Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 461: The trend of Tianjin (middle)

Looking at this scene, Wang Chen’s heart sank at the moment.

The secret room in front of you is indestructible. Even the smashing of the Kunlun Ding has not been able to shake the points. The cracks that have been blasted out have been quickly healed, which makes Wang Chen unable to fall into a desperate situation.

"The power of Tianjin, this is the trend of Tianjin."

This retracted Kun Kun Ding and looked at this indestructible chamber. Wang Chen frowned.

"It seems that the secret room of Tianjin's power is unparalleled, and the energy of the heavens and the earth is endless. Therefore, this secret room will not be shattered unless I can control the potential of Tianjin and mobilize the metallic energy of the heavens and the earth. Breaking the secret room in front of you."

After sinking, soon, Wang Chen thought of the only way.

Since White Tiger let Wang Chen enter this, it is to let Wang Chen understand the trend of Tianjin.

Only comprehending the power of Tianjin, it is possible to break through this secret room by integrating this energy. Otherwise, if you want to come to the rest of the methods, you will not be able to get out of this.

After imagining this point, Wang Chen is very decisive to close the hands of the dragon.

Since it's useless, then stop trying.

"Just, how can this gold be understood?"

Soon, Wang Chen’s brow was once again locked up.

The momentum of the fire, that is because Wang Chen has the eyes of Suzaku, and the eyes of Suzaku as the medium of Wang Chen, this is the smooth feeling of the existence of the fire.

As for the potential of thick soil and the potential of mother water, it is because Wang Chen was helped by the basaltic crystal nucleus.

The trend of gold that day.

Today, Wang Chen has no media at all.

If there is no medium, how difficult it is to understand the world.

From ancient times to the present, I am afraid that Wang Chen is definitely not the first strong person to integrate the world.

Across the millions of years, I don’t know how many talented people have embarked on this path.

However, there are several people who succeeded in the end.

I don't know how many people have found nothing on this road.

Thinking of all this, Wang Chen’s mood has become more and more heavy.


Just, in such a heavy, suddenly, Wang Chen seems to think of something, and his eyes are bright.

"The white tiger will not be so rashly let me enter this, I am afraid there is another mystery inside this secret room."

Soon, Wang Chen showed a look of anticipation.

With his own ability, he can understand the potential of Tianjin. The difficulty is that the white tiger is also very clear.

In this case, it also allowed Wang Chen to enter this secret room, and it would not be such a simple matter.

This secret room must have a place to help Wang Chen.

"Is it..."

After glanced at the secret room, no other things were found. Wang Chen will concentrate on the surrounding walls.

This wall is the condensed energy of Tianjin. Is this helpful to yourself?

When you read this, Wang Chen still hesitates.

He quickly reached the wall in front of him.

Quietly, Wang Chen put his hands on the wall.

A cold scent instantly rushed into Wang Chen’s body along Wang Chen’s arm.

"Not good."

At the same time, Wang Chen changed his face in a flash.

Because, when Wang Chen put his hands on the wall, in addition to the cold, there is a horrible and violent murderous temper, which rushed into his body along the hands of Wang Chen, and Go straight to Dantian and go.

This energy has passed, and the smell of a stock of killings has spread. Wang Chen’s veins seem to be torn.

Fortunately, Wang Chen’s body is strong enough now, and the spirit is strong enough.

Otherwise, under the tear of this energy, it is very likely that he will be directly violent.

"Surely scary."

The chaos of chaos is running fast, and this energy is resisted. Wang Chen can't help but breathe out a sigh of relief.

"It should be that this is right, the gold potential, really horrible, this momentum, the world, the domineering of the sky, the killing of the cloud, is endless, between the world, who I am I’m afraid, this is the momentum of the White Tiger, the momentum of the sky.”

After stabilizing the soul and resisting this energy, Wang Chen muttered to himself.

This energy makes Wang Chen know.


After discovering the role of this wall, Wang Chen closed his eyes.

As he expected, this should be a fortune that Baihu left for Wang Chen. He wanted to understand the power of Tianjin. Since there is no media help, it is to rely on this wall. Perhaps this is a kind of The medium, infinitely rich, and even the shaped Tianjin energy created a very good condition for Wang Chen, allowing him to directly explore the momentum of Tianjin Energy.

Until this moment, Wang Chen suddenly realized.

For a time, Wang Chen’s heart is full of gratitude.

With the strength of the white tiger today, he is limited to the level of the late stage of pure Yang. At this level, even if he wants to condense the essence of the secret room, he does not know how much energy it needs. This is He gave himself the biggest chance.

Such a chance is enough for Wang Chen to save on the road of comprehending the power of Tianjin and save the years and months.

10 years, a hundred years, or even longer.

Today's Wang Chen can be said to be standing on the shoulders of giants.

Sure enough, very quickly, with the soul of Wang Chen gradually integrated into this wall, when he went deep into the world, when he realized the world, he saw a new world.

In all directions, filled with golden light, among these golden lights, with the atmosphere of endless killing.

Every energy is like a ruin.

The endless destruction condenses together and creates a world of tyrannical anomalies.


When Wang Chen quietly realized everything, these energies seemed to feel the appearance of Wang Chen, and they instantly became crazy.

The tyrannical breath is released, and all the energy is coming inward to Wang Chen.


The roaring blasts.

In this moment, Wang Chen’s soul is almost torn.


In the outside world, a spurt of blood, Wang Chen's face suddenly pale.

He quickly retracted his soul into the body.


The body shape vibrates, and after withdrawing five or six steps, Wang Chen has stood firm.

The face is already out of blood.

Looking at this wall, Wang Chen’s face is gloomy.

"The energy of horror, the energy of overbearing, the momentum of madness."

Think of the danger of the moment before, Wang Chen is sweating.

If it is not the speed of his soul recovery, I am afraid that the soul of Wang Chen is now directly torn into pieces in the energy of Tianjin.

"This tyrannical gold potential, want to control, too difficult, compared to the thick soil, the potential of the mother water, the difficulty is ten times 100 times, and even more difficult than the fire.

A sigh, Wang Chen frowned.

This day's gold potential, murderous is too heavy, too exclusive, Wang Chen is very clear, want to comprehend this gold, I am afraid he has to pay a lot of effort.

But, Wang Chen will not give up.

Soon, he once again sank into comprehension.

Just, this time, Wang Chen is more careful and more cautious.

In the secret room, once again, it was silent.


I don't know how long it took, Wang Chen suddenly spurted a blood, and his body shook a little, and he was once again attacked by Tianjin Energy.

The soul is once again hit hard.

This makes Wang Chen have to stop.

After pouring a spirit to restore the soul, Wang Chen once again put into practice.

At this moment, Wang Chen is repeating this week.

Injury again and again, he came back again and again, he never gave up, he still insisted.

This kind of persistence is also to let Wang Chen accumulate a little bit of gain.

Finally, I don’t know that after the first few attempts, Wang Chen finally calmed down. This time, he did not vomit blood. This time, Wang Chen completely sank into the world of Tianjin.

With Wang Chen's integration into the world, in the outside world, Wang Chen did not know the situation, only to see the secret room, at this moment the strange golden light, the wall seems to flow like water.

In the golden light, there was a burst of crisp sound between the vagueness, and on the wall, there was a scene of greatness at the moment.

Sun and moon glory, Jin Ge iron horse, Wan Ma Pentium, corpse across the field......

The scene is fierce, and the murderous picture is constantly changing.


In this case, within the secret room, murderous and arrogant.


The strong winds of the road, with endless murderousness turned into a handle.

These sharp edges have been tearing Wang Chen’s skin and scratching his body.

However, in the face of this, Wang Chen was not moved.

He left his clothes broken, letting his own flesh and blood crack, let the blood float, Wang Chen is like a statue at the moment, standing on the other side, still so quiet.

At this moment, Wang Chen seems to have no life.



Besides the secret room, at this moment, I saw the secret room of Jinguang, killing the machine, and always staring at the white tiger here. At the moment, it was a brow, showing a strange look.

"He, is it integrated into the world of gold, so I have a feeling so soon."

After the corner of the mouth, after a long time, the white tiger looked strangely muttered.

Yes, the reason why there is such a scene at this moment, what happened in the end, the white tiger is clear.

Wang Chen, even into the world of Tianjin, and began to understand...

This makes the white tiger can't help but be surprised.

Because, Wang Chen did it very well, better than the white tiger imagined.

"After being awesome."

Thinking of this, the white tiger could not help but sigh.

He seems to think of how he had experienced the power of Tianjin. When he thought of it, the white tiger could not help but succeed.

"Kid, I hope that you can succeed, you want to go higher, you want to step into that level, this is the path you must go through, the power of the gold, the main killing, who said that it is only the main killing, if it is comprehension, perhaps You will soon know that the strength of this golden future, he will be your most important means in the future."

Recovering your thoughts and looking at the secret room, the white tiger muttered to himself.

The voice fell, and he turned and walked toward the distance.

I have already entered the threshold, and all the white tigers can do, and the rest is only to see Wang Chen’s own performance.

The sky of the future, how he soars, it depends on Wang Chen himself, the book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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