Wang Chen completely stopped the absorption of the power of the wood, the outside wind gradually vanished.

Finally, the wind blew away and Wang Chen returned to the ground.

Looking at the thundercloud brewed in the sky, Wang Chen’s eyes are condensed and his brows are locked.

"Thunderstorm, this is..."

Wang Chen has some unknowns.

It’s just that Wang Chen’s unclear is that the thunder on the sky has been brewing for a long time, but it has never fallen.

The dark clouds are rolling, but they are empty.

"Is that young man?"

"What happened? Did he fail?"

"Why did the thunder have not fallen for a long time."

Mo said that it was Wang Chen’s doubts. At this time, people who were concerned about Wang Chen in all directions were not confused.

Understand the power of heaven and earth and accept the test of heaven and earth.

The sky is shaking up.

This is the way they are going, especially those who cultivate the power of the Five Elements.

Now, the thunderstorm has always been brewing. It has not been left for a long time, but it is unclear.

Know that if it is according to common sense, the moment when Wang Chen understands the potential of the wood, the thunder will fall.

But now it is...

This scene makes people unable to understand.


Mo said that the rest of the people, even the white army and other people, can not help but frown.

"God, the thunder has been scattered."

"What happened, the robbery disappeared."


In the doubts of the people, the scene that appeared in the next moment is even more stunned.

The brewing for a long time, the majestic endless thunder, and ultimately, did not fall.

In the gaze of Wang Chen and everyone, the dark clouds, now strangely scattered, disappeared without a trace.

The sky, once again appeared a clear, cloudless.

As if nothing has ever appeared.

This makes people even unable to find their heads.

At this time, the strange silence is full of breath, and the breath is very strange,

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