Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 441: Get out of the fog


In the mist, a touch of golden blood is floating, and the roar is deafening.

In the snoring sound, at this moment a strong man of the Haihuang family was directly turned into endless pieces.

"Leave me."

In this boundless fog, Wang Chen shouted with a million ghosts.

With this loud scream, a scream of sorrow in the screams of fear was instantly incorporated into the murder.


With the sacred spirit being absorbed, the huge and ruined body suddenly fell to the ground.

"Hey...the sea emperor, your last days are here."

Looking at the corpse in front of him, Jiang Chenyuan’s mouth showed a sneer.

Yes, at this moment, Wang Chen and others are not killing a sea empire.

After meeting with Jiang Chenyuan, Wang Chen led a group of people to embark on the road again.

This time, they did not take a long time, they met the people of the Haihuang family.

With the previous lesson, this time Wang Chen and others did not give this opportunity to the Haihuang family.

In a few moments, a few people shot at the same time. It was really a quick knife. In a few people, the Haihuang people who entered the pure Yang did not even have the chance to resist. They were directly killed in the horror.

Even his spirit is also received by Wang Chen.

Finally, in this misty land, Wang Chen killed a member of the Haihuang family.

Receive the ghosts and look at the body of the Haihuang people who are lying here. Wang Chen didn't even wrinkle his brows. He released the soul again, chasing the heavens and leading the people toward the front.

"Old ancestors."

This time, it was another distance, and Liu Xinyan exclaimed with excitement.

The old ancestor who had been scattered before Liu’s family appeared in the sight of Wang Chen and others at this moment. At this time, he also met with Wang Chen and others.

With the meeting between the ancestors of the Liu family and the people, the confidence of the people could not help but increase.

The current situation is getting better. They are no longer headless flies. Everyone seems to see the exit not far from them.

In this case, everyone has accelerated the pace of progress, following the Liu family ancestors, the white family ancestors, Zhu family ancestors, Xuanwu family ancestors, have also appeared.

These people are scattered in the fog, but in Wang Chen and others follow the heavens and step by step, these people are gradually found.

Now, even with Wang Chen and others, there is only Ji Xueyu, who has lost the love of the valley, the madman, and the four people.


When Wang Chen once again embarked on the road of progress, it was less than a moment, and suddenly they had a blood in front of them.

"Hahaha, humble ants, go to hell."

A familiar smirk came from the ear.

A powerful murder is pervasive, and between the vagueness, Wang Chen saw two figures appearing two years in a fierce battle.


When seeing one of the figures, Wang Chen’s pupil suddenly shrank.

Yes, a figure that is being engaged at the moment, isn’t it a madman?

I only saw him covered in blood, very embarrassed.

At this time, the madman is in a dangerous situation.

"Small Six."

The other side of the figure is even more familiar with the North Sea Rokuro that Wang Chen and others are familiar with.

"Small six sons, died."

When I saw the North Sea Rokuro, Jiang Chenyuan suddenly screamed, and it was the smashing gun in his hand.


The battle is in full swing, and it is necessary to kill a humble human race. At this time, I heard a loud voice of Beihai Liulang, and my heart suddenly jumped.

Especially when he saw the guns that Jiang Chenyuan swept in his hands, it was the pupil contraction.

"It's you."

At this moment, Beihai Liulang finally saw Jiang Chenyuan faintly from the fog, saw Wang Chen, and saw Wang Yan and others.

Seeing such a scene, Beihai Liulang took a breath of air and changed his face.


A roar, he was quickly rushing toward the gun that Jiang Chenyuan swept over.


The roar of Beihai Liulang suddenly stunned.


The next moment, he made a decisive decision.

By the impact of this attack, Beihai Liulang quickly disappeared into the fog of the distance.

At this moment, the appearance of Wang Chen and others made Beihai Liulang feel a huge crisis.

Although he has never been able to afford the human race, but the strength of these ethnic groups in front of him, Beihai Liulang is too clear.

If it’s just one or two people, maybe he still has hope for a fight.

But now, there are more than ten people here, and if this lineup, if he stays, he will die.

The foggy land in front of you is dangerous, but at the moment it has become the best hiding place for Sakai in the North Sea.


The wind whistling, and in the twinkling of an eye, Beihai Liulang did not enter the cloud.

"Damn, let the little six sons escape."

Seeing that Beihai Liulang escaped faster than the rabbit, Jiang Chenyuan could not help but sigh.

Know that it was a good opportunity to kill Beihai Liulang.

Unfortunately, this guy is too embarrassing.


With the escape of Beihai Liulang, the madman who was in a desperate situation, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I saw him coming to Wang Chen and others in the blood.

"You can be fine."

Looking at the madman who appeared in front of him, Wang Chen showed a look of worry.

I saw only the madman's body at the moment, full of scars, bloody, obviously, he was seriously injured, people can not help worry.

"This medicinal medicine is taken first."

At the side of Wang Chen, the Liu family ancestors took out a medicinal herb directly to the madman.

When I heard the words of Liu’s ancestors, the madman didn’t hesitate too much. He took over the medicinal scent that was bursting with fragrance. At the moment, he was the clearest.

After swallowing the medicinal herbs, after a few moments of cultivation, the madman finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The effect of that medicinal herb is bigger than expected. This alone is a good thing for the madman.

"Have you seen them in Yangsha?"

Until this moment, Wang Chen asked in a deep voice.

"I saw it, I was lost in the fog before, but by chance, I came across it. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a way out. At this moment, Yangsha should be with the Lady of Love and the Ji Xueyu. Before, I met Kun Kun in the North Sea, and after being seriously injured in Yangsha, I was forcibly taken away by the woman who was forgotten, but I was separated from them. Now..."

The madman’s face was condensed and he said.

"Beihai Kunyi."

When you hear the words of a madman, the heart of Wang Chen and others can't help sinking.

It turned out to be the North Sea Kunyi.

This makes everyone nervous.

The strength of Kunhai in the North Sea is boundless.

I met this person, but I said that it was Yangsha. Even Wang Chen, I am afraid it is difficult to keep it comprehensive.

Fortunately, the two women of Forget Love Valley and Ji Xueyu have good strength, plus the foggy land as a cover, otherwise...

"Go, find them soon."

When I think about it, I don’t think much, Wang Chen said quickly.

The voice fell, and he took the group and walked forward again.

With the advancement of the people, at this moment, Wang Chen clearly felt that the clouds in front seemed to gradually become thinner.

"Hahaha... It seems that we are going out."

"In front, it must be an exit."

Seeing such a scene, Jiang Chenyuan can't help but say excitedly.

The land of the fog, this piece of the dead is not knowing how many strong people, at this moment, Wang Chen and others are looking to go out.

"Just sand them..."

Wang Yan brows tightly.

"Do you want to find another one?"

Liu Xinyan asked softly.

"Go out and talk."

Indulge in a moment, Wang Chen said directly.

Now, with everyone returning to the depths of the foggy land, it is obviously out of place.

If you encounter Kunming in the North Sea, everyone will probably have to spread it again. At that time, it will be troublesome.

Today, the best way is to leave the foggy land first. When the time comes, Wang Chen returns to find it.

With Wang Chen’s strength, even if he encounters the North Sea Kunyi, with the help of the foggy land, if he wants to escape, there is not much problem.

With such an idea, the pedestrians stepped up and walked outside the clouds.


"Wang Chen."

However, what Wang Chen and others couldn’t think of was that after they walked out a hundred meters, a burst of exclamation came suddenly.

The three figures appearing in front of you are not the ones they are looking for, the sacred women, Ji Xueyan and Yangsha.

Unexpectedly, I saw them on the outskirts of this cloud, which really made Wang Chen and others happy.

"How did you come here?"

When the three people appeared here, Wang Chen was also inevitably surprised.

"Before I met the North Sea Kunyi chasing and killing, I didn't expect to go all the way to this place. This place should be the outer part of the foggy land. Unfortunately, I still can't find the exit."

Forget the Valley St. Girl sighs.

"Yangsha, how are you."

After looking at the pale Yangsha, Wang Chen asked with concern.

"It’s no problem, but fortunately there is a fog, and the North Sea Kunyi wants to chase me, but it’s not that simple.”

Yangsha said with emotion.

Although he suffered a blow from the North Sea Kunyi, he almost lost his life. However, after all, he did not give more opportunities to the North Sea Kunyi. Moreover, with the medicinal herbs given by the sacred woman, his injury has now stabilized.

"So good, go, go out with me."

When he heard the injury in Yangsha, Wang Chen also breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, everyone can't help but relax at the moment.

People, all of them have finally gathered together. Now, what they have left is to get out of this foggy place.

When I thought of it, everyone gathered together again. Under the leadership of Wang Chen, I walked forward.

With the leadership of Wang Chen, on the road that seems to be lingering and ridiculous, Wang Chen and others found that the clouds are getting weaker.

In the beginning, in the core area, perhaps the visibility is only one meter. Now, the range they can see clearly gradually becomes two or three meters, three or four meters, and now, it has reached more than ten meters. There are many.


A gust of wind whizzed past.

Finally, when Wang Chen and others stepped out of the final step, the front was empty.

There is no cloud around now.

And in front of Wang Chen and others, it is even more a great mountain.

On the top of the mountain, it exudes a majestic atmosphere.

Between the vagueness, Wang Chen and others saw an invisible dragon, which was coiled on the mountain at this moment, and made a sorghum sound.

"The Real God Cave."

Seeing such a scene, Wang Chen and others' hearts can't help but tighten up.

That mountain, let Wang Chen and others seem to see the true God Cave.

Thinking of this, a few people quickly stepped up and rushed toward that big mountain. The book started from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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