Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 465: The battle of speed (on)

"This won't work."

There are more and more scars on the body.

In the threshold of Wang Chen’s entry into the thick soil nowadays, the thick-soiled armor he condensed is impossible to resist the wind blade of Qinglong.

So going down, it’s only a dead end in front of Wang Chen.

"Only spelled."

Looking at the broken armor of the thick earth, the power of thick soil is too late to add, Wang Chen bites his teeth and secretly thinks.

Stop, only one dead end.

In this case, Wang Chen can only do the attack.

"Turn it all out."

Thinking of this, Wang Chen quickly activated the flames of Suzaku.


The eyes of Suzaku ignite the momentum of the fire. In an instant, Wang Chen is burning with endless flames.

"The power of the sky."

Next, Wang Chen inspired the white tiger.


Between the vagueness, Wang Chen roared behind him.


Wang Chen, at this moment, it seems that the incarnation has become a sharp-edged blade.

Double fists continually resist the endless wind blade.

Although the body is still being devastated, Wang Chen is determined.


Under the moon, one step is 10,000 meters.

Between the blink of an eye, Wang Chen top was hurt and killed in front of Qinglong.

"I finally learned to give up defense, huh, huh... you are not too stupid, you want to compete with me with the strength of the threshold of entering the thick soil, you are just looking for death, remember, when you have not When you reach the limit of thick soil, attack is your best defense."

Looking at Wang Chenchong, Qinglong is not in a hurry.


He turned his body and went straight into the sky.


In the roar of the roar, above the sky, the dark clouds have already been brewing, and suddenly exploded.

A lightning bolt with an adult waist falls from the sky.


Thunder and lightning, like a long river pouring, went straight to Wang Chen’s head.

In an instant, this thunder and lightning through the heavens and the earth came to Wang Chen.

"Little Thunder, can you help me?"

If it is another offensive, perhaps Wang Chen still needs to hesitate at this moment.

But, lightning, this is the most fearful existence of Wang Chen.


In the face of this horrible thunder and lightning, the figure is not stopped, and it is directly punched out by the heavenly emperor.

This fist is integrated into the Tiandi fist of Tianjin, and the power is terrible.

The only blow is to make the space solidify.

A layer of swells blasted along Wang Chen’s fist, and the place was emptied.

Between the blink of an eye, Wang Chen’s punch is the smashing of this thunder.


The roaring sound came on and off.

The huge lightning, at this time in Wang Chen's attack, turned out to be distorted.


In the mighty waves, even a little bit of lightning was blasted out.

The whole thunder and lightning, now trembled fiercely, it seems that the next moment will collapse.

There is no time here...

Just, obviously, this huge thunderbolt is also unwilling to be blasted away.

At the moment, it is also the explosion of its own power to the extreme.

This energy instantly flooded into Wang Chen’s body and wanted to completely destroy Wang Chen’s body.

呜Wow, wow...

However, just in the moment when this energy rushed into the body of Wang Chen, Wang Chenzhong was in the field of Dantian, and the baby of the reincarnation suddenly woke up.

Only at this time, above the forehead of the reincarnation, the two lightning bolts flashed past.


The next moment, the reincarnation of the baby opened his mouth, as if the snake swallowed whales, it directly swallowed the endless energy that poured into Wang Chen's body, and even did not give these energy a chance to ravage.

"Break open."

With the help of the reincarnation baby, this last worry of Wang Chen is gone.

As for the flesh.

Now, under the stimulation of the White Tiger, Wang Chen’s body is so easily destroyed by these lightnings.

Under a roar, Wang Chen is full of momentum.


Under only one punch, the tears are coming and going.

This huge lightning, in an instant, was completely torn by Wang Chen.

Through this lightning, Wang Chen rushed to the front of Qinglong.


When Wang Chen rushed out of the lightning, Qinglong’s pupil contracted, and even he made a loud voice.

He had a strange look in his eyes.

Obviously, Rao is a Qinglong, and I can’t think of Wang Chen’s being so bad.

The power of lightning, the most devastating attack between the heavens and the earth, did not even have any effect on Wang Chen.


And just between the Qinglong shock, taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Chen’s punch is already on the body of Qinglong.

This punch is full of killings. Wang Chen has mobilized the energy in his body to the extreme. Between heaven and earth, Tianjin’s potential has also been moved to the extreme by Wang Chen.


Under this punch, it seems to have heard the cracking sound.


Between the vagueness, in the endless waves, in the golden light that broke out, Wang Chen seemed to see a touch of blood flying out.

A sigh of relief came from the mouth of Qinglong.


In this turbulent wave, the body of Qinglong’s size is now being bombarded by Wang Chen.

Obviously, Qinglong underestimated Wang Chen, this time he really cares.

At this moment, he suffered a heavy blow from Wang Chen.

Be aware that if he is the strength of Qinglong, he will fully deal with Wang Chen’s words, and Wang Chen has no chance to connect with him. Then what about the heavy losses?

At this time, Qinglong was in the moment when the lightning dropped, and did not expect that Wang Chen would not be afraid of the most powerful thunderstorm between the heavens and the earth.

This is where Qinglong is miscalculated.

This miscalculation brings Wang Chen’s hit.

A scale ruptured between heaven and earth. Under this fist, Wang Chen not only smashed the dragon, but also shattered his scales.


After hitting, Wang Chen stunned after a moment.

The power of this punch is beyond his imagination.

The trend of Tianjin is really unstoppable.

Moreover, this energy just restrains the dragon, so it will cause such a big damage.

In this case, when one hit, Wang Chen will give Qinglong a chance to breathe.


The body shape flashed one after another, just in the moment when Qinglong was smashed out, Wang Chen chased it up.

Under the law of the moon, but it is a blink of an eye, Wang Chen appeared in front of the Qinglong.



The voice fell, and Wang Chen was another punch.

This hit, succeeded again.

The body of Qinglong was thrown out again.


At this time, the momentum of Wang Chen’s body killing broke out, and he seemed to be chasing the chasing.


A burst of roar came.

In the void, two figures are constantly flashing.

Qinglong’s body is constantly being blasted out, and Wang Chen’s figure is like a shadow.

The body of Qinglong, at this moment, the scales of the piece are cracked and opened, so it is not terrible.

This moment, a scene that no one can think of.

If an outsider is here, he must be stunned.

Know that Wang Chen’s opponent at the moment, that’s Qinglong, but now, the situation in front of him is actually Wang Chen’s suppression of the Qinglong fighting, how is this possible.

This is simply a matter of going against the sky.

This scene is enough to shock anyone in the world.

Even if the strength of Qinglong is only limited to the late stage of pure Yang, this is scary enough.

After the germination of Tianjin seeds, the buds now show endless energy. It communicates with the world and provides energy for Wang Chen.

At this moment, Wang Chen was able to really feel the powerful role of this shoot.

It is precisely because of the help of this bud, at this moment, Wang Chen’s offensive can continue to integrate into Tianjin energy.


The thunder and lightning in the sky continued to fall. Qinglong also tried to block Wang Chen’s offensive. However, Wang Chen would be afraid of lightning.

So, the blocking of Qinglong seems quite useless.


Under the attack, I don’t know how many times, watching the green dragon that is covered in blood, Wang Chen, who has already killed the red eyes, is fierce at the moment.

He is very clear that he must beat the Qinglong with a bang.

Otherwise, once Qinglong has come back, then the situation will probably be reversed.


It’s another punch, and this punch, Wang Chen has almost exhausted all his strength.

"Not good."

However, after such a fierce punch, suddenly, Wang Chen’s pupils contracted, and the heart seemed to stop beating. He almost exclaimed.

Because, at the moment when Wang Chen’s fist hit, the original, the dragon in front of him, disappeared at this moment.

He seems to disappear from the air.

This scene, Wang Chen did not even notice, even did not know what happened.

The huge force came out and let Wang Chen's figure be unable to hold back.

"You...the only way to do this."

And just when Wang Chen noticed that it was not good, behind Wang Chen, there was a sudden cold voice.


When I turned around, Wang Chen almost jumped out of the heart.

Because, the person who appeared behind him at the moment is not the Qinglong, this is the Qinglong that disappeared instantly in Wang Chen’s eyes.

I don't know when, what method he used, actually appeared behind Wang Chen.

At this point, he has become a middle-aged man, breathing slightly, looking at Wang Chen coldly, it seems to be looking at a dead person.

Because, just before Wang Chen’s defeat, the Qinglong who appeared behind Wang Chen, if he thought, perhaps, he had already killed Wang Chen.

Just, in the end he gave up that chance.

Although I don’t know why Qinglong is so, it is enough to make Wang Chen feel a cold sweat.


Forced to stabilize the figure, Wang Chen, who was shocked and stunned, this moment is even more twisted.


His right foot is powerfully pulled out.


However, in the whistling wind, Wang Chen’s figure was awkward and he even kicked off again.

Because, the dragon in front of him disappears again at this moment.

"The speed is too slow."

And just behind Wang Chen’s firm figure, his side is once again the figure of Qinglong.


This time, Wang Chen is crazy about the general attack.

However, at this moment, every attack of Wang Chen brings out only the dull explosion of air.

He couldn’t have any way to meet the dragon.

The avatar became a middle-aged man's Qinglong. At this moment, it is like a phantom, constantly tempting Wang Chen to attack, and at the same time, the strange dodge and open, and then, quietly appeared in Wang Chen's side.

This makes Wang Chen almost crazy.

Heart, as if solidified, the air seems to freeze.

At this moment, Wang Chen feels hard to breathe.

He is like a madman, roaring, attacking, and then throwing himself into desperation again and again.

At this moment, in the face of repeated attacks, Wang Chen seems to have fallen into the hail.

At this moment, Qinglong’s indifferent attitude is the most horrible means. It is even enough to make Wang Chen’s psychological collapse,

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