Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 431: Thunder robbery

No one is in love at this moment, and everyone’s eyes are attracted by the fairy island that appears in the air.

Especially Wang Chen and others, it is even more shocking.

All the records can't describe everything they see at the moment.

Although I still want to be far apart, but standing under this fairy island, they are shocked.

The majestic atmosphere, they can clearly feel.

"It should be here."

Wang Chen and Wang Yan and others looked at each other and said quietly.

"Island, hahaha...we found Xiandao."

Not waiting for Wang Chen and others to act, the distant Haihuang family of strong people, but was the first to be excited.

"Yes, this should be the fairy island in the mouth of the emperor's ancestors. It once appeared on the vast expanse of the sea, wandering around, hiding the sky, I did not expect it, I found it."

"Quick, Kunyi ancestors, let's get into it soon."

"Notify the tribe."

A burst of exclamation came at this moment.

The whole sea people are boiling.

At this moment, they still have to fight with Wang Chen and others.

This battle, in such a strange situation, fell into the end.

"Follow me."

After sending a signal to inform the Haihuang family, the North Sea Kunyi screamed and screamed, and went straight to the island with the endless sea power.

"Bastards, they were actually picked up by these people."

Looking at the actions of the people of the sea, Jiang Chenyuan was anxious.

"We also go."

Next, Wang Chen said quickly.


The voice fell, and the injury was covered. Wang Chen and others also turned into streamers and went straight to Xiandao.


However, although Xiandao appears, it is so easy to land.

When Wang Chen and others, and the endless seas, approached this fairy island, suddenly, the heavens and the earth changed color, and a roar of sound suddenly came.

Before the sky, the clouds are densely covered, and the thunder and lightning fall.

And this lightning is even more daunting, it turned out to be a tactical blade of horror.

There are long swords, big swords, battle axes, giant hammers...

The blade of the incarnation of the lightning, with an endless majesty, rushed toward the people near Xiandao.

"Not good, be careful."

When I saw such a scene, Wang Chen quickly exclaimed.

Shaping the thunder and lightning, which made Wang Chen and others unable to stop, and even failed to take care of everything, suddenly went backwards.


When Wang Chen and others retired, the first lightning was already falling.

This is a lightning bolt that has been transformed into a giant hammer.

The lightning slammed into the sea crowd that was too late to avoid.

As the thunder and lightning rushed into it, the giant hammer exploded, and a burst of earth-shattering roar was heard.

The endless thunder light is sputtered out and turned into a dragon snake.

Ah ah...

Screams come and go.

Under these lightnings, the sea people were suffering from a huge disaster.

The power of these thunder and lightning is hard to imagine. Every thunderbolt contains horrible power. The moment the giant hammer lightning exploded, the power of the explosion is not inferior to the powerful attack of the pure military in the late Qing Dynasty.


As the raindrops fly, the light of lightning spreads.

This violent wave, where the lightning shines, the endless seas are instantly turned into ashes.

With just one lightning bolt, it killed hundreds of people.


And after the giant hammer lightning, the long sword lightning, the big knife lightning is also falling.

The smoke is rolling and screaming again and again.

Thousands of sea people, in an instant, are turned into nothing.


In front of the scene, I don’t know how many people are shocked.


The madman swallowed and swallowed.

Know that there are many people who fall into this lightning, but there is no shortage of warriors.

This lightning has passed, and almost everyone has suffered.

Even if it is a powerful sea emperor, it can only escape the wind.

One of the strongest members of the Sea Emperor, even because of a slow escape, was destroyed by most of the flesh.

"Weapons lightning, I have heard of it."

In the hustle and bustle, Wang Yan said quietly.

"I have heard of it."

The four old family members are also said to be dignified.

"What is lightning?"

Wang Chen asked.

"The rumors, some ancient powerhouses, stepping into pure yang, for the sake of heaven and earth, these people will lead to strong thunder, these thunders are metamorphosed, but ordinary people are unbearable Some people say that this thunder, it is ... into a **** robbery, after breaking through pure Yang, will lead."

Zhu’s ancestors said Shen Sheng.

"More than that, at the very least, in the past millennium, someone has stepped into pure yang and is not so thunderous. It is rumored that only entering the gods will lead to such a mighty catastrophe."

Wang Yan is also said to be dignified.

"Into the gods."

Wang Chen was shocked.

Is this the time to step into the gods, or the big robbers will lead to the robbery.

If this is the case, there is such a catastrophe coverage, and who can break into it.

Wang Yan’s words, let Wang Chen and others be smashed by the cold water, the hope just seen, the moment seems to have turned into despair.

"If there is no accident, then the true God Cave House is bound to be in this vacant island. If I don't want to enter it, then how can I explore the true God heritage?"

The ancestors of the Xuanwu family could not help but sigh.

"Maybe, there is a way."

There was a glimmer of light in the eyes of Liu’s ancestors, and he snorted.

"What is the way."

Wang Chen asked.

All people's eyes, this moment, are all gathered toward the Liu family ancestors.

His words made people see hope again.

It’s hard to be done, what the Liu family’s ancestors can’t do.

"This robbery varies from person to person. Even if it is a catastrophe, it must be the same. Participating in the robbery, the more people there are, the more powerful the thunder, the more I need to split up, this thunder Because I have different powers and different strengths, if I can exceed the limit and resist these lightnings, I might hope to enter them."

The Liu family ancestors said quietly.

Thunderstorms are the thunder of everyone, the power of heaven, and the power of each person will bloom.

If you can challenge the limits, there may be hope.

Before, those thunder and lightning, so powerful, but also because too many people appear, while stimulating thunder, the power is multiplied.

I am afraid that under such lightning, even if it is a god, it may not be able to withstand it.

"The Navy family..."

The madman is worried.

"Hey, the Emperor of the Seas, they also sneaked into my true heritage. I don’t think that the Thunderbolt is a sea-based nemesis. They want to resist lightning. It’s hard to be difficult. It’s not that simple.”

White family ancestors sneered.

"In this case, let me try it first."

Wang Chen resolutely said, directly.


Wang Chen’s words made everyone worried.

Wang Chen’s identity is extraordinary, if he has any accidents.

"No, I am coming."

Wang Yan said quickly.

"No, I am the best."

The madman is also arguing.

In any case, they did not dare to let Wang Chen take risks.

"Nothing, except for me, no one is suitable. This day, the road is thunderous, and the power is powerful. And I, for the Thunderbolt's own means, you can rest assured."

Wang Chen comforted.

To fight against thunder, perhaps, as Wang Chen said, he has a unique means. If he can't do it, then others will be even worse.

If it is a general thunder and lightning, Wang Chen doesn't even have to pay attention to it.

"So... well, you are careful."

Seeing Wang Chen’s insistence on trying and thinking about Wang Chen’s situation, finally, Wang Yan and the madman did not compete again.

Looking at Wang Chen, their faces are awe-inspiring and full of tension.

"I will take a step first."

Finally, in the eyes of everyone, Wang Chen took a deep breath.


The voice fell, and his body was soaring, his body flashed, and he rushed over the island.


"God, is this human race crazy?"

"Boundless thunder, I think this man is just looking for death."

Looking at Wang Chen’s direct rush to Xiandao, at the moment, the other side of the sea people face each other and exclaimed.

A lot of people have even revealed the sneer of gloating.

The previous lightning, but the shape of lightning, the power of this lightning, everyone sees.

Even the strongest among the Haihuang people, but they were bombarded by the thunder and lightning, they all turned into ashes, not to mention the human race.

He rushed to the island of the same, it was tantamount to death.

No one thinks he may be successful.

"Kunyi ancestors..."

Even, even the strongest of the Haihuang family looked at Kunyi.

"No problem, hey, this human race, looking for death, let's see the situation."

Bei Lang, who had played against Wang Chen, looked at Wang Chen coldly at the moment.

Before playing with Wang Chen, he is very aware of the strength of this human race.

If it wasn’t for a treasure in his hand, how could this Terran compete with his Beihai Liulang?

Now he wants to see how this Terran can fight the boundless thunder and how to get on the island.

And, Wang Chen rushed out, apparently the scene they were happy to see.

In the eyes of Beihai Liulang, Wang Chen is the best test stone.

At this moment, the entire sea area was quiet, and everyone’s eyes were concentrated on Wang Chen’s body in an instant.


In the eyes of everyone, Wang Chen shouted, and the whole person turned into a streamer but it was already on the cloud.

His speed is so fast to the point of horror.

Under the step, it is a day.


However, Wang Chen is fast and how fast the lightning speed may be slow.

A moment when Wang Chen approached Xiandao, a roar came.


In the roar, the silence of the sky was torn.

Blackness disappears at the moment.

A huge lightning bolt turned into a big knife and squatted toward Wang Chen.

Tianwei is pervasive.

Under the lightning, the whole world looked pale.

In the reflection of the light, it seems as if someone saw the death of God, as if someone saw a huge death sickle falling toward Wang Chen.

The boundless crisis is sweeping toward Wang Chen.

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