Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 406: Reincarnation replay (below)

At this moment, the face of a thousand months is awe-inspiring, as if he is worried about something.

When you hear the words of the thousand months, watching the expression of the thousand months at the moment, Wang Chen’s heart could not help but jump.

I don't know why, at the moment of the month, I heard it at Wang Chen, but I don't have any deep meaning.

What did she explore?

"I don't know if the predecessors can give pointers to one or two. In this era, it will change dramatically. I don't know how great it will be."

Finally, seeing the silence of the thousand months, Wang Chen couldn’t help but ask.

The times have changed dramatically. Wang Chen naturally knows this.

However, this time, with endless things happening, Wang Chen's understanding seems to be more and more.

Especially the news brought by Wang Yan.

In this era, the chaos in the world is just the beginning, then the back.

In the end, it is Shura’s coming, or what Wang Chen is still unclear.

At this time, Qian Chen let Wang Chen see hope.

"The times have changed dramatically."

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, I sighed for a thousand months.

Her eyes have become erratic: "Yeah, the times have changed dramatically, and perhaps the reincarnation will repeat itself."

Mumbling, sighing for thousands of months.


Thousands of words, let Wang Chen jump in the heart, he widened his eyes: "Reincarnation reincarnation, what is reincarnation, how to repeat itself, once, what happened, this piece of heaven and earth, what has gone through."

Wang Chen couldn’t help it, he asked.

Thousands of months and breeze, after the Middle Ages, they must know a lot of things.

Even, even what happened in the Middle Ages, Wang Chen is not clear.

At this time, he is very eager.


This time, the silent breeze was a sigh.

"For millions of years, from the ancient times to the ancient times, from the ancient times to the Middle Ages, and from the Middle Ages to the present, every age has left a reincarnation, and every reincarnation will change dramatically." /

The look of the breeze is incomparably awesome.

His words made Wang Chen feel suffocated.

Every time has changed dramatically. What is the great change in the world? Why is there no record in the mainland? Even the times of the Middle Ages and the ancient times have not been recorded, even, Even the things that happened at that time were as simple as the second speed.

The red moon land struck, the world cracked, and overnight, the sky fell apart.

This is a description of these two eras.

However, how could Wang Chen not guess, this interruption is not so simple.

If only the red moon is coming, it should be recorded. Moreover, even if the mainland of the Red Moon is coming, it is absolutely impossible to subvert the whole era, and it is even more impossible, so that everyone seems to be unaware of it. When the times change in general, let the world break into silence.

"What is the reincarnation, what a big change."

Wang Chen couldn't help but ask again.

"We don't know. After every era, it seems that everyone's memory has been baptized. It is difficult to leave a word on this continent."

Thousands of months said.

This strange scene is the most dazzling.

As if all of this has an invisible hand, it is in control.

"Those who return to sleep will know something."

Wang Chen brows and asks.

Invisible hand, as if Wang Chen saw the hand that had broken through the pure yang.

Is this the same force?

If it is really the same force, then who is what he wants, what he wants to do.

This piece of heaven and earth, is it really just a chess piece, is it true that all people in this world, everything, is just a dream.

Wang Chen is not willing.

He looked even though he had some pick up at the moment, he asked loudly.

"Maybe...but this is only a very small part, there are some great arrogances, they have gone through all the times, every time they appear, they wake up from sleep, enter the turmoil, and then the end of the era They will once again return to sleep, so reciprocating, perhaps they have escaped the sky, leaving some memories, but this part of the people, too little and too little."

The breeze sighs.

If it is so easy to escape the eyes of the sky and leave memories, how can there be no clues on this continent?

"However, there are always people who will know."

Thousands of months are definitely said.

Between the world, the population is more than a billion, and there is never a shortage of genius preparation.

And look at Wang Chen now, shining in all directions, shining light, like the sun, illuminating an era, but this era, definitely not only has this sun, in the void, there is endless Stars, within these stars, there are many stars that transcend the sun's rays, but they are hidden in the darkness and have not yet been revealed.

This type of person is enough to go against the sky. They have gone through one era after another, and they are looking for an answer.

This answer, perhaps they have touched the edge and found the secret.

"I don't know if the two seniors know something."

Wang Chen was silent and asked.

At the very least, maybe the two know something about the Middle Ages.

"In the Middle Ages, the world changed, and the turmoil occurred. However, the past turmoil may not be as good as this turmoil. This turmoil, the barriers were completely lifted, and the Three Realms were unified. Perhaps this is the last time. The most brutal turmoil, the arrogance of endless sleep, have all awakened, they are joining this era, this may be their last chance.

In the Middle Ages, what happened, I can’t remember too much with the breeze.

The years have been washed too much, and the power of heaven has made us forget too much.

But, I can be sure that in the Middle Ages, it was not just the arrival of the Red Moon continent. The battlefield at that time did not belong to any place in the world.

A thousand months of muttering said.


Thousands of months, this moment is like a thunderstorm in this space.

Wang Chen’s body swayed violently, and his breathing became quick.

This time the turmoil is unprecedented, perhaps the last time, is it that the cycle is about to end, and this round is back to what is being interpreted and what is being explained.

Those arrogant people, once fell asleep, returning again and again, what exactly is the answer.

Also, that battlefield does not belong to this world. Where is that, is it the Shura community?

Wang Chen’s heart sinks: “I don’t know if the predecessors could have met the ancient Tianjiao, how strong they are, the battlefield, but the Shura world, this day Xuanzang, not the battlefield, why it has changed frequently.”

Wang Chen’s doubts are increasing.

"Yes, in the Middle Ages, there was a glory of heavenly glory. It was rumored that he experienced the ancient times, the ancient times, and survived in the Middle Ages. He is the king of every era, but after every era, he will follow It disappears, he is looking for an answer, but I have not dealt with it.

But, far, the majesty that you see is enough to make the world move.

As for the battlefield, I don’t know where it is. It’s a mysterious place. I wait and see, I can’t be free, until that era is about to be subverted, the battlefield will disappear, and I will return.

As for the great changes in Tianxuan mainland, it may be due to heaven.

Because every change is a baptism, this is part of the baptism.

Now before the big change, the rest of the time is your last time and prepare for it.

Now, the reason why the Three Realms have not yet erupted completely is probably brewing. All places are shuffling, including the Tianxuan continent. Just as your Wang family fights with the Fujiko and the warriors, it is shuffling. Part of it, just that, this will be more prominent in the Mozu and the Red Moon continent.

Thousands of months of silence said.

Every sentence contains a huge amount of information, and every sentence is enough for Wang Chen to think about it.

The last time.

Listen to the words of the thousand months, the flow of light in Wang Chen’s eyes.

It seems that the destruction of the power of heaven is hard to imagine. Even the predecessors such as the breeze and the thousand months are so rare that they can be preserved, let alone others.

Wang Chen stood in the same place for a long time.

"Do you feel the invisible hand, not into pure yang."

In the silence of Wang Chen, after a moment, the breeze asked curiously.


The words of the breeze made Wang Chen’s heart beat a bit. He felt his heart as if he had been given a general.

"How do seniors know."

How shocked Wang Chen was at this time.

The invisible hand... This is the hand that Wang Chen has been fighting against and wanting to break free.

Unfortunately, Wang Chen did not know where this hand came from.

What is the breeze and the thousand months?

"Well, sure enough."

Seeing the reaction of Wang Chen, the breeze and the thousand moons looked at each other and murmured.

"No need to pay attention, this hand should be controlled, then it will be controlled. This is a reward for Tianjiao people. In the future, you will know its benefits. Try not to step into pure yang for the time being. Otherwise, you will fall into it. It’s a land that can’t be recovered.”

Thousands of months said quickly.


Wang Chen can't figure it out.

Being banned for strength will be a good thing, and, in the future, you will know that this is a chance and reward.

Wang Chen feels so illusory.

"Well, listen to the thousand months, can not enter the pure yang, then it will not enter pure yang, unless you are sure to rush out of pure yang in a short time, into the ranks of God, the devil, unfortunately, This is hard to do, then wait.

As they move into the Holy Mountain, they also explored drinking a bit, and now they are beginning to worry, you should be prepared.

Once the battlefield appears, remember to enter the battlefield the first time.

The breeze said this was extraordinarily serious.

"Yes, kid, remember, I can only tell you a word, that is: no **** in the world."

Thousands of moons are ugly.


With such words, Wang Chenxin has stopped beating.

He took a breath of air and his face turned pale.

There is no **** in the world, this is...

The purpose of Heaven is actually that there is no **** in the world.

He wants to destroy this world.

Wang Chen’s mind became a mess at this time.

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