Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 370: Amazing group (below)

"What, the project can understand these two powers."

"They are really the helpers of the Wang family."

The words are dry, let the city be amazed.

There is a change in the face of Teng Li and others.

Sure enough, these two people came to help the Wang family.

For a time, the heart of Teng Li, sinking.

"Go back and tell the strongest of the family. If it is Fujion, the Warlock is still there, but you can come to World War I. As for you, you are still a little worse."

And at this moment, after the words of Xiang Gankan fell, the man called the breeze was cold and cold.

A few words, the stone broke.

The people of Teng Li are actually in their eyes, and they are still a little worse.

After the shock brought by the project, this remark was even more like thundering at the moment, and it exploded in the crowd.

The two people who appeared in front of him were so strong.

Teng Li, who was still a little worse in front of him, how high he reached.

At this time, everyone can't imagine it.

When you hear the breeze, Teng Li and others are changing face to face.

This has a humiliating insult, which makes the vines feel only the dignity of their vines and warriors, and this moment is trampled on.


However, when the face of the vine is changing, I am not willing to do so, but a burst of anger is coming from this moment.


With this anger, the sound of the anger broke out and the sky swayed.


At the same time, I saw that the breeze seemed to be random at the moment.

The powerful air waves screamed and rushed toward the vines and other people.

"Not good."

Feeling this turmoil, the vines and other people changed their face, and they quickly resisted.


However, very quickly, a roar came.

In this roar, the face of Teng Li is even more dramatic.


The body shape, the vine, the war... These people are all forced to retreat at this time.

The energy contained in this trick makes the vines tremble.

At the same time of trembling, they are even more worried and fearful.

This trick, isn't that just a testimony to the breeze?

Teng Li and others, still a little worse in front of him, they are not opponents of the breeze.

This scene makes the world shake.

This breeze strikes and forces four pure strong men to retreat. This is simply the existence of God.

"After today, the Fuji family, the warrior, must not step into the Wangcheng half-step, dare to step in and die."

And after all this, the breeze is a cold and sullen look.

This kind of discourse is to dominate the world.

This is self-confidence built on strong strength, which is based on the hegemony of terror.


When you hear the breeze, Rattan suddenly looks even more ugly.

"Is it true that the predecessors really want to protect the Wang family, I can't wait to enter the king city, can only the people of the Wang family come to invade my rattan and warriors."

Teng Li asked quietly.

Although he feels at the moment, his strength cannot compete with the breeze. However, the conditions proposed by the breeze are unacceptable to Teng Li.

If it is the breeze and the strength of that thousand months, if you really want to protect the Wang family, they will be the home of the Fuji and the warrior, and the day of He Aning.

If the breeze and the thousand months help fight against their vines and warriors, then they will not encounter a huge threat.

There has just been the removal of Wang Chen’s threat of the day, but now there are two more threats that have made it possible for Teng Li and others to accept it.

They are really reluctant.

"In Wang Chenzhi, the Fuji family and the warrior are not allowed to step in. Otherwise, they will kill innocent people. As for Wangcheng, I will not wait."

However, when the vines and others are extremely reluctant, the thousand months on the other side are faint.


So much is even more shocking.

Everything that happened outside of Wangcheng, they didn't care, but it was greatly out of everyone's expectations.

Even, even the cognac and other people are changing face to face, and this is what the breeze predecessors and thousands of predecessors have.

"Wang Chen, I have great grace for both of us. I promised to guard the Wang family for a hundred years. Within a hundred years, the Wang family will not be destroyed. As for the Wang family, what happened, I will wait, if the Wang family take the initiative to find the door. If you can kill, then kill it."

The breeze added.

"Guarding the royal family for a hundred years."

"God, I didn't expect that Wang Chen actually proposed such a condition."

"It's no wonder that these two people will appear in this place."

"It seems that the Wang family has no worries."

"This battle has to be seen again."

"I don't know, this royal family will turn into a tortoise turtle, and the turtle can't shrink."

As the voice of the breeze falls, everyone will be amazed.

This condition is the biggest guardian for the Wang family, but it also has a lot of imprisonment.

If the king’s family is trapped inside the king’s city, how should it be?

The crisis of the Wang family has not been completely resolved.

"Well, I hope the seniors say it."

And after Teng Li heard this, it was a flash of light in his eyes, sneer.

"Presidents are serious."

The war is also a deep inquiry.


The breeze said proudly.

He, say one thing, since I said so, naturally do this.

If the Wang family can't resolve the remaining crisis, such a family is not worthy of his two shots. Let this family stay for a hundred years.

If the Wang family has the ability to fight back, they will naturally not stop.

This era is no longer their time.

"Okay, so, today, I am going to retreat."

Affirmation of the breeze, Teng Li suddenly sneered.

The voice fell, he squinted: "Wang family, hey, I hope that you are not a tortoise, after today, my Fuji family and the warrior, block the king city thousands of miles."

The vine is angry and yells.


The voice fell, and Teng Li waved his hand and shouted loudly. He quickly left with the war and others.

Obviously, the breeze and the emergence of the thousand months have made their hopes of destroying the royal family today shattered and they continue to stay, but they are asking for it.

Since the breeze says so, they naturally have a way to deal with the Wang family.

The blockade is a thousand miles, and the king city will be destroyed.

With the shaking of the heavens and the earth, at this moment, the space channel appeared, and the vines and other people disappeared.

Between the heavens and the earth, it seems to have fallen into silence. After a long time, the crowd blasted: "This time, trouble."

"Yes, if Wang Cheng is blocked for thousands of miles, there will be a major disaster."

"The decline of Wangcheng is an indisputable fact."

"Even if there are such strong people sitting in the town, if they refuse to help, the Wang family is still turbulent."

After a long time, when everyone came back, I couldn’t help but marvel.

"This Fuji family and the warrior are really deceiving too much."

At the same time, within the Wang family, everyone is filled with indignation.

"They dare to block the potential, hey, I see how much energy they can block thousands of miles."

"If they dare to do this, we will kill."

At the same time, among the crowd, people such as Mutaka are loudly roaring.

Killing, they are never afraid.

"Northern Xinjiang, perhaps dangerous."

And the project is dry, but at the moment it is more worried about Northern Xinjiang.

Wangcheng here, there are two predecessors sitting in the town, even if the blockade, they also have a way to confront, the Wang family will not perish, but within the northern Xinjiang... If the warriors and the Fuji family sweeping .........

The dry brow is locked at this moment.

"Northern Xinjiang, can rest assured that they can't be turbulent. My magical moon and Jiang family have already come to the masters. They want to find death, even if they let go."

In the face of the worry of the project, Jiang Chenyuan was sneer again and again.

Northern Xinjiang, Wang Chen had prepared for it. At the beginning, he was afraid that the vine family and the warriors swept. It was afraid that the endless demons would sweep, and their magical moon and Jiang family had taken over.

As long as they are still there, this Fuji family and the warrior will be swept away.

The Fuji family and the warriors are powerful, but they are vegetarian and they are vegetarian.

Moreover, if there is a big chaos today, these people still have a feeling of going to northern Xinjiang.

Want to block thousands of miles is still difficult, they still want to even swallow the northern Xinjiang, be careful to be killed.

"This is fine."

When you heard Jiang Chenyuan’s words, Xiang Gankan exhaled a breath.

"Predecessors, today's grace, remember in your heart, please follow me into the city."

Afterwards, Xiang Gan said that he was watching the thousand months and the breeze, and there was endless gratitude in the words.

This breeze and thousands of predecessors, seemingly casual shots, but it really saved the Wang family one time.

"It’s just what people are trusting."

When I heard the words dry, the breeze said lightly.

The voice fell, and he turned his head and looked at Wang Yan: "That thing, you can't control it now, be careful to set fire to self-immolation."

This is naturally said to Wang Yan, so it is also a matter of making Wang Yan look a little bit.

"Oh, but your strength is good, the talent is strong, it is rare, one day, if you can master that thing thoroughly, you will be able to go straight to Qingyun."

Thousands of months are said with a smile.

The words of them make everyone confused and confused.

Only Wang Yan, looks calm.

The silver light in his eyes receded at this time.

He naturally knows what the two said and what they are.

"Thank you for your seniors."

A deep breath, calmed the blood, Wang Yan mouth now overflowed with a trace of blood, he erased the blood, thank you.

"If I wait for a late step, maybe you can kill one person, but you are sure to die."

The breeze continues.

"If you have a rest, hope will not die, if I am still, the sky will not collapse."

Wang Yan said with a strong face.

A few words, let everyone move.

Everyone can feel the determination and belief of Wang Yan at the moment.

If there is a breath, hope is not extinguished. This is the sentence that Wang Yan gave to the king, Wang Yan gave himself, and also to Wang Chen.

"It’s quite a part of your brother."

The breeze took a deep look at Wang Yan.

"The same pulse, naturally similar, Xiao Chen, better than me."

Wang Yan is proud.

When Wang Chen said, his mouth showed a smile, that is the pride of the Wang family, but also his pride.

"You are not inferior."

Thousands of months sigh.

Before this is still crazy, the murder is full, the man who dominates the world, at this moment, said Wang Chen, but it is very honest, people can not imagine, the friendship between the two brothers, how deep.

"In the future, he will surpass all, over the clouds, I am willing to follow the wind."

Wang Yan murmured to himself.

After the voice, he looked at the breeze and the thousand months: "The two predecessors, so the king city will ask you, today, I will leave this place."

Speaking of this, Wang Yan kills the machine.

A few words, as if to make the world solidify.

This remark is also to make the face of the person can not help but change.

Wang Yan, he is about to leave soon, but no one can think of it.

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