Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 416: 天玄传承


Looking at the unparalleled ancestors of the Fuji family, they swept away toward the Wang family. The face of the thousand months suddenly changed.

A cold voice, only a thousand dollars in the arm.


A white light flashed like an endless star gathering.

In the white light, between the endless stars, the long snake is swallowed and annihilated.


A wave of blasts exploded, and finally went straight into the sky.

This hit by Fujisawa’s unparalleled ancestors was directly resolved by the thousand months.

"The warrior, the Fuji family, I owe the royal family a person, and shelter the royal family for a hundred years. In this hundred years, I will wait for the king's family to be destroyed."

After all this, thousands of months slowly approached, watching the old Fujiko faint said.

A few words, but it is very powerful.

"If I insist on destroying the king's house."

When you heard the thousand months, the Fujisou ancestors squinted and asked.

"That is a battle."

The cold eyes flash in the eyes of thousands of months.

"You really thought that I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to do it."

In the face of the strength of the thousand months, the Fujisou ancestors suddenly shouted.

Thinking that his Teng Xuan once was also a vertical and horizontal Tian Xuan mainland, no one dared to talk to him at the beginning, today, these two people are so attitude, naturally let Teng Xuan anger.

"Teng Xuan,."

When I heard the words of Teng Xuan, the breeze blinked and he came to the side of the thousand months: "When the dragons of the early generations, I am still not afraid, let alone you, in the Middle Ages, you are just a nameless generation. ."

The breeze tone is stronger.

Since good words and persuasion, the other party does not listen, then it is strongly suppressed.

Once, the leader of the Fuji family, they are not afraid, let alone this Teng Xuan.

At the very least, in the Middle Ages, including the previous one, Fujisawa did not appear such a person as Teng Xuan, even if Teng Xuan is strong, it is the latter thing.

A younger person dares to be so arrogant, and the breeze is naturally angry.


When the breeze was heard, Teng Xuan changed his face.

"Tenglong Shizu is you can be beautiful, and Hugh will make a big slogan here."

Teng Xuan shouted loudly.


The voice fell, and his wrist shook. In a moment, a golden light rose and swept away toward the breeze.

Because you want to fight, then you can fight.

"Not self-reliant."

Looking at the vines swept across the breeze.


The double palms are superimposed, and the breeze is soaring, and go straight to the golden light without fear.


In the roar of the roar, the breeze slaps on the golden light.

The moment is shining, and the sky is shaking.

The endless waves of wind swept away into the city.


And seeing this scene, a thousand months of wrists shaking, offering an octagonal gold mirror.

The golden mirror blooms into a sky cover. In the twinkling of an eye, the entire king city is sheltered.

"You want to fight too, so if you do, then it will be a battle, for thousands of years, never shot, but facing you, it is enough."

A thousand months of cold and cold glances at the rushing vines and other people.

Six pure yang, however, these six people may not be able to stand up to Teng Xuan.

Since Teng Xuan has a breeze to block, the six of them will let her clean up.


A colorful ribbon comes out.


This colorful ribbon seems to be turned into a long river and swept away toward the vines and others.


When the river was seen to resist the vines and other people, the seemingly docile river suddenly exploded, as if it had turned into a colorful dragon.

"Not good."

Looking at this scene, I felt the strong scent of the sudden explosion, and the vines and other people changed their faces.


In the roar, Teng Li and others tried to resist.


The air and the waves roll, the endless colorful light, covering the sky.


In this attack, in addition to Teng Li and a warrior ancestors to stabilize their body shape, the other four pure yang were actually shaken out by this attack.

"The attitude of the ants, but also wants to be unparalleled, not self-reliant."

One hit and flew four pure yang, blocking the way forward of the vine and the ancestors of the warriors, and the look of the moon was cold.

"Ice a thousand miles."

At the same time, face-to-face ugly vines and other people, take back the ribbons, thousands of months are in the hands of a complex handprint quickly pinched out.

The one handprints are pinched out, and the blink of an eye is transformed into a single print into the world.

The temperature suddenly drops.


Next, a layer of frost appeared, and in the twinkling of an eye, it turned into a thousand ancient ice.

There is no time here...

When the ice passes, all the frozen objects are cracked and opened in the blink of an eye, turning into ashes.


A scream came, and several vines and warriors with weak strengths of the warriors instantly turned into ice sculptures, and they broke open, flesh and blood turned solid, and flew out.

The layer of ice is quickly covered by the vines and others.


One of the warriors is pure and strong, because the dodging is not enough, and one leg turns into an ice sculpture.


Under the guise of ignorance, the ancestors of this warrior actually smashed this leg directly.

In an instant, the blood is sprayed, and he wanders away from the tens of meters.


At the same time, the broken limbs are reborn, and a new thigh is re-born.

Looking at the snow and ice, the warriors have a hint of jealousy in their eyes.

He deeply felt the horror of the snow and ice.

And with the moment when the thousand-month handprints are all pinched out, this piece of heaven and earth is turned into ice and snow.

Where the snow covered, it was white, as if there was no slight breath.

Nassen's cold chill, swelling, and the sky, the snow fluttering down, as if to make this piece of heaven and earth into a fairyland on earth.

Just, this fairyland is full of the wonderland of death. This piece of heaven and earth is the zone where endless deaths are born.

"You..." stood outside this frozen world, watching the ice and snow, proud and standing, dusty and refined, like the thousand months of the nine-day mysterious woman, the face of the sorrowful sorrow, with incredible.

" are... mysterious ice saint,."

As if I thought of something, the face of Fujiwara was full of shock.

At this moment, from the moves of the thousand months, Teng Li thought of a person.

The strong man of the Middle Ages.

In the Middle Ages, there was a heritage, Mingyue Tianxuan, this inheritance, no one knows their source, and no one knows where they are.

Just, above Tian Xuan mainland, everyone knows the power of this heritage.

This inheritance, each generation, only two people, one saint, one saint.

In the Middle Ages, Tian Xuan passed down, Xuan Bingsheng and Tianyang Shengzi were born, and the two men were shocked by the unparalleled fighting power.

Just, but later did not know what happened. After the Middle Ages, this sacred ice saint and Tianyang Shengzi disappeared without a trace. Since then, Tian Xuan inheritance seems to cease to exist.

In the past, people passed on their side and gradually disappeared.

Ordinary people, it is impossible to know the existence of this inheritance.

However, who is Goose?

As a person who inherits from the Fuji family, as a member of the six family, they know far more about these things than most people think.

Tian Xuan inherits nature is one of them.

And this inheritance, in the Middle Ages, even let the Fuji family eat a lot of bitterness, so that the six families do not dare to despise.

Natural, Fujiwara looked at it a bit.

At this moment, he finally remembered.

It is rumored that in the Middle Ages, the sacred ice sacred woman was the unparalleled strength, only one step away from the gods.

If the person in front of him is the sacred ice saint, then how many years has passed her strength.

Where she has been, what she has done for thousands of years, why is it now in the royal family?

The endless doubts are coming, accompanied by a trace of fear.


Looking at the ice-filled field in front of it, Teng Li is even more jealous.

This is not an ordinary snow and ice world, nor is it an ordinary frozen world.

This ice and snow world is actually an area, which is an invisible, yet powerful, horrible field of terror.

Over the past and the present, there have been few times in this field.

But, once upon a time, every time this field appeared, it was shaking the mountains and rivers, and the killing was unimaginable.

The strange atmosphere contained in it is even more preventive.

Each snowflake is a powerful offensive, and every layer of ice is a trap of terror.

In this case, how can you let the vines not pay attention?


And when the vines and other people looked ugly, when they fell into meditation, in the distance, there was a roar at the moment.


The flames of the sky, covering the heavens and the earth.

In the endless flames, a figure is proud.

A snoring sound came, and Teng Xuan’s figure was shaken out.

"Fire World."

When I saw the sea of ​​fire covering the nine days and ten places, the vine was even more screaming.

The world of ice, the world of fire.

This is not the realm of the original Xuan Bing and the Tianyang Son.

In this case, letting Teng Li determine the identity of the two people.

They passed on Tian Xuan, and they were in trouble.

Unexpectedly, the two men’s coming is so big.

"Tian Xuan inheritance."

When it was blasted out at this time, the body of Teng Xuan was stabilized, and his face changed dramatically.

Showing a faint look, he looked at the two people within two days of the fire, and his face was shocked.

The thing that Tatsuki thought of, at this time, Teng Xuan naturally thought of it.

"I didn't expect it to be you."

Teng Xuan remembered that once the ancestor of Tenglong was a battle with Tian Xuan, he returned to the vine family and never came out.

The battle was terrifying.

Unexpectedly, the two people who appeared in front of this time were actually the saints and sons of the original Tian Xuan.

Teng Xuan’s face changes constantly, and no one knows what he is thinking about at the moment.

"You, retreat, within a hundred years, the king will not be destroyed."

In the face of the shock of the Fuji family and the warriors, the breeze in the fire and the snow and the lightness of the thousand moons said lightly.

They are like gods, tall and high, overlooking the Fuji and the warriors in front of them.

"You, did not step into the realm of the gods."

When listening to the words of two people, Teng Xuan looked pale and said, Shen Sheng.

The previous confrontation, he can feel that these two people have not stepped into the realm of the gods.

Otherwise, he has already fallen.

Since they don't enter the gods, what qualifications do they have to say this?

Let Teng Xuan retreat, not really reconciled.

"Not in the gods."

When I heard Teng Xuan, the breeze sneered.

The land of the gods, where there are so good steps, hardships and obstacles, the road is bumpy, and they are inherited, and the pursuit is even more extreme.

If this is not the case, perhaps he and the thousand months are eligible to step into the realm of the gods.

Just, now, even if you are not in the gods, how?

It is enough to resist the Fuji family and the warriors.

Even if Teng Xuan has already stepped on the road to the gods.

As long as he does not enter the gods, he would like to break the defense of the two, and the turbulent king city is a trace.

"I haven't entered the gods, but I am obstructing you, but it is enough. Go back. Today, I don't want to kill, if it comes to Japan, I will come back and let him come to fight with me."

There is a flash of light in the eyes of the breeze, which is faint.

"As for the Wang family, if you want a battle, chances will not come soon."

Looking at the eyes, the breeze eyes whispered.

He, looking at the distant sky, seems to be thinking about something.

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